Physiol Rev 96: 55–97, 2016 Published November 18, 2015; doi:10.1152/physrev.00017.2015 MALE REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS AND FERTILITY TRENDS: INFLUENCES OF ENVIRONMENT AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY Niels E. Skakkebaek, Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Germaine M. Buck Louis, Jorma Toppari, Anna-Maria Andersson, Michael L. Eisenberg, Tina Kold Jensen, Niels Jørgensen, Shanna H. Swan, Katherine J. Sapra, Søren Ziebe, Lærke Priskorn, and Anders Juul Department of Growth & Reproduction and EDMaRC, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Division of Epidemiology, Statistics and Prevention Research, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; Department of Physiology & Pediatrics, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland; Male Reproductive Medicine & Surgery Program, Stanford University, Stanford, California; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; and The Fertility Clinic, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark Skakkebaek NE, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Buck Louis GM, Toppari J, Andersson A-M, Eisenberg ML, Jensen TK, Jørgensen N, Swan SH, Sapra KJ, Ziebe S, Priskorn L, Juul A. Male Reproductive Disorders and Fertility Trends: Influences of Environment and Genetic Susceptibility. Physiol Rev 96: 55–97, 2016. Published November 18, 2015; doi:10.1152/physrev.00017.2015.—It is predicted that LJapan and European Union will soon experience appreciable decreases in their populations due to persistently low total fertility rates (TFR) below replacement level (2.1 child per woman). In the United States, where TFR has also declined, there are ethnic differences. Caucasians have rates below replacement, while TFRs among African-Americans and Hispanics are higher. We review possible links between TFR and trends in a range of male reproductive problems, including testicular cancer, disorders of sex development, cryptorchidism, hypospadias, low testosterone levels, poor semen quality, childlessness, changed sex ratio, and increasing demand for assisted reproductive techniques. We present evidence that several adult male reproductive problems arise in utero and are signs of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). Although TDS might result from genetic mutations, recent evidence suggests that it most often is related to environmental expo- sures of the fetal testis. However, environmental factors can also affect the adult endocrine system. Based on our review of genetic and environmental factors, we conclude that environmental exposures arising from modern lifestyle, rather than genetics, are the most important factors in the observed trends. These environmental factors might act either directly or via epigenetic mechanisms. In the latter case, the effects of exposures might have an impact for several generations post-exposure. In conclusion, there is an urgent need to prioritize research in repro- ductive physiology and pathophysiology, particularly in highly industrialized countries facing decreas- ing populations. We highlight a number of topics that need attention by researchers in human physiology, pathophysiology, environmental health sciences, and demography. I. INTRODUCTION 55 woman) far below 2.1, which is the rate considered neces- II. INCIDENCE TRENDS, GENETIC... 56 sary to sustain a population size at current numbers. At the III. INFERTILITY 73 same time a spectacular rise in testicular germ cell cancer IV. ROLE OF GENETIC BACKGROUND FOR THE... 76 (TGCC) has occurred in all parts of the World. In addition, V. ENVIRONMENTAL MODULATION OF... 78 other male reproductive problems, of which several are VI. POSSIBLE ROLE OF MALE... 80 linked to testicular cancer, including disorders of spermato- VII. AFTERWORD: RESEARCH CHALLENGES 83 genesis, are widespread and have recently been the focus for many basic and clinical research projects. I. INTRODUCTION As shown in FIGURE 1, the total fertility rate has fallen significantly in European Union (EU), Japan, and the United During the 20th century, populations of industrialized States (US). Also, Hong Kong and Singapore have for de- countries all over the world have experienced a decline in cades had TFR significantly below replacement level (now total fertility rates (TFR, average number of live births per between 1.0 and 1.5). Fertility has therefore become a sig- 0031-9333/16 Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society 55 SKAKKEBAEK ET AL. 4 fecundity is difficult. Fecundity depends not only on a num- European Union ber of physiological and pathophysiological factors in both Japan partners of a couple. Studies on rates of conceptions are also 3.5 USA confounded by social, economic, and psychological factors Replacement level that might change over time. In addition, TFR can be a poor marker of fecundity as it can be skewed by multiple factors, 3 including induced abortion rates, availability of contracep- tion, desire for pregnancy, and access to assisted reproduc- 2.5 tion, for example, before 1990 several Eastern European countries had higher abortion rates than birth rates. Total pregnancy rate, which includes both live births and induced 2 abortions, might be more informative of changes in fecun- dity in a population than TFR (230). 