DIRECTORY. J ESSEX. FRIXTON-ON' -SEA. 245 Hale Frank, farme-r, Frating Lodge )fullinger H. farm baili:lt to Jame~ Sayer & Wigg, farmers, Hill house Hart Frederick, wheelwright Hines esq. Hall farm Taylor .A.lb~rt, farm bailifi to Percy Lord Archer, farmer, Slough farm Pertwee Frank, corn merchant, More- Barker esq Maskell Abraham, cooper & grocer ham's hall Wigg Thomas, farmer, see Sayer & Montague Frederick, cycle maker Porter Charles, farmer, Hockley farm Wigg FRINTON-ON-SEA is a popular resort for visitors ing extensive land and sea views. The Grand Hotel, and an Urban District on the sea coast, with a station on erected in 1898, commands extensive land and sea the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern views. The Lawn Tennis Club has a private ground railway, opened July, 1888, 1l miles south-west from adjoining the golf links, with eight courts, two croquet Walton-on-the-Naze steamboat pier and station, 16 south lawns, a bowling green and a pavilion; visitors can from Harwich and 18 south-east from Colchester, in play on payment of a small fee. The Jubilee Garden the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring was laid out in 1897, at a cost of about £2oo, and hundred, petty session·al division and union, Colchester, includes a drinking fountain erected to commemorate Clacton-on-Sea and Harwich Joint county court district, the coronation of His late Majesty King Edward VII. rural deanery of St. 08yth, archdeaconry of Colchester 9th August, 1902. On the cliff there are two shelters, and Chelmsford diocese. The land in this parish, presented by Thomas Edmund Marshall esq. Station having been purchased by Sir Richard Powell Cooper road, now called Connaught avenue, was opened by bart. of Shenstone Court, near Lichfield, was laid out H.R.H. the Duchess of Connaught, Sept. 16th, 190-1. with the view of converting it into a marine resort, with The first telephonic communication between a light­ about I! miles of sea frontage, half of which has a house and the shore was laid here. The Gunft.eet Light­ beach of fine ~and gently sloped and admirably suited house, just visible in the offing, has through corn­ for bathing; from the eastward half, which is less munication by a submarine cable (five miles in length) sandy, rise cliffs over 6o feet in height, whence good sea with Frinton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the-Naze, Clacton-on­ and land views can be obtained : the roads, varying Sea and Harwich Coastguard stations. The lifeboat is from 45 to 55 feet in width, with houses well set back, the property of the town and is under the control of 31"8 so laid out that nearly all the residences command the Frinton-on-Sea Volunteer Lifeboat Society, formed a sea view. Under the "Frinton Sea Defences .Act, in 1904. Sir R. .A. Cooper hart. M.P. of Felden Lodge, I9C3," a concrete sea wall and promenade, a mile in Boxmoor, Herts, is the principal landowner. The soil. length, together with 32 timber groynes, were con- is mixed; subsoil, principally clay. The area of the structed at a cost of £32,ooo; the cliffs were sloped, civil parish and Urban District is 422 acres of land and drained and turfed and paths made so as to give easy 135 of foreshore; rateable value in 1914, £18,800; the access to the promenade, and there is a fine open space population in 1901 was 644, in 19II, 1,510, and 648 in over a mile in length, known as "The Greensward," the ecclesiastical parish in 1901, and 1,524 in 19II. between the esplanade and the cliffs. The streets are Verger, Edwin John Baker, Pole Barn lane. lighted with gas supplied from works at Walton-on- Post, M. 0. &; T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office the-Na.ze, and the town is also lit with the electric (letters should have Essex added). John Butcher, light from w·orks, :in St. Mary's road, the property of sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 7 & 9· 15 a.m. & a company. An abundance of pure spring water is 12.45 (to callers) & 6.15 p.m.; dispatched at 9.10 obtained direct from Lawford by the pumping works a.m. & 12.30, 3·5• 6.30 &; 8.10 p.m have erected a water tower near the railway station. cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 12 noon & 2, 5·I5 & 7.15 p.m. A complete drainage scheme was carried out in 1898. on week days; sunday, 7 p.m By Local Government Board Order No. 42,991, Wall Letter Box, Railway :.tation, cleared at 8.15 & II-45 which came into operation on ut October, 1901, the a.m. & 1.45, 5 & 7 p.m. week days; sunday, 7 p.m CIVil parish of Frinton was constituted an Urban Dis- Pillar Box, Cambridge road, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 12. 