University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-23-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 06-23-1906 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 06-23-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/623 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NUMBER 1ft VOLUME 16 ALBUQO BRQUK. NHW MJ5XIOO. SATURDAY. JUNE 83. UH.0 v Ua blaawd Hu of a pulnt oa tb aaat tant grneral of the QnWf Army f 'of Mereer Unlvenrtty and other AND trly lint of tb Cocbul aanyoit. mark- KANSAS CITY WANTS the Reoobrlr Ineei edneaiora will deliver addreeate llNE TIMBER notum; tkenec The governor ami ndJajtMt R nr nn varloua import aat edncatlonal ab ed by I aUk and will ernee on SAM HO KEE, HIGH SCHOOL auulEmly a. n tbp eaawrly Hat of , ala of the stakoe of Mlaaoarl Kan jeru. The convention lb OooMtl canyon m ;bo ptdew of b Saturday PASTURE JEMEZ PHILIPPINE ARMY Mcretery of war and edinniand Uv from wotcn tne The 1 cmala. trari , iT AT 1 H 00 0 0 E LE SftAT 0 N Mr wlil irf mit nmiaina aoorn a,-- ant at Von I.eaves worth: All general rMeere. aorawmr gen IN OKLAHOMA. Mm, all In tha Jmr re rm of REUNION Oklahoma Ctty, OMn., Jwttt It. RESERVE Mvw Mmico. oral and chief )uatleea who aared la VALEDICTORIAN the Phllrpfltne; . The aUtehoed eolewraUon here Mdnr r waa dent on Ion of COMPLICATION All pmerM otH-t- of tMVl'Bttecf the gioaUat atrat DOMESTIC RHSOLUTIQNS ADOPTMO ever In uPERVISOR KNEIPP RETURNS KAOKS A PARIS WOMAN. ASKIN9 public eentHnent menlfeeteJ TO HIS HEADQUARTERS AT leading wewaunnera each OkintHWMi. fhtenrainn tralna from nil !ragu. Jm W. AwUontion ha THAT THE REUNION MEET IN The ti ever terrlterleg arrived hot CAPITAL, HHtui polca maalatrata by capital, and In fftttrlpttl the twin TERRITORIAL Met to a CITY IN aute the beeeUr loaded with eethiariaaue eeev "True Wealth is Summed Up in Dollars wffc uf an artbMH. for waauwiiiiaa THAT AUU8T. citlea of ifce United SHOOmAhMhe. Not AFTER INSPECTION. UA pie, antftMt them manv ptfjiiulhent to MMortaia tit wnonNtwrntt w aw 0na portn Rtro nod the - the npw etaie. The pmteteei iMtafoaiMt. roaanUy toil to United CdttSMBd- mm of Declared who haa her Ootenei Urwla A. Crnte; Chm AtrHj and the State OTWeteag leek place In the nark. and Cents" the Chinese v Knetmi. forwt otworvteor, wttlHMtt any apanMt oaaaa. Inr"-iHtt- ant hi the eli y of Penta. 0v. 1.du ' Mtt. etwer ward W. lfocb of Kanaaa we turtle.! to the territorial capKai Mi' baaad hkoh tMrtieulani tar-HM- id of the tillnlHa. KatwM Cy, Id Vjhii. ranrttaii ar.t- - llveretl the nrlnelpal address. Scholar in. His Essay. Amy aft noon trow a tsn days' In by Uw woman brought to lH "IBM taatloMl mauHr MARTIN J. O DONK action (rli through district m ami tha aatoundtHg fact that tha iuaan4 too" lieee leave Ut report that ft tea tjBBMrman. BANKERS OF WASHINGTON .o. u( thf Jewel forest rssorv of thn woman ImU boon aotarad oa tfcttfttil n reeoliillofi whteh la Iterator USHOV S. MMOK4I. STATE IN SESSION. m districts compiles tit northern w ratiMara M harlnc dlad twoire awiMtrUed wtth it rooetandtto C1UM4P1 II. KU-l-.l rMptVfOHTH, TaofMHe, Jnne The steveath an-- A short time ago UP M. H. A the young CM these sehsdnr. The r- - ti. -- rt r , reserve am) aienx yan ao. To r utatratM in womtw tlmt the nw he adootod. ii. a. ifiyytu. eiut awteeaillnn of tha Washteeton of the lareeat newel iMuealet'- In the tnent was enpjpnM wsuf, njtll MHK Mt4 U la A. a. I'rtTlOrfctOM. mtmtm ' . ,, . mermen, WBgST. to wear aha had born married "Whereaa, an ornantaallon in "-"- iMUMu.ltAM m from INS UtM BSPOC t l.irsdo nut, inert ar taarasd that BkM'- - rmt i u m.. win-nut - . d nnmn i aunaaBB in araiini i.a i bwHi f the Bsest timber and a mas who by aom rhmhr had in the Untied State of Amer Mfenlttee. here today tor a three days' session. I .... w. "P,TWW . enewen enwne, - Philip-pue-o; Ujwla w to fe Umli Id the aoulaweat A ttier- poaaaMtM of tha mtfioni of lea, htwwn na the Aemy of the At a meeting of Colonel a. The RUendnnea la lsrae ami ind'.JesIT' . mm. serf )R on z?" Mh inwiMHiloi of tha reserve anatlMr Itiillvltiual who had dlod MM Cretg am st KnnsM Cttlf. iJff.. ri nejpjber ex vlasttag Messrs treet i - " .rm nnw; fvr tieen made, aad It li Bopvrrteor and aaoHHMNt tha dead man Wtteteaa. anld orWHiaatton la eem- - the 4th day of Merch, lMfiMe swot. Ah Imerestm program hai .n.. mHi intention to xnilnv