Data Set of World Phosphate Mines, Deposits, and Occurrences—Part B. Location and Mineral Economic Data By G.J. Orris1 and Carlotta B. Chernoff2 Open-File Report 02–156–B 2002 Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1USGS, Tucson, Arizona 2University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………..…… 3 DATA SOURCES, PROCESSING, AND ACCURACY ……………….. 3 DATA …………………………………………………………………………. 4 REFERENCES ………. ………………………………………………………. 8 APPENDIX A: World Phosphate Deposits: Location and Mineral Economic Data ……………………………………………………………...… 38 TABLES Table 1. Commodity codes used in phosphate deposits table..................... 7 2 INTRODUCTION An inventory of more than 1,600 world phosphate mines, deposits, and occurrences was compiled from smaller data sets collected as part of multiple research efforts by Carlotta Chernoff, University of Arizona, and Greta Orris, U.S. Geological Survey. These data have been utilized during studies of black shale depositional environments and to construct phosphate deposit models. The compiled data have been edited for consistency and additional location information has been added where possible. The database of compiled phosphate information is being released in two sections; the geologic data in one section and the location and mineral economic data in the second. This report, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF02–156–B contains commodity, location, and mineral economic data and is best used with the complimentary geologic data contained in OF02–156–A. DATA SOURCES, PROCESSING, AND ACCURACY Data on more than 1,600 phosphate deposits, mines, and occurrences were compiled from a variety of sources, including earlier compilations. Commodity, location, and mineral economic data from the database comprise this report, Open-File Report 02–156–B. Geologic data can be found in Open-File Report 02– 156–A. Although more complete than any other phosphate compilation the authors could identify, this phosphate database has all of the standard data compilation problems and compromises. Perhaps the most frustrating problem is that of names. It is commonly unclear in the literature, especially for foreign countries, if a given name refers to a mine or deposit, a nearby location or administrative area, a geologic formation, or a company involved in the exploration/development of a site. Frequently, multiple names may be used to 3 refer to a single deposit or mine. For large deposits or mineralized areas, a single name might be used to refer to diverse sites or deposits within these areas or to the area as a whole. The authors of this compilation have tried to deal with the naming difficulties as consistently and completely as possible, especially within individual countries; however, naming problems and inconsistencies, as well as duplicate records are still likely to be present in the database. For many of the sites, the data were compiled from multiple sources. The data from these sources were not always consistent or compatible and the authors have reconciled these differences as best they could based on personal knowledge and available information. For the most part, data were recorded as reported in the original sources and no significant effort was made to verify the information beyond trying to reconcile conflicting information. DATA The mineral economic, location, and commodity data from the phosphate database are listed in Appendix A. The data are sorted in the following order: country, state/principal administrative area, third order administrative area, basin/formation/region(area)/deposit, and deposit/site name. Guano and guano-derived deposits are listed at the end of the table, but sorted in the same order. Data fields in this report include: deposit number, country, state/principal administrative area, third order administrative area, basin/formation/region(area)/ deposit, deposit/site name, deposit type, type of phosphorite, general age of mineralization, specific age of mineralization, magmatic/host rock age, host/associated lithology, host formation, mineralization, geologic comments/deposit description, age references, general comments, and general references. Names used in the country and 4 state/principal administrative area fields are compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1995). Third order administrative areas, such as counties in the United States, are listed if specified in the original source materials or if easily determined from other sources considered reliable by the authors. The information in the next two fields, Basin/Fmt/Region (area)/Deposit and Deposit/Site_Name, is meant to identify the area, deposit, district, mine, or occurrence to which the geologic, economic, and location data apply. While we have tried to avoid duplicates, for some areas we report information for a district or area, as well as for specific deposits or mines within those larger areas. The exact level of information in these 2 fields may very between countries; but we have tried to utilize these fields consistently within a given country. The country and name data are followed by a commodity field (COMMODS) and an Analytical Data field. The abbreviations used in the commodity field are listed in Table 1. The analyses given in Analytical Data use standard symbols for chemical elements and compounds; except that numbers that are usually shown as subscripts in chemical compounds have no offset in this field; i.e. “SiO2” is shown as “SiO2”. The next three fields are Latitude, Longitude and Location comments. Latitudes and longitudes are given in digital degrees. Most locations are believed to be within 5 minutes of the true location. However, for some areas of the world, the digital locations represent the nearest town, rather than the mine or deposit, and locations taken from other references have an unknown accuracy. The Location Comments field may contain modifying information related to the digital locations and (or) verbal descriptions of the location of the deposit/site. The next 6 fields contain mineral economic data. These fields include: Year of Discovery, Production, Annual Production, Cumulative Production, Mining Method, and Resources. These fields are largely self-explanatory. The Production field describes whether a site has produced phosphate that may be 5 followed by a date that reflects the how current the date that the information was reported. The Mining Method field contains the following abbreviations: S Surface mine U Underground mine B Both surface and underground mining. The remaining fields are Company, General Comments, Location References, General References, MASMILS No., and MRDS No. General Comments includes information of interest, including economic information that does not fit in other table fields. The Location References field lists references from which locations were taken or that were used to help determine locations. The General References field lists references that were used to compile the geologic and economic data for each site. The MASMILS and MRDS fields list record numbers for records within the USGS national mineral databases that contain information for the given site. The data in Appendix A may be obtained in digital format in the following ways: 1. Download the digital files from the USGS public access World Wide Web site on the internet: http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of02- 156b/ or 2. Anonymous FTP from geopubs.wr.usgs.gov, in the directory pub/open-file/of02-156b/ The data are also available in Excel 97 (OF02156B.xls). 6 Table 1. Commodity codes used in phosphate deposits table. Code Commodity/Material Typical Minerals/Materials AGG aggregate BAUX bauxite Al aluminum As arsemic Au gold Ba barium barite Ca CAR carbonate calcite, limestone, dolomite Cd cadmium Ce cerium CEM cement CLY clay COAL coal Cu copper DIT diatomite DOL dolomite F fluorine Fe iron hematite, magnetite FLD feldspar GLA glauconite GYP gypsum I Iodine La lanthanum LIME lime LST limestone Mg magnesium MICA mica phlogopite, biotite, muscovite Mn manganese Mo molybdenum molybdenite N Nitrogen guano Nb niobium pyrochlore, columbite Ni nickel P phosphate apatite, fluorapatite Pb lead PYR pyrite REE rare earth elements monazite, bastnäsite S sulfur Si silicon quartz Sr strontium strontianite, celestite Ta tantalum tantalite Th thorium thorite, monazite Ti titanium ilmenite, rutile U uranium V vanadium VRM vermiculite Y yttrium Zn zinc Zr zirconium zircon 7 REFERENCES Abed, A.M., and Amireh, B.S., 1999, Sedimentology, geochemistry, economic potential and palaeogeography of an Upper Cretaceous phosphorite belt in the southeastern desert of Jordan: Cretaceous Research, v. 20, no. 2, p. 119- 133. Abed, A.M., and Omari, Kasim, 1994, Role of industrial rocks and minerals in the development of Jordan, in Mathers, S.J., and Notholt, A.J.G., eds., Industrial minerals in developing countries: British Geological Survey/Association of Geoscientists for International Development, AGID Report Series Geosciences in International Development 18, p. 181-192. Abera, Sisay, 1994, Review of industrial minerals of Ethiopia, in Mathers, S.J., and Notholt, A.J.G., eds., Industrial minerals in developing countries: British Geological Survey/Association of Geoscientists for International Development, AGID Report Series Geosciences in International Development 18,
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