ROAD/ADDRESS CONSERVATION AREA PROPERT NAME OR NUMBER = TPO NOTES A UPDATE JUNE 2019 Aberford Gardens, SE18 Woolwich Common Academy Place, SE18 Woolwich Common Academy Road, SE18 Woolwich Common (west Side) Admiral Seymour Road, SE9 ProgressVictoriHHse Estate 21=TPO452 Admirals Gate, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle TPO193 TPO184 TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree Officer Albury Street, SE8 St.Pauls Kings Head, Albury Institute, Rachel McMillan School. 7- 53 & 2-42 Alderwood Road, SE9 107-108 TPO161 Alliance Road, SE18 Plumstead Common + William barefoot gardens Ancaster Street, SE18 R/o Ascension Vicarage = TPO55 Anchor & Hope Lane, SE7 100+ site adj Derrick & Atlas Ropery Business Pk = TPO253 Gardens CHECK MAP Charlton Riverside Cons Area Andrews Place, SE9 TPO81 TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree Officer Angerstein Lane, SE3 Blackheath Ankerdine Crescent, SE18 80 & 82 = TPO131 Annesley Road, SE3 1 = TPO84 land adj 18-20 = TPO175 Archery Road, SE9 31=TPO375 Argyll Road, SE18 Royal Arsenal Check with Tree Officer Armstrong Road, SE18 Pt Royal Arsenal Check with Tree Officer 25-27 Arlington Place, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle Arsenal Road, SE9 Progress Estate 59=TPO59 Updated 22nd September 2020 Arsenal Way SE18 Royal Arsenal Artillary Place, SE18 Woolwich Common (Barracks) Artillary Square, SE18 Royal Arsenal Ashburnham Grove, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle R/o 69-74 = TPO302 48 = TPO343. 30=TPO369 Ashburnham Place, SE10 Ashburnham TriangLe, 20=TPO407 Ashburnham Retreat, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle Ashmore Road, SE18 Woolwich Common Ashridge Crescent, SE18 Shrewsbury Park Estate 33=TPO443 51=TPO322 Atlas Gardens SE7 Charlton Riverside Avery Hill Road, SE9 Valley Leisure Sports Ground = TPO69 Gaelic sport Grnd=TPO461 130-134 = TPO209 B Baker Road, SE18 Woolwich Common – eastside only QE hospital no longer in Ballast Quay, SE10 East Greenwich Banchory Road, SE3 1-51 & 2&4 + sunfields 6-28 + TPO195 methodists church & Hall Rectory Fields Banning Street, SE10 East Greenwich (2+2a & 4-34) Bardsley Lane, SE10 14-30, woodyard & Southside West Greenwich Bargate Close, SE18 Plumstead Common Barrington Villas, SE18 Trees protected by planning condition Bassant Road, SE18 Adj 38=TPO416 Bathway, SE18 All Woolwich Updated 22nd September 2020 Beaconsfield Close, SE3 Westcombe Park All TPO15 Check map TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree Officer Beaconsfield Road, SE3 Blackheath 81 = TPO254 84=TPO428 TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree 72-84 & 81-93 37,69,73,75,79,52,56-60,64-70 =TPO15check Officer Westcombe Park map, land between 2-14=TPO172, 2-70a &1-79 14/16=TPO432 Bell Street Check conditions Belverdere Mews, SE3 Blackheath Benbow Street,SE8 Invicta Primary sch=TPO505 Bennett Park, SE3 Blackheath Park 47=TPO399 Bentham Road, SE28 Gallions Reach Health Centre = TPO239 Beresford Square,SE18 11-16-18a,12aRoyal Arsenal Gatehouse, 17 Woolwich Bexley Road, SE9 23 =TPO224 157=TPO451 Avery Hill Campus TPO=480 Bill Hambling Close, SE9 1-33 Trees protected by cond Birches The - SE7 30=TPO476 Blackheath Avenue, SE10 Greenwich Park Blackheath Grove, SE3 Blackheath TPO279 on railway side of Blackheath Grove Blackheath Hill, SE10 West Greenwich 71-93 Ashburnham Triangle 1-13, 2-6 and Dover Ct Blackheath Park, SE3 Blackheath Park 51 =TPO25 71a =TPO177 107=TPO386 