STAFF REPORT INFORMATION ONLY Supplementary Report: Additional Information Regarding the Sale of Toronto Community Housing Stand-Alone Units Date: March 2, 2012 To: City Council From: City Manager Wards: All Reference Number: SUMMARY The Executive Committee, at its meeting on February 17, 2012, considered the report entitled Securing Funding to Repair Toronto Community Housing’s Multi-Residential Portfolio: Sale of Toronto Community Housing Stand-Alone Units and requested that the City Manager report directly to Council on the following information regarding Toronto Community Housing (TCH): 1. the breakdown of the backlog based on the legacy breakdown, splitting out former Ontario Housing Corporation, CityHome, and Seniors Housing portfolios, and 2. a property by property basis, on Official Plan Amendments required to sell properties The information requested above is detailed in this report in Appendix A, Capital Repair Backlog of Former TCH Housing Portfolios: Metro Toronto Housing Authority, CityHome, and Metro Toronto Housing Company Limited, and Appendix B, TCH Stand- Alone Properties Impacted by the City of Toronto’s Official Plan Policies. Please note that for Appendix A, Metro Toronto Housing Authority (MTHA) represents the former Ontario Housing Corporation portfolio for Toronto and Metro Toronto Housing Company Limited (MTHCL) represents the former Seniors Housing portfolio. Additional Information Re: Sale of TCH Stand-Alone Units – Appendix A 1 Financial Impact There are no financial implications in regard to the receipt of this report. DECISION HISTORY At its meeting on February 17, 2012, Executive Committee requested the City Manager, in consultation with appropriate staff, to report directly to Council with additional information related to the Sale of Toronto Community Housing Stand-Alone Units. ort&meetingId=6186 CONTACT Phil Brown Phillip Abrahams General Manager Director, Social Housing Shelter, Support and Housing Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Administration Tel. No.: 416-392-7885 Tel. No.: 416-392-0054 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] SIGNATURE _______________________________ Jospeh P. Pennachetti City Manager ATTACHMENTS Appendix A: Capital Repair Backlog of Former TCH Housing Portfolios: Metro Toronto Housing Authority, CityHome, and Metro Toronto Housing Company Limited Appendix B: TCH Stand-Alone Properties Impacted by the City of Toronto’s Official Plan Policies Additional Information Re: Sale of TCH Stand-Alone Units – Appendix A 2 Appendix A Capital Repair Backlog of Former TCH Housing Portfolios: Metro Toronto Housing Authority, CityHome, and Metro Toronto Housing Company Limited Former TCH Housing Portfolios Capital Repair Backlog Summary Portfolio 2012 5 Year 5 Year 2012 Former Housing Total Replacement Capital Total Capital Unfunded FCI Portfolios Units Cost Backlog Needs FCI (B / A) (A) (B) (C) (C / A) Metro Toronto 29,134 $4,088,092,588 $453,958,645 11.1% $833,574,116 20.4% Housing