407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 2 Table of Contents Sales Contact Information 3 Corporate Overview 4 - 5 Commodity Beef 6 - 15 Pork 16 - 21 Poultry 22 - 26 Seafood 27 - 32 Lamb 33 - 34 Goat, Rabbit and Veal 35 - 36 Processed Meats 37 - 41 Bulk and Processed Foods 42 Cheese 43 Lard, Seasoning and Charcoal 44 Tastee Choice 45 Vegetables 46 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 3 ORLANDO: 407-296-0818 ~ 1-800-883-7777 TAMPA: 813-654-8040 ~ 1-800-705-5515 YOUR ORLANDO SALES TEAM IS HERE TO HELP SALES DEPARTMENT EXT E- mail @harvestmeat.com Dennis Leavy - Corporate Vice President 310 dennis Tom Protheroe - General Manager 303 tom Carlos Cruz - Sales Manager Assistant (Spanish) 351 ccruz Chuck Kardatzke - Sales Associate 306 ckardatzke Fernely Torres - Sales Associate (Spanish) 320 ftorres Geary McGregor - Sales Manager 305 gmcgregor Joe Leavy - Sales Associate 309 joeleavy Larry Longshore - Sales Associate 307 larry Mark Thomas - Sales Manager Assistant (Spanish) 308 mark Steve Vogley - Sales Associate 313 svogley Reduce clutter and receive Harvest promotions electronically!! Simply give us your email address if you would like to be part of our digital mailings for promotions and special offers. Will Call Orders 2901 Eunice Street, Orlando, FL 32808 Hours: 7AM—4PM Monday—Friday & 9AM—Noon Saturday *We do not accept credit cards* ~ Cash or Pre– Approved Checks ONLY A Proven History of Growth ~ Distribution Centers Nationwide San Diego Los Angeles Phoenix Sacramento Orlando Sioux City Kansas City Portland Denver Dallas 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 4 ORLANDO: 407-296-0818 ~ 1-800-883-7777 TAMPA: 813-654-8040 ~ 1-800-705-55153 Harvest Food Distributors Corporate Overview – A Solid Infrastructure Specialized full line distributor. Top ten meat distributor in the U.S. Nationwide refrigerated and dry warehouse locations Professional and knowledgeable sales people & buyers. A fleet of 120 trucks / Serving 30 states. 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 5 Harvest Food Distributors Corporate History Founded by Frank Leavy. The family management team has been in place since 1981. Wholesale distribution of all types of Meat as well as Dairy, Deli, Bakery and Grocery products. Huge buying power - More than 1 billion in annual sales. Aggressive and competitive growth mentality. Retail and foodservice customers. Exceptional customer service and sales support. Superior product knowledge. Operational Support: Warehouse, accounting, transportation, marketing, bro- kerage, etc. 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 6 BEEF The following pages outline our various beef cuts. 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 7 In addition, we carry the following Premium BEEF Programs: USDA Choice Beef/ Prime Angus by Genetics 100% Vegetable Diet Never, Never Program All Natural Meat Simply Delicious Notably Tender Always Consistent Superior Yield Product of USA Angus • The Natural Beef brand catering to consumers with a desire to serve their families with the best. • The brand known for quality and consistency to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction and set you apart from your competitors. • The brand that promises unmatched eating experience to fuel your success. Product of USA The quality Angus brand that beef lovers crave! The brand that increases your sales, improves customer satisfaction and sets you apart from your competition! The brand that promises to feed your success– nothing tastes better than that! 