each nam, Mhdor whlefc ho had awe ttvajd aoeed of rnoee n whoeo Bearta a gorttg remolntton was tebeen arrsnged tor the convention, t'u dlntrlcte within a enort urn, wHh hta wWa, who had no Ida that eplrtt of comrndaneiaj hae been taw adopted. which Is expected to he the most tuifi-nin- the pan of the reserve liar huabaod'a nam waa net bia own dered and 4eeMed X et yean of ! meeting of the organlsnrhw wnloo n traveled. Mr Knelpp What Inducod tho man to change Ma aaaootadon In meoantertttc comiiaoe incampmint of a. a. PL. ever held. K T. Comas of Colfat. la Wi NsWV VORK ib ih. following to eay nam, or why bo baa now dleapotfarod, daMer:. and enduring common hard OF president of the sssocletlon , M. T. "A more irMOTUtl SU.I la for tho orooont a mystery, tm eblpe. In tho Bpnniah eodlct. on the nUrsUaa tertnga. N. T.. Jtnte Xt Backus. Seattle, vice president ; R rt- - i r imiii (ban those whom I met polk are completely bnfaad and all ptaJna of the flowery klnffoom. before The feurteeHth at ausl tftBltsJfcest of art Moody, Bverett. treasurer, and C. northern Nw Mexico and eoulh-- n aorta of theorlea are haaarded aa rv- - Hrkln'e walla, and more part teularly the department ft New YeeU Otesd 1'. Kautfman, Tacoma, secretary Colorado, I have never Mtu dur-- g arde the Identity of the raieaing nu in ih(, dletaat FftnitHrtaee: im Army of the Republic. oMMp here my exterlenea In the forest srv- - band. WBtereaa. a ptorleloa of he organle today. The attendance Is ftsll SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY Til Sheep DM bve beett u- - lew of aaM ortmnlwUen rwiuirea that lame and the taws la felt Of sttora MADE IN SWITZERLAND. nuccossful Uil year, their CORONATION OEREMONY there ehelt he a MUeeal reuntun, or attract sd by the encampmewtf Th Kuerlob, Bwltsertasd, June II. tui' Pnll-tMjdn- mli averaging from n to 1X0 INTERESTS N0RWB0IANS. eecawoment, af the Amy of the headriimrters of the depHPjmnt ei Near Ruttl, a village In the Xuerick ri Chrltlana. Norway, June J0- - Th onee Hi ouffe year, ao that the dpi Ohertond, the pelke have ma lie a i cei.t The grating during the - fleers have eeen eatabllsiM the r arrangementa eoronatiOH oere- highly seniwUflnal discovery, a iritis u1 early stttntH-'- months has for the aplrtt of eomradehtp bora amt let the United Wales Hotel, wheiwAiConh- - l'or , armniie,! nn-- groan, may long n remote farm Irause weal Aim-- nt All the ! needed te ft monr have all been and cennoM'a roar dying ell of administration will K meet- time sn VII., Wnt. - hU mui iuln I. dm beck do He thla evening King Ihwkon and eat ihmt feelilii mnd die. Itv re- ing Ud afternoon, to audit tie re- oeouned by n famiiv nnmod oneruoi k rr I n r sl.lendld coadltlott. TMu MUle Qneen mbhi wlll atnrt ff of neesetathM nnd rreueeltatieft ports and accounts of the IWrMms of- ser, cnsistlHg of two brothers and (lf itwl m although there not h Theml hlem. there to await the ,tena-tlnj- t Mteiooilea. be relneamt- - business lAeottng ot sleter. For some time ortl rumors ii.in art am- - ficers. The first one two a rival of the fotelgi. nrlneea and rd revwined naid reinvunrMed; ami hold Jomttr-ro- w concerning the OtisrlioUers had been in otstricta snd the enoampment wilt be tney wer ao .r.. u..n. iukt veer, aro dtrittK wen. bsaeailura of Uie foreigji powers, who whereas. to customary thoM morning. The Sons Veteran" floating about, and tr of eerdingly ami by the i.i li '.ara number of fal CHUM Will wui attend me con nation eerewuniee. wno aM. reetdetita of the piaee in and tho Woman's Itellof.Ootmi of this shunned fssred pmc an Is villagers. aIiIiiihM from tbat vicinity this The corunaUon will take which the nnttonnl OHeampnent stale will hold their convsnnOds here oilier Friday and the festivities In A number of robberies bad been Ml aflemooa held, to nsuiifsat their hoapRai.ty during the three days of the A A K. Larue Number of Sheen and Osttle. will last a wee. a material manner: the stele en encampment. committed In the iiehlhborhood. fenl.l I although grave susploion on Ai mere an" in umum ."' '.irr t'ammnetu to urovldo for the annual rested iHNrni In brothers, their gulp could i i..3(Mi aheeD. l.Wo caul, awl "u . UucnratMnent of the etaJte mllttla MEETING OK LIFE SAV8R the recluse i locality w not be brought home to them, unwei- - i In No.
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