Hallgate, Spangate, 71 = TPO34, 58 = TPO212, o/s115=TPO509 Bernesnede 101 = TPO228 57 =TPO308 1-151 & 2-82 Bernersmede = TPO371 97=TPO507 O/s entrance to Hallgate=TPO382 Blackheath Road, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle 51= TPO79 & 57 = TPO308 11-115 & Magistrates Ct 49=TPO498O/S 106-116, 66-86 + Greenwich Academy, Sycamore Ct, 44-90 Updated 22nd September 2020 Blackheath Village, SE3 Blackheath Park 1-19 (odd) 1 =TPO279 Bleak Hill Lane, SE18 Plumstead Common Laurel cottage TPO429 Laurel and Holly cottage Blendon Terrace, SE18 Plumstead Common Blissett Street, SE10 West Greenwich Ashburnahm Triangle 2a + 2 ONLY Blunts Road, SE9 Christ Ch Priory, Friars Mews =TPO60 Borthwick Street, SE10 Twinkle Park=TPO378 Bostall Hill, SE2 Bostal Lodge = TPO68 Maybloom & Potters Close – trees protected by planning condition 21 of PP 12/1092 Bowater Place, SE3 Rectory Fields 2-38 Bowater Road SE18 Thames Barrier & Bowater Road Cons Area check map Bower Avenue, SE10 Greenwich Park Bowmead, SE9 1-29 Trees protected by 2=TPO383 planning condition Braddyll Street, SE10 East Greenwich (2-30 & 1-27) Bramblebury Road, SE18 Plumstead Common (70-88) Bramhope Avenue, SE18 R/o Assumption Convent = TPO36 Bramshot Avenue, SE7 111-113 = TPO257 Brand Street, SE10 West Greenwich Brent Road, SE18 Adj to 20 = TPO88 Broadbridge Close, SE3 Blackheath Brome Road, SE9 Progress Estate Brookhill Road, SE18 99-100, Wilmott Hse, former 56 = TPO269,57 = TPO250, 48 =TPO368 No’s run consecutively 109,101 Woolwich Brooklands Park, SE3 All Blackheath Park 6 =TPO278 14 = TPO101 20 = TPO299 Brookland House 17=TPO449 Updated 22nd September 2020 Brookway, SE3 Blackheath Park Brownspring Drive, SE9 96 = TPO215 12 = TPO118 20=TPO381 Burgos Grove, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle Excluding land r/o 2-10 Burney Street, SE10 West Greenwich Burrage Road, SE18 Plumstead Common 224 = TPO156 192-262 even 193-237, 239-263 odd St James Church, Trinity Methodist church 265, and former garden to The Oaks Bushmoor Crescent, SE18 Shrewsbury Park Estate 38 = TPO237 C Cables Place, SE10 West Greenwich ; Cade Street, SE10 West Greenwich Cadogan Road, SE18 Royal Arsenal Cadwell Close, SE18 Woolwich Common Icl Government House Canberra Road, SE7 Charlton Village 116 = TPO264 (39-55 odd) Charlton cemetery & Charlton pk lodge Cannon Square Car Park SE18 Royal Arsenal Cantwell Road, SE18 14=TPO504 Caradoc Street, SE10 East Greenwich 1-43 & 18-54 Carriage Street, SE18 Royal Arsenal Cartridge Place, SE18 Royal Arsenal Casterbridge Close, SE3 Blackheath Park Updated 22nd September 2020 Catherine Grove, SE10 Ashburnham Triangle Except Drummond House Cemetery Lane, SE7 Woolwich Common Dairy Crest Depot TPO259 & TPO301 incl. Lodge east side sycamores at 17 (may be known as 7) Charlton Village Lodge west Side + chaples Centre Road Woolwich Common Chaple Farm Road, SE9 2-36 = Tress protected by 14 = TPO219 planning condition = Ministry of works office site Charlotte Turner Gardens SE10 TPO377 Charldane Road, SE9 Land r/o 2-32 & allotments 6,20-26,30 = TPO169 Charlton Lane, SE7 39- 41= TPO359. 