Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 11-4-1935 The Ursinus Weekly, November 4, 1935 E. Kermit Harbaugh Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Harbaugh, E. Kermit, "The Ursinus Weekly, November 4, 1935" (1935). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 941. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/941 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CLIP BOOST THE THE ROSES BAND \!tlJt WrSinU5 W5ttklp .-----------------, Entered December 19. 1902. at Collegeville. Pa.. as Second Class Matter. under Act oC Congre15s ot March 3. 1879. -------- - -------- - - ---_._------ ---- ------ ~-~======================== VOL. 34 No.8 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1935 PRICE, 5 CENTS I STUDENT TICKETS AGAIN Diplomacy Offers I, Seniors Choose Clemence Dane's Play, Lettermen Dance OFFERED FOR F. & M. GAME "A Bill of Divorcement", for Production Tickets at a reduced rate will Committee Named I again be offered this week to Interesting Career •Selection Wa-s P-o-pular on Stage students wishing to attend the - I TRYOUTS FOR SENIOR PLAY Bassman Is Chairman of Group F. & M. game at Lancaster, Sat­ TO BE HELD THIS EVENING And Screen in London I urday. The price will be 60 Foreign Service Can Be Entered To Run Annual Varsity cents, including both state and By Special Preparation And New York federal taxes. Special attention is being cal­ Club Affair They may be purchased at the And Examination led to the tryouts for the senior TRYOUTS TO BE HELD TONIGHT office of R. C. Johnson, in .the play, "A Bill of Divorcement", ORCHESTRA NOT YET CHOSEN Gymnasium, anytime this week. THE QUALIFICATIONS ARE HIGH to be held tonight in the West The play committee of the senior None will be sold, however, later Music Studio. class has selected Clemence Dane's Herman Bassman '36, has been than 10 :00 a. m. Saturday morn­ For people whose happiness in All seniors are eligible for lifework depends upon variety and parts in this production. Profes­ three-act drama. "A Bill of Divorce chosen to head the committee in ing. ment", for production Saturday charge of the Varsity Club dance, excitement, there could be no more sor and Mrs. Reginald S. Sibbald, according to announcement made satisfactory occupation than that coaches of the play are especial­ evening, December 7, as part of the by Leon Trumbore '36, president of of diplomacy. The importance of ly anxious that new talent be senior week-end program. the Club. Other members of the Addresses of Alumni this branch of government service uncovered in this last dramatic The play was originally produced is growing and will continue to offering of the class. committee include John Grimm '36, in London by Basil Dean at st Gordon Spangler '36, Ray Costello Desired by Office grow. '37, King Heiges '37 . The American Foregin Service, Martin's Theatre, with C. Aubrey The dance will be an informal af- Whereabouts of 48 Graduates consisting of 450 posts in the Dip­ New Type Class Ring Smith in the principal masculine fair to be held Friday, November 22 lomatic Service and t;he Consular part. It later enjoyed a successful instead of Saturday, November 23, Missing in File Service, is the medium of contact Chosen by Sophomores run on Brodway. In the American as previously announced. The --- between our nation and foreign movie version, Katherine Hepburn change is dependent for its validity, S. OMWAKE PUBLISHES LIST countries. The two branches of the however, upon the approval of the --- service are separate and distinct in Synthetic Ruby Features the was made famous in the feminine Council on Student Activities, The whereabouts of 48 alumni of organization and function, the dip- Class Emblem lead, supported by John Barrymore which is scheduled to meet Tues- I Ursinus College is unknown or un­ lorna tic missions being established ___ Robert Montgomery, and Billie day evening. certain. The list given below is at the political capitals to main- TO BE DISPLAYED SATURDAY Burke. The plot is woven about the The dance is an annual affair composed of graduates for whom tain direct contact between the two _ __ tragedy of a woman married to an sponsored by the Varsity Club, the there are incomplete or incorrect governments, while the consular As a result of a maJ' ority vote, bI' h d t t d d insane, shell-shocked war veteran. proceeds of which will go to the addresses in the