![DELTA TIMES Volume 7 LADNER, B](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DELTA TIMES Volume 7 LADNER, B. 0. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1913. $1.00 A YEAE. DELTA YOUNG WILL AWAIT HINDUS ROB BREAK GROUND *feHE COUPLE MARRIED DEMONSTRATION COUNTRYMEN FOR CONDENSORY Manager Murphy, of McLelan Mills, Delta Board of Trade Will Not Ask T"° East Indians Badly Beaten Up B.C. Milk Condensing Company Be* nud Miss Katie Plewes Quietly for Change in Ferry Sei-- al>d Robbed at Colebrook, gins Ei-ection of New Plant to Wedded in Vancouver. vice Now. Sunday Evening. Care lor Delta Trade. Mr, O. A. Miurphy, manager of Monday's monthly meeting of the Patagen and Sunder Singh, two On Thursday ground was broken the .McLelan Lumber Mills at Lad­ Delta Board of Trade was pretty- Hindu farm laborers in East Delta at the Conner of Westham street and ner, and Miss Katie Plewes, cashier much a routine session, as no matter Fairview road for the erection of a were held up by four of 'their coun­ of the Lanniimg, Fawcett & Wilson of Importance was brought up for milk condensing plant for the B.C. trymen at the Great Northern Rail­ Milk Condensing Company, and the s-ore, were quietly married In discussion. work of the construction of a build­ •ist's churoh, Vancouver, President D. A. McKee occupied way crossing near Colebrook, Sun­ on ing for the company's purposes will ursday, December 4. the chair, and after the usual pre­ day evening, according to the com­ be begun at once. liminary of minute reading, called plaint lodged with the police authori­ Harring two or three very Intl- The structure is to be 80 by 150 ;,-,. friends, none of the friends of 'fir communications. Of these, possibly the most impor- ties, and were robbed of something feet on the ground floor, and will lie bridal couple bad any Idea of tw tant was one from the Deputy Min- Mlw o hundred dollars, wages col- be constructed on plans to meet the t'.,eir immediate indention of matrl- requirements of the most approved >ny when they left Ladner in the ister of Agriculture, dated Ottawa,! leeted the day before. The men which stated that at the request of j badly b'ea-ten up and claim that machinery. early morning of last Thursday, ac- wwe The building is to be erected on the board the department had in they were attacked with axes and conipanieid -only by Mrs. Wm. Mo- the north side of the company's rail­ COMMISSIONER DAVID REE8. vestigated the claims of Ladner to clubs. Patagen was ibadly hurt and le :,. and greaip was itbe surprise of way siding, leaving room on the Salvation Army officer who be made a port of entry for cattle, is under treatment in Columbian their many friends wben on the re- COLONEL MAIDMENT. south side of the track for a second seriously ill in Toronto. and that the Veterinary Director- Hospital, New Westminster. His turn to town the announcement was Who is taking th"e place in To­ building of like size, which the com­ General had reported that in his partner is able to be about. made. opinion the district was well served ronto of Commissioner Rees, while pany contemplates erecting at an Mr, and Mrs. Murphy are living , . , , , , Sutah Singh, Udam Singh, Bennan he is seriously ill, as Commander of early date. MARRIED IN LADNER. at the McCrea home for the present, bj existing ports and that he could, an,d Jewel> fc,ur Hin,d,u -|8 dents ot the territorial division of the Salva­ The company Is putting up the but will take up housekeeping on not recommend .the addition of Lad-, East Delta for ,the Iast ftve or _,_. tion Army. present building by day labor, and Young English Couple, of Vancouver, •heir own aooounlt in the near fu­ ner to the list. yearS| were arre9ted Wednesday, and Mr. Duncan Gilchrist has accepted Recently Come to Canada, Wed ture. A communication from the Manu- on Thursday morning appeared be- the position of superintendent of Here Wednesday Evening. aoturing Assoc! at ion ;of British Co- ,fore Magistrate McKee, charged with construction. He promises that his Iumbia asking for the oo-operat on «, "robbery with violence." VISITS VANCOUVER SCHOOL. Mr. C. W. Oldroyd and Miss Isabel CPime of work will be done in such time that POINT GREY NEWS. Chapman, both of Vancouver, were of the board in the Interest of .he I Aas PflPatage,-aB.on ,waVQa s nrno.f t •i-n „--,,.,„„conditio_n the machinery may be installed and promotion of the consumption of to appear, after communication with! Secretary of School Board Taylor Is married in All Saints' church, Lad­ Surprised and Delighted by the plant ready for operation by i:BURNE, Point Grey, Dec. 9.