VOLUME 24, No.2, 2017 / ISSN 0854-5006 COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL Editor-In-Chief: Uron N. Salum Managing Editor: Muhartoyo Associate Editor: Deepthi Nair Advertising Manager: Alit Pirmansah Circulation Manager: Sri Utami Widya L. Cocoinfo International is a popular journal on the coconut industry published twice a year by the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) 8th Fl. BAPPEBTI Building, Jl. Kramat Raya No. 172 Kenari, Senen Jakarta 10430, Indonesia. P.O. Box 1343, Jakarta 10013. Phone 62 21 3100 556 to 557, Fax 62 21 310 1007 E-mail address: [email protected]. Website: http://www.apccsec.org Queries and information regarding subscription and adver- tisement insertion rates should be directed to the above address. Foreign subscription rates including airmail postage for one year (two issues) is US$35.00 (APCC Member) US$ 40.00 (Non-APCC Member Countries) Articles may be reproduced or excerpted with prior permis- sion from the APCC. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the APCC. COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 24, No. 2, 2017 VOLUME 24, No.2, 2017 / ISSN 0854-5006 COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL From the Editor –in-Chief ………………………… 1 News Round-up ………………………….………….. 2 How the Wrong Science is Making People Sick: The Truth about Saturated Fat, Animal Fat and Coconut Oil …………………………….……………. 10 Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit Fake New Alert! The American Heart Association Proclaims Coconut Oil Unhealthy …………………. 13 Dr. Bruce Fife Investment Opportunities in Coconut Sector in Indragiri Hilir ………………………………………..….. 15 Muhartoyo The Role of Industrialization in Improving the Welfare of Coconut Farmers .................................... 18 Tay Enoku Pest and Disease Free Cocout .................................... 20 P. Chowdappa, Vinayaka Hedge, Chandrika Mohan, A. Josephrajkumar, Merin Babu Highlights of the 53rd APCC Session/Ministerial Meeting in Tarawa, Kiriba.......................................... 25 Deepthi Nair APCC Tarawa Accord ………………………………. 31 Editor-In-Chief: Uron N. Salum Tales of Coconut Countries and Islands around the Managing Editor: Muhartoyo World …………………………………………..…… 35 Associate Editor: Deepthi Nair M. Shareefa, Regi J. Thomas, Josephrajkumar Advertising Manager: Alit Pirmansah Face to Face Interview: an Interview with Circulation Manager: Sri Utami Widya L. Mr. Kieatisak Theppadungporn, Managing Director, Cocoinfo International is a popular journal on the Theppandungporn Coconut Co Ltd. (TCC)…………. 39 coconut industry published twice a year by the Asian Muhartoyo and Wilaiwan Twishsri and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) 8th Fl. BAPPEBTI Building, Replicable Model for Sustained Coconut Jl. Kramat Raya No. 172 Kenari, Senen Jakarta 10430, Indonesia. Development .................................................................... 43 Deepthi Nair P.O. Box 1343, Jakarta 10013. Phone 62 21 3100 556 to 557, Fax 62 21 310 1007 Experts’ Findings on the Health Benefits of E-mail address: [email protected]. Coconut Water ……………………………………… Website: http://www.apccsec.org 52 Queries and information regarding subscription and adver- tisement insertion rates should be directed to the above Experts’ Findings on the Health Benefits of address. Coconut Oil …………………………………………. 54 Foreign subscription rates including airmail postage for one year (two issues) is US$35.00 (APCC Member) Market Outlook—Coconut Oil: Second Half of 2017 US$ 40.00 (Non-APCC Member Countries) Alit Pirmansah …………………………………………… 57 Articles may be reproduced or excerpted with prior permis- Past Coco Events ……………………………………. sion from the APCC. 60 Statistics …………………………………….……..…. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily 64 reflect those of the APCC. COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 24, No. 2, 2017 From the Editor-in-Chief CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES WITH HEALTHY STATUS OF COCONUT PRODUCTS The Tarawa Accord was the agreement Young innovators are entering the industry at reached between the member countries of micro and small to medium enterprise levels the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community at around the world. An interesting array of the 53rd APCC Session/Ministerial Meeting products and marketing approaches are on held last October 2017 in the Republic of Ki- the rise in India, Philippines and in small Pa- ribati to vigorously promote the health and cific island states where production levels are nutritional attributes of coconut and its many much lower compared to their Asian wellness products. neighbors. The truth about the healthy status of coconut As the world continues to experience severe and coconut oil has been around for many effects of bad weather and climate change, it generations since coconut was discovered. places demand on the coconut