WHITE MAT ES IN THREE MOVES By DR. ROHR (From 777 Miniatures) IN THIS ISSlIE: CANADIAN SECTION - . - - - - - - - - - - - - F. )N. WATSON '!;RIC;H ELISKASES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FRED REINFELD MISTAKES OF THE MAST ERS _ - - - - - - - - - LESTER W . BRAND PROBLEM REVIEW . MAXWELL·· BUKOFZER • - - - - - - ' - - - - - JAN.-FEB .• 1934 - • - - MONTHLY 25 cts. - - ANNUALLY $2.50 The following issues of THE CHESS REVIEW ; will contain "Middle Game in Chess" "Morphy and Alekhine" By I. A. Horowitz By Irving Cherney -+- -+- oJChess Made 'Easy"· "A Chess Directory" A Treatise on Chess for Beginners By Donald MacMurray The secretary of each club is invited to send us for free listing, the name -+- of their club, address, when organ­ "Younger Russian Masters" ized, present officers and the number By Fred ReinfeJd of members. • THE CHESS REVIEW • Business Office: Publication Office: 60-10 ROOSEVELT AVE NUE 203 EAST 12TH STREET WOODSIDE, N , Y. NEW YORK. N. Y. Phone: GRamercy 7~9517 Chess Score Sheets Diagrams & Rubber Stamps -+.- A complete stock of Chess score sheets for correspondence and Over­ t he~Boa rd games, as well as Chess THE FREEMAN PRESS diagrams and rubber stamps for - Printers {; Publishers C hessmen is now being made up at 0/ . the request of subscribers to The Chess Literature Chess Review by The CHESS INSTITUTE 203 EAST 12T H STREET 203 East 12th St., New York. N. Y. NEW YORI(, N, y, GRamercy 7-9517 GRamercy 7 ~ 951 7 ":1he • REVIEW ISRAEL A. HOROWITZ, Editor • • A. A. FREEMAN. Managing Editor FRED REINFELD, Associate Editor MAXWELL BUKOFZER, Problem Department BERTRAM KADISH, Art Director VOL. II Nos. 1·2 Published Monthly JAN .• FEB .. 1934 NEWS EVENTS • • • • 2 CANADIAN SECTION, by F. W. Watson - • • • 6 ERICH ELtSKASE's , by Fred Reinfefd • • 8 GAME STUDIES • • • • • • 1Q GAME DEPARTMENT- 15 MISTAKES Of TIlE MASTERS. by Lester W. Brand • • • 20 PROBLEM REVIEW, by Maxwell Buko{zer • 21 PROBLEMS - 23 This number i~ bl'lng (ailed the January-February issue me rely for th(' s<lkc of conve­ nience. During the currcnt year, <l .~ ~ciaJ 48 pallo:' number will be published without additionil] price to subsuihns. -_. -- ( Published monthly by The Chess Review. Businl'ss Office. 60-10 RooSl.'vclt AV('tluc. Wood­ side, N. Y. Publinl!ion Office. 203 -East 12th Street. New York. N. Y. Phone. GRamercy 7-9517. Yearly ~ub 5 crjptjon in the United States $2.50. Eisewherl' $3.00 Single copy 25 cts. Copyright 1934 by The Chess Review. - CONTRIBUTING EDITORS, LAJOS STEINER REUBEN FINE BARNIE F. WINKELMAN DR. S. G. TARTAKOWER LESTER W. BRAND IRVING CHERNEV HANS KMOCH JAMES R. NEWMAN DONALD MACMURRAY NEWS EVENTS Kashdan on Tour Margolis Wins I. Kashdan. challenger for the United Chicago Championship States Championship. now held by Frank Albert C. Margolis, of the ProfeSSiona l J. Marshall, has just reached Chicago. Ill., Men's Chess Club, Western Champion after a series of simultaneous exhibitions in 1927. has added the title of City Cham­ in the Eastern part of this country and pion of Chicago to his laurels. O ut of Canada. a strong field including two other former The schedule of the cities he will visit Western Champions. this young master and the scores to date follow: demonstrated that after a retirement of W D L years. he has regained the form that at Fc b. 9 Bing hamton, N . Y. .. \3 I 0 the age of 19 permitted him to hold his .. 14 W ashington. D. C. 20 3 0 own with anyone w est of the Alleghanies. " 17 Montreal. Can. ... 58 9 5 , " 18 Montreal, Can. .. 50 16 7 Going into the final round. Margolis was .. 21 T oronto. Can. ... .. 34 of I fa ced with the necessity of winning his March 3, Chicago, Ill.: March 4, Irving game with Factor. no mean assignment Park. Ill.: March 6, Milwaukee. Wise.: under any circumstances. A draw would March 9~J I. Winnipeg. Can.: March. 13. not suffice for the scores of the three lead­ Omaha, Neb.: March. 15~22. Denver. ers at that time were: Factor 5Y2 . Mar~ Colo.: March 24-26, Dallas. Tex. golis 5, and Edgren 5. • • • Margolis succeeded in wresting th e M. S. Kuhns Visits game and needed point from Factor and St. Petersburg Chess Club he was given loyal support from his' dub M . S. Kuhns, President of the National a nd team mate, Sol. R. Friedman, who C hess Federation of the United States. rose to the occasion by defeating Edgren visited the St. Petersburg Chess Club in in the same round thereby preventing a tie Florida. while on his vacation. for first place and leaving the latter in As reported by Albert H. Gerwig, the third place. half a point behind Factor. club has enjoyed one of the most success~ Final standings are as follows : ful seasons in its history. Weekly lecH tures on the game by J. T. Beckner. PreSi­ M a r ~ oJj s . .. ,. " ., .... ,' 6 dent of th e Miami Chess Club last year, Factor . .. , .. , . .. 