Riruako angered because he is only third on the list ------ BY GWEN LISTER ------­ THE LIST of 72 candidates for the Constituent Assembly has been completed by the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DT A) but DT A president and chairman of the Chiefs Council, Mr Kuaimo Riruako, is believed to be angry about the fact that he is only third on the list. Heading the DT A candidates is Mr namely MishakeMuyongo, who was Mishake Muyongo, DTA vice-presi­ a fonner Swapo vice-president. is dent, and second is Mr Dirk Mudge. top of the candidate list. chainnan of the Alliance. With the exception of the surprise The Herero-speaking group is choice of Muyongo as the DTA's probably the single largest block of number one candidate. the DT A's 72 support for the DTA. and there are names are balanced acconiing to ethnic questions as to why Chief Riruako is groupings in the Alliance. only third whereas a person described as "aman thrown away by Swapo", CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 SWAPO President, Mr Sam Nujoma, met yesterday with Mr Salim Ahmed im, General orthe Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU), who is on a three-day goodwill visit to Namibia. Mr Salim Mr Dirk Mudge Mr Kuaima Riruako and Mr Nujoma are pictured above by Ndahafa Mavulu of Nampa. ISCHOOL BOYCOTT LOOMS TODAY, students at a Khomasdal to the elections". school and elsewhere in the coun­ 'We don't negotiate with students,' says education director ... That the administration be held try could start a class boycott be­ responsible for any violence against cause they have to write year-end -------- BY DAVID LUSH AND STANLEY KATZAO -------- the children as the school authority examinations' in the wake of the had not brought the exam period School principal Mr Ben Alcock November elections. Originally. the pupils wanted the tee their safety in school hours dur­ forward to before the elections. The pupils of Ella du Plessis Sec­ then called on his pupils to return to exams to be abandoned but changed ing the exam period "since it is ... That transport to and from the ondary School fear that political unrest classes which the latter reluctantly their demands to the following: expected that the current wave of school be provided by the admini­ could escalate after the elections, agreed to do. ... That the administration guaran- unrest will continue and intensify up stration for pupils from out-lying and have asked the Administration areas at no elltra cost to the students. for Coloureds, which runs the school. The administration was given un­ to provide them with protection dur­ til 13hOO yesterday to reply to the ing the exam period. 'Police saved the peace process' demands. but as The Namibian went Coloured Administration schools to press it seemed the authority was are due to start 1heir exams on No­ IN WHAT would appear to be an untimely mOment In Namibia's history to launch such a book, author Peter StitT last not prepared to comply. vember 14. while National Educa­ night was Interviewed on the SWABC TV news on his latest product, this time entitled 'The Nine Day War' and telling of the April 1-9 Incursion by Swapo flghters Into Namibia. "We don't negotiate with stu­ tion schools are currently sitting for dents," said Mr Peter Koopman. their exams before closing down at Interviewed on TV News, StitT boasted that he had been given "carte blanche" by the authorities to see whom he wanted, talk to whom he wanted and Interview anyone In Namibia regarding the abortive start to the Implementation of435 from Director of Education in the Admini­ the end of this week, well before April 1. stration for Coloureds. "The demands November's poll. StitT saId that he ·.had Interviewed troops, policemen, helicopter pilots, SA Foreign AtTalrs officials and captured of the students are absurd. The au­ Ella du Plessis students yesterday combatants of the Peoples Liberation Army of Namibia for his book. thority cannot speculate at what is demoostrated at the gates of the school. Claiming that "the facts speak for themselves" the author or books such as 'Selous Scouts' said thatthere had been "a going to happen in the elections." The police arrived, followed by Untag fullscale Incursion of 2000 guerrillas" Into Namibia on April 1, and that what he described as the "thin blue line" of Earlier. chairperson of the school's monitors, but there was no violence. SWA police along the 400 km border with Angola, had "saved Namibia, and saved the peace process" from disaster. students council. Mr Peter Herrmann, the students complying with police StitT said that there was 'no doubt' that Plan combatants had come across In an aggressive capacity, to "knock out" the said if the administration did not requests to move off the road. SWA Police, and that tbey bad also been carrying "enormous quantities" of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons