• ...'>8 "• W .A TJi'ORD. HRRTFORDSHIREJ [KEI.tt'S1 Whitbourn Thomas, boot maker, u St. James road 1 Winfh~ld David, shopkeeper, XI & t3 Water lane I!. Whitbread Wa1.ter ...\.ngustus, shopkpr. 28 Harwoods rd, Winfield Henry, wood dealer, 10 Upper Paddock road, White R. &; Sons Ltd. mineral water manufrs. Carey pl Oxhey & High street I! 9ft '(1 White Timothy Co. Ltd.' chemists, 213 St . .Albans road Winfield Henry J. greengrocer, 83 Cecil street White Beatrix (Miss}, dress maker, B1 Queen's road Winter Alfred Ethelbert,picture frame ma.56 Qaeen'& td White Waltell John, grocer, 504 Whippendell toad Winters Herbert John, fruiterer, 123 Leavesden 'road Whitehorn ...\.lbert, blacksmith, 27 Meeting , alley & Wisbey Alfred, oilman, 168 Whippendell road Chequer's. yard, High street • Wise George, agent tcr the County Fire Insurance Co. Whitlock Reginald Arthnr, pianoforte mfr. 166 High st 1 97 Gladstone road 7f Whittle William James, laundry, Hagden lane Wise Richard Kingdon, watch maker, 20 High street Wiesinger George, Verulam hotel, Station road , Wodehouse, Rackett & Co. house agents, 23a, Aldenbam Wigg Edward, agricultural implement agent, 86a, St. road, Oxhey a W Albans road. T N 284 Wolf L. E. Godwin, masseur, 24 St. John's road i ll Wiggins Alfred, plasterer, 129 Ridge street Wolf Marcen (Miss), masseuse, 24 St. John's road Wiggins George, tailor, 3 Fox alley ' Wolfe Alice (Mrs.), costumier, 38 Oxhey street, Oxhey Wiggs George & Sons, builders, go & 92 St. Albans Wollaston Henry Francis, shopkeeper, 26 Sotheron rd road. 'l' N 356 Wombwt.>ll Herbert M. bird aealer, 270 High street t Wiggs Henry Edmund & Son, dairymen, 86 St . .Albans Wood Frederick, tailor, gaa, Pinner road ff 11 road. T N 357 . Wood Frederick Lewis, hair dresser, II1 Leavesden roatl Wiggs Henry, tailor, 6 Weymouth street Wood Harold Elderkin, chemist, 97 St. .Albans road Wiggs Thomas Edmund, dairyman, 314 St . .Albans road Wood Herbert, bak-er, 207 Leavllsden road Wild ...\.lgernon William, farmer, Eastbury farm (letters Wood William, supt. of police, Police station, King at thmugh Northwood) Woodfall Frank, dairyman, 179 Leavesden road Wilkin & Co. Limited, yeast merchants, 177 Queen's rd Woodfi.eld Edwin, monumental, general & architectural Wilkins. Waiter & Dudley, builders, Southsea avenue mason, stone & marble merchant &c. W'hippendell Wilkins Frederick, baker, 195 High street · I road & Georg-e street. See advertisement Wilkinson Joseph, boot maker, 4 Beechen grove ' ~ Woodley Frederick George, greengrocer, 56 Cecil street Williams F . .A. & Co. corset makers, 139 High street Woods John, boot maker, 7 King street Williams Albert Edward, outfitter, sra, Queen's road Woodward Ht.>rbert & Sons, greengrocers, 45 Queen's. Williams Elleu (Miss), dress maker, Rosslyn, King st road. T N xY2 Williams Frank, coal merchant, see Barnes & Williams Woodward Annie Elizh.(Mrs.),grocer,goPinner rd. Ox•hey Williams Henry, beer retailer, 78 Villiers road, Oxhey Wooldridge Charles, beer retailer, 19 Watford fields Williams Kate M. (Miss), tobacconist, 45 High street I Woolman John, librarian to Watford Public Library,. Williamson William Hy. beer ret, 2 .Aldenham rd. Oxhey Queen's road Willis Herbert, shopkeeper, 26 Lower Paddock rd. Ox hey 1 W odd's Stores Limited (The), grocers, 97 High street Willson Benjamin, fishmonger, 8o Leavesden road Worrall Jane (Mrs.y, dress maker, 152 Le3vesden road f1 Wilshin Edith Rosa (Miss), preparatory school for boys W orsley Herbert, tobacconist, 73 St. .Albans road & girls, 103 Mildr.ed avenue Wort Edward Henry, baker, 7 Chalk hill, Oxhey Wilson Frederick William & .Sons, saddlers, 147 High st Wratten John, dairyman, 67 St. Albans road f Wilson & Sons, butchers, 218 St. A.lbans road & 172 Wren William & Sons. saddlers & harness makers, 46 Whippendell road · • (T N qXx) & 225 High street · Wilson Charl~s. coal mPrchant, 18 Upper Paddock rd. Wright James & William, boot makers, x6 Market st. Oxhey & Bushey railway station 1 & go Sotheron road · Wilson Frederick (firm, Sedgwick, Turner, Sworder & Wright Herbert, White Hart P.H. x8o High street Wilson), solicitm1, clerk to the board of guardians & Wright Jesse, ironmonger, 79 Vicarage road to the assessment committee of t·he Watford union & Wright Louisa (Mrs.), china &; glass dealer, 89 High st superintendent registrar, clerk to the managers of Wright. Matilda.