Corporate identity in a global market: the challenge of the Jotun company Skjerven, Astrid / Professor PhD / Oslo and Akershus University College / Norway Corporate identity / Globalization / Jotun / Dubai / China / The branding of the Norwegian firm Jotun is an example of this Branding / Akzo Nobel schism, which the following study aims to demonstrate. It con- sists of a comparison between Jotun’s engagements in two differ- ent countries, The Arab Emirate of Dubai and The People’s Republic Globalization is creating universality, but also estimation of dif- of China (PRC). The former was established when globalization ference. This is a challenge to firms that are working globally. A was at its initial stage, the latter when it had become more mature. corporate identity should be comprehensible universally, but To throw light on the characteristics of Jotun’s branding policy, a also attractive in various countries. The branding of the Norwe- description of the corporate identity of its major competitor Akzo gian firm Jotun is an example of this schism. The study shows Nobel is included. The logo is regarded as the main element of a that Jotun’s competitiveness would be improved by communi- firm’s visual identity, and therefore constitutes the core object of cating its origin and making culture based local adaptations to the investigation. It is based on literature, archival studies and in- its products. terviews in Norway, Dubai and China. 1. Identity in the era of globalization 2. The corporate identity of Jotun The prevalent process of globalization has led to a certain uni- The still mