December race calendar page 11 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015 ©2015 HORSEMAN PUBLISHING CO., LEXINGTON, KY USA • FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL (859) 276-4026 Fotowon Photo Fotowon Wiggle It Jiggleit Wiggle It Jiggleit Ready To Call It A Year After Progress With 25 starts already under his belt this year, presump- tive Horse of the Year Wiggle It Jiggleit already has the most starts by the winner of the E. Roland Harriman trophy since Gallo Blue Chip’s 29-start campaign in 2000. Wiggle It Jig- gleit will close out his 3-year-old campaign with start 26 in the $283,000 Hap Hansen Progress Pace on Monday night, Nov. 30, at Dover Downs. “...if the Progress didn’t While Wiggle It Jiggleit go eliminations, that appears on target for a would have been really 22-for-26 campaign, re- nice because I could member it began back in have gone to the TVG.” January when he won an –George Teague Jr. overnight at Dover and then swept his way through the Buddy Gilmour Series at the Meadowlands. 11 months into training I am still in awe of his ability and With the Progress Pace being raced just a few hours be- how fast he is. I am still praising him because I never would fore the calendar turns to December, Wiggle It Jiggleit have imagined this horse would be this fresh. He’s just a came close to making at least one start in 11 months. freak of a horse.” And if you include a May qualifier, he could have gone Wiggle It Jiggleit’s Meadowlands Pace victory made him el- 12-for-12. igible to start in the TVG Series final against older horses on “It’s very rare great horses race this often,” said Wiggle It Nov. 21 at the Meadowlands. Teague declined the invitation Jiggleit’s owner, George Teague Jr. “I said this the first time and instead raced Wiggle It Jiggleit in the Progress Pace. I trained him that I had seen a lot of good horses, but 10 or “I wish I could have done both, and if the Progress didn’t go eliminations, that would have been really nice because $300,000 HAP HANSEN PROGRESS PACE I could have gone to the TVG,” he said. “But the circum- stances were that the Progress is right here at home, Dover Downs, Monday, Nov. 30, Race 10, Post Time: 7:30 pm against 3-year-old colts, so it weighed a little bit better Post—Horse (Sire) Driver/Trainer 1—Remember Me VK (Art Director) E. Goodell/R. Wyatt that way. The TVG would have been nice and I would have 2—Dealt A Winner (Cam’s Card Shark) D. Miller/M. Silva looked forward to it. If my horse goes in there and there’s 3—Dude’s The Man (American Ideal) C. Callahan/J. Okusko a little bit of a buzz of him racing against the older horses 4—Roland N Rock (Rocknroll Hanover) TBA/R. Harmon like Captaintreacherous did a couple years ago, it’s good 5—Americanprimetime (American Ideal) A. Morgan/R. Dane Jr. 6—Wiggle It Jiggleit (Mr. Wiggles) M. Teague/C. Francis for the sport.” 7—Badix Hanover (Western Ideal) J. Campbell/K. McDermott Teague says he’s heard the comparisons between Wiggle It 8—Rodeo Romeo (Rocknroll Hanover) A. Miller/K. McDermott Jiggleit and 2003 Horse of the Year Somebeachsomewhere. Continues on page 2 ›››› HarnessRacing Weekend Preview, 2 of 11 November 25, 2015 www.harnessracing.com “Somebody chimed in about him being as good as Somebeachsomewhere,” said Teague, who trained 2003 FREE THIS WEEK’S Horse of the Year Rainbow Blue but has turned the condi- Program tioning responsibilities of Wiggle It Jiggleit over to long- Pages FEATURED RACES time assistant Clyde Francis. “One thing is, Somebeachsomewhere raced 15 times as a 3 year old. Friday, November 27 All times listed are local. Everybody manages a horse different. I said one thing 8:50p YR6 Open F&M Pace Trackmaster PPs about my horse, the greatest horse I’ve ever seen, that 10:00p Nfld11 Courageous Lady 3FP Trackmaster PPs he would compete from January when he won in 1:49 Click here to download all Friday PPs and he’d compete in November, and he won in 1:49, and Saturday, November 28 in between he did some amazing things. 