FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1968 PAOB TWENTY-FOUR Avetage Dolly Net Press Run i0anrl;?Btfr 1Ett:?nfn9 ifipraUi For IS e Week Ended Tile Weatker March e, i e « Showers Ukely tottl^t endlBg early tomorrow morning. Low 15,580 iEupmtm about 40 tonight. High touioirovr in SOs. Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 141 (FOURTEEN PAGES—T V S^CnON—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1968 (ClBMlfled AdverUalBg on Piag« U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VN.': 128 Viet Cong Die RFK Announces Candidacy; In Coastal Battles SAIGON (AP) — U.S. infan- American casualties were not American-South Vietnamese trymen, in a hide-and-seek fight given since the forces were stOl force killed 81 enemy soldiers in Will Not ‘Oppose Any Man’ through rice paddies and sand in contact, a U.S. spokesman the biggest battle so far In Oper- dunes along the central coast, said. atlon ^ y e t Thang—Resolve to killed 128 Viet Ckmg guerrillas In the Vletnsim war’s biggest Win. today, the U.S. Oommand said, operation, centered around Sal- The massive operation, in- A spokesman sfdd a company gon, the total of slain enemy sol- volvlng some 60,000 troops, was of the 11th Light infantry Bri- dlers gradually Increased to 8M launch^ Monday in five pro- WASHINGTON (A P)—Sen. Robert F. Kennedy for­ Bars Receives Eagle Badge gade, sweeping into an area with 88 suspects detained in the vlnces north, west and south of mally announced today his candidacy for president, Joseph Bars, son of former Manchester residents, Mr. and that had been bombarded min- first six days. The U.S. Com- Saigon. saying he will run not “ to oppose any man, but to pro­ Mrs. Edward W. Bars of Bourne, Mass., was pinned with his utes earlier, tangled with guer- mand said 27 Americana have Lt. Oen. Fred C. Weyand, pose new policies.” Eagle Scout award by his mother as his father watches dur­ miaa this morning. been killed and 213 wounded, commanding the 66-battallon "I run because I am convinced that this country is ing ceremonies at the Bourne Methodist Church. A member A second compsiny was Vietnamese army headquarters strike force, said the goal is to on a perilous course and because I have such stionir of the National Honor Society, he is a junior at Bourne High TONIGHT UNTIL 9...SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. dropped by helicopters two said casualties among the gov- "cover ail the principal populat- feelings about what must be done that I am obliged School. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Mabel Weir of 170 miles to the north an hour later eimment troops were light ed areas so that the people will to do all I can,” Kennedy said. Wells St., and his patemtd grandfather is Joseph Bars, 489 euid heavy flghtlng broke out e a The latest clash was fought by know that the giovemment is ---------------------- "I do not llghUy dismiss the the guerrillas tried to escape Eoldlers of the U.S. 26th Infantry Main St. still In control." dangers and difficulties of chal­ the tightening vise. Division who killed nine guerril- Friday's medor otosh, 20 miles lenging an incumbent presi Manchester Rod and Gun du b Helicopter g^unshlps and artU- las and captured three suspects west of Saigon, began when an dent," he added in his formal About Town will have its annual meeting and lery supported the Eidvancing Friday near Thu Due, nine estimated 600 guerrillas opened Candidates announcement before a national election of officers tomorrow at U.S. infantrymen in the running miles northeast of Saigon, up with automatic weapons and television audience from the old The annual Ladles and Divan 8 p.m. at the clubhouse, Daley battle six miles northeast of American losses were 2 killed antitank rockets on men of the Senate Office Building Cauoue Quang Ngal City and 830 miles and 10 wounded, Night o f Omar Shrine d u b will R d, Coventry. A roast beef din­ U.S. 11th Armored Cavalry Reg­ Respond to Room. be at Ellington Ridge Country ner will be served at 6:30. northeast of Sedgon. Earlier Friday, a combined iment. The Americans called in "But these are not ordinary d u b tonight. Potentate Herbert artIUery , hriicopter gunsfalps times and this is not an ordi­ Schick and five of his Sphinx Manchester Square Dance and Jet fighter-bombers. R FK Move nary elecUon," he said. "At Temple divan will attend. More d u b will have a dance tomor­ Infantrymen from the South stake is not simply the leader thsui 60 couples have made re­ row from 8 to 11 p.m. at Wad­ Vietnamese 26th Division moved By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ship of our party or