5).1 EdQren . .. ..... , . 5 created a great deal of interest. Elison . .. .. .. 4 H • • • Hahlbohm . .... 4H Harold Morton at the Isaacs . i ).1 Friedman . ..... .. .. i Wells Memorial Chess Club Kent . ... .. .. .. 1 The Wells Memorial Chess Club of Price . .... , . .. .. , . , I Boston recently held a simultaneous e x ~ hibition in which Harold Morton, New The new titleholder is also captain of England champion, was the solo perH Professional Men's Chess Club team which is engaged at this writing in a neck former, against 29 members of the Metro~ politan League, M r . M orton won 25, and neck struggle for the team c hampion ~. drew two and lost two. ship in the Chicago City Chess League" J"'NlJARy~FIlBRu"'RY, 1934 THE CHESS REVIEW 3 Seventh Rumanian Chess Congress T rebitsh Memorial Tournament The 7th Congress of the Rumanian The sixteenth Annual Trebitsh Memo­ Chess Federation was held on the 29th rial Tournament. played at the "Hietzing" and 30th of December. 1933. on the pre-­ Chess Club in Vienna. had an entry list mises of the Chamber of Commerce in of 16 competitors. Bucharest. Hans Muller and E. Gruenfeld. both Major C. Caraman presided with Mr. members of the home club. tied for first Aure! Lernovici acting secretary, Engineer place with a score of 10).;2 pOints each. Alabar Kery delivered the opening ad­ R. Spielmann won third prize with 10 dress, points, B. Honlinger and E, Glass shared It was decided to make several-changes fourth and fifth prizes with 9Y2 each. Prof. in the organization. to raise its standards A. Becker was sixth with 9, and D, Pod­ to an equal basis of those of other ~or­ horzer and Kolnhofer divided seventh and eign countries. It was also suggested that eighth with 8 points each. the playing of chess should be introduced • • • in schools. manufacturing concerns and in Mercantile Library Military as well as private institutions. Efforts are being made to widen the radius Chess Championship of activity of the Federation. and an ap­ W ith but a few games still unfinished, peal was made to the Press for the en­ the results of the Mercantile Library Chess couragement of Chess playing. which in Club Championship. are as follows: their opinion, develops the intelligence. keeps man preoccupied. who thus becomes W L u vi n .. ...... , .... 13J1 1)1 more ambitious for intellectual activities. Weiner . - . II 2 The results of the election of the Ex­ Bailey . .. ... .. ..... 10 , ecutive Committee of the Federation was H esse . .. .. ... 9 4 Winkclmnn .. .. , ... as follows: Active President. Engineer 10 5 Drusin .. .. , . 9 5 Aladar Kery: General Secretary. Engi­ R Ulh . .. .. ... ... 9).1 5!1 neer Henry Taubman: Secretary, Engineer Regen .... .. .. ... 8!1 61,1 lonescu: Treasurer. Mr, S. Thau: Libra~ Gordon .. 8 7 rian. Mr. Alex. Nagy: Honorary Presi­ Morris . ... .. ... 7J1 7)1 dents. Mr. Mihail Sadoveanu. Engineer Ash ... .. , .... .. 5 7 Driver .. .. ...... .. .. 3).1 8).1 Liviu Ciulley. Engineer Cesar Merettta. Goerlich . .. ... ... , II • • • \Vilkinson . .. 2 13 Chambcau . 2 13 Championship of Scotland Glover . .. .. .... .. IJ1 ! 3).1 For the third time in succession, W. A. • • • Fairhurst won the championship of Scot­ Flanagan Starts land, J, B. McGibbon. a newcomer in the King's Chess Tournament tournament. was the only one to succeed - in drawing with Fairhurst, The score: Another correspondence tournament W L which will start about March 20th. has W. A. Fairhurst . ...... -I!1 !1 been organized by Joseph Fla'nagan, 2411 J. M. Aitken .... ..... -I I North Myrtlewood St .. Philadelphia. Pa. R. F . Combe . ... .... 2 3 All inquiries regarding this "King's Chess J. B. McGibbon ......... 1!1 3!1 G. Page ..... .. ........ 1!1 3J1 Tournament should be addressed to Mr, H. N. Walsworth. .. ... 1).1 3).1 Flanagan, T 'H E C H E SS REVIEW JANUARy-F EBRUAIIY. 1934 Santa F. Ch... Club Horowitz Play. Fifty at· Host to Arthur W. Dak. Brooklyn Edison Auditorium Arthur W . Dake, member of the last F ift y chess players of the Gas and two United States teams which won in­ Electric Companies of the Metropoli tan ternational honors at Prague and Folke­ Area, were hosts to Israel Horowitz, in stone. gave a simu ltaneous ex hibition in a simultaneous ex hibition which took place the luxurious " New Mexico Lounge" of in the Auditori um of the Brooklyn Edison the La Fonda Hotel. in Santa Fe, New Company. 380 Pearl Street, Brooklyn. N . Mexico. Y .. on Tuesday evening. F ebrua ry 27th. Pla ying eleve n games over the board 193; . and one consuhalion blindfold game, Dake Mr. Horowitz disposed of all of the won all with the exception of his game games in the good time: of five hours. win­ against H. Reed Newport.
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