9:30p YR8 Open Handicap Pace Trackmaster PPs “If you compare the body of work this horse has done Click here to download all Saturday PPs from the time he started racing until now, I think it’s re- markable that the horse has Visit www.trackmaster.com “If you compare been that sharp and competitive and subscribe to download the body of work that long.” full cards from your favorite tracks! this horse has Teague also recently came out done...I think it’s in support of Meadowlands chair- remarkable that man Jeff Gural’s statement that the horse has he wanted to include trainer’s been that sharp comments made 72 hours out in and competitive the race program, which came that long.” about after Bee A Magician’s –George Teague Jr. fourth-place finish in a TVG leg on Wiggle It Jiggleit and comments after that the mare’s recent issues of tying up led to a decision to racing from off the pace. “I think it got way out of proportion,” said Teague. “I think horsemen are really, really slow to change any- thing. I see things crashing and not getting better, and everybody else is saying to leave it alone. Do I agree with everything Jeff Gural does? No. But I don’t dis- agree in what he asked for here. I thought it was some- thing worth trying. But it got shut down by everybody. Somebody’s got to protect the gambler, and I commend the Meadowlands.” HarnessRacing Weekend Preview So with Wiggle It Jiggleit’s back issues that came to light Kathy Parker Heather Kemper earlier this year, would Teague have been honest had he [email protected] [email protected] been required to give an pre-Meadowlands Pace comment? Editor/ General Manager Assistant Production Manager “I don’t think a comment would have made a difference Lynne Myers Vanessa Flannery [email protected] [email protected] in how he performed,” said Teague. “I would say that the Accounting & Circulation Advertising Manager horse was coming into the race good. When he was hurt- ing with his issues and soreness, it never depleted his Gordon Waterstone [email protected] For mail sent via U.S. Postal Service, performance. I knew going in that it wouldn’t be a factor Associate Editor either P.O. Box 8480, Lexington, KY 40533, with him because once he shows up to race he goes in Suzanne Starbuck or 1910 Harrodsburg Rd., Suite 200, all the way. [email protected] Lexington, KY 40503. (859) 276-4026 “I would have probably said, ‘The horse is coming into the Production Manager race as good as he’s always been. His issues don’t play a © Copyright Horseman Publishing Company. factor with him.’ A product of Horseman Publishing Company, publishers of the website “I thought this was a generic thing and I thought it was www.harnessracing.com and The Horseman And Fair World magazine. This newspaper may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, something worth trying and something we need to try,” electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission. said Teague. “If people find the information to be a lie or bad information, then do away with it. But if we don’t try To sign up for the Weekend Preview please visit anything at all…then I think we’re shooting ourselves in www.harnessracing.com/members_sign_up.php the foot.”—By Gordon Waterstone NovemberNovveember 330,0, 22015015 DDeadlineeaddliine ffoforor OhioOhio SStandardbredtandardbred SStalliontaallion ownersowners ForFor a stallion’ssttaalllionn’’s foalsffooals toto bebe OhioOhio SiresSiirres StakesStaakkes eligible,elliggible, thethhe stallionsttaallion mustmust bebe registeredregistered wwithitth ththee OhioOhio SStatetaate RRacingacaciciing CCommissionommission by NOVEMBERNOVEMMBER 330,0, 22015015 StallionSttaallliion Renewal:Renneewwaal: $25.00$25.00 NewNew StallionSttaalllion Registration:Regiisstration: $$100.00100.00 ReportReport ofof maresmarees bbredred ttoo yyourour OOhiohhiio SStandardbredttaanndardbred SStallionttaallliion iin 201522015 isi alsoallso duedue toto thethhe OhioOhhiio StateSttaate RacingRacciing CommissionCommmmiisssion byby NOVEMBERNOVVEEEMMBER 330,0, 22015015 DownloadDownloaad allall formsffoorrms atat www.racing.ohio.gov/Development.htmlwwwwww..raacaciciingg.ohhiio.ggoovv/Developmmeent.html Kimberly Rinker, Ohio Standardbred Development Fund Administrator 614-779-0269 or [email protected] Ohio State Racing Commission, 77 South High Street, 18th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 HarnessRacing Weekend Preview, 4 of 11 November 25, 2015 www.harnessracing.com lands relies entirely on handle for revenue and, “can’t af- ford to move post time to afternoons,” McKee said. “No matter how much they bet, we’ll never get the play we get domestically racing at night on Fridays and Saturdays. “We’ve been trying to get Sweden to take our signal on their account wagering platform, but we don’t go off until one in the morning their time with our 7 o’clock post time. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense for them.” Is Yonkers Close To Re-establishing Yonkers has made strong inroads into Europe in recent Commingled Pools With France? years by reinstituting the International Trot—which the track recently announced would return in 2016—and by Next week, Joe Faraldo will be in France trying to convince running special Sunday morning cards aimed at the officials with that country’s massive betting system, the Pari French market.
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