University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-3-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 05-03-1913 New Mexican Printing company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 05-03-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/3788 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ETC- VOL 50 &4JYr4 JVW MA7(?0, SATURDAY, MAY J, 1913. 1 pv. .WO. 70 "ANTI-JAP- " BILL BORDER FOLKS ARE SECRETARY ARMY OF FIRST PICTURES OF OF STATE BRYAN IN CALIFORNIA 35,000 WILL CONFORM FOR CARRANZA WOMEN MARCH TO TREATY SAYS WOOD FOR "VOTES" CALIFORNIA SOLONS DECIDE TO OMIT CHIEF OF STAFF OF U. S. ARMY WITH YELLOW AS COLOR SCHEME WORDS "INELIGIBLE TO CIT- FILES OFFICIAL REPORT SAYING LARGEST CF SUFFRAGE PARADES IZENSHIP," SO OBJECTIONABLE TO GOOD ORDER PREVAILS ALONG POURED UP FIFTH AVENUE IN NIPPON. NEW YORK. GOVERNOR WILL DELAY BATTLE IS WAGED 2,000 BRAVE MEN I SIGNING THE MEASURE NEAR ESPINOZA WALK IN SYMPATHY Sacramento, Calif., May 3. Gover- nor Johnson' is to have in New York, May The street3 of expected, V LINEUP OF OPPOSING his hands tonight an alien land law ' York were X FORCES IN.MEXICO. X astir today with the Japanese anil other aliens in- barring X Miles. ' fluttering yellow of woman suffrage. eligible to citizenship from the soil Sq. Population X Huerta 380,710 1 0,800,000 X Bedecked with this eo'or. of California. He has agreed to: delay hundreds X Carranza X signing the bill until 'opportunity 330,390 2,340,000 of women from all over the country X Bandiis 54,400 1,860,000 shall be for whatever up Fifth in given hearing X poured avenue, probably protests President Wilson may desire . the biggest ever held for tho X Totals 765.B00 parade to make. In the governor's own 15,000,000 cause of "votes for women.-- ' words, this delay will cover a "rea- The muster roll indicates an army sonable time" probably not more than of thirty thousand, augmented by ten days, certainly not more than Watuiington, D. C, May 3. Major two thousand male sympathizers, thirty. General Leonard Wood, chief of staff brave enough to dara tile taunts ot Although the act is designed to ex- of the army, who returned today from unbelievers and the "anlJii." clude all aliens ineligible to citizen- a tour of inspection along the" Mexi- Perfect weather conditions inspir- ship, it is drawn In conformity with can frontier, told Secretary Garrisou ed the marchers. , treaty obligations and guarantees to good order prevailed along the border. White platoons of police began' to every alien his full treaty rights, omit He heard no report of serious ma- - take positions along Fifth avenue to tine the phrase ineligible to citizen- - ;rauding expeditions into the l!nit?d protect the parade from possible dis- - ship" objectionable to Japan. (Stales and the sympathy of bordor orderly demonstrations, the march- With this program on the cards, the folk he found overwhelmingly witi ers recruited from every walk of assembly picked up today the workjthe Carranza movement and opposed life, began to gather this forenoon in of the senate and began final consid- - to the Huerta regime. Washington Square and nearby cross eratlon of the Bioodgood bill, which ANOTHER BATTLE. streets. with Webb of HAD BANDS. is identical the Washington, D. C, May 3. Official 40 anti-alie- n bills this the passed early reports of the shelling of Empalme by New York, N. Y., May 0. EyeS the senate. morning by federal gunboats yesterday make no front, heads erect, shoulders squared, It was planned by the administra mention of casualties among Ameri u5,000 women and men marched tion floor leaders the lower house in cans. Carranzistas in Ciudad Porflril eight abreast to tho blare of forty "to same followed adopt the procedure Diaz report a battle at Espinoza near bauds up Fifth avenue this afternoon the senate and to yesterday by begin Monclova, but give no details. in the greatest ever held for ' parade at once, the long debate that must - - . - FALSE ALARM. ..- - tiie cause of woman suffrage. necessarily, "precede conclusive ac- Behind a City.-'Ma- y squad of mounted police, tion. The effect of al- Mexico 3. Rebels did not the senate's the long line out of most unanimous decision was expect- kill William B. A. Dingwall, an Ameri- swept Washington Square after 2 a white ed to hasten the vote. can citizen at Matepehuala, in San shortly o'clock, ribbon of womanhood, Since the Bioodgood bill is identi- Luis Potosi, as reported on April 29. marching spangled with the yellow banners of cal with the senate bill already pass- Mr. Dingwall, owner of a foundry and de-4.