Park Plaza Hospital salutes The Assistance Fund and graciously underwrites the expense of this ad. Ibt JQHHE~,~\" ,\ GUClst D.J. J.D. Arnold ~ VOTED BEST Benefiting THE ASSISTANCE FUND ~ Sunday. July 12.1992 D.). Mid AmericCi/High Energy. Hew York 5:00 to 9:00 PM • Silent Auction 5:00 to 9:00 PM • Live Auction 7:30 JAGS • Decorative Center Houston. 5120 Woodway at Sage BEHEFITIHG Tickets $50 For information call 529-4788 Project Transitions I Austin Resident AIDS Hospice The Assistance Fund 501(c)(3) pays medical insurance premiums and emergency prescription ~~i-- ' .' '!&~AI' drug expenses for persons who are HIV+ until they qualify for coverage under Medicare. Since m~mmwu~ establishment in April. 1988. The Assistance Fund has served over 500 clients and has \~'=.e~=~ ~ disbursed over $750.000 for premium payments. The Assistance Fund is dedicated to the . -Ifu-;:&u-fdiJL ... preservation of quality health care for men. women and children who are HIV+. Cmu-~wdi-uLJ ... Every $1 donated generates $150 in medical coverage. 211 West 4th Austin (512) 320-8823 SUNDAY, JULY 12 CHRISTMAS IN JULY PARTY ~ 3pm-7pm~ ....I By lnvltatlon ....I W 3: a- r.U').. *==a. ,.... *a: aw. a. a:- I- en W > < 3:. a: == Join us for RICH'S TEA and ME r... After The Party *,.... ...>.I 25¢ Well Drinks, 7-10'pm ::J..., $1.25 Longnecks & Frozens All Night •.. > < -c ua:, Volume 18,Number 18 July 10-16, 1992 12 NEWS Texas Attorney General Rejects Rules Governing HIV and Dentists 25 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 35 OF LOCAL INTEREST 39 BACKSTAGE La Cage aux Folies at Fort Worth's Coso Manana Theatre 41 SPECIAL REPORT LGRL Brings Together Legislators, Gay Constituents by Laurie Eiserloh 47 STARSCOPE Venus in Leo; Full Moon In Capricorn 52 COVER FEATURE Mr. Waco All-American Richard Walton Photos by Rex Martin SPORTS Montrose Softball League Begins Tournament Play SNAPSHOTS Maple Avenue Carnival in Dallas SNAPSHOTS Lesbian/Gay Pride Picnic in San Antonio HOT TEA Holiday Celebrations, Carnivals, Contests and Picnics Across Texas CLASSIFIED OBITUARIES LONE STAR WEDNESDAY GUIDE Texas Business / Club Directory TWT (This Week In Texos) Is pubbhed by Texos We&kIy Times Newspaper Co, at 39CX) Lemmon Aile. In ocscs. TeXO$ 75219 and 811Westhelmer In Houston.. TeXO$ 77006. ()pinons expressed by coUnnists are not necessaty those of TWTor of Its staff. Plblcation of the rcme or photograph of any person or orgorizotion in ortidesa odverttsng MALE REVUE MALE STRIP In TWT Is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of sold person or organization. Subscription rctes $69 per year, $40 per holt year. Back Issues available at S2 eoch. Payment must accompany 01 oroers. Copyright © 1992 by Texas Weekly Tmes Newspaper Co. AI rights reserved. PortIoI or complete reproduction FRI-SAT WITH MAUDE of any advertisement. news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT Is speclflcolly prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay Ik Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3900 Lemmon Avenue 811Westheimer, Suite 106 EDITOR Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520-TWIT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT COMPTROLLER (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527-9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSIeve Pardue. Chris Patterson FEATURESEDITORJazz Paz • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUTIONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS Bob Dineen. PhilJohnson. Bobby Mayes. David Meunier. Michael K.Wilson STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Rick Bounds. Ray Brown. Graham. Rex Martin. Michael McKinney. Roger Slabel NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Advertising rates are available on requesl trom the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Chris Zimmerman (512) 474·2105 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - Sieve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (512) 614·1348 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Shawn Marshall • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1992 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPR. ESIDENTI CEO I DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. ATTORNEY GENERAL REJECTS RULES ON .o(~¢ DENTISTS WITH HIV Says State Board of Dental Examiners Exceeded Authority In Setting Regulations. In his opinion striking down the Board AUSTIN - LastTuesday, June 30, state of Examiners' rules, the Attorney General Attorney General Dan Morales overturned stated that the Board was overstepping rules adopted by the Texas Board of Den- the authority granted to it under state law, tal Examiners which would have allowed and that the rules violated Texas confiden- the Board to establish review panels to tiality laws concerning HIV infection. restrict and counsel HIV-positive dentists. Eiserloh said Morales' ruling "sets a Other provisions in the rules would have strong precedent which will prevent other required dentists to disclose