Rainy Relay Runs Again? Spattart Pushcarts Will Roll SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. SI SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 No. 110 Tomorrow Afternoon If the v.eather r Alpha Chi Dinega', !eta:. team Lambda Chi .Vph:, I. a; Jhe Alpha Chi Cartwheelers. itt. will be much , chide Pam Baer. Slagle, Cyri- Jod:. Isaiscr, lio.ie Stantia. little wet wilt, and ny Chamberlain. Mary Ellen Rich- Da%ies. Kaien Kent Jum. a lot of fun. ards. Pat Hobert. Lynn Sharpless. anct driver Judv. Shay,. In spit of grey weather. crowds Kathy Stafford. Barb Griffin. Nlar- Starting lestv.itie; also ine. :la of Spartans are expeeted to line garet Cassell. Mai) Lois Dolinck. patade ol 12 entries from th relay track around the football and dri%-er SU(' Toone. centers. The parade begins :IT U.. ,,V4,1 side of the football stadium "In the relay track around the football The Delta Gamma Anchors in -.1aditim at 2:43 tomorrow. chide Betty Gaddis. Susan Braden. low Ki e’ t:i erw.-cicci The Lambda Chi's are insitring Pa, Quig,ley. SLIP Slagor. Carol Larntal. cent Girl the early arrival of spectators with Alauser, Penmen. Linda Ortiz. .1 new addition to the program Lindsey Hafer Karen Kilgotit. :at- rela a Powder Puff Relay event he- Sandy Jordan and driver Dehhie c-.ents tw. , t,.veen three sororities. The 'cast l'nderwood. weeks. 'rhe tii,t eiu drivers and pushers will all he 'rhe Fleet Feeted Phi's from Al- test pits Allan Hail au.iiitst ,ieds pha Phi aro Caro: Bales, Sheyla der Hall. Sigma Alpha EpsiFit Kappa Alpha. Theta Ch. CAROLE ALLEN ILANA BAUER DEE DEE LEVE MELISSA MYERS San Jose State To Host Delta Sigma Phi and Thera X Markham flail. lieu:, Upsilo.. Alpha Tau Ornei_.: Chemistry Conventio nsign-Epsilon AlPhavs Sign. Seven First round s Its SI shit s -i:ludes Alpha C't:i , I Alpha Phi vs Chi Du, .nirna Phi Beta Royce Vying Kappa i;tertina . ailitte s atia .::tpete mzainst the winner forrnall,. ;,pa For Queen ',and debated Friday and Siti:t Li -in the S.IS campus, C'hemist ry st udents from 11 ('alifornia and Ne..ada college, and universities. will crinvene here ASB Council for the 15th annual regional con- ent ion 110, Shulpnt GEORGENE STEUBAN DIANE WALLACE SAMMY ZWANIZIG .,1 the American Chemical Soicirit. The S.IS ehapter is ho tint! llw Gives Okay THESE SEVEN finalists are competing for the title of Interna- The finalists will be introduced at Cafe Capers this afternoon e%etil fur the lust time in lir tional Week Queen. The queen will be crowned tomorrow night at 2:30 in the cafeteria. A fashion show will precede the selection at the International Ball at the Sainte Claire Hotel, 9 p.m.-I a.m. of the queen tomorrow night. STUDENT PAPF:RA The most interesting feature ot DR. MARCEL VOGEL On Spardi the convention is the presentation . IBM visitor .,1,:-.:1,1,1enftLiapetr,sn.b.'rehleisitudoeint Five Fridays Business Banquet SPU To Offer vision Lab. .% ill he the g,iest Student Ciainctl appropriatcd Francisco. University of California. speaker at the convention banquet S2,500 to build :in eleen foot Davis. University of Nevada, Sac- tomorrow night at Lon's Village. sjiardi .1a111. 1,.1.Ht:* al its Still Remain Film Today amento State. Fresno State. SJS. Vogel. a USF graduate. will weekly meet inu in the College' Hears Mitchell Talk ind the University of California. speak on "Liquid Crystals." Ile lnion. The Student Peace Union v.iil l’"I’keleY. will cuMPele In lhis will illiNtrate his talk with "very Breakdown of cost inelintes The S.IS Division of Business' ,people should remain in Imui present a film and tlisetiss.ion in- `.`"t - iimistial color photomierographs of S2.000 for stattl, arid $54.X1 for thrP Shots sixth annual Achievement Banquet :schools. "'Mere is a declining need cement block on hich the statue For Tritodi55this afternoon at 71:30 in Awards. for the top papers will crystal growth" according to the was held last night at Lott's Vil- , tor production workers." he saicl. bc presented Saturday afternoon. SJS chapter. will stand. Only fc.e Fridays remain on ,lage. Highlighting the lwinquet was "The proper training of youth in Daryl Webb. sculptor. will re- The presentation will be part of Four awards will be given for lab Vogel %hick to receive immunization 'a speech on Future Management meeting future employment de- is the co-author of the ceive the total amount and will SPU's pmgram to abolish ROTC and library research. Papers are hook "Luminescence ot Light& %act:mations and boosters at the Labor Relations Problems deliv- mantis is the problem cif the whole from sjs pay for the cement hlock and um% - irated on originality and presenta- and erect by James P. Mitchell. formericommunity of business." Solids