LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 917.731 EMS 1888/89 BURLEY & COMPANY, 77, 79 and 81 State street, Chicago, CHINA, ME GUS5ME, OSNAEENTAL LAMPS, We give special attention to, and have separate room* for, the the display of Flue Dinner and Course Sets, Cut Glass and Hlch Decorative Wares. CHOICEST ASSORTMENT, LOWEST PRICES, BOWYER 155 Washington Street, CHICAGO. ESTABLISHED 1882. INCORPORATED 1888. HIGH WATER-MARK! It is conceded that our House possesses facilities not equaled either in Chicago or any part of the world. Two instances may be given: In the month of July, 1888, we addressed 63,335 circulars in ONE day. Over two years since, when our facilities were not what they are to-day, we distributed 50,000 pieces of ad- vertising matter ONE day, between the hours of 2 p. M. and 9 p. M. Advertising Matter of Every Description Ad- dressed, Folded, Enclosed, Mailed or DELIVERED BY EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE HEM. BOYS NOT EMPLOYED. you wish to inquire as to our standing, our record, or in fact & to anything about us, write to any newspaper in Chi- cago, or to any leading advertising house. The more inquiry you make about us the better will we be pleased; it will not only be to our interest, but to "vours" also. You'll do so, won't you? IF NOT, WHY NOT? FURNACES, RANGES and PARLOR HEATERS Are the best made and have the finest casting of auy in the world. CELEBRATED MAGEE HUMES 8,145 Sold in 1887. All in successful ope- ration to-day. Used by Miss Parloa, of Boston Cooking School, and recommended as being the best range she has ever used. Magee Furnace Co., BQSTQKS. CHIC AGO. ***" B^ ^ SPE ^ jf 86 ^ + Lake Street. Manager. QHRR ROBBER GO. GEO, CfcA.PP, Ageat, 1-^^T airiLcl l-^O I^iftlx GOSSAMER CIRCULARS AND LEGGINGS, For Ladies and Misses. COATS AND HAT COVERS, For Gentlemen and Boys. The Celebrated Crack Proof Pure Rubber Boots and Shoes, and G. R Co. Medium Weight Coats. COACHMEN'S White Rubber Coats and Hat Covers. GLOVES, HOT WATER BAGS, BATH CAPS, NURSERY SHEETS, RUBBER DOOR MATS. DRESS SHIELDS, SYRINGES, ATOMIZERS, OF INVALID CUSHIONS, AIR PILLOWS, EVERY DESCRIPTION. COMBS & BRUSHES. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. 147 ana 149 Fifth Ave., Near iUadlson Street. IF YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY Devote your leisure hours to the enjoyment of some one of the many SPORTS PASTIMES Manufactured for your health and for We make everything in this line. For Summer and Winter. For Indoors and Outdoors. PLEASE CALL ON or, if inconvenient, send for catalogue containing complete description and price list of our full line of HIGH GRADE: A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 241 Broadway, IO8 Madison St., NEW YORK. CHICAGO. We invite inspection of our enlarged show-room and well assorted stock, comprising the latest de- signs in DECORATED CHINA AND PORCELAIN, RICH CDT GLASSWARE, FINE TABLE AND PIANO LAMPS. We make a specialty of the newest patterns from the Carlsbad and Budolstadt Potteries. FRENCH, POTTER & WILSON, H'abash Ave. and Washington St. THE ELITE OF CHICAGO. CONTAINING Names and Addresses of Prominent Residents on 4 the most Fashionable Streets of the City and Principal Suburbs, Numerically and Alpha- betically arranged in Two Complete Lists, "with the full Membership of the Prin- cipal Clubs, and a Large Amount of other Valuable Information. 18889. CHICAGO: THE ELITE PUBLISHING CO. (Limited). Pullman Building. ...1888.,. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1 888, by HENRY A. PIERCE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. ADIES ARE GLAD TO KNOW OF THEM. THE CLEANFAST HOSIERY CO.'S BLACK STOCKINGS, Of the Celebrated F. P. ROBINSON CO. DYE, WILL NOT CROCK : Money refunded if they do. CLEANFAST They can be washed like white bose ; soap can be freely u ed, which will ina- pt ove the co:or and lustre. The wearing quality of these go< ds is unsurpassed by any black hose. None are genuine without our label X>n each pair. J8= Send for Price List. The Cleanfast Hosiery Co. RETAIL STORKS: CHICAGO H)7 South State at. ( 218 West 125th at. New York 1 927 Broadway. -5 West i4th*t. TRADE-MARK. Boston ....49 Webt at. MISSES FEIL, 2348 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, ies' BRIDAL TROUSSEAUXess- -AND- -^INFANTS' OUTFITS MADE TO ORDER, 81 5885 between Chicago, Mihvauke, St. Paul and Minneapolis. between Chicago, Coun- cil Bluffs and Omaha. between Chicago, Kan- pas City and St. Joseph, Mo. &G&O :Miles o* Ro^ci AND in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Dakota. For Maps, Pamphlets, etc., address A. V. H. St. Paul CARPENTER, General Passenger Agent, MILWAUKEE, Wis., or F. A. MILLER, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt. Railway. 