This is the ACLU Design Handbook. A Introduction Edition 1.2, October 2017 2 Introduction Foreword Michele Moore Chief Communications Officer This handbook is the next step in the ACLU’s ever-evolving journey as we dare to create a more perfect union. Our new visual identity is an expression of who we are and how we want to change our country. We express ourselves visually as well as verbally. This handbook gives us visual tools we all can use to communicate effectively. Its companion, the tone of voice guide, offers verbal tools to do the same. This work is for everyone, no matter who you are or what you do. With these resources, everyone at the ACLU will be able to share our messages and tell our clients’ stories like never before. 1 Contents 4 Introduction 12 IDEAS What our visual identity means 14 We Are Resolute 16 We Are Patriotic 18 We Are Historic 20 We Are Serious 22 We Are Layered 24 We Are Together 26 EXAMPLES The visual identity at work 28 Social Graphics 38 Campaigns and Series 42 Videos 46 Reports 50 Newsletters 52 Advertisements 56 Posters and Protest Signs 60 Direct Mail 62 Merchandise 66 DETAILS How to make things 68 Logos National and affiliate logos, brand architecture 92 Color Palette, suggested combinations 108 Typography Typefaces, text boxes, tagline 130 Tone of Voice Quest, tagline, and brand voice 134 Images Photos, illustrations, and information graphics 154 Layout Layering and composition 162 Campaigns and Series Creating print, digital, and video series 172 INDEX INTRODUCTION We are living in the Divided States of America. Political, economic, and cultural divides are widening. Fatalism is rampant. Enter the ACLU. 4 Introduction Our Story The ACLU is an organization of peo- ple who believe in the power of action. Whether in the courts, statehouses, or Congress, we fight to defend the rights that the Constitution guarantees to all of us — regardless of who we are, where we come from, whom we love, or what we believe. Together we take up the toughest civil liberties challenges of our time. We seek to be the place where people can come, no matter their political affiliation, to courageously take action. We seek to inspire those who want change to be- come the ones who make change. Today, people who are interested in supporting the ACLU do so primarily donating money. And while money is obviously important, people want Introduction 5 to do more. People don’t want to just support our actions; they want to take their own. And we want that too. Because of this, we’re expanding what it means to be an ACLU member and supporter. We’re evolving from an organization of lawyers and advocates fighting for the people into a larger coalition of people fighting for what’s right together — for all of us. We seek to be the place where people can come, no matter their po- litical affiliation, to courageously take action. We seek to inspire those who want change to become the ones who make change. This isn’t about one person. It isn’t about one party. It’s not about taking sides. It’s about all of us, coming to- gether to make change happen. We the people dare to create a more perfect union. 6 Introduction MIDDLE LEFT: DAVID MORIYA; BOTTOM RIGHT: ACLU OF MICHIGAN; ALL OTHERS: ACLU NATIONWIDE ACLU OF MICHIGAN; ALL OTHERS: ACLU RIGHT: BOTTOM MORIYA; DAVID MIDDLE LEFT: Introduction 7 Design and the ACLU The ACLU is a group of people working to make change. We are not a corporation. It makes sense that for many years, the ACLU had no marketing, no advertising, no design, and not even a logo. The Statue of Liberty was our only symbol. Why do we — a team of lawyers, policy advo- cates, and communicators working to advance social change — need to think about branding and marketing? THTHEE A ACCLLUU BRAND BRAND THTHEETH AACCELL AUUC BRANDBRANDLU BRAND A Abrand brand is isa apromise. promise. The The American American Civil Civil Liberties Liberties Union’s Union’s promise promise is is AA brandbrandA isbrandis aa promise.promise. is a promise. TheThe AmericanAmerican The American CivilCivil Liberties LibertiesCivil Liberties Union’sUnion’s Union’s promisepromise promise isis is to toprotect protect the the individual individual rights rights that that the the U.S. U.S. Constitution Constitution guarantees guarantees to to toto protectprotectto protect thethe individualindividual the individual rightsrights thatrightsthat thethe that U.S.U.S. the ConstitutionConstitution U.S. Constitution guaranteesguarantees guarantees toto to everyone,everyone, regardless regardless of ofrace, race, gender, gender, economic economic status status or or political political ideology. ideology. 20022002 everyone,everyone,everyone, regardless regardless regardless of of race, race, of gender, gender, race, gender, economic economic economic status status orstatus or political political or political ideology. ideology. ideology. 