148a =TPO410 Charlton Church Lane, SE7 Charlton Village = 185 Adj 96 = TPO106 & 157 = TPO236 70-78, 96-94, 121-163 59a,b = TPO 356, Coutts Hse=TPO348 Charlton Park Academy Charlton Park Lane, SE7 Charlton Village St Likes Church, café, play centre and riding school Woolwich Common Pavillion & bowling Green Charlton Road, SE3 Rectory Fields 38 & 80 only 151 =TPO36; 176 =TPO150 32,36, 64-78 and 117-121 16 = TPO96 former fire station and post in front of Eastcombe House Westcombe Park 1-29 & 2-22 Green & garages adj 22 Charlton Village Charlton Hse & community centre tea rooms and garden house Updated 22nd September 2020 Charlton Way, SE3 Blackheath Chatham Close, SE18 Royal Arsenal Chaundrye Close, SE9 Eltham Palace Chelsworth Drive, SE18 TPO466- land N of 87 Chester field Gardens, SE10 West Greenwich Chesterfield Close, SE3 West Greenwich Chesterfield Walk, SE10 West Greenwich Chestnut Rise, SE18 41-51,53-57 and 59 trees and privet protected by planning conditions Christchurch Way, SE10 East Greenwich 1-37 &2-4 Christ Ch & Colfes Sch. Churchfields, SE10 West Greenwich 1, 2-18 Circular Way, SE18 Woolwich Common Circus Street, Se10 West Greenwich 1a = TPO350 Clayton Mews, SE10 West Greenwich TPO73 TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree Officer Claydown Mews, SE18 Woolwich Common TPO211 TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree Officer Cleanthus Close, SE18 70 & The Chestnuts TPO316 All trees protected by planning condition on cleanthus close and Cleanthus Road, SE18 70 & The Chestnuts TPO316 All trees protected by planning condition on 50-72, 43- 63 on cleanthus road Clothworkers Road, SE18 TPO144, TPO203 & TPO182 TPO - Multiple properties affected check with Tree Officer Cobbett Road, SE9 Progress Estate Cole Close, SE28 St.Margaret Clitherow School TPO332 Coleraine Road, SE3 Westcombe Park = 2-136 12 = TPO330 116-126 = TPO24 1-137 & Woolven & 130 = TPO80 22 = TPO240 land adj Greyfriar Hse 125=TPO439 College Approach, SE10 West Greenwich Collington Street, SE10 East Greenwich Colomb Street, SE10 East Greenwich 2-30 & 1-15 Updated 22nd September 2020 Combe Avenue, SE3 Blackheath Combe Mews, SE3 Blackheath Commerell Street, SE10 St Josephs School =TPO430 Congrieve Road, SE9 Progress Estate 15 = TPO234 Connaught Mews, SE18 Woolwich Common TPO211 Constitution Rise, SE18 Woolwich Common Overhang from 85 Red Lion Lane=TPO325 1-3 cons Copse Close, SE7 R/o 151 Charlton Rd TPO36 Corner Green, SE3 Blackheath Park 64 = TPO64 62 = TPO339 Cornwallis Walk, SE9 Progress Estate Cornwallis Road, SE18 Royal Arsenal Corvett Square, SE10 East Greenwich Courtlands Avenue, SE12 Rear of 71-75 TPO384 Court Road, SE9 Eltham Palace Moat Court, Wolsey Court 20-140 & 21-107 & 133 11,35,39,43,47,61,65,81,85,87 1-27 Moat Court 93,99,105,107,20,24,26,30,32,46,50,56,62,66, Court Road, SE9 cont … 92,96,100,110 = TPO14 20 = TPO145 208 = TPO 180 18,19,20 = TPO23 65= TPO178 St.Andrews Church = TPO35 247 = TPO315 20= TPO145 47=TPO 483 Court Yard, SE9 Eltham Palace 18-20 = TPO23 Orchard House, Braber Hse, 18-20 = TPO358 Little Court, 28,32,32a-38 18-26 Couthurst Road, SE3 Rectory Fields 2 -58 + 60 former warehouse & 1- 55 Craddock Street, SE10 East Greenwich 1-43 & 18-54 Craigerne Road, SE3 Rectory Fields 52-62, 43-69, 38-50 Updated 22nd September 2020 Craigton Road, SE9 Gordon Primary Sch = TPO447 Crane Street, Se10 Greenwich Park Creek Road, SE10 West Greenwich 304-334 & 269-283 Crescent Road, SE9 R/o 70-72 TPO309 Cresswell Park, SE3 Blackheath Park Crooms Hill Grove, SE10 West Greenwich Crooms Hill, SE10 West Greenwich Hillside House = TPO17 68 = TPO220 Crosier Close, SE18 TPO344 Crossfield Street, SE3 St.Pauls Crown Woods Way, SE9 51 = TPO326 74=TPO500 86-122 = TPO33 Cutty Sark Gardens, Se10 West Greenwich D Dabin Crescent,.
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