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 8 USDA Certified Program Upper Choice Modest or Higher Overall “A” Maturity Only Hereford Angus Grain– fed in the Midwest Raised in the USA No Antibiotics or Added Hormones Humanely Raised and Handled During All Phases Overall “A” Maturity Cattle 100% Vegetarian Diet Overall “A” Maturity Cattle Midwest– fed Angus Cattle Humanely Handled No Antibiotics or Added Hormones 100% Vegetarian, Corn– fed Diet We also offer Special Order Grass Fed Beef Programs!! Please be sure to contact your sales representative to place an order or if you have further questions. ORLANDO: 407-296-0818 ~ 800-833-7777 TAMPA: 813-654-8040 ~ 800-705-5515 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 9 BEEF - BEEF - BEEF - BEEF BEEF- PRIME BEEF EXPORT RIB 80 LB FRESH BEEF RIBEYE BONELESS HEAVY 75 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT LOIN 0X1 73 LB FRESH BEEF STRIP 0X1 75 LB FRESH BEEF TENDON 5UP 80 LB FRESH BEEF TOP BUTT XT 75 LB FRESH BEEF- BLADE MEAT LIFTER MEAT CHOICE 87 LB FRESH CARNE PICADA DRY 8/5 40 LB FROZEN BEEF- STEW MEAT BEEF STEW MEAT 1/2" 2/5 10 LB FROZEN BEEF - 2PC BONELESS CHUCK MEAT BEEF 2 PC BONELESS CHUCK 50 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK ROLL NO BEEF CHUCK ROLL NO CHOICE 71 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK ROLL NO SELECT 74 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK TENDER BEEF CHUCK TENDER CHOICE 90 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK FLAP MEAT BEEF CHUCK FLAP CHOICE 55 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK BLADE BEEF CHUCK BLADE BONE IN CHOICE 82 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK BLADE BONE IN SELECT 82 LB FRESH BEEF CHUCK BLADE FLAT IRON 82 LB FRESH BEEF CLOD BEEF CLOD HEART CHOICE 74 LB FRESH BEEF CLOD XT CHOICE 63 LB FRESH BEEF CLOD XT SELECT 54 LB FRESH BEEF CLOD TERIS MAJOR CHOICE 63 LB FRESH BEEF CLOD TERIS MAJOR SELECT 54 LB FRESH BEEF W/C CHUX BEEF W/C CHUCK NO CHOICE 56 LB FRESH BEEF W/C CHUCK NO SELECT 76 LB FRESH BEEF LIP- ON RIB BEEF LIP- ON RIB LT CHOICE 82 LB FRESH BEEF LIP- ON RIB LT SELECT 74 LB FRESH BEEF LIP- ON RIB HEAVY CHOICE 82 LB FRESH BEEF LIP- ON RIB HEAVY SELECT 82 LB FRESH BEEF RIB EXPORT BEEF EXPORT RIB LT CHOICE 84 LB FRESH BEEF EXPORT SELECT LT 60 LB FRESH BEEF EXPORT HEAVY CHOICE 80 LB FRESH BEEF EXPORT HEAVY SELECT 81 LB FRESH 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 10 BEEF - BEEF - BEEF - BEEF BEEF FLANK STEAK BEEF FLANK STEAK CHOICE 32 LB FRESH BEEF FLANK STEAK SELECT 65 LB FRESH BEEF BRISKET BEEF BRISKET CHOICE 35 LB FRESH BEEF BRISKET SELECT 62 LB FRESH BEEF BRISKET FLAT NO CHOICE 78 LB FRESH BEEF TRI TIP BEEF TRI TIP SIRLOIN BB CHOICE 67 LB FRESH BEEF FLAP MEAT BEEF FLAP MEAT CHOICE 68 LB FRESH BEEF FLAP MEAT SELECT 83 LB FRESH BEEF FLAP MEAT AUSSIE 70 LB FRESH BEEF BALL TIP BEEF BALL TIP 2UP CHOICE 70 LB FRESH BEEF BALL TIP 2UP SELECT 70 LB FRESH BEEF SHANK BEEF SHANK FORE BONE IN CENTER CUT 55 LB FRESH BEEF SKIRT BEEF SKIRT INSIDE CHOICE 70 LB FRESH BEEF SKIRT INSIDE SELECT 70 LB FRESH BEEF SKIRT OUTSIDE CHOICE 70 LB FRESH BEEF SKIRT OUTSIDE SELECT 70 LB FRESH BEEF HANGING TENDER BEEF HANGING TENDER CHOICE 75 LB FRESH BEEF HANGING TENDER SELECT 75 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT RIB BEEF SHORT RIB CHUCK CHOICE 