1.5 The aim of this review is to analyze some global trends in male reproductive health problems and their potential ef- Total Fertility Rate (per woman) 1 fects on male fecundity as well as the possible etiological roles of environmental, epigenetic, and genetic factors for these trends. Besides testicular cancer, we shall review re- 0.5 cent studies on infertility, semen quality, cryptorchidism, and hypospadias and how these disorders might be interre- lated with testicular cancer and with each other, through a 0 testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) (FIGURE 3). We shall 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 also review trends in sex ratio and the potential roles of FIGURE 1. Total Fertility Rates (TFR), European Union, Japan and male reproductive disorders for couple fecundity and fertil- United States, 1960–2013. Dotted line represents a fertility rate of ity rates. Finally, we will present some urgent research needs 2.1, below which a population cannot be sustained. From the World within the field of physiology and pathophysiology of male Bank: http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/variableselection/ reproduction. selectvariables.aspx?sourceϭworld-development-indicators. II. INCIDENCE TRENDS, GENETIC nificant political theme (122). Social and economic factors SUSCEPTIBILITY, AND PATHOGENESIS combined with the advent of effective contraceptive meth- OF REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS ods and access to induced abortions have contributed sub- stantially to decreasing TFR, although the decline in birth rate started decades before the contraceptive pill and legal A. Testicular Germ Cell Cancer abortion were introduced (FIGURE 2). The strongest evidence for adverse trends in male reproduc- Surprisingly little is known about biological factors that tive health comes from epidemiological studies of TGCC, might have changed human fecundity (capacity to conceive) including both seminoma and nonseminoma (231, 481). and thereby influenced the TFR. The lack of knowledge in The increase was first noted in developed countries, where this area probably reflects the fact that research into human incidence rates have been highest in countries with North- 4.5 4 3.5 3 FIGURE 2. Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Denmark 1901–2014. From Statistics Denmark: http://www. 2.5 statistikbanken.dk/statbank5a/default.asp?wϭ1600. Dot- ted line represents a fertility rate of 2.1. Note that a 2 downwards trend in TFR started long before introduc- 1.5 tion of the contraceptive pill in the 1960s. Apparently the trend was interrupted by the First and Second World 1 Wars. Total fertility rate (per woman) 0.5 0 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 56 Physiol Rev • VOL 96 • JANUARY 2016 • www.prv.org FERTILITY TRENDS, ENVIRONMENT, AND GENETICS Fetal germ cells Fetal Leydig cells Environmental Lifestyle exposure factors Sertoli cells Genetic defects and Epigenetic polymorphisms factors Testicular dysgenesis FIGURE 3. The hypothesis of testicular dys- genesis syndrome (TDS) and signs that might Decreased Leydig cell function Disturbed Sertoli cell function be linked to it: poor spermatogenesis, testic- ular cancer, hypospadias, cryptorchidism, and short ano-genital distance (AGD). The sin- gle symptoms and combinations thereof are Decreased INSL3 Decreased Impaired germ cell production testosterone production differentiation risk factors for reduced fecundity. [Updated from Skakkebaek et al. (387).] Hypospadias Short AGD Cryptorchidism Decreased Impaired GCNIS testosterone production spermatogenesis Testicular cancer Reduced male fecundity influencing pregnancy rates ern European ancestry, including Denmark, Norway, and ular germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) and malignant New Zealand (341). In the US, the highest incidences have TGCC, except somatically differentiated nonseminomas been found among descendants of Europeans in the Mid- (347, 402). The significance of KIT/KITLG pathway for the and North West (269). Interestingly, recent studies have TGCC risk, both in the sporadic and familial cases, has shown that countries with previously low rates of TGCC, been confirmed by subsequent studies in different popula- such as Finland, Italy, and Spain, are now catching up (FIG- tions, and by associations with genes functionally linked to URE 4),
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