(Mrs.),wardrobe dlr.137 & 139 Queen's rd the Watford County Council schools & Watford Rural Wright Robert, shopkeeper, 169 Leavesden road & Urban Local Education committees, to Watford Wright Sarah Jane (Mrs.),wardrobe dlr.179 St.Albans rd Rural District Council, to the Watford grammar Wright Thos. bird & animal preserver, 103 Leavesden rd schools, sec. to Corn Exchange & Town ImprovPment Wright William, carman, 5 Sutton road · 1 Co. Watford place Wright William, farmer, Cassio bridge · Wilson John, clerk t{) managers of Bushey County Wright William Francis, manager of Barclay &; Com~ Council schools & of Watford Church of England pany Limited, bankers, 13'.! High street , schools & deputy supt. registrar of births, deaths & Wyman & Sons Ltd. news agents, Bushey & Oxhey marriages, Watford place railway station, Oxhey Wilson Mary A.nn-(Mrs.), laundry, 71 Harwoods road Yorke Bebecca&Georgina(Misses),ladies' schl.6rMarket st Wilson Percy J. draper, 161 & 163 High street Young Henry & Sons, builders, 2II Harwoods road ·& Wilson William, basket malier, 191 High street King's avenue ' Wilson Williarrl. S. motor engr. Water la. & z8 Derby rd Young :Men's ·Christian .A.ssQciation (Frank Pratt, hon. Wimble Herbert Charles M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sec.; R. Walton Kennett, sec.), 55 Queen's road '• physidan & surgeon, 47 Chalk hill, Oxhey Young Women's Christian Association (Miss G. Coles, Winch Frederick, painter, 22 Prince street ~ ' · Rec. ), 22 St. AI bans road .. Windmill Jane {Mrs.), shoplieeper, 18 Fearnley street Young Archibald Charles, butcher, 5 Cassia \-oad Wihdsor Frederick, shoe maker, 79 Villiers rd. O:'!:bey Young Charles, butcher, 75 Victoria road WATT ON-AT-STONE is a parish and large village, late rector, who died in 1885, and there are others~ in on the rive1• Beane and on the Great North road, 5 miles the north chapel is a brass to Sir Philip Peletot, o~. north-east from Welwyn station, 3! south-east from 1361, with effigy under a. canopy; here also is a brass to Knebworth st;il.tion and 7 south from Steven~ge John Boteler esq. ob. 1514, and his wives, Catherine station, all on the main line of the Great No-rth- (Acton) and Dorothy (Tyrrell) and Margaret (Belknap) ern railway, 26 from London, via Hertford or Ware, ob. 1513, only the male effigy and five shields remain­ S north-west from Ware, and 5 north-west from Hert- ing: in the chancel is the brass effigy of a priest in ford: the parish is in the Northern division of the cope, c. 1370; in the aisles are brasses to a civilian, county, Broad-water hundred, Stevenage petty sessional c>. 1470, a.nd wife, with effigies; and to Sir Edmund division, Hertford union and county court district and Bardolf, ob. 1455, a.nd his wife Joan, ob. I4J18, the effigy in the. rural deanery of Welwyn and archdeaconry and of the wife only now remaining; besides several slabs. diocese of St . .Albans. The church of SS. Andrew and inscribed in Norman-French to Robert de Gravele, Roger Mary is an ancient building of flint and stone, in the de Larebi and· Waiter de Molinton, and Jane de Gute~ Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, with north cester, 1502 : in the north-east corner of the chapel is. chapel, embattled clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, a. slab of alabaster with incised effigies in outline ~o north and south porches, vestry, and an embattled John Boteler and Elizabeth and Constance his wives western tower with angle turret, containing a clock and and seven daughters; there is also a flat stone with 6 bells, dated from 1682 to 1852: on the south side of the brass effigy in armour, and heraldic shields in fine chancel are triple sedilia and piscina, and in the wall of preservation to Philip Peletot, ob. 14 August, 1-352: the south aisle is anothPr piscina: the doors which led against the south chancel wall is a tablet in black and to the ancient rood loft still exist on the north and white marble to the Rev. Edward Bickersteth, rector south sides of the chancel: the fine stained east window here from 1830, d. February 28, 1850: in the church­ w.as the gift of the Rev. the Hon. L. J. Barrington vard near the south side of the chancel is an Earlv • • M.A. rector 185o-86, on the completion of the restora- English tombstone carved with a cross botonne: the tion of the ch.urc.h in 1851: in the south aisle is a church was thoroughly restored in 1'851, at a cost of memorial window erected by the family. at a cost of £7,coo, the whole expense being "defrayed by Abel Smith £rso, to the late Lady Catherine Barrington, wife of the esq (d. 1859): in x88o the organ was restored and re-.
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