Generated On: 1/5/2021 11:15:16 AM Verified Statement Registration VSR (Out-of-State Committee) 8020 Great River Area Labor Federation PAC 4600 46th Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 309-738-1446 Support candidates endorsed by the AFL-CIO Contact Last Name: McMeekan First Name: Julia MI: Address: 4600 46th Avenue City: Rock Island State: IL Zip Code: 61201 Phone: 309-738-1446 E-Mail: Parent Entity Name: Quad City Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Address: 4600 46th Avenue City: Rock Island State: IL Zip Code: 61201 Phone: 309-788-1303 E-Mail: Jurisdiction Name: Illinois State Board of Elections Address: PO Box 4187 City: Springfield State: IL Zip Code: 62708 Phone: 217-782-4141 E-Mail: Iowa Resident Agent Last Name: Leone First Name: Dino MI: Address: 4600 46th Ave City: Rock Island State: IL Zip Code: 61201 Phone: 309-788-1303 E-Mail: IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD | 510 EAST 12th, SUITE 1A | DES MOINES, IA 50319 | (515) 281-4028 1 of 27 Generated On: 1/5/2021 11:15:16 AM 2021 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 1/4/2021 Courtney for State Senate Committee (1344) $269.25 2116 Filed Date: 2609 Clearview 1/5/2021 Burlington, IA 52601 1/4/2021 Sandy Dockendorff for Iowa House (2580) $269.25 2116 Filed Date: 22921 135th St 1/5/2021 Danville, IA 52623 1/4/2021 Cohoon for Representative (376) $269.25 2116 Filed Date: 8151 138lth st 1/5/2021 Burlington, IA 52601 1/4/2021 Committee to Elect Kevin Glendening Sheriff (19960) $269.25 2116 Filed Date: 12498 Flint Bottom Road 1/5/2021 Burlington, IA 52601 2020 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 10/24/2020 Gleason for Iowa (2377) $142.00 2055 Filed Date: P.O. Box 182 11/10/2020 Pleasant Valley, IA 52767 10/24/2020 Committee to Elect Chris Brase (2006) $142.00 2055 Filed Date: 972 Newell Ave 11/10/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 10/24/2020 Monica Kurth for Iowa House (2345) $142.00 2055 Filed Date: 1933 N Marquette St 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52804 10/24/2020 Friends of Jazmin Newton (20007) $71.00 2055 Filed Date: 605B W 53rd Street 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52806 10/24/2020 The Committee to Elect Rogers Kirk (20106) $71.00 2055 Filed Date: 1730 Elmwood Court 11/10/2020 Bettendorf, IA 52722 10/24/2020 Citizens to Elect Peter Bawden (20087) $71.00 2055 Filed Date: 2721 E. High Street 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52803 10/24/2020 Committee to Elect Moritz (19965) $71.00 2055 Filed Date: 1702 Eagles Crest Ave Unit B14 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52804 10/5/2020 Mike Brown for County Supervisor (20075) $1,000.00 2013 Filed Date: 3800 Lakewood Drive 11/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 10/5/2020 Jacobs for Treasurer (20149) $1,000.00 2014 Filed Date: 1570 Main Ave. 11/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 10/5/2020 Steve Diesch for Sheriff (19952) $1,000.00 2015 Filed Date: 4625 Bellevue Road 11/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD | 510 EAST 12th, SUITE 1A | DES MOINES, IA 50319 | (515) 281-4028 2 of 27 Generated On: 1/5/2021 11:15:16 AM 2020 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 9/10/2020 COMMITTEE TO ELECT WILLIAM THARP AS $250.00 2007 Filed Date: MUSCATINE COUNTY ATTORNE (19782) 11/10/2020 1206 North Division Street West Liberty, IA 52776 9/10/2020 Jacobs for Treasurer (20149) $1,000.00 2004 Filed Date: 1570 Main Ave. 9/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 