'rict by the name of Frinton-on-Sea. noon & 2, 5.15 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7·I5 p.m By Local Government Board Order No. 46,178, of Pillar Box, Fourth avenue, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 12.15,. March 31st, 1905, 15 acres were transferred from 2.15, 5·3.0 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.m Walton-on-the-Naze to Frinton parish. Pillar Box, Esplanade, cleared at 8.30 & 10.30 a.m. &. I The ancient church of St. Mary, which dates from i 12 ·15• 2·3°• 5·45 & 7·3° p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m the 14th century, is a building of rubble stone, restored . Lamp Letter Box, Manchester road, cleared at 8.15 a.m. in 1879, in the Early English style: it was previously .& 12 noon & 2 • 5· 15 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m almost the smallest church in England, but was Pillar Box, Holland road, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & u. Pnlarged in 1879 by the rebuilding of the chancel, which .2.30, 5·3° & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7·30 p.m had lain in ruins since 1703, when it was blown down Pillar Box, Grand hotel, cleared at 8.r5 a.m. & 12, 2.:Jo,._ m one of the severe gales to which from its bleak posi- 5·45 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 7·30 p.m tion on the sea coast this neighbourhood is exposed : the church now comprises chancel, nave, south porch URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. and a bell gable, containing one bell: there is a small · Meets at the Council Offices, Old road, on the second st.ained window at the west end, inserted by the latt tuesday in the month, at 8.15 p.m. Peter S. Bruff esq. of Ipswich, in memory of hh Chairman, "\\' illiam Armitage. mother: the east window is in memory of Jame8 Vice-Chairman, Ernest M. Clarke. Beadel and Mary .Ann, his wife : on the north side of Members. the chancel is a small window containing some ancient Retire in .April, 1915. armorial bearings. In 1894 the nave was lengthened Wm. Stanhope Brockman I I. Simmons at a cost exceeding £4oo, and in 191I the church was W illiam Ro bert Dockrell aga.in extended at the west end : there are 450 sit­ tings. The register dates from the year 1754. The Retire in April, 1916. hving is a rectory, net yearly value £269, in the gift E. M. Clarke IThomas Edmund MarshaU of trustees appointed by the Church Pastoral Aid John Lyon Corser Society, and held since 19II by the Rev. Charles Retire in April, 1917. Frederick Knight ){,.A.. of Trinity College, Cambridge. William Armitage I William Hayne A Free church was erected in 1912, at an estimated cost John Bailey of £3,400, to seat 400 persons. .A Wesleyan Methodist chapel was erected in 1903, at a cost of £I,ooo, and Officers. will seat about 200 persons. The Plymouth Brethren Clerk, Patrick Ogilvy Macdonald M.A. Council office~. have a small place of worship in Old road. The Parish Old road .. Church Hall, built in 1897, at a cost of £450, is an Treasurer, N. A.. 'C. de H. Tufnell, Barclay's Bank. iron building, with r8o sittings; it is used both as a Colchester Sunday school and for religious meetings. The Masonic Medical Officer of Health, Henry William Godfrey M.B., hall, erected in 1908, at a cost of about £6oo, is a build­ ){.R.C.S.Eng. Holland lodge ing of red brick. Hill Crest School, a high-class board· Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Ernest Montagu B:1te, ing school for boys preparing for the public schools, Belleville, Fourth avenue navy &c. in a commanding situation, was built in Collector, Ebenezer Cln.tterbuck, The Poplars, Fourth av 1907. There is also a large Public Hall, holding about Assistant Colle·:!tor, Stanley W. Clutterbuck, The . 400 persons. There are fine golf links of 18 holes. Poplars, Fourth avenue "1th a course of six holes for children ; the golf club • has about soo members and is open to visitors; a new Pn hlic Elementary School (mixed), for 150 children, club house was erected in 1905. The Esplanade Hotel, erected in 1898, at a cost of £1,800; average attend­ which stands in its own grounds, has tennis and ance, 143; .A bel West, master croquet lawns : it is 6o feet above sea level, command- Railway Station, .J:Vppel Reeve, station master • .
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