Example Cancer Registry Reportable List This list provides example documentation of all conditions a cancer registry may consider reportable depending on the organizations the registry reports its data to. The reportable list for each cancer registry may vary. - It is structured alphabetically by the main histologic term. - Qualifiers and/or adjectives associated with the main term are included only if needed to specify when the condition is reportable. - An asterisk (*) to the right of a term denotes conditions not reportable when arising from skin except at a mucoepidermoid site as defined under Exclusions below. - The abbreviation “NOS” means “Not Otherwise Specified.” Determining Reportable Conditions Using Histologic Terms - Conditions are to be reported if the diagnosis includes the terms cancer, carcinoma, malignant, and lymphoma. - Most leukemias and sarcomas are reportable except as noted as exclusions on the listing. - Other reportable conditions not containing these terms (i.e., refractory anemia, stromal endometriosis, Ewing tumor, carcinofibroma) also are included in this listing. Determining Reportable Conditions Using ICD-O Behavior Codes - All cases with a behavior code of /2 (in situ) or /3 (malignant) in the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O), are reportable neoplasms. - In addition, juvenile or pilocytic astrocytoma with a behavior code of /1 (uncertain/borderline) in ICD-O, Third Edition also is reportable using a behavior code of /3. - Note: If a pathologist verifies an ICD-O behavior code of /0 (benign) or /1 (uncertain) as “in situ” or “malignant,” these cases are reportable. Exclusions Conditions are not to be reported if the diagnosis includes: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Squamous and basal cell cancers primary to the skin: • Neoplasms, malignant, NOS of the skin (C44.0-C44.9) • Epithelial carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9) • Squamous cell carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9) • Basal cell carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9) Note: The above lesions are reportable for squamous and basal cell cancers originating in mucoepidermoid sites: lip, anus, vulva, vagina, penis or scrotum (ICD-O codes C00.0-C00.9, C21.0, C51.0-C51.9, C52.9, C60.0-60.9, and C63.2). Changes to December 2000 List of Abbreviated Reportable Conditions: • Reportable conditions from both the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Second Edition (ICD-O-2) and the Third Edition (ICD-O-3) are included in the listing. • Newly reportable conditions and terms with behavior changed from /1 (borderline) in ICD-O-2 to /3 (malignant) in ICD-O-3 are identified in bold print. These conditions are reportable only when diagnosed on or after January 1, 2001. • Several terms changed behavior from /3 (malignant) in ICD-O-2 to /1 (borderline) in ICD-O-3. These conditions are reportable only when diagnosed prior to January 1, 2001, and are identified in [brackets and italics]. • New terms and synonyms for existing ICD-O codes were added. Abstracting Methods Page 1 of 5 © 2005 AHIMA/NCRA Adamantinoma (long bones, malignant, tibial only) papillary, borderline malignancy Adenoacanthoma papillary mucinous, borderline malignancy Adenocarcinofibroma papillary pseudomucinous, borderline Adenocarcinoma malignancy papillary serous, borderline Adenofibroma (malignant endometrioid only) malignancy pseudomucinous, borderline Adenoma (carcinoid bronchial and malignancy serous, borderline malignancyonly)] cylindroid bronchial only) Cystosarcoma phyllodes (malignant only) Adenosarcoma Cytopenia, refractory with multilineage dysplasia AIN III (anal intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III) Dermatofibrosarcoma Ameloblastoma (malignant only) Diktyoma (exclude benign) Androblastoma (malignant only) DIN III (ductal intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III) Anemia, refractory Disease (include only: Angioendotheliomatosis alpha heavy chain Angiomyosarcoma Bowen* Angiosarcoma Di Guglielmo Argentaffinoma (malignant only) Franklin Arrhenoblastoma (malignant only) gamma heavy chain Astroblastoma Heavy chain NOS Astrocytoma (exclude subependymal and Hodgkin desmoplastic infantile) immunoproliferative [NOS and small intestinal Astroglioma only] Blastoma* Letterer-Siwe Cancer* mast cell, systemic tissue Carcinoid (exclude tumor of appendix, strumal, Mu heavy chain argentaffin tumor NOS, Myeloproliferative, chronic, NOS enterochromaffin-like cell NOS, and tubular) Paget* [exclude of bone] Carcinofibroma Sezary) Carcinoma* Disorder, myeloproliferative, chronic Carcinomatosis* Disorder, primary cutaneous CD30+ T-cell Carcinosarcoma lymphoproliferative CASTLE (Carcinoma showing thymus-like element) Dysgerminoma Chloroma Ectomesenchymoma Cholangiocarcinoma Endometriosis, stromal Chondroblastoma (malignant only) Enteroglucagonoma (malignant only) Chondrosarcoma Ependymoblastoma Chordoma Ependymoma (exclude myxopapillary) Choriocarcinoma Epithelioma* (NOS, basal cell, malignant, and squamous Chorioepithelioma cell only) Chorionepithelioma Erythremia (acute and chronic only) Class IV cytology Erythroleukemia Class V cytology Erythroplasia, Queyrat* Comedocarcinoma Esthesioneuroblastoma CPNET (central primitive neuroectodermal, NOS) Esthesioneurocytoma Cylindroma (exclude eccrine dermal, and skin) Esthesioneuroepithelioma Cyst (dermoid with malignant transformation only or Fibrochondrosarcoma dermoid with secondary tumor) Fibrodentinosarcoma Cystadenocarcinofibroma Fibroepithelioma, of Pinkus type or NOS* Cystadenocarcinoma Fibroliposarcoma Cystadenofibroma (malignant endometrioid only) Fibromyxosarcoma [Cystadenoma (diagnosis date prior to January 1, 2001); Fibro-odontosarcoma (mucinous, borderline malignancy Fibrosarcoma Abstracting Methods Page 2 of 5 © 2005 AHIMA/NCRA Fibroxanthoma (malignant only) Medulloepithelioma Ganglioglioma (anaplastic) Medullomyoblastoma Ganglioneuroblastoma Melanoma (exclude juvenile) Gastrinoma (malignant only) Melanomatosis, meningeal Gemistocytoma Melanosis (precancerous only) Germinoma Meningioma (malignant, anaplastic, papillary, or GIST-Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (malignant only) rhabdoid only) Glioblastoma Mesenchymoma (malignant only) Glioma (exclude nasal and subependymal) Mesonephroma (exclude benign) Gliomatosis cerebri Mesothelioma (exclude benign and cystic) Gliosarcoma Metaplasia, agnogenic myeloid Glomangiosarcoma Microglioma Glucagonoma (malignant only) MPNST, NOS (malignant peripheral nerve sheath Granuloma (Hodgkin only) tumor) Hemangioendothelioma (malignant only) Mycosis fungoides Hemangiopericytoma (malignant only) Myelofibrosis (acute, chronic idiopathic, with myeloid Hemangiosarcoma metaplasia or as a result of myeloproliferative Hepatoblastoma disease only) Hepatocarcinoma Myeloma Hepatocholangiocarcinoma Myelomatosis Hepatoma (exclude benign) Myelosclerosis (megakaryocytic, acute, malignant or with Hidradenocarcinoma myeloid metaplasia) Hidradenoma (malignant only) Myelosis Histiocytoma (malignant fibrous only) Myoblastoma (malignant granular cell only) Histiocytosis (malignant, and acute progressive X only) Myoepithelioma (malignant only) Histiocytosis, Langerhans cell, disseminated or Myosarcoma generalized Myosis, stromal NOS or endolymphatic stromal Hutchinson melanotic freckle (melanoma In situ only) Myxoliposarcoma Hypernephroma Myxosarcoma Immunocytoma Neoplasia, ductal intraepithelial, grade 3 (of breast, Insulinoma (malignant only) also called DIN III) LCIS, NOS (lobular carcinoma in situ) Neoplasia, intratubular germ cell Leiomyosarcoma Neoplasia, lobular, grade 2 of breast only (also called Lentigo maligna LN2) Leukemia (exclude granular lymphocytic) Neoplasia, squamous intraepithelial, grade 3 Linitis plastica (of anus, vulva and vagina only - also called, Liposarcoma (exclude well differentiated liposarcoma, AIN III, VIN III and VAIN III) superficial) Neoplasm, malignant* LN2 (of breast also called lobular neoplasia, grade 2 only) Nephroblastoma Lymphangioendothelioma (malignant only) Nephroma (exclude mesoblastic) Lymphangiosarcoma Neurilemmoma (malignant only) Lymphoblastoma Neurilemmosarcoma Lymphoepithelioma* Neuroblastoma Lymphoma Neurocytoma, olfactory Lymphosarcoma Neuroepithelioma Macroglobulinemia, Waldenstrom Neurofibrosarcoma Malignancy* Neurosarcoma Malignant* Nevus (malignant blue only) Mastocytoma (malignant only) Odontosarcoma Mastocytosis (malignant only) Oligoastrocytoma, mixed Medulloblastoma Oligodendroblastoma Abstracting Methods Page 3 of 5 © 2005 AHIMA/NCRA Oligodendroglioma Struma (malignant ovarii and Wuchernde Orchioblastoma Langhans only) Osteochondrosarcoma Sympathicoblastoma Osteoclastoma (malignant only) Syndrome, Osteofibrosarcoma 5q deletion with myelodysplastic Osteosarcoma syndrome Pancreatoblastoma Hypereosinophilic Panmyelosis, acute only Myelodysplastic NOS Papilloma, choroid plexus (anaplastic and with 5q deletion syndrome malignant only) therapy-related, NOS Papulosis, lymphomatoid therapy-related, alkylating agent Paraganglioma (malignant only) related Paragranuloma, Hodgkin therapy-related, epidopophyllotoxin related Perineural MPNST Preleukemic Perineurioma (malignant only) Sezary Pheochromoblastoma Synovioma (NOS and malignant only) Pheochromocytoma (malignant only) Syringoma chondroid, (malignant only) Pilomatrixoma* (malignant only) Teratoblastoma, malignant Pineoblastoma Teratocarcinoma Plasmacytoma Teratoma (embryonal, immature, malignant, and with PNET (primitive neuroectodermal tumor) malignant transformation only) Pneumoblastoma Thecoma (malignant only) Polycythemia (proliferative,
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