community APCC Scientific Advisory Committee on who prepare to shift towards climate smart Health and the APCC Panel of Experts on agriculture practices and seek out improved Saturated Fats are fully prepared for construc- management systems to counter the rising tive dialogue with FAO and WHO with the threats of pest and disease affecting the co- ultimate goal of ensuring the documented conut population. warnings against use of coconut oil is offi- cially removed. Aging coconut trees must now be replaced with elite plant material that are early bearing, Manufacturing corporations around the world high yielding and resistant to pests and dis- are investing heavily in the upgrading and eases so that the coconut industry could be new construction of processing facilities utiliz- sustained. Advanced technologies developed ing advanced technologies. Benchmarking is by the Yucatan Centre for Scientific Research seriously pursued by the same manufacturers (CICY) in Mexico is pursued by the Commu- who are reaching for the highest quality in nity as a means for mass production of coco- standards for products to meet consumer ac- nut planting material. ceptance. Users of coconut products world over are practically chasing after the new APCC encourages consumption of fresh coco- emerging products for health and wellness. nuts, coconut oil and the use of all healthy products of coconut for nourishment, health At present the market trends are clearly in- and overall wellness for families. The global dicative of consumer choice and acceptance Coconut Community therefore unites to pro- of the varied products of coconut. Growth mote the goodness of Coconut and foster rates in export volumes continue to increase inclusive growth of the Coconut Sector. each year for Virgin Coconut Oil 30%, Coco- nut Water 150%, Coconut Milk/Cream/ Powder 50%, Desiccated Coconut 30%, Coco- nut Flour 115% and similar trends for other URON N. SALUM emerging products. Executive Director and Editor in Chief COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 24, No. 2, 2017 1 NEWS ROUND-UP FIJI MINISTER OF AGRICUL- European Union (EU) and the Afri- of related markets and intensifying TURE VISITS APCC SECRE- can Caribbean & Pacific Group of production. By bringing together TARIAT States (ACP). diverse industry stakeholders for Participants had the opportunity to this workshop, CIDP will be able The Fiji Minister of Agriculture, take a 360-degree view of the to identify priority areas for train- Hon. Inia B. Seruiratu visited trends, opportunities, constraints ing, needs for potential study tours APCC Secretariat on 7 August and challenges that the industry and develop robust value chain 2017. He was accompanied by Dr. and stakeholders face. The infor- road maps. Apaitia Macanawai, Director for mation exchange, varying perspec- Ms. Mapusua further added that the Research Division, Ministry of tives, in-depth discussions and workshop is an excellent platform Agriculture and two Officials from creative solution finding in the to provide private sector members Embassy of the Republic of Fiji in workshop will formed the basis for exposure to examples of innovation Jakarta i.e. Ms. Meneseini Q. developing an operational plan in the coconut sector from their Waibuta, Charge d’Affairs, and with key activities and priorities to Pacific neighbours and the interna- Mr. Hansel Whippy, Second Secre- be implemented by the CIDP pro- tional arena. ( h t t p s : / / tary. APCC Team had the honor to ject. eeas.europa.eu) welcome the Fiji delegates. During the visit, APCC Executive Direc- “Without a doubt, coconuts are INDIA PACKAGED COCONUT tor, Mr. Uron N. Salum presented highly significant for daily subsis- WATER MARKET TO GROW the latest update on coconut indus- tence and economic and cultural AT A CAGR OF 17% BY 2022 - try and way forward. Special dis- value in the Pacific. The ‘tree of GROWTH DUE TO RISING cussion was given to the planned life’ is abundant in our islands and HEALTH CONCERNS - RE- training programs that will be provides not only a direct source of SEARCH AND MARKETS launched by APCC in cooperation cash income for those in the rural with Coconut Research Institute of areas, but also a myriad of products India packaged coconut water is Sri Lanka as well as the tissue cul- that are useful. In food security, projected to grow at a CAGR of ture technology for speedy coconut land stability, construction and over 17%, in value terms, during breeding. The APCC team who building, beauty and skincare, cul- 2017-2022, on the back of rising joined the discussion were Ms. Sri tural production, transportation, health concerns due to hectic and Utami Widya Lestari, Mr. Alit Pir- and even in mixed production sys- stressful lifestyle and increasing mansah, Mr. Muhartoyo. The Fiji tems where copra meal can be used consumer spending on wellness delegates
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