20022002 2002 ACLU symbols from the 1930s through the 1950s. TheTheThe Theway way way wayThean an an anorganizationway organizationorganizationorganization an organization uses usesusesuses its itsitsuses name, name,name,name, its logo,name, logo, logo,logo, tagline,tagline, logo,tagline,tagline, tagline, catchphrases,catchphrases,catchphrases, catchphrases, catchphrases, symbolsymbolsymbolsymbol or or ordesign—oror design—or design—ordesign—or any anyanyany combination combinationcombinationcombination of of of of them—differentiates them—differentiates them—differentiatesthem—differentiates itit fromitfrom from symbol or design—or any combination of them—differentiates it from 8 Introduction otherotherotherother organizations organizations organizationsotherorganizations organizations and andand influences influencesinfluences influencesand influences how howhowhow its its its itshow targettarget target target its target audienceaudience audience audience perceivesperceives perceives perceives TheTheThe Thebranding branding brandingThe branding branding guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines that that that follow followthat that follow follow provide followprovide provide provide provide the the specifications thespecifications the specifications specifications that that all thatall that thatACLUACLU allall all ACLUACLU ACLU thatthatthat thatorganization. organization. organization. organization.that organization. Good Good Good brands brands brands brandsGood connect brands connect connect connectwith with withwith anan an an with audienceaudience audience audience an audience toto to tofoster fosterfoster foster to loyalty, fosterloyalty, loyalty, loyalty, staffstaffstaffstaff should should staffshould should shoulduse use use to useto useensure toensure toensure to ensure ensurethat that that our ourthat that ourvisual visual our our visual visualrepresentation visualrepresentation representation representation of of the the of ACLU of ACLUofthe the the ACLU is ACLUis ACLU isis is conveyconveyconveyconvey a aclearconvey a a clear clearclear message a message messagemessageclear message and andandand confirm confirmconfirm and confirm an an anan organization’s organization’s organization’sorganization’s an organization’s trustworthiness. trustworthiness. trustworthiness. trustworthiness. unified.unified.unified.unified.unified. A AunifiedA Aunified unified unified Abrand unified brand brandbrand earns earnsbrandearns its its itsearnsidentity identity identityidentity its identityby by by becoming becomingbecomingbecoming by becoming distinguishable distinguishable distinguishabledistinguishable distinguishable andandand and easilyeasily andeasily easily recognizablerecognizablerecognizablerecognizablerecognizable by by by theby thethe the target target bytarget the audience. audience. audience.targetaudience. audience. TheTheThe The ACLUACLU ACLUThe ACLU brandACLUbrand brand brand isbrandis synonymousissynonymous issynonymous is synonymous synonymous withwith with the thewithwith nonpartisanthenonpartisan thethe nonpartisan nonpartisan protectionprotection protection protectionprotection ofof ourour of of of ourour our freedoms.freedoms.freedoms.freedoms.freedoms. We We We now nowWe now We havenow have now have haverelated related have related related related visual visual visual visual imagery visualimagery imagery imageryimagery that that representsthat represents that represents representsrepresents that that brand. brand.that that that brand. brand. brand. ThatThat uniformity uniformity had had been been lacking lacking at at the the ACLU. ACLU. Until Until 2002, 2002, the the ACLU ACLU used used WithinWithin the the national national offices, offices, effortsefforts areare wellwell underwayunderway to to unifyunify allall brandedbranded ThatThat uniformity uniformityThat uniformity had had been been had lacking lacking been atlacking atthe the ACLU. at ACLU. the UntilACLU. Until 2002, Until2002, the 2002, the ACLU ACLUthe ACLUused used used WithinWithinWithin the the nationalthe national national offices, offices, offices, efforts effortsefforts are areare well wellwell underway underway to to tounify unifyunify all all all brandedbranded branded atat leastleastat 17 17least differentdifferent 17 different logoslogos andlogosand designs.designs. and designs. TheThe variationsvariations The variations createdcreated created thethe falsefalse the false ACLUACLU communicationscommunications withwith thesethese images,images, andand wewe areare nownow askingasking allall at atleast least 17 17 different different logos logos and and designs. designs. The The variations variations created created
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