Copie a Export Farmacii

Copie a Export Farmacii

Colegiul CONSTANTA Denumire Nr. Autorizatie Data Autorizatie Luni - Vineri Sambata Duminica Email 2NA FARM BANEASA 274/VVV6866 09-12-2016 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro 2NA FARM COBADIN 8066/ACP2055 02-03-2016 08:00|12:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro Oficina 2NA FARM inchis|inchis inchis|inchis COBADIN 2NA FARM CORBU- 11620/NB10292 27-11-2014 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. Principala 287 ro 2NA FARM CORBU- 10643/EN570 23-01-2013 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. Principala 82 ro 2NA FARM DOBROMIR 11812/ACP422 19-01-2016 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro 2NA FARM LIMANU 9413/CSA4814 04-05-2011 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro 2NA FARM LUMINA 6259/NB3232 01-04-2015 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro 2NA FARM MGL-NON- 8092/IB9364 28-09-2009 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 elena_rosca13@yahoo. STOP ro 2NA FARM M 10315/RL2180 14-03-2012 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. KOGALNICEANU ro 2NA FARM OLTINA 10937/ACP2913 24-03-2016 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro Oficina 2NA FARM inchis|inchis inchis|inchis OLTINA Oficina 2NA FARM inchis|inchis inchis|inchis OLTINA 2NA FARM 273/EN5024 20-05-2013 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. TOPRAISAR-Nationala ro 2NA FARM VALU LUI 4620/RL3651 08-12-2011 08:00|16:00 inchis|15:30 inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. TRAIAN ro 2NA OSTROV 7916/VVV1736 12-07-2016 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis elena_rosca13@yahoo. ro ADINFARM 5246/EN5621 26-05-2008 08:00|21:00 08:00|20:00 09:00|15:00 [email protected] ADINFARM SACELE 11459/NB6154 06-08-2014 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis ADINFARM TUZLA- 7683/EN7663 15-07-2008 08:00|20:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] Constantei 168 ADINFARM TUZLA- 10647/EN570 23-01-2013 08:00|20:00 09:00|15:00 09:00|13:00 [email protected] Constantei 86 ADONIS-Libertatii 6205/VVV5447 27-10-2016 08:00|19:30 09:00|13:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] ADONIS-Tulcei 9639/VVV6866 09-12-2016 08:00|19:30 09:00|14:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] ADONIS-Zorelelor 917/EN6941 29-06-2007 08:00|19:30 09:00|14:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] ALCPHARMA CTA 7214/EN9527 12-09-2007 08:00|20:00 09:00|15:00 09:00|15:00 [email protected] ALCPHARMA 7256/AV2251 14-12-2009 08:00|20:00 08:00|18:30 08:00|16:30 [email protected] TECHIRGHIOL ALEMI PHARMA 6693/EN4775 04-10-2006 09:00|18:00 09:00|12:00 09:00|12:00 alemi_pharma@yahoo. com ALFAMED HARSOVA 1260/EN2273 07-03-2008 08:00|20:00 08:00|13:00 08:00|13:00 farmacia.alfamed@yah ALGA FARM EFORIE 921/EN3722 04-04-2008 08:00|20:00 09:00|18:00 09:00|18:00 [email protected] NORD ALMATERA PHARM 5363/NB8319 06-10-2014 10:00|18:00 10:00|16:00 10:00|14:00 almaterapharm14@gm EFORIE NORD ALPHA 23 AUGUST 763/EN1385 16-02-2008 08:00|20:00 08:00|18:00 08:00|18:00 alpha23august@yahoo .com AMIA 7429/EN43 04-01-2008 08:00|21:00 09:00|21:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] AMIA TOPRAISAR 11458/NB6154 06-08-2014 09:00|18:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] ANTO FARM MED-Gara 9418/CSA9839 17-09-2010 08:00|21:00 08:00|18:00 08:00|13:00 [email protected] om ANTO FARM MED- 9483/CSA11648 03-11-2010 08:00|21:00 08:00|17:00 08:00|14:00 [email protected] Intim om APOLLO MEGAFARM 11937/NB8491 17-08-2015 08:00|18:00 08:00|14:00 08:00|12:00 apollocogealac@gmail. COGEALAC com APOLLO MEGAFARM 11237/NB1149 31-03-2014 08:00|20:00 08:00|18:00 08:00|17:00 [email protected] M KOGALNICEANU om AQUA PHARM- 9908/CSA2882 18-03-2011 09:00|20:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|15:00 farmacist@aquapharm. Cismelei ro AQUA PHARM-Tomis 6438/EN8578 28-03-2006 08:00|20:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|15:00 farmacist@aquapharm. 