Vol. 103 No. 83 Wednesday, July 11, 2012 50¢ Plus tax CCountyounty ffacingacing sshrinkinghrinking bbudgetudget Law aimed at stopping ‘scrappers’ ... Page 19 By Eric Kopp Among other things, the new law: revises fi ce (OCSO), are explaining the new law to the Okeechobee News the timeframe that recyclers are required to fi ve area recyclers and will also be doing the 15-year-old Two local detectives are hoping that a new maintain purchase transaction records; defi nes inspections of these businesses. driver cited in law will help curtail the ever-increasing theft of restricted regulated metals; changes the way “The law is aimed at, in my opinion, curb- metal items and their subsequent sale to area in which sellers are paid; requires the seller of ing the thefts we’re dealing with,” said Detec- car accident recyclers for quick cash. regulated metals to show proof of ownership; tive Shireman, who added that the number of provides for increased liability if damages are ... Page 7 House Bill 885 will not only regulate metal those thefts is “signifi cant.” recyclers, but will also make it more diffi cult caused by the theft of utility or communica- “You can go through almost any foreclosed DUI checkpoint for ‘scrappers’ to sell their stolen items. The bill tions property; and, releases the owner of met- home in Okeechobee County and the air also requires recyclers to report their transac- al property of any liability to a person injured in conditioner coil is missing,” added Detective successful tions every day to local law enforcement. the theft or attempted theft of their property. Lowe. “The scrap yards have been taking in Governor Rick Scott signed the bill into law Detectives Bryan Lowe and Mark Shireman, ... Page 3 on April 27, and it went into effect July 1. both of the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Of- See SCRAPPERS — Page 8 Scholarship night photos ... inside Inmate in OHS football schedule set county jail ... Page 2 Lake Levels attempts 12.00 feet Last Year: 9.92 feet suicide By Eric Kopp 6SRQVRUHG%\ Okeechobee News Detention deputies at the Okeechobee 3RJH\·V)DPLO\5HVWDXUDQW County Jail responded quickly and saved an inmate who reportedly tried to com- 63DUURWW$YH mit suicide by slashing his wrist with a razor blade. A report by Deputy Sergeant Robert Coleman, of the Okeechobee County Special to the Okeechobee News/R. Tijerina Sheriff’s Offi ce (OCSO), stated that Van Willis Smith, 42, was not on lockdown Ponytails are undefeated champs and was allowed to have sanitary sup- See page 4 for information about At their season-ending July 25 softball game, 12 and under Ponytails went undefeated plies such as the razor blade. how to contact this newspaper. at their district tournament. They defeated Avon Park 10-0, and Lake Placid 12-11 Smith, of an Edgewater Drive address and 3-0. They will now represent Okeechobee in the state tournament to be played in Orlando, was in a cell by himself so no newszap.com in Carrabelle. The Ponytails would like to thank the community and local businesses other inmates were in danger. He was Free Speech Free Ads for their support and donations. Team members are: (back row, left to right) coach taken to Raulerson Hospital by emer- Robert Tijerina, Abby Jones, Kaitlynn Wilson, coach Gilbert Nunez, Riley Craig, Alyssa gency medical personnel from Okeecho- Howard, coach Danielle Craig and Rumor Juarez; (front row) Audrey Craig, Brooke bee County Fire/Rescue (OCF/R) where Santiago, Adella Nunez, Sally Tijerina, Beatrice Perez and Sherry Altman. Not pictured several staples were used to close the are Taylor Carter and Jillian Crosby. For more sports news, see pages 10 and 11. See JAIL — Page 8 2 Serving the communitiesOkeechobee south News of Lake Okeechobee MayJuly 27,11, 20102012 Okeechobee High School football schedule released By Charles M. Murphy and Clewiston on Nov. 9. The Brahman bye The fi ve district teams were just (3-27) out- look forward to the competition to see what Okeechobee News week is Oct. 12. side of district play in 2011. we’re able to do. It looks promising for us. Okeechobee will have a balanced sched- Head coach Chris Branham said if you “It wasn’t like they beat anyone that was At the same time they are not a walk through ule of fi ve home and fi ve away games this had asked him two weeks ago he would of any quality outside the district. There is a by any means. We have no right after what’s year which begin with a preseason classic have said the schedule looked pretty favor- lot of old and a lot of new in the district,” he happened in the past few years to expect we against Moore Haven at the