and its Practical :1p- ing expenses from this total. One Student Health Semice, Health. I "The Magician." a Polish film tion by the judges who are the /flit 'Secretary of Labor under the ' s . -mains- Ile is prcsently work- half will be paid immediately so he Building 1,0. is the last revealing the "mythology of the faculty advisers of the delegate May 22 senhJAVPI* administration. Honor President of Crown Zellerbach inu on the application of micro- may begin work. and remaining military'," will be viewed, anti schools. to day according to Mrs. Helen ilWard, Were later given to out- Corporation, encouraged manage- scope techniques special prob- one iai:d on comple- speeches and a discu.scion period Three chemistry students from -hall wf11 Smith. supervising nurse. standing seniors in business. ment to meet the problems of its lems such as magnetic coatings. will follow. 'SJS who will present their papers tion_ Calling attention t the need employees to prevent them from Vogel has heen with 11131 since In a written statement submit- TETANUS SERIF.S: SPI.' president KIM NTax-well said :are Nicholas C. Ling. Kiyoshi for expanded coop rat,in and seeking unions to solve their 11-J3T ted to the Councii. the At-t Plan- Tomorrow is the last day to he will speak on the military in Katstanoto and Jerry Dias. trust with common problem.s fac- grievances. Efficient operation of ning, commune, noted, -While We ctart the Tetanus series consisting general, how it affects society, its Ling's topic is "Attempted Syn- CONVENTION .A('TIVITIES ing labor and manage.mmt today, a business demands that employees don't feel an arttst should be ask- at two injections a month apart. moral aspects. He will deal spe- thesis The convention begins with reg- con, ati,,ted his spee:11 identify themsekes with the com- of Some Pyrrole Sulfani- ed to justify his price with an cifically uith ROTC how it lamides." Katsumoto's paper con- istration at Ft Fricla. morning. bl- TYPII011t SERIES: on the areas of po:eit:tion explo- pany they work for, he said. itemivert hreakdown. we take the affects the academic atmosphere lov.ed hy a welcome to the dele- Friday May 14. is the last day to sion, icreparation of youth for Covering the area of strikes and cern.s "S ynth es s and Some initiatie to that SI.000 on campus and the effects of a S:a/PS from Dean Rebel t Moore. begin tit, Typhoid series consist - skills. California's itsdustrial re- arbitration, Mitchell said the we.- Spectral Studies of 2-phenyl-.ht- would he spent on act materials "leadership which stifles [Teat clean of the Division ot Science, mg et three injections a week vamping, trade bargaining and so- ernment compulsory arbitration methy1-6-Isopropylazidenn TM, lea\ es S5ini :at: epense of ty." . .1-i Dias and .%tiplied Arts. apart. cial problems. -leads to fixed wages, fixed pro: Thiapyran." will present he act lia: ro",,ct.,.. and ti:s paper on "Synthesis and Par- Student deleyales mall present VACCINATIONS' AND Mitchell emphasi/ed that young and eventually socialism. The rern;,11, :,: ',I, :MO :i In tial 11 eso Int ion of 3Amino-’2- their papers until BOOSTERS of individual peace in this count r. II /I noon. ttips Jim, months of ai:rk or 3(10 or Nlethy1-2-Phenylbutane." 11131 and Paul 31a-kon allows foreign goods to flood our trove wirking hoin s " ..,,,,, ,.. vaccinat ions and inte ectual are schridttled 'rhe papers are of major interest for Frnlay aftet- ..ta1141 booster for either Tetanus or Ty- Senior To Give market." that the to uppet division. graduate stu- nilOn. ;kid ;ire available every Friday Mitchell's speech W a s followed arttst had not asked a price tar Recital Today dents and faculty in science. How- platss incltalc the re afternoon from 1 to 4. HIIIM by the award giving. The Alpha Accents Bad,' his ereative abiltty and said that 1111MC Award. given to the in,,,,, ever, all students and faculty are mainder of student and Influenza and Salk polio injections AliCe Ellsworth, semor Ai swat ;nuts.. often enarsw SI() per hoin mrdially invited to attend the timilly the presentati:::: are also available. major from San Jose. will be pm- outstanding man and woman 13iisi- ,ented in her Senior Recital hY ,nes.s graduate was presented to presentations ot papers in SI42 in the afternoon. Hodges Says the SJS Music Department this, from it in the morning until no.n lowed by a t Gary Sharp and Barbara Woodson. Formal Features Folksingers To Play at 1:30 in Concert Hall.' By LINDA SULLIVAN Friday. and from 9 a.m. to 3 S.it- afternoon Surprising the banquet gues-ts it Banquet : Studying under Thomas; Ryan,' The American intellectual has iirday afternoon.
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