Alumni file, or in pos t s are es t a lS e a ra e an the sophomore class has selected a Club. Although the list of avail- the case of those marked *, no ad­ commercial centers and are con- This production is of a serious able orchestras for the affair has dress at all. Anyone who knows the cerned with international com- class ring of a type which will be nature, with little humor, in con been narrowed down to two, the present address of any of the per­ merce, transportation and travel. an innovation at Ursinus. Depart- trast with the last production, "Hay final choice will be made by the sons here named is earnestly re­ Diplomatic missions are known ing from the usual type of "U" Fever". It will follow the senior Club and committee this week and quested to send it In to the Editor either as embassies or legations de- ring, the new selection features a ball which will be held on the Fri announced in the next issue of the Iof the 1935 Alumni Register, in care pending upon their size and im- I th t · b' t arge, syn e IC ru y ill a en- day evening preceding it, at which Weekly. The price will be $1.00 per of the College. portance. Since the men who head couple. The committee is planning .. , these offices are dll'ect. represen t a- carat gold overlay shank. Sur- time Del Regis and his orchestra decorations in keeping with the Howard T. Boyer 88 tives of our government, it is neces- rounding the stone, which is guar- will appear at Ursinus for the first autumn season I * C. Edgar Reber '93 sary that they be superior in educa- an teed by the manufacturer not to time. The date chosen because of A. '93 wa~ : Geo~ge R~hn tional and intellectual attainments chip, is an English inscription, "Ur- The play is under the manager the lack of other activities on cam- .. G~OIge W. Z~me~man '96 pus during this week-end. No foot- .. EI~abeth C. ~iles, 04 in addition to possessing exacting sinus College-1869." On either side ship of Robert Deen, who is also ball game is scheduled between No- Eillott Fredenck 05 perso~al qualification~, o~e of the of the shank is the figure of a bear chairman of the play committee, most Important of WhICh IS the art . t· f R b '" B d vember 16 and November 28 when I "' H. H. McCollum '05 Iof making friends. and the class numerals-1938. A conslS mg 0 0 ell, ran aur, the Bears tackle P. M. C. in their *L .. D. Cru?kle~on '07 Elizabeth Krusen, and Emma Kirk Turkey Day battle. For this reason VIola Marple 11 , Practically ::Ill mcu in the foreign smaller size than the regular is patrick. Additional committees will a large crowd is expected to attend. Boyd H. Lamont 13 service are university graduates, available for the girls who desire it. be chosen after the cast has been "Charles E. Boyer '15 Iholding one or more degrees, and The cost of the ring is twelve dol- selected. ---u--- Wayne A. Brown '17 have had experience in business or lars for sophomores, with an initial "Willis L. Moyer '19 professional service prior to ap- deposit of five dollars. Orders for ---u--- SUB=COMMITTEES CHOSEN .. Arthur R. Hefren '20 pointment. Another important re- rings will be filled before the SIX COUNCIL MEMBERS LUNCH TO CARRY ON FORUM WORK .. John F. Knipe '20 quisite is social background, for Thanksgiving recess . John C. Wood '20 this part of a diplomat's life is ex- The committee in charge of the AS GUESTS OF DREXEL BODY Guest Elected Treasurer of Forum, *R. Pauline Deibert '24 ceedingly important and may make ring is desirous of making it the *Raymond M. Hedrick '24 or ruin his career. Because of the standard emblem of Ursinus. Up- Group Dines at Arcadia, Sees Game Finance Committee Chairman '" James F. Sellers '24 amount of entertaining and the perclassmen and graduates may At Philadelphia, Saturday "'Ralston G. Oberholtzer '25 social life which is expected of a buy rings with their own class At a recent meeting of the forum "William M. B. Bryant '27 diplomat, it has in the past been numerals on them for $12.25. EI­ committee it was decided to or­ Six student council members Hope C. Dietrich '27 practically impossible for a man liott and Co., of Philadelphia, the were the guests of the joint Drexel ganize three sub-committees, in Abel K. Fink '27 without private financial means to manufacturers, will have samples order to carryon more efficiently Student Councils at a luncheon at Albert L.
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