9/10/2020 Steve Diesch for Sheriff (19952) $500.00 2005 Filed Date: 4625 Bellevue Road 9/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 9/10/2020 Mike Brown for County Supervisor (20075) $500.00 2006 Filed Date: 3800 Lakewood Drive 9/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 9/10/2020 COMMITTEE TO ELECT WILLIAM THARP AS $250.00 2007 Filed Date: MUSCATINE COUNTY ATTORNE (19782) 9/10/2020 1206 North Division Street West Liberty, IA 52776 9/8/2020 Gleason for Iowa (2377) $892.00 2002 Filed Date: P.O. Box 182 11/10/2020 Pleasant Valley, IA 52767 9/8/2020 Committee to Elect Chris Brase (2006) $892.00 2002 Filed Date: 972 Newell Ave 11/10/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 9/8/2020 Monica Kurth for Iowa House (2345) $892.00 2002 Filed Date: 1933 N Marquette St 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52804 9/8/2020 Friends of Jazmin Newton (20007) $446.00 2002 Filed Date: 605B W 53rd Street 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52806 9/8/2020 The Committee to Elect Rogers Kirk (20106) $446.00 2002 Filed Date: 1730 Elmwood Court 11/10/2020 Bettendorf, IA 52722 9/8/2020 Committee to Elect Moritz (19965) $446.00 2002 Filed Date: 1702 Eagles Crest Ave Unit B14 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52804 9/8/2020 Citizens to Elect Peter Bawden (20087) $446.00 2002 Filed Date: 2721 E. High Street 11/10/2020 Davenport, IA 52803 9/8/2020 Clinton County Democratic Central Committee (9044) $150.00 2001 Filed Date: 1153 7th Ave. S. 9/10/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 8/24/2020 Monica Kurth for Iowa House (2345) $500.00 1993 Filed Date: 1933 N Marquette St 8/24/2020 Davenport, IA 52804 8/24/2020 Winckler for State House (1229) $250.00 1994 Filed Date: 6 Thode Court 8/24/2020 Davenport, IA 52802 IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD | 510 EAST 12th, SUITE 1A | DES MOINES, IA 50319 | (515) 281-4028 3 of 27 Generated On: 1/5/2021 11:15:16 AM 2020 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 8/24/2020 Committee to Elect Jennifer Kakert (2597) $500.00 1995 Filed Date: 12344 71st Avenue Blue Grass 8/24/2020 Blue Grass, IA 52726 8/24/2020 Thede for Iowa (1688) $500.00 1996 Filed Date: 2343 Hawthorne Court 8/24/2020 Bettendorf, IA 52722 8/24/2020 Gleason for Iowa (2377) $500.00 1997 Filed Date: P.O. Box 182 8/24/2020 Pleasant Valley, IA 52767 8/24/2020 Citizens to Elect Peter Bawden (20087) $500.00 1998 Filed Date: 2721 E. High Street 8/24/2020 Davenport, IA 52803 8/24/2020 Friends of Jazmin Newton (20007) $500.00 1999 Filed Date: 605B W 53rd Street 8/24/2020 Davenport, IA 52806 8/24/2020 The Committee to Elect Rogers Kirk (20106) $500.00 2000 Filed Date: 1730 Elmwood Court 8/24/2020 Bettendorf, IA 52722 8/20/2020 Harfst for Auditor (20154) $250.00 1992 Filed Date: 2115 Skylane Drive 8/20/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 7/28/2020 Mike Channon for Sheriff (19445) $500.00 1985 Filed Date: 713 Court Street 7/28/2020 Wilton, IA 52778 7/28/2020 Committee to Elect Chris Brase (2006) $500.00 1986 Filed Date: 972 Newell Ave 7/28/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 7/28/2020 Kelcey Brackett for Iowa House 91 (2536) $500.00 1987 Filed Date: 2817 Mulberry Ave 7/28/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 7/28/2020 Citizens for Michelle Servadio Elias (20117) $250.00 1988 Filed Date: 609 W 3rd St 7/28/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 7/28/2020 Ed Askew For Supervisor (19990) $250.00 1989 Filed Date: 2952 155th Street 