SUPPLEMENT No. 3 το THE CYPRUS GAZETTE No. 2821 OF 21ST MARCH, 1940. SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION. No. 99. - ' THE TRADING WITH THE ENEMY LAW, 1939. OTtDER MADE UNDER SECTION 4 (2). ΛΥ. I). BATTEI^IULL, Governor. In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 4 (2) of the Trading with the Enemy Law, 1939, His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Secretary of State, is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Consolidating) Order, 1940, and shall come into operation on the date of its publication in the Gazette. 2. Each of the persons specified in the Schedule to this Order shall for the purposes of the Trading with the Enemy Law, 1939, be deemed to be an enemy within the meaning of that Law during such period as this Order shall in relation to such person remain in force. Gazettes, 3. The Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) Orders, 1939 supplement to 1940, are hereby repealed. No. 3 13.12.1939 30.12.1939 SCHEDULE. 24. 1.1940 Accumulatoren-Fabrik A. G. (Fabrica Cangallo 2629, Buenos Aires, Argentina, de Acumuladores S.A., Buenos Aires Branch). s Aciers Marathon, S.A. .. .. 25, Bd. de la Sauveniere Liege, Belgium. Ackermann, G. W . Muralla, 474, Havana, Cuba. Acos Roechling Bruderus Do Brasil Travessa Bom Jesus 6-8 Rio de Janeiro, Ltda. Brazil. A.E.G. .. .. .. .. .. Tehran and branches in the provinces, Iran. A.E.G. A/S. .. ... ... .. Riga, Latvia.. A.E.G. Bulgarian Electrical Co. Ltd. Alexander 1, No. 1, Sofia, Bulgaria. A.E.G. Cia Mexicana de Electricidad, 5 de Mayo 10, Mexico City, Mexico. S.A. A.E.G. Cia Argentina de Electricidad. B. Irigoyen 330, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A.E.G. Cia Sudamerikana de Electri- Bandera 581, Santiago, Chile. cidad. A.E.G. Cia Sul Americana de Electri- Av. Rio Branco 47, Rio de Janeiro, and cidade. all branches in Brazil. A.E.G. Compania Generala de Electri- Calca Grivitei 3, Bucharest, Roumania, citate S.A. Romana. (215) 21Γ> A.E.G. Dansk Elektricitets A/S. .. Orstedhus, Vestre Farimagsgade 41, Co­ penhagen, Denmark. Batavia and Sourabaya, (Java), Nether­ . A.E.G. Electriciteits Mij lands East Indies. A.E.G. Electrotecnica, A.G. P.O. Box. No. 203, Bogota, Colombia. Ovre Vollgate 11, Oslo, & Bergen, Norway. A.E.G. Elektricitets- A/S Glogatan 3, Helsingfors, Finland, and at A.E.G. Elektriska A/B Sveavagen 21­23, Stockholm, Sweden. A.E.G. Elektrizitaets-Akticngesell- 1, StampfenbachstraRse, Zurich, Switzer schaft. land. A.E.G. Electriciteits Maatschappij Frederiksplein 20, Amsterdam, Holland. N.V. A.E.G. Iberica de Electricidad S.A. Madrid, and branches in Spain. A.E.G. Internat Electriciteits Mij. Amsterdam, Holland. N.V. A.E.G. Lusitana de Electricidade . 12, Rua dos Fangueiros, Lisbon and 211, Rua Sa da Bandeira, Oporto, Portugal. A.E.G. Societe Luxerbourgeoise pour Rue Souveraine 40, Brussels, Belgium. Entreprises Electriques S.A. A.E.G. Societe Luxembourgeoise Rue du Nord 6, Luxemburg, Luxemburg. pour Enterprises Electriques (E. Gundlach). A.E.G. Unio Magyar Villamossagi Rudolf­tor 5, Budapest, Hungary. Reszvenytarsasag. (A.E.G. Union Ungarischo Elektrizitats-aktienge- sellschaft.) Aerostaal S.A.R. Sir. Batistei 1, Bucharest, Roumania. Adrian, S. L. & Co. Consulado 107, Havana, Cuba. Africana Ltd a. Socicdade Geral Lourenco Marques, and