even oin: servations, according to Richard dell School. Earl Johnston will By All-White Jury in to block enemy escape country—it is our right to more routes, a U.S. spokesman said. From coast to coast, Republl- , ^ 6 Rothwell, chairman. President’ be the caller, and Mr. and Mrs. cans and Democrats in the thick on this planet" Russell White will cue the The fighting ended at dusk. Frank Sheldon announces the of the presidenUal race or on The New York senator said, round. Committees for the event The spokesman said no Amer­ soclel hour is at 7, dinner at 8, the sidelines made strategy ad­ "I have previously conununloat* are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, icans were killed but 21 were and dancing to follow, to the Klansman Convicted justments today to respond to ed this decision to President music of the Bossa Nolvas. door duty; and Mr. and Mrs. GIGANTIC wounded .The South Vietnamese the official emergence of a new Johnson" and late last night Us George Budd, refreshment said their caeualtles were light. brother, Sen. Edward Kennedy, chairmen, assited by Mr. and At about the same time, other contender. Sen. Robert F. Ken­ nedy. D-Mass., went to Wisconsin to Cub Scout Pack 53 of Wad- 'Mrs. Richard Callahan and Mr. In Murder of Negro government infantrymen in the "communicate my decision to • deU Sdiool will meet tonight at and Mrs. Allan Walch. The club sweep operation fought a pair of The New York Democrat’s de­ Senator McCarthy,” 7:30 in the school audiitDrlum. will have an Alumni Get To­ HATTIESBURO, Miss. (AF^ en under state indictment, ore battles 18 miles nonUiwest of cision to try to wrest the Demo­ Uniforms wiU be inspected. gether Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the — An all-white Mississippi Jury accused in federal court of con­ Saigon. They reported kUUng 60 cratic nomlnaUon from Presi­ Kennedy said he is running to Membership appUcatloas fOr school. convicted a Ku Khix Klanamah spiracy in Dahmer’s death. guerrillas and capturing two dent Johnson was trumpeted by "end the bloodshed" and to the scouting auxiliary should be Friday night of minxlerlng Ne­ The five-day trial ended after while losing seven killed and 14 news media Friday, making this close the gaps In America be­ returned at this meeting. The Members of the VFW Auxili­ “^ D i i gro leader Vernon Dahmer, who volatile closing statements by wound^. morning’s announcement at a tween rich and poor, young cubs, tfaedr fOthers and broth- ary will sponsor a young peoples died defending his family from attorneys. Quyet Thang is the first ma­ news conference an anUcUmax. old" He said his aim was to eiB over 8 years will bowl to­ Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D- make "America stand tor dance Ttiesday evening lor pa­ raiding fire bombers. Dlst. Atty. James Finch, his jor aUed operation in the Saigon morrow at 0:30 at Holiday Minn., continued to work the hope." tients at Mansfield Training Cecil Victor Sessum, exalted tie loosened and his face in­ area since the Viet Cong’s lunar IdIMS. School. Those planning to attend Cyclops of the T ^ te Kidghts of tense, recounted testimony of A new year offensive exploded campaign circuit today in Wls- He went on to say he is run- will meet at 6 p.m. at the post COLOR TV the nCK, was sentenced to life Jem. 31 with 6,000 guerrillas ccMin and Indiana. nlng "because it is now umni«- Klan plot to bum Dahmer's Oifb Soout Pack 14 will meet home. Transportation will be in prison after the Jury returned home and "annihilate him.” fighting poUce and government It was McCarthy’s surprising- takably clear" that what ha tonight at 7:30 at Keeney arranged by Mrs. Kenneth Asel- the verdict. Then he demanded of the Jtuy, troops in Saigon and Its sub­ ly strong •howing' as^ainat John- caHod dlsastrouB policloa can bd urbs. School. Une, 784 E. Middle Tpke. "We definitely will appeal,” "Is that the kind of Justice you son in Tuesday’s New Hamp- changed only by chimging those said defense attorney Lawrence wsuit?” Troops of the U.S. 28th Iirfan- ■hire primary that caused Ken- who made them. Arrington. try Division uncovered 12. nedy to reverse a previous deci­ The scene of Kennedy’s news If the answer was yes. Finch Six other white men await 122mm rockets and 68 mortar sion to sit out the 1668 election. conference was the historic cMi- said to the 12 men, "We can do Happy St. Patrick's Day, Kathleen Dear! trial for murder and arson in rounds 25 miles northwest of McCarthy said he has no in- cus room of the old Senate Of­ CRISP AIRE FRESH APPLES! McIntosh, Cortland, Wine- the Jan.
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