63 CLABK ST., CHICAGO, IIJL. In presenting to our patrons The Elite Directory and Club List of Chicago for 1888-9, we invite at- tention to several features never before included in works of similar character, which will greatly en- hance its value as a book of reference. The direct- ory contains about 15,000 addresses of Chicago's most prominent citizens, arranged in two complete lists, the one in numerical order by streets, so that one can ascertain at a glance the occupant of any and the other in particular residence ; alphabetical order, serving the purpose of an ordinary city direct- ory without its bulky inconvenience. It also con- tains the complete membership roll and list of offi- cers of all the clubs of prominence iu the city. TJiis is an entirely original feature, and of great interest to society people. The addresses, having been carefully selected and verified, are as free from errors as is possible in a city the size of Chicago, where changes of location are so frequent, even among the better classes. The book also contains a large amount of valua- ble information, including the location of parks, churches, societies, educational and charitable in- stitutions, etc., with the addresses and office hours of leading physicians, dentists, artists and other pro- fessional people of the city, as well as the cards of many of our foremost tradespeople. It has been our aim to make The Elite Directory and Club List invaluable to those in whose interest it is published, excluding from its contents every- thing tending to increase its bulk without enhanc- ing its value, and our thanks are due and are here- with sincerely tendered the many friends who have kindly aided us in procuring information otherwise unattainable. THE ELITE PUBLISHING CO. (LIMITED.) GEO. I. CiPENTER & CO. FOR STORE OR HOUSE. pay Special /Itteptiop to tfye of We have the FINEST LINE OF STRIPES ever *lu\vii in tlie city. Careful men will call and measure, show stripes, and make prices. Trustworthy men will put them up without trouble to you. A Suit of Awnings wonderfully adds to the Comfort and Seclusion of a Home. Tents for the Lawn, Pleasure, or Business. 202 TO 208 SOUTH WATER STREET, GILES BRO. & CO. WEDDING AND PRESENTATION GOODS. Fine Fine Specialty Specialty ANTI-MAGNETIC SHIELDS FOR WATCHES. GILES BRO. & CO., State and Washington Sts., - CHICAGO. O. W. MITCHELL. J. FREDK. A. HALBACH. MIIGHEL NEW YORK: 14-41 Broadway. CHICAGO: 195 Wabash Avenue. SAN FRANCISCO: cor. Post and Stockton Sts. Original Designs specially drawn for Interior Fresco Decorations. For all hinds of Architectural Interiors, Esti- mates furnished. Messrs. Mitchell A Halbach, Decorators of the Maker's, Colum- bla and Iloolcy'a Theatres of Chicago; the Broadway, of New York the Baldwin, of San Francisco; the sioux City Opera House, and many flue Private Residences throughout the country. INDEX TO STREETS. SOUTH SIDE STREETS Aldine sq INDICES. WEST SIDE STREETS. Adams . DR. HIATT. who first introduced this treatment in Chicago in the year OXYGEN 187 t. by such mod- ifications as cases require, is having CUBES wonderful success in tbe cure of the LUNG, NERVOUS following diseases, viz: Asthma, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Cho- rea.. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Female Weakness, Liver Complaint, Head- ache, Neuralgia, Skin Diseases, Rheu- matism, Vertigo and Muscular and Ner- vous Debility. Consumption, in the early stages is cured by this treat- .H.HIATLM.D. ment, when modi- fied to suit each Central Muatc Hall, cae. "The Compound CHICAGO. Oxygen Treat- 7Ve rtduetd. Writ* far ment of Dv. Hiatt Pamphlet, Tn/ormation, At. ^ured me of Hem- orrhage of the I>uiig8, Nervous Uetmny auu sail tuieum. CEV. J. R. KNODELLi, Mason City, Iowa. " My Catarrli was feai fully bad. I we s almost deaf. After four months' use of J r. Hiatt's Compound Oxygen I am cured of Catarrh, and my hearing is perfectly restored." MISS M., of Chicago. " Dr. Hiatt's treatment with Compound Oxygen cured me of Asthma, from which I had suffered four years." MBS. D. SAFl-'OKD, 247 Swan St., Chicago. Hundreds of testimonial = of like cnaracter are in Dr. Hiatt's possebsion, showing that Compound Oxygen is a true revitalizer. All depression, mental or physical, is peedily overcome by this treatment, and a fie ightful sense of rejuvenation takes place. Cases carefully diagnosed and treatment adapted to each one. H. HIHTT, TV*. D., Room 4-O, Central Music Hall, Chicago. Price 0f H0me Treatment Reduced. THURBRR'S 210 "WABASH AYE. CHIDflGQ. Lovers of art are invited to inspect a choice collection of French, English and American publications of Engravings, Etchings, Photogravures, Fine Photographs, Etc., Etc. WATER, OIL MD PORCELAIN PALXT1MS. JW"A Specialty made of all kinds of Framing:. INDICES. The Calumet . 164 The Pullman Building 167 The Mentone U>3 INDEX TO HOTELS. Clifton House 168 Sherman House 171 Grand Pacific .
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