4 BONE 65 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT RIB CHUCK SELECT 4 BONE 65 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT RIB BONE IN CHOICE 3 BONE 65 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT RIB BONE IN SELECT 3 BONE 65 LB FRESH BEEF BACK RIB BEEF BACK RIB CHOICE COV 55 LB FROZEN BEEF BACK RIB CENTER CUT CHOICE 60 LB FROZEN BEEF STRIP 0X1 BEEF STRIP 0X1 CHOICE 60 LB FRESH BEEF STRIP 0X1 SELECT 60 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT LOIN BEEF SHORT LOIN 0X1 CHOICE 60 LB FRESH BEEF SHORT LOIN 0X1 SELECT 60 LB FRESH BEEF TOP SIRLOIN BEEF TOP BUTT NR 85 LB FRESH BEEF TOP BUTT XT CHOICE 65 LB FRESH BEEF TOP BUTT XT SELECT 65 LB FRESH 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 11 BEEF - BEEF - BEEF - BEEF BEEF TENDERLOIN BEEF TENDERLOIN PEELED 5UP CHOICE 68 LB FRESH BEEF TENDERLOIN PEELED 5UP SELECT 68 LB FRESH BEEF BUTT TENDER BEEF TENDER BUTT PLD CHOICE 66 LB FRESH BEEF TENDER BUTT PLD SELECT 66 LB FRESH BEEF GRIND FINE BEEF GRIND FINE 81/19 10# 81 LB FRESH BEEF GRIND FINE 81/19 10# 81 LB FROZEN BEEF GRIND FINE CHUCK 24/1 24 LB FROZEN BEEF PATTY BEEF PATTY 80/20 2-1 20 LB FROZEN BEEF PATTY 80/20 3-1 20 LB FROZEN BEEF PATTY 80/20 4-1 20 LB FROZEN BEEF INSIDE ROUND BEEF INSIDE ROUND AUSSIE CAP OFF 65 LB FRESH BEEF INSIDE ROUND CHOICE 65 LB FRESH BEEF INSIDE ROUND SELECT 65 LB FRESH BEEF INSIDE ROUND XT CHOICE 79 LB FRESH BEEF INSIDE ROUND XT SELECT 63 LB FRESH BEEF INSIDE ROUND DENUDED CHOICE 63 LB FRESH BEEF GOOSENECK ROUND GOOSENECK ROUND CHOICE 87 LB FRESH GOOSENECK ROUND NR 77 LB FRESH BEEF FLAT ROUND BEEF FLAT BOTTOM ROUND CHOICE 63 LB FRESH BEEF FLAT BOTTOM ROUND SELECT 53 LB FRESH BEEF ROUND BEEF EYE OF ROUND CHOICE 76 LB FRESH BEEF EYE OF ROUND SELECT 76 LB FRESH BEEF KNUCKLE PEELED BEEF KNUCKLE PEELED CHOICE 64 LB FRESH BEEF KNUCKLE PEELED SELECT 65 LB FRESH SPECIAL ORDER BEEF- NO ROLL PRODUCTS BEEF 100% DENUDED STRIP 31 LB FRESH BEEF FLANKS 30 LB FRESH BEEF INSIDE ROUNDS DENUDED 60 LB FRESH BEEF RIBEYE ROLLS 75 LB FRESH BEEF TENDER LOIN 4/5 32 LB FRESH BEEF TOP BUTTS 72 LB FRESH BEEF OFFAL FRESH BEEF HONEY COMB TRIPE 10 LB FRESH SPECIAL ORDER BEEF TONGUE 24 LB FRESH BEEF LIVER S & D COV 14 LB FRESH 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 12 BEEF - BEEF - BEEF - BEEF BEEF OFFAL FROZEN BEEF BULL FRIES 20 LB FROZEN BEEF CHEEK MEAT 60 LB FROZEN BEEF CHEEK MEAT TESTED 15 LB FROZEN BEEF COD FAT 60 LB FROZEN BEEF FEET CUT 30 LB FROZEN BEEF FEET SKIN ON 25 LB FROZEN BEEF FEMUR BONE CENTER CUT 30 LB FROZEN BEEF FEMUR BONE WHOLE 60 LB FROZEN BEEF HEAD MEAT 60 LB FROZEN BEEF HEAD WHOLE 3/ CASE 60 LB FROZEN BEEF HEART 60 LB FROZEN BEEF HONEY COMB TRIPE 10 LB FROZEN BEEF KIDNEY 30 LB FROZEN BEEF LIVER S & D 26 LB FROZEN BEEF LIVER SELECT 30 LB FROZEN BEEF LIVER SLICED 3/4/5/6 OZ 10 LB FROZEN BEEF NECK BONE 50 LB FROZEN BEEF OX LIPS 15 LB FROZEN BEEF OXTAIL 15 LB FROZEN BEEF SUET 50 LB FROZEN BEEF SWEETBREAD 20 LB FROZEN BEEF TENDON ACHILLES 30 LB FROZEN BEEF TENDON FLEXOR 22 LB FROZEN BEEF TONGUE #1 BLACK 30 LB FROZEN BEEF TONGUE #1 WHITE 25 LB FROZEN BEEF TONGUE TIP 30 LB FROZEN BEEF TRIPAS SMALL UNBRAIDED 30 LB FROZEN BEEF TRIPE 60 LB FROZEN BEEF TRIPE OMASUM 22 LB FROZEN 407-296-0818 (ORL) 813-654-8040 (TAMPA) Harvest Food Distributors Orlando Product Catalog 13 • USDA Prime and Choice • Breed specific– Angus by genetics • Born and raised solely in the U.S.
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