Brighton Semi- able due to the team’s progress in 7-on-7 explained. will do anything,” he added. nole Indian Reservation in a rare matinee on tournaments. Since a victory in June, the The non district schedule includes two The junior varsity Brahmans will have Aug. 25. team has struggled a bit in a weekly league long-time rivals in Clewiston and Martin four home games this year as they host Home games are scheduled against Port in Pahokee. County who enjoyed winning seasons last Clewiston on Aug. 28, Jensen Beach on St. Lucie on Aug. 31, St. Lucie West Centen- “Right now we have to bring our best year. St. Lucie West boasts two Pre-Season Sept. 19, South Fork on Oct. 3 and Sebastian nial on Sept. 14, Martin County on Sept. 28, game each week in order to compete,” Bra- All Americans and Port St. Lucie returns the River on Oct. 9. The JV visits Port St. Lucie Palm Beach Lakes on Oct. 26 for Homecom- nham said. “We hope to put things together offensive player of the year for the Treasure on Sept. 11, Martin County on Sept. 25, and ing and Olympic Heights on Nov. 2. in the fi nal weeks of summer.” Coast. Centennial on Oct. 16. The Brahmans travel to Arcadia Desoto The District schedule looks favorable Branham said he thinks the team can put All of the varsity games begin at 7 p.m. on Sept. 7, Sebastian River on Sept. 21, For- as two high schools have new coaches in things together but must play their best game and all of the junior varsity games are set for est Hill on Oct. 5, South Fork on Oct. 19, Olympic Heights and Palm Beach Lakes. every week to make noise in their district. “I 6 p.m. Boating statistics show 28 deaths already this year “Always on Top of the Job” Sixty-seven people lost their lives in Flor- “We want to reduce the number of ac- Accidents can occur without warning, ida last year in boating accidents, and there cidents, injuries and deaths on Florida wa- and if for some reason someone ends up in have already been 28 deaths so far this year, ters,” Bickel said. the water, quite often it’s too late to put on according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Drowning is the leading cause of death in a life jacket. Conservation Commission (FWC), which boating accidents, statistics show. “The leading type of accident continues Re-Roofing Specialists has released its 2011 Boating Accident Sta- “There’s an easy fi x. Wear a life jacket,” to be boaters colliding with other boats or • Metal & Shingle Roofs tistical Report. Bickel said. “There are several styles of life objects,” Bickel said. “With the number of • Flats & Leaks Repair The FWC is responsible for reviewing, jackets available to boaters that won’t inter- boaters in our beautiful state, it’s important analyzing and compiling boating accident fere with your boating experience and may to pay close attention to everything that’s go- data for the state. Its statistical report details save your life.” FREE ESTIMATES ing on around your boat.” boating accidents and their causes. Today’s boaters can choose from several State Lic.#CCC1327338 “The frequency of boating accidents in models of light and comfortable, infl atable Statistics repeatedly show that boaters Florida and their causes would probably belt-pack and over-the-shoulder life jackets who have taken a basic boating safety class shock most people,” said Investigator Andy that can be worn while fi shing or enjoying are less likely to be involved in a serious 863-357-3838 Bickel, of the FWC’s Division of Law En- the sun, and they do not interfere with boat- boating accident. forcement. ing activities. Okeechobee Forecast Friends and Neighbors Extended Forecast Thursday: A 50 percent chance of show- I want to thank all of my many friends and ers and thunderstorms after 11 a.m. Partly neighbors for all your support in my campaign sunny, with a high near 93. East southeast wind around 5 mph. for re-election as your property appraiser. Thursday night: A 20 percent chance Wednesday: A 50 percent of showers and thunderstorms before 11 It has come to my attention that people are chance of showers and thun- p.m. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 73. derstorms after noon. Partly East southeast wind around 5 mph. not aware that they must be a registered sunny, with a high near 91. East Friday: A 40 percent chance of showers Republican in order to vote in some of the wind 5 to 10 mph. and thunderstorms after noon. Partly sunny, Wednesday night: A 30 with a high near 92. East southeast wind 5 local races on August 14th, The Republican percent chance of showers and thunder- to 10 mph.
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