M « ,A "-J , , V«*a I* l rf 4 / f ' •"•<Tijf,'«^ -V "V -*•*- aa-73.„k - l^t , ~ "*•' ** tsA\ H BECENT edi%*al W>^?W suggest ,foL, *-- IV ' jngttat^s the breakwatV project if jlM^^^ Wi 1° ^^jK^l^li!^000 ^s^»?*^ imflptk«#> a^^epar^l» M future be^ jetted *^- #* mon^ should ibeu%eVetots Prove* that'I was right in, this con- If used •ei%r for'extending the projector fne^tiW.f! i - ' »*f. « *"* **>- Kinsmen auction sale provision of floats, has brought'a -reply ' JACK? DAVIS, from MP for Coast-Capilano'-Jac* Davis. MP. CoastjCapilano.* li-.* ' Great^shaw of credit goes' to1 Mr,' Da vi* swells charity funds. for his endeavors^ on "behalf of'the breaks- SECHELT Kinsmen announce the recently water and-we consider War comments 'well I held annual White Elephant sale proved worthy of publication. He states: Hon. Philip Gaglardi a successful fund-raiser realizing between "I read, with interest, your editorial $350 and $400 which, as usual, will go to­ • on tho Secheit breakwater which appeared Secheit guest speaker ward one or other of the clubs charitable in the May 24, 1957, edition of The Penin­ causes. sula 'Times, It was headed "Hang on to HONOU|lABLE' Philip ^Gaglardi, Minister, Members extend a special word of $74,000.". ,. of Highways will be speaking In Secheit - thanks to Joe Benner who, as in the past, "In your editorial you say, quite right­ on .Wednesday June 21, at ,7:30/p.m. but he ' kindly donated his ser</ices as auctioneer. ly A that the Federal Department of Public will, be' talking about a. much straigbter ,' highway than 101/ Another project being undertaken by Works estimated that the cost of the break­ the Kinsmen is, selling of firewood and •"t water would be §225,000. This is also the ,"Rev. Philip'Gaglardi, Minister of. Cal­ anyone interested may obtain wood" by '^estimate" which appeared in the govern­ gary Tabernacle, Kamloops will be a guest., contacting any member of the club. ment's Blue Book. In other words, monies • speaker at a Centennial Service of Praise to this amount have been set aside for tins' and Thariksgivhig" "sponsored by members project. Actually its cost of construction of the Sunshine Coast Ministerial Associa­ may now only be $151,000. So the-federal tion who will also take part in the services. $25 cheque and prize taxpayer has • been- saved $74,000. - Service will be held in the Activity Room ; "You" now/ suggest that this amount--. of Secheit Elementary School and'as'stated $74;000--be\ earmarked for- further con­ in the Parish Bulletin qf St. Bartholomew's for residential band and St. Aidan's an invitation is extended to struction of breakwater facilities at Secheit. ~ INCOMPETITION'with 10(bands"incIudRi'| This is not the" way federal budgeting all those, wishing to participate. - ' « - - one from Bellinghani, Secheit.* Residfen-* works. What has been ?pproved is, a" speci­ tial School'Band-won apriieand "cheqtte fic project: Had we'built iu last year, when for $25 at the ChMv/ack May, Day festivi­ the;demand for .contractors' services was ties. - ',,.'-*-' - ' much more insistent, the cost might have Lions Club members been $225,000 higher. But this year, some Under the direction o\ Brother Francis exceptionally low bids came' in. Secheit MacDonald; tha„band lfid.-the-..parade,~beld gets its breakwater nevertheless and the lauded for May-Day on May 20, which included 125entriesi Now federal taxpayer is better off to the extent SUCCESS of May Day,' 1967," has" brought 52 members strong _tbc_ handl^lso per*- of $74,000. - a number of commendations to the Sun­ formed the tattoo driltwbjch.visitors-to,the shine Coast Lions Club and already various Secheit May Day parade enjoyed so much V*If all the projects scheduled across p .*- groups are planning bigger and better oi May^> ' - -s . - Canada, that were put out to competitive floats for next year's event. tender, resulted in a saving, then the net . * * ** result should,be a ieduction in taxation. Meeting last Thursday at Ole's Cove, ^•Hfc—rtf JlWlf 4*<*.JC Ae*m'**^.*\fli0lW\imwi0r%»*^^ At least I would prefer this approach, to members" applauded the efforts of Ted Project c|>romerices Secheit Garden Club •one of simply adding more government Farewell, who so ably chaired the May ONE OF the biggest advances "fijej awaited breakwater" at Selma Park." projects merely because there was some Day committee and put in so much time Secheit gets underway as a'crew* It is expected that a~great~prorx>rtioa Centennial Caravan Slack in the economy and money had been and effort into the project. Mr. Farewell meets Wed., June 7thr saved through competition. pointed out that thanks are due a number starts preliminary rock drilling' of the rock fill will be-used from the of people and that almost all businesses in­ operations at the site of the long-1 existing rock* bluff ".