with meet their demands. they would After several hours. the students them. boycott classes. moved to the school hall where stu­ They had also carried leaflets with them, he claimed, which were headed "you fell prey to Plan combatants" and which Mr Alcock said he hoped the dents council leaders read out a list of were to be placed on thl: bodies of people they killed. administration would agree to the demands they had made to the ad­ StitT apparently spoke only to the SA authorities, Including Its police force and army, and not to any Swapo leaders or demands "in the interests of order" ministration in a letter delivered that supporters, with the exception of the captured combatants. at the school. "It seems that there Some TV viewers called to complain about the fact that this ite m was given prominence on the news at 20hOO, and felt morning. The letter was backed up will ~ more trouble if the demands that it was untimely, at this point in the 435 peace process, and In view of the policy of reconciliation, to draw attention with a petition signed by between are not md~ " he said. " This could to these matters. 700 and 800 pupils. disrupt the whole exam ." 2 Tuesday October 24 1989 THE NAMIBIAN Maggie's stubbornness BEIRUT - Christian leader Michel Aoun has increased his causes fierce rows at isolation by angrily turning against Lebanese parliamentarians who agreed to a peace plan that did not guarantee a complete Syria.n troop withdrawal. General Aoun rejected a pact to end 14 years of civil war which was reached ,by Christian and Moslem Commonwealth summit parlia'mentarians after three weeks of talks in Saudi Arabia. ZIMBABWE stoked a war of words with Britain over South Africa said quite clearly that Britain takes a different view. I spelled out that dif­ KUALA LUMPUR - Australia and Canada assailed British prime on Monday as the Commonwealth summit turned to isSues ranging from drugs to the world economy. ferent view." minister Margaret Thatcher at the Commonwealth summit, A close aide added: "We are amazed demanding she explain a British statement critical of an agreed Australia and Canada assailed prime "I don't think any explanation is that the Commonwealth finds free stance on South Africa. minister Margaret Thatcher as de­ called for and I am astounded anyone speech so inconvenient. But as far as bate opened for the day, demanding should object," she added. we are concenred, th~ matter is TEGUCIGALPA - Braving the stench of death, about 300 people she explain a British statement criti­ Mugabe joined the attack on closed." , gathered at the Tegucigalpa mortuary to identify victims of cal of an agreed Commoowea!th stance Thatcher at a news conference, an­ Hawke said the unprecedented Saturday's Honduran aircraft crash. Just 15 of the 146 people on southern African policy. grily accusing the British leader of British action was,not the' 'way to do aboard the Boeing 727 survived. Zimbabwe's president Robert ' completely reversing her poSition ~ business", but added: "I don't think Mugabe, set to be host to the 49- torpedoing the joint Commonwealth any usefui purpose is served by tak­ nation group's 1991 summit in Harare, stand. ing it any further." BRISBANE,AUSTRALIA - Australian police charged four young later said Thatcher w as characteristi­ He said the separate British state­ Mulroney suggested Thatcher had women with the ritual murder and near-decapitation of a man cally "the only dissenting voice" at ment was meant to do two things: flouted the British tradition of fair aged 47 whose naked body with 14 stab wounds was found in a this year's meeting, and called her "To tell the blacks in South Africa play, but also said: "We are not park. conduct "despicable and unaccept­ that Britain is a supporter of apart­ offended by this at all." able" . heid and tell the apostles of apartheid In other business, the summit: PEKING - Computer fraud is booming in China, with theft of Prime minister Bob Hawke ,and that Britain is still their friend." * Endorsed an equity fund to fun­ confidential information as well as money, as security systems Brian Mulroney told Thatcher per­ Malaysian prime minister Mahathir nel $50-100-million of capital from are unable to keep pace with the growing skill of the criminals, sonally her action in issuing a sepa­ Mohamad moved quickly to end the rich nations to boost stock markets in the People's Daily said. ' rate British document was unaccept­ . row in the conference chamber and developing countries; able. The British paper was released the other protagonist adopted a more * urged industrialised nations to conciliatory tone outside. balance monetary with fiscal poli­ NEW YORK - Freed black South African nationalist leader on Sunooy ,less than two hours after the Commonwealth statement.
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