7/28/2020 Muscatine, IA 52761 7/24/2020 Courtney for State Senate Committee (1344) $1,000.00 1977 Filed Date: 2609 Clearview 7/24/2020 Burlington, IA 52601 7/24/2020 Cohoon for Representative (376) $250.00 1978 Filed Date: 8151 138lth st 7/24/2020 Burlington, IA 52601 7/24/2020 Sandy Dockendorff for Iowa House (2580) $750.00 1979 Filed Date: 22921 135th St 7/24/2020 Danville, IA 52623 IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD | 510 EAST 12th, SUITE 1A | DES MOINES, IA 50319 | (515) 281-4028 4 of 27 Generated On: 1/5/2021 11:15:16 AM 2020 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 7/24/2020 Committee to Elect Kevin Glendening Sheriff (19960) $500.00 1980 Filed Date: 12498 Flint Bottom Road 7/24/2020 Burlington, IA 52601 7/24/2020 Van Lancker for Auditor (18175) $250.00 1981 Filed Date: 1334 7th St. N.W. 7/24/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 7/24/2020 Mike Brown for County Supervisor (20075) $500.00 1982 Filed Date: 3800 Lakewood Drive 7/24/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 7/24/2020 Mary Wolfe Campaign (1866) $500.00 1983 Filed Date: 337 4th Ave South 7/24/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 7/24/2020 Ryan Zeskey for Iowa (2599) $500.00 1984 Filed Date: 508 Walnut Court 7/24/2020 Le Claire, IA 52753 7/2/2020 Clinton County Democratic Central Committee (9044) $150.00 1975 Filed Date: 1153 7th Ave. S. 7/21/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 6/4/2020 Steve Diesch for Sheriff (19952) $500.00 1969 Filed Date: 4625 Bellevue Road 6/4/2020 Clinton, IA 52732 2019 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 12/3/2019 Clinton County Democratic Central Committee (9044) $600.00 1956 Filed Date: 1153 7th Ave. S. 12/3/2019 Clinton, IA 52732 11/7/2019 Nancy Hoelzen $31.48 Filed Date: 1720 S 12th Street 11/7/2019 Burlington, IA 52601 11/7/2019 Anika McVay $31.48 Filed Date: 2232 Cherokee Dr 11/7/2019 Burlington, IA 52601 11/7/2019 John Jay $31.48 Filed Date: 13524 65th Avenue 11/7/2019 Burlington, IA 52601 11/7/2019 Keith Turrill $31.48 Filed Date: 127 Greenwood Drive 11/8/2019 Burlington, IA 52601 11/7/2019 Michael Davis $31.48 Filed Date: 210 W Van Weiss Blvd 11/8/2019 West Burlington, IA 52655 11/7/2019 Kathleen Christy $31.48 Filed Date: 405 W Van Weiss Blvd 11/8/2019 West Burlington, IA 52655 IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD | 510 EAST 12th, SUITE 1A | DES MOINES, IA 50319 | (515) 281-4028 5 of 27 Generated On: 1/5/2021 11:15:16 AM 2019 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 11/7/2019 Therese Lees $31.48 Filed Date: 508 West Aire Dr 11/8/2019 West Burlington, IA 52655 10/25/2019 Ricky Teed $250.00 1952 Filed Date: 516 Sunrise Circle 11/6/2019 Muscatine, IA 52761 10/25/2019 Jeff Osborne $250.00 1953 Filed Date: 110 E 2nd Street 11/6/2019 Muscatine, IA 52761 10/24/2019 Committee to Elect Karen Cooney for School Board $250.00 1949 Filed Date: (11501) 10/24/2019 400 Lake Park Blvd Muscatine, IA 52761 10/24/2019 Committee to Elect John Dabeet (40020) $250.00 1950 Filed Date: 2515 Lucas Street 10/24/2019 Muscatine, IA 52761 10/24/2019 Citizens for Daniel Salazar $250.00 1951 508 E 11th Street Muscatine, IA 52761 10/23/2019 Committee to Elect Kirk Edwards $250.00 1948 Filed Date: 418 Peachtree Street 10/23/2019 Muscatine, IA 52761 10/23/2019 Committee to Elect Dennis Schuur $250.00 1947 2201 Fareway Drive Muscatine, IA 52761 10/13/2019 Friends for Cyara Peterson (14601) $250.00 1945 Filed Date: 638 3rd Ave So.
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