Authority CityHome 7,751 $891,785,455 $97,096,371 10.9% $195,298,388 21.9% Metro Toronto Housing Company 20,757 $2,050,322,353 $198,299,128 9.7% 395,074,283 19.3% Limited TOTAL 57,642 $7,030,200,396 $749,354,144 10.7% $1,423,946,787 20.3% Note 1: developments acquired or built after the formation of Toronto Community Housing are not included in the above summary Note 2: FCI = Facility Condition Index Condition % Good <5% Fair 5% - 12% Poor 12% - 20% Critical >20% Additional Information Re: Sale of TCH Stand-Alone Units – Appendix A 1 Former Metro Toronto Housing Authority (MTHA) Portfolio Capital Repair Backlog 2012 5 Year Former MTHA Replacement 2012 5 Year Total Ward Opening Unfunded Development name Cost Backlog Needs FCI FCI 1 Kipling Mount Olive $24,154,382 $4,412,800 18.3% $8,228,094 34.1% 1 Lightwood Sanagan $9,555,702 $1,494,427 15.6% $3,195,809 33.4% 1 Martin Grove Albion $9,127,002 $1,509,040 16.5% $2,956,363 32.4% 1 Thistletown 1 $63,809,946 $12,632,623 19.8% $18,895,480 29.6% 1 Thistletown 2 $36,782,529 $11,578,067 31.5% $13,560,614 36.9% 2 Albion Shendale $3,882,443 $1,261,043 32.5% $2,029,148 52.3% 2 Islington St.Andrews $56,405,685 $2,793,038 5.0% $3,520,038 6.2% 2 Scarlettwood $19,050,017 $4,528,671 23.8% $11,757,561 61.7% 2 Tandridge Cr. 1 $25,297,740 $2,250,279 8.9% $3,434,471 13.6% 2 Tandridge Cr. 2 $34,121,162 $1,946,928 5.7% $4,811,598 14.1% 2 Torbolton Drive $2,739,188 $1,463,170 53.4% $1,628,762 59.5% 3 Capri Road $41,134,543 $3,349,242 8.1% $7,753,266 18.8% 3 East Mall $18,342,413 $1,726,021 9.4% $3,591,300 19.6% 3 West Mall $16,054,420 $1,601,401 10.0% $2,169,482 13.5% 4 Dixington Crescent $6,361,537 $2,558,367 40.2% $3,331,724 52.4% 4 Willowridge Richview $32,977,308 $2,161,852 6.6% $6,026,899 18.3% 5 Dundas Mabelle $60,011,692 $3,988,210 6.6% $9,592,141 16.0% 7 Duncan Woods Drive $11,837,060 $2,729,460 23.1% $3,125,121 26.4% 7 Finch Ardwick $8,381,131 $1,292,698 15.4% $1,906,604 22.7% 7 Firgrove Crescent $43,036,584 $4,528,454 10.5% $18,081,569 42.0% 7 Islington Satterly $4,870,630 $1,205,386 24.7% $1,983,983 40.7% 7 Jane Firgrove $26,941,359 $1,264,232 4.7% $4,522,890 16.8% Edgeley Village 8 $64,151,886 $13,132,801 20.5% $17,228,531 26.9% Driftwood Edgeley Village 8 $33,364,777 $3,636,423 10.9% $4,896,828 14.7% Shoreham 8 Finch Tobermory $56,857,427 $5,466,722 9.6% $10,599,353 18.6% 8 Finch Topcliffe $6,923,056 $911,604 13.2% $2,685,339 38.8% 8 Jane Milo $25,568,770 $1,918,423 7.5% $10,916,549 42.7% 8 Jane Yewtree $27,060,186 $2,089,930 7.7% $5,363,320 19.8% 8 Sentinel Road $8,767,381 $1,184,822 13.5% $1,889,766 21.6% 8 Yorkwoods Village $40,278,893 $9,693,410 24.1% $10,804,623 26.8% 9 Jane St. (2265) $6,610,925 $520,037 7.9% $1,310,557 19.8% 9 Jane St. (2585) $7,034,165 $584,130 8.3% $1,428,977 20.3% 9 Sheppard Magellan $14,802,751 $1,511,438 10.2% $2,495,022 16.9% 9 Sheppard Yatescastle $24,514,839 $9,162,580 37.4% $9,519,383 38.8% 10 Dufferin Wilson Hghts $2,020,838 $454,370 22.5% $774,361 38.3% 11 Humber Boulevard $47,026,768 $2,126,727 