Beira, Portuguese East Africa, and at Lisbon, Portugal. " Agefa " Ltd 9 Rue Pirot, Sofia, Bulgaria. Agencia Commercial y Maritima. Pasaje America 213, Mexico City, and (Heyne Eversbusch & Co.) Av. F. I. Madero No. 6. Pasaje, Mexico City, and all branches in Mexico. Agfa San Salvador, Salvador. Agfa Argentina (Dr. Kurt Oppenheim B. Irigoyen 653, Buenos Aires, Argentina. y Cia.). Agfa Foto A/S Montergaarden, Gothersgade 49, Copen­ hagen, Denmark. Agfa-Foto A/S Fred Olsensgate 1, Oslo, Norway. " Agfaphoto " Fenykepeszeti Cikkek V. Nador­utca 12, Budapest, Hungary. Eladasi Reszvenytarsasag. ("Agfa- photo " Verkaufsaktiengesellschaft fur Photographische Artikel.) Agfa Gomci Kaisha 10, 2­chome, Marunouchi Kojimachi­Ku, Tokyo, and at Osaka, Japan. Agrex . ., .... Strada Eprscopie No. 2 Bucharest, Rou­ mania. Agricola de Turrialba, Compania San Jose, Costa Rica. Agro S.A. Gravina 53, Seville, Spain. Aiders, Η. Ό '.' 16, Rue Marche­au­Lin, Antwerp, Belgium. Aiders, Jacob San Jose, Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, Canary Islands. Ahrens, H., & Company, Nachfolger Yaesu Building, 6; 2­chome, Marunouchi, (Gomei Kaisha). Tokyo, and branches at Yokohama and Kobe, Japan, 217 Albert, Julio y Cia, Sucrs.—" La 16 de Septiembre No. 83 and 5 de Febrero Gran Sederia." No. 3, Mexico City, Mexico. Alemana de Agendas, Compania Guayaquil, Ecuador. (A. Panee). Alemana de Vapores Kosmos, Cia.. \ralparaiso, Chile. Allianca Commercial de Aniliuas Ltd a. 81 Av Alnite Barroso, llio de Janeiro and all branches in Brazil. Almacen Hogar y Cocina Panama. Alwin, George.. Ave. Las Palmeras, " Chalet Latorre ", Tetuan, Spanish Morocco. Amme, Giesecke y Konegen Soc. de 25 de Mayo 252, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Resp. Ltda. Andersen, Juul & Co. A/S. Vestre Boulevard 4, Copenhagen,Denmark. Anez, Julio A. y Cia. Calle Comercio 10, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Anilin A/S Tordenskjoldsplase 3, Oslo and Bergen, Norway. Anilin Kompagnict A/S. Ilarnegade 39, Copenhagen, Denmark. Anilinas Alemanas S.A. Salta 323-25, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at Sucursal Montevideo, Calle Florida 1450, Montevideo, Uruguay. Antillana Agencia (H. Barkhausen). Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic. Argentina de Cereales S.A. Cia. Moreno 970, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina Exportadora de Cereales Reconquista 336, Buenos Aires, Argentina. " Comparex " Cia. Arithmometra S.A.R. Aleea Carmen Sylva 5, Bucharest, Rou- mania. Arndt & Cohn Ltda. Lourenco Marques, Portuguese East Africa. Askania Kabushiki Kaisha Sanwa Building 3, 1-chome Gofukubashi, Nihonbashi-ku Tokj^o, Japan. Asteroth, Rheinschiffahrts A.G. Fried. Maaskade 85, Rotterdam, Holland. Auerbach, Philippe Rue Conscience 20, Antwerp, Belgium. Austro-Bulgarian Tobacco Co., Ltd.. 20, April No. 13, Sofia, Bulgaria. Auto Block S.A.R B-dul Tache Ionescu 6, Bucharest, Rou- mania. " Auto Union " Agency Moskovska, 3, Sofia, Bulgaria. Austro-Hellenic Tobacco Co... 49, Rue Tsimisky, Salonica, Greece. Auto-Union Brasil Ltda. Rua Riachuelo, 187-189, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bahlcke, J. C.—Central American Managua, Nicaragua. Trading Co.— Banco Aleman ' Transatlantico. Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and Rosario, (Deutsche Uberseeische Bank.) Argentina; Antofagasta, Concepcion, Santiago, Temuco, Valdivia, and Valpa• raiso, Chile ; Montevideo, Uruguay ; Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville, Spain ; Arequipa, and Lima, Peru. Banco Allemao Transatlantico Bahia, Curityba, Porto Alegre, Rio de (Deutsche Uberseeische Bank). Janeiro, Santos and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Banco Germanico da America do Sul Rio de Janeiro, Santos, and Sao Paulo, (Deutsch-Sudamerikanische Bank Brazil. A.G.). Banco Germanico de la America del Asuncion, Paraguay; Buenos Aires, Ar• Sud. (Deutsch-Sudamerikanische gentina ; Mexico City, Mexico ; Santiago, Bank.) and Valparaiso, Chile, Banco Germanico de la America del Madrid, Spain, Sur S.A, 218 Barkhausen, Η—Agencia Antillana.— Ciudad Trujillio, Dominican Republic. Baron, A.—Union Industrial, S.A.— (P.O.Box 70fi) Camino las Florcs, Barran­ cjuilla, Colombia. Barth y Cia Sucesores, Eugenia Calle 2» de Mayo 731­7, Montevideo, Uruguay. Baumann K. & Sons .. 49, Rno Exarch Iossef, Sofia, Bulgaria. " Bavarian­Lloyd " Shipping Co.,Ltd. Aksakoff, 5, Sofia, Bulgaria. Bavarski Lojd.. Karadjordjeva 43, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Bayer & Co Teheran, Iran. "Bayer," La Quimica, Weskott & Cia. Mijares a Mercedes 3<S, Caracas, Venezuela. Bayer, S.A. Casa. San Juan de Letran 24, Mexico City, Mexico. Bayer and Cia. Calle Picdras 437, Montevideo, Uruguay. Bayer, Chimica Com Farm Lepanto 2, Vigo, Spain. " Bayer­Farma "Co. Ltd Balkan Building, Boul. Dondoukoff, 51, Sofia, Bulgaria. Bayer, La Quimica, S.A. Cervino 3101, Buenos Aires. Argentina, and at Avonida Brasil IDS, Lima, Peru. Bayer­Meistor­Lucius San Jose, Costa Rica. "Bayer" Yakuhin Gomei Kaisha. Yacsu Building, C, Marunouchi 2­chome, Kojimachi­ku, Tokyo, and branches at Kobe and Nagoya, Japan. Beker and Company Oye Building, 9, Kinugasa­cho, Kita­ku, Osaka, and at Tokyo, Japan. Behn Meyer & Co., Handel Mij, N.V. Batavia, and all branches in Netherlands East Indies. Beiek Felix y Cia Madero 09, Mexico City, Mexico. Bendix, Alberto Ahuachapan, Salvador. Berger, Cnrt, and Cia., Soc. do Resp. 25 de Mayo 380­92, Buenos Aires, Argenti­ Ltda. na. Berger, Curt y Cia. Calle Cerrito 677, Montevideo, Uruguay. Bergmann & Co. 105, Hachimandori 3­chome, Fukiai­ku, Kobe, and at Nagoya, Japan. Berndes, Clias. E. y Cia. Rep. del Brasil 112, Havana, Cuba. Berndorfer Metallwarenfabrik, Arthur IV. Vaci­utca 4, Budapest, Hungary. Krupp A/G. Bernitt & Cia.. Calle Misiones 1472, Montevideo, Uruguay. Berrinser & Cia. Boulevard Castilhos Franca 59, Para and Rua Marechal Deodoro 63, Manaos, Brazil. Bodewig, Karl y Cia. Comisiones Lonja 431, Havana, Cuba. Bohler Keitei Goshi Kaisha . 2­chome, Takaramachi, Kyobashi­ku, Tokyo, and branches at Osaka and Fukuoka, Japan and Dairen, Kwantung Leased Territory. Bohmer, Carlos Aquiar 574, Havana, Cuba. Boker and Cia. Moreno 437, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Boker, Casa.—Ferretera Mexicana, 16 de Septiembre 60, Mexico City, Mexico. S.A. Cia.— Boni­Tolo Mining Company, The . Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Borgolte, Bud Bolivia. Borsig, Rheinmetall, Cia Argentina 25 de Mayo 375, Buenos Aires, Argentina. de Maquinas S.R. Ltda. Bosch Equipo S.A. ...
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