*, . ' - ' comes to Peninsula MEMBERS of tiie Secheit Garden Chtb ^Please do not get DC wrong. We will volved either gave a discount or donated will meet Wednesday, June T at St^Hilda's have*our ; break'-vate^ —. ^ .—-———-^-rrf • CENTENNIAL Caravan will* visit "Secheit } items to the event. ''Tftursda'y,-June 22 ano,during the hours Hall, and hope to finalize plans" for- the if it; attracts sufficient business, an exten­ r Special thanks were extended to' Mr.'Al Community Association.. • *. - - - it is 'Open to the ^public, from 11 a.m. to 11 forthcoming flower show "scheduled for sion will be builti However I think an ex­ June 24. - v tension to the breakwater should only be Campbell of Tyee Airiines, who not only p.m. itis'estimated that 10,000 people could built When there is a demonstrated need for allowed the use of three 62 his aircraft for comfortably tour the roomy^exhibit. Members of the Fall Fair committee it What do you thinks ' '." L , a flypast, but took Quefns, princesses and, '- Consisting of-eight. 72-foot trailers, the are expected to be present for • discussion Regional Board accepts on the fair. * * ' , > * ' r ' *?As you will no doubt recall, I had a escorts for a flight around the area also. caravan contains something of interest for r great' deal ^f'difficuS .Dthe)-i;sjpeciaX.;;to^ people of afl. -ages-<frpm •moveableJdisplays Plans Mill also be discussed;fbr* a-com­ Federal Department of Public Works to quin of E. &. M. Groceryfor''bis'aenation "for the, youngsters' to vivid"" displays tiiat bined project involving the Garden Club, build a breakwater at Secheit in the -first of candies and Jim Parker for his assist­ garbage removal offers serve as a mute reminder of Canada's par­ Gibsons Garden Club and the Arts Council. ance as emcee. ticipation in. "two world wars. place. I finally convinced their engineers ,- , " . - - <• - Last year's project, taking members of DUMPING of refuse between Langdale and 4> recalled with the result that Mr. Osborne •^Development of Canada from primeval by carrying'out. a., benefit cost study. I Port Mellon has i cached such - a state raised hi* bid to $500 with no changes in said; sifcjthat time, that the demonstratable OAP.O to Clowhbm, where they were pro­ times to the, present day, is depicted through that the Port Mellon Community Associa­ ( the others. Contract-therefore was awarded imaginative use lof still and" motion. pic­ benefits would be several times its cost vided with a salmon barbecue and other tion wrote the "regional board offering to *' T. Osborne. Musical Festival event ofconstructi<m,, At least these were, my entertainment, was considered a great suc­ tures, fife-size * mannequins that move, re­ estimates and*J still believe in them. cess/and the iclub has agreed to repeat the either bury the illicit dumps^ or remove , Careful consideration is to be given the productions 'of fuU-'sizfe 'room's audioubloor venture this year. Tentative date was set same providing the l-egional boardVfiouUK- employm«it "of a buildin* inspector due to sefungs' and hundreds of artifacts. ; pictures on display:; "However, ^personally, would like very for July 30. suggest a dump to«whioh xt m>ght be trans- ^ advice by the provincial dept that it is ' Admissioh is -free but children under 10 much to see some of these benefits mater­ ported. essential the~ right type -of person bef ap* THIS week, for one-^ week^'ontyf .pfcoto- ialize before insisting that more money be Suggestion that the club donate $50 in shopild be 'accompanied by- -an -adult;- no — graphs 4aketf at the ireccftt-Music ".Fes­ order to assist a student from tbe Secheit Directors expressed -their appreciation; pointed. The board agreed -that- if possible dogs are allowed., and ro.fpod on the trail­ put into what I have always been convinced of the offer ahd agreed that indiscriminate 4 the position should go to a local man, the tival will be,on show a^the Arts Gbiincil is not only a worthwhile, but alio an es- Indian Residential School visit EXpo with er sjte which is Hackett Park; Centre, in Sechelty dpen; Thurs'., -tb|«uib scntialjievelopment—a- harbor of refuge oUw s^dents was unanimously approved; interviewed, jnidv^felon*mtrf-i*-V-£ &tn---i-g- «.th&SUnshlfie'Coast& XimrfifX^r'ni^^ * "—* »-*--,-'-• n '^^rM.&-^^Hh^-n&3™.7'/*t^0tp8rat-l&rthri)e:avey;^.if. v"***»--kATni1#'-T»SecheU^D4i ' on "In closing, I would like-to-make* one tachment, RCMP, adv.sed the dub that has not yet been approved,' it was the board" to ..* %„. .,..,. „__,__ _... wprfc fitonr'$$ •final point. Several'so-called experts, from RCMP had a very able ball team and hand­ a part-time basis to start.
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