their HIV health care worker licensing boards from status to the Executive Director and the overstepping their authority." She added Secretary of the Board within 24 hours that, although House Bill 7 and the CDC after receiving a positive HIV test result. guidelines call for peer review panels, it is Dental workers who failed to report would open to question which state agency or have been subject to license revocation. agencies will form these review panels. The proposed rules were based on the "We are waiting for federal guidance on Board's interpretation of House Bill 7, a this issue. There is a rumor going around law passed during a special session of the that the Texas Department of Health may Texas Legislature last summer. House Bill be the correct agency to set up these 7 was in turn based on the Centers for panels." Disease Controls' guidelines governing Eiserloh said that, because of confiden- HIV infection and health care workers. tiality problems and potential witchhunts The CDC guidelines called for contin- that could result in the revocation of den- ued use of universal precautions and tal workers' licenses, she was pleased that pointed out the minuscule risk of HIV the licensing board had been held to be an transmission from health care worker to inappropriate body to set up the review patient. The CDC guidelines also stated, panels. however, that HIV-positive health care "This is a real victory for good public workers should not perform "invasive health policy," Eiserloh said. exposure-prone" procedures. The phrase "invasive exposure prone" has never been fully defined by the Cen- SPECIAL ELECTION FOR ters for Disease Control, and AIDS activ- DIST. HOUSE SEAT ists across the country are waiting forthe 29 CDC to either issue a clearer definition or SET FOR JULY 28 drop the term entirely. The guidelines also called for the establishment of "peer re- Ben Reyes Says Gay/Lesbian view panels" to counsel HIV-positive Support Will Be Crucial in health care workers. Race Expected to Be Close. Laurie Eiserloh, who is a lawyer and the Executive Director of the Lesbian/Gay HOUSTON - Last Thursday, District Rights Lobby, said Morales' opinion mir- Judge Judge John Delaney set Tuesday, rored the points made in a brief she had July 28 as the date for the election to written opposing the Dental Board's pro- choose the Democratic nominee for the posed rules. That brief was signed on to 29th Congressional District race. by Professor Eugene Harrington of Texas Houston City Council member Ben Southern University's Thurgood Marshall Reyes, who has the endorsement of the School of Law; Professor Mary Ann Bobin- Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, is running ski of the University of Houston Health against State Sen. Gene Green for the Law Project; State Rep. Glen Maxey; the Democratic nomination forthe newly cre- AIDS Equity League; and the Texas AIDS ated 29th Congressional District seat. Network. After Green won the April 14 Democratic primary by a margin of only 180 votes, the day. The contribution represented a por- Reyes campaign filed suit to have the elec- tion of proceeds from items auctioned off tion overturned, pointing to evidence of June 20 and 21. The Clinic will also receive "crossover" voting. a share in the proceeds from three future Court testimony showed that hundreds auctions. of people voted in the April 14 Democratic The Montrose Clinic is in the process of runoff after having cast their ballots in the renovating a building at 215 Westheimer 1fIUa, earlier Republican primary, a violation of that will bring under one roof services state law. the Clinic now offers at three separate In his order setting a date for the new locations. election, Judge Delaney also ordered that signs be posted at polling places warning voters that they are ineligible to cast ballots if they voted in the Republican con- tests earlier this year. In addition, precinct judges will receive lists of those who vot- ed in the Republican primaries in their districts. Reyes had said he hoped the judge would set a later date for the election, which would have given his campaign time to register more voters. International Fidelity auctioneer Dominic Briscoe {rJ Addressing a meeting of the GLPC last presents first of four checks to Montrose Clinic Executive Director Ralph Lasher {I] for Clinic's Capital Campaign fund. Wednesday, Reyes said it was especially TWTNEWSphoto. ,, important that he be elected to Congress because his opponent has a long record To date, the Clinic's $1.9 million cam- of voting against reproductive choice paign has received a grant in the amount issues in the state LegiSlature. He added of $550,000 from the City of Houston De- that gay and lesbian support had been partment of Housing and Community De- critical in his campaign and would be velopment, in addition to donations from needed more than ever if he were to win foundations and private individuals.lnfor- the July 28 election.
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