4.5% $10,890,338 23.2% 11 Jane John Best $10,936,827 $912,451 8.3% $1,861,203 17.0% 11 Jane Woolner $43,085,283 $1,076,052 2.5% $2,754,081 6.4% 11 Weston Bellevue $40,236,569 $3,371,031 8.4% $7,754,539 19.3% 12 DeMarco Boulevard $7,500,889 $813,271 10.8% $1,310,390 17.5% Additional Information Re: Sale of TCH Stand-Alone Units – Appendix A 2 2012 5 Year Former MTHA Replacement 2012 5 Year Total Ward Opening Unfunded Development name Cost Backlog Needs FCI FCI 12 Jane Falstaff $97,030,563 $1,334,549 1.4% $10,303,217 10.6% 12 Trethewey Tedder $53,677,835 $6,492,241 12.1% $11,611,209 21.6% 13 Dundas Gooch $41,487,522 $2,280,519 5.5% $7,554,935 18.2% 13 High Park Quebec $48,477,197 $2,819,810 5.8% $8,482,563 17.5% Queensway 13 $23,042,415 $10,307,698 44.7% $13,070,302 56.7% Windermere 14 Dunn Avenue $42,268,064 $1,384,980 3.3% $11,521,286 27.3% 14 Spencer Avenue $4,779,428 $1,269,214 26.6% $2,088,060 43.7% 15 Lawrence Heights $163,846,832 $20,799,593 12.7% $34,832,110 21.3% 15 Neptune Drive $21,621,538 $3,654,171 16.9% $4,919,038 22.8% 15 Roselawn Marlee $22,262,559 $3,085,230 13.9% $6,527,756 29.3% 17 Pelham Park Gardens $47,984,110 $1,950,555 4.1% $6,005,997 12.5% 18 McCormick Park $14,437,725 $1,559,322 10.8% $3,375,266 23.4% 19 Pendrith Park $7,975,235 $794,828 10.0% $2,826,513 35.4% 20 Atkinson Co-operative $72,393,159 $11,906,613 16.4% $19,433,384 26.8% 20 Davenport Rd. (250) $44,483,458 $2,774,633 6.2% $9,404,600 21.1% 23 Willowdale Avenue $29,634,790 $1,483,131 5.0% $2,764,506 9.3% 24 Finch Brahms $50,741,665 $4,620,312 9.1% $8,211,642 16.2% 24 Leslie Finch $25,104,486 $4,055,604 16.2% $6,423,788 25.6% 25 Woodsworth Northey $7,690,575 $451,167 5.9% $725,166 9.4% 26 Flemingdon Park $83,234,135 $12,266,356 14.7% $17,803,013 21.4% 27 Church Granby $28,508,294 $2,425,184 8.5% $2,867,915 10.1% 28 Bessie Luffman $4,176,479 $161,647 3.9% $714,998 17.1% 28 Bleecker Street 1 $123,730,795 $13,556,514 11.0% $24,646,785 19.9% 28 Gerrard River $40,459,532 $312,111 0.8% $4,288,983 10.6% 28 Moss Park $125,870,087 $488,230 0.4% $4,827,067 3.8% 28 Regent Park (North) $115,947,457 $7,370,769 6.4% $23,442,544 20.2% 28 Regent Park (South) $60,506,537 $4,164,674 6.9% $10,468,079 17.3% 28 Sherbourne Shuter $27,154,753 $2,149,424 7.9% $6,922,380 25.5% 28 Wellesley (200) $82,176,975 $14,065,785 17.1% $17,581,031 21.4% 30 Blake Boultbee $72,416,994 $3,184,618 4.4% $8,337,162 11.5% 30 Greenwood Park $12,481,734 $535,876 4.3% $1,170,029 9.4% 30 Phin Park $2,664,315 $290,134 10.9% $561,079 21.1% 30 Rivertowne $21,190,782 $0 0.0% $0 0.0% 31 Agnes MacPhail $31,474,463 $3,280,383 10.4% $5,072,113 16.1% 32 Don Summerville $17,424,341 $987,857 5.7% $2,424,635 13.9% 32 Eastview Park $4,116,015 $521,814 12.7% $1,338,811 32.5% 32 Edgewood Avenue $17,758,004 $1,148,994 6.5% $3,388,520 19.1% 33 Allenbury Gardens $20,214,562 $4,743,229 23.5% $6,738,559 33.3% 33 Leslie Nymark $30,269,229 $4,818,279 15.9% $7,650,786 25.3% 33 Shaughnessy Blvd.
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