— ner, Wednesday evening at six home products, after discussion, was the doctors at Columbian Hospital, April 1. The citizenship committee of the laid on the table Mr. McKee adjourned the hearing to| Work at Simon Fraser. o'clock, the Rev. C. C. Hoyle officiat­ When the question of the effi­ Epworth League of the local Meth­ ing. Monday next. Mr. Leon Ladner, of; Mr. A. deR. Taylor, secretary of odist church held a debate recently ciency of the new ferry to Wood­ Ladner & Cantelon, Vancouver, ap­ Delta school board, with Inspector LULU ISLAND NEWS. U ig Mr. Oldroyd was supported by Mr. ward's Landing was brougM up, peared for the accused and made a on the subject of woman's suffrage. J. F. Brown, of Vancouver, and Miss of Schools Sullivan, visited the Simon On the affirmative were Messrs. M. there were motions forthcoming to strong plea for bail, but was re­ Fraser school, Mount Pleasant, Van­ CAMBIE, Lulu Island, Dec. 9.— C. Gordon, W. Esterbrook and Miss Mildred Garwood, of the same city,task for improvements, and lit was fused, and the prisloners must re­ couver, Tuesday, and was greatly in­ Rumors that Councillor John Mc­ Liveriug, while tbe negative was up- but formerly of Ladner, was brides-1 suggested that a delegation be named main in gaol until Monday at least. terested in the work of the pupils Callan would not run again in hi ld by E. Hall, Archie Cook and maid. | to wait on the government in the Mr. G. L. Cassady, of New Westmin­ of the big, 14-room school. Ward II have been set at rest, as Miss Recie. The newly-weds left Thursday i matter, but the opinion of the meet- ster, appeared for the complainanitis. The day was parents' day, and Mr. McCallan has publicly announced morning for a honeymoon trip to ing was that it was too early to ask Mr. Taylor had the opportunity of that at the request of many ratepay­ Mr, A. P. Burrows is in a hospi­ Victoria, and next week will take! for a change, for that while the traf- ers he will agaiu be a candidate for tal recovering from his recent ill­ addressing the children for a few up residence in the Chilliwack dis-jfie was greater than had been antici- MOUNT ROYAL TUNNEL. minutes on general work. He con­ the office. ness. trict, where Mr. Oldroyd will engage pated, it would be better to wait for The funeral of D. A. Tweedie was On New Year's Eve in Odd Fel- gratulated them ion their accomplish­ in farming. | further demonstration. Train Bearing Representative Citi­ ments and gave tbem encouraging held from, the United Undertakers' nvs' hall, King William Lodge Nq. The bride is a daughter of Mr. • zens of Montreal Run Through parlors, Twelfth avenue, to the 2181, L. O. L., wlIT* conduct a late advice. George Chapman, of Kingsdown,| p\RTY FOR OCTOGENARIAN. C. N. R. Bore. After the inspection the domestic Mountain View cemetery on Friday dance. Kent co., England, and came to Brit-] last. A visitor with Mrs. J. P. Lewis, of MONTREAL, Dec. 11,—Mount science class served a luncheon. ish Columbia eight months ago. Mr.jManv Kl.iefl(ls „r Mrs. Weare Give Royal having been pierced from side j which surprised and delighted the Robert Wilson of Lulu Station is D ion road, is Miss Effie KUnian of Oldroyd has been until recently with jjer ij-,.th,**av Surprise by to side, due to the building of the | visitors. They made a guess at the now in Grand Forks. He is superin­ \ ion Park, formerly of St. Cath- the B.C. Electric Railway Company.| Gathering at Her Home. tendent of the provincial poultry . ines, Ont. 1 Canadian Northern Railway, the first cost per service. One guess was 24 He came to this country from Eng- train show, which Will be held this week. \ debate on the Home Rule ques- Mrs. W. Weare was eighty vears of, bearing a representative gath- cents, another 20 cents, and a third land two years ago, and is a son of 14 cenltis. The instructor surprised In the building owned by Messrs. i. in will be held between Kerrisdale tliellev;w;"R; Oldroyd; late of Has^ge last Tuesday, and to celebrate «in«-of Montreal citizens was run Moffat and Martin on Moucton St. ilethodists and Presbyterians. well Durham countv Uhe occasion more than fifty of her ,rou.glV f,om <.e west porta to all by announcing a cost of seven and one-half cents per plate. a restaurant is being established this A sale of work and tea will be ' frlf-iid-s. mostly elderly people, con- Dorchester street yesterday ag­ week by Mr. H. E. Fail-weather of held at the home of Mrs.
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