- broken and the it will be Bent on imme- directorSof the Santa Maria a spffrage, here there by ed, passage sombre colors to the committee on enroll- Paz Mining company, was not even of detachments of male diately Over streets had ment there to be compared with its injured during the fighting. sympathizers. that been swept and scrubbed till companion measure. When the iden- YAQUI INDIANS HELPING. they glistened in the sunlight, two been verified D. 3. anti-alie- they paraded tity of the acts has Washington, C, May Const- in California's n land bill. From left to right are: Seev. ot State Win, Jennings Bryan, Upper left inset picture shows principals they to Central park at Ffty-nint- street. .if the committee will report back to the itutionalists agents here have advices C. The w as taken while Bryan was Gov. Hiram Johnson, Lieut. Gov. Albert J. Wallace, and Speaker of the Assembly ('. Young. picture addressing Tens of held to the curb and the bill will be sent to fhe Guay-ina- s thousands, house reporting General Obregon at a executive session of both houses of the state legislature. The lower picture is a general view showing senators and 'assemblymen listening governor for his signature. with reinforcements and joint by 1200 bluecoats, gave vociferous wel- saying to the arguments of the "Peerless Leader.'.' come and The amended alien land bill waB the Carjanza forces have been large, applause. For the of rnade a special order of business in ly augmented by Yaqul Indians in So- - days, leader the great suffra-oarpet- had the the assembly today.' Shouts of nora. Friday nights. The militant s parade planned pageant and was The author-Jties- , 1 disapproval from Democratic mem THREE GOVERNORS LEAD ALLEGED CONTEMPT were consumed. today it perfect. city d intent on of bers gret-te- the administrations first TROOPS AGAINST HUERTA. JOHNSON CALLS CASE ARGUED IN UFFRAGETTES ?Mj'sterioiis tires have broken out avoiding repetition attempt to suspend the constitution in these sheds on three successive the disorder of the suffrage parade at El Paso, Texas, May 3 Ri- and the bill through this morn- Felipe SUPREME COURT were of arson bu Washington, made elaborate police ar- put veras,, governor of Sinaloa, reported gettes suspected Assemblyman L. D. Bohnett, ad- mere was no ot xne rangements and there was every indi- ing. drowned at sea while being taken a prooi tins, latest ministration floor leader, abandoned Jefferson City,;-Ma,'- . 3. Argu- BURNED DOWN fire was for the cation that the parade would not be prisoner to Mexico City, has escaped IT A GREAT May evidently incendiary . the motion and substituted one calling firemen discovered it had been start- marred by untoward incident. and arrived safely at Havana, Cuba. ments in the contempt of court "case for special consideration. The Dem- ed in several parts of the building. "THEY WERE ALL THERE." This was today to the local j Win. R. editor and ocrats still reported against Nelson, 3. Miss Ev- women from protested. constitutionalist committee. Govern- London, May Dorothy Hundreds of other "There is no need for such ter- owner,of the Kansas City Star formed in cabi- associa- or Riveras has notified Governor Car VICTORY A SCHOOL ans, the minister of war the slates and scores of suffrage rific said Assembly Stricken-beck- . of business on the net Politi- tions were in line. Almost haste," ranza, of Coahuila," military head of the principal order of the Women's Social and the long "There is no doubt this bill Mis- or- in was the revolution, that, he is returning program of today's session of the cal union, the militant suffragette every scale the social system will be passed by the majority, but it ganization, was arrested today at Do- from women of wealth, at once to take the held his own souri supreme court. The case came ARSON WAR CONTINUES IN represented, might as well be done decently. None GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA SAYS MERRY, ver, as she was going on board a foremost in the to domestic ser- as state. This would make three govern- to the supreme court on appeal from fight, of us has had time to so much s reamer bound for-Cal- France. from nation-- ors leading their state troops v ISLAND. THE MIDLAND RAILWAY vants the equal suffrage against BILL JUST PASSED BY . read this bill, yet." THAT Kansas City where last February of clad in their national cos- moved the Huerta central government.
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