142 ro AQUA PHARM- 534/EN12448 03-12-2008 08:00|20:00 08:00|18:00 08:00|15:00 farmacist@aquapharm. Tomis146 ro ATU GREEN FARM 11289/NB2615 06-05-2014 08:00|16:00 08:00|16:00 08:00|14:00 dobremihaela80@yaho VALU LUI TRAIAN AVI FARM PLUS 12121/VVV719 15-06-2016 08:00|18:00 08:00|12:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] COSTINESTI m AZURAFARM 9993/CSA4070 13-04-2011 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] EXPRESS LUMINA Oficina AZURAFARM 01-01-1970 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 [email protected] EXPRESS LUMINA BELLA XANDRA 10550/VVP198 15-10-2012 09:00|19:00 09:00|14:00 09:00|14:00 farm_bellaxandra@yah AGIGEA BELLA XANDRA 11377/NB4071 11-06-2014 08:00|16:00 08:00|12:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] EFORIE SUD om BELLA XANDRA -Icil 1698/EN10756 11-10-2007 08:00|20:00 08:00|16:00 09:00|13:00 farm_bellaxandra@yah BELLA XANDRA-Piata 6644/EN2750 03-08-2006 08:00|22:00 08:00|22:00 08:00|18:00 farm_bellaxandra@yah Cet BELLA XANDRA-Tomis 4520/EN754 29-01-2013 10:00|19:00 10:00|16:00 inchis|inchis farm_bellaxandra@yah 3 BELL FARM 2841/EN1381 16-02-2008 09:00|17:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|13:00 COSTINESTI BENAT CRUCEA 10388/RL3611 03-05-2012 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] om BENAT M 10317/RL2180 14-03-2012 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] KOGALNICEANU-T om Vladimirescu 29B BENAT M 3994/EN5043 09-10-2006 08:00|20:00 08:00|20:00 08:00|14:00 [email protected] KOGALNICEANU-T om Vladimirescu 57 BENAT OSTROV 9111/NB337 19-01-2015 09:00|17:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] Oficina BENAT 01-01-1970 10:00|12:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] OSTROV om BENAT TARGUSOR 7884/EN12740 10-12-2008 08:00|16:00 inchis|inchis inchis|inchis [email protected] om BENAT-Tomis 2249/NB11532 22-12-2014 08:00|21:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|14:00 [email protected] BID COM INVEST 9326/CSA5537 01-06-2010 09:00|21:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|14:00 bidcominvest@yahoo. com Oficina BID COM inchis|inchis inchis|inchis INVEST BID COM INVEST 10644/EN570 23-01-2013 09:00|15:00 10:00|13:00 10:00|12:00 bidcominvest@yahoo. CORBU com BIO LIFE MEDICAL- 6844/EN3070 27-03-2013 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 08:00|24:00 [email protected] AVlaicu BIO LIFE MEDICAL- 9655/EN6314 19-06-2013 08:00|22:00 08:00|17:00 09:00|00:00 babanovac@universfar Baba Novac BIO LIFE MEDICAL- 9557/CSA175 11-01-2011 08:00|22:00 08:00|17:00 08:00|14:00 alina.mihai@universfar Brick BIO LIFE MEDICAL- 9141/EN6206 18-06-2013 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 08:00|24:00 [email protected] Soveja o BIO LIFE MEDICAL- 6994/NB10215 08-04-2015 08:00|21:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|16:00 [email protected] Tomis o BLUE FARMA PLUS-2 9833/RL3488 26-04-2012 08:00|21:00 08:00|20:00 09:00|18:00 [email protected] cocosi om BLUE FARMA PLUS- 7966/RL121 09-01-2012 08:00|21:00 08:00|21:00 09:00|18:00 km5 BRYONIA 9466/CSA10907 18-10-2010 08:00|19:00 08:00|12:00 inchis|inchis bryonia.cernavoda@ya CERNAVODA BYARO MURFATLAR 9907/CSA2882 18-03-2011 08:00|24:00 08:00|24:00 08:00|24:00 [email protected] BYARO POARTA ALBA 7867/EN12449 28-11-2008 08:00|16:00 08:00|12:00 inchis|inchis [email protected] CAPITOL FARM MDG-I 55/AV673 21-10-2009 08:00|20:00 08:00|20:00 08:00|19:30 [email protected] Creanga o CAPITOL FARM MDG- 960/CSA228 12-01-2011 08:00|19:00 08:00|12:00 08:00|12:00 [email protected] Republicii o CATENA 3PLUS-Tomis 2149/EN1385 16-02-2008 09:00|22:00 09:00|22:00 09:00|22:00 [email protected] Mall CATENA AB PLUS- 1098/EN3614 01-04-2008 08:00|20:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|15:00 constantasoseauaman Eliberarii [email protected] CATENA AB PLUS- 2056/EN12764 30-11-2007 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 00:00|00:00 petrariumarinela@yah Mircea cel Batran CATENA ASLAVITA- 1 557/EN5233 16-05-2007 08:00|21:00 08:00|16:00 08:00|15:00 [email protected] Dec 1918 o CATENA ASLAVITA- 3480/EN10740 15-10-2007 08:00|20:00 08:00|16:00 08:00|16:30 [email protected] Ferdinand o CATENA FARMAVITA- 9564/CSA225 12-01-2011 08:00|20:00 09:00|17:00 09:00|14:00 farmavitabrizei3c@cat Aurel Vlaicu CATENA FARMAVITA- 9634/CSA419 09-01-2011 08:00|20:00 08:00|16:00 08:00|15:00 farmavitaadamclisi4c@ brotacei CATENA FARMAVITA- 100/EN6274 06-11-2006 08:00|20:00 08:00|17:00 08:00|14:00 [email protected] Cismelei CATENA FARMAVITA- 9635/CSA419 19-01-2011 08:00|20:00 08:00|18:00 08:00|16:00 farmavitalapusneanu1 dacia [email protected] CATENA FARMAVITA- 9468/CSA11307 27-10-2010 08:00|19:00 08:00|16:00 08:00|14:00 farmavitagrivitei@cate Grivitei CATENA FARMAVITA- 9636/CSA419 19-01-2011 08:00|20:00 09:00|16:00 09:00|15:00 farmavitasoseauaman Mangaliei [email protected] CATENA FARMAVITA 1897/EN10487 07-10-2008 08:00|20:00 08:00|16:00 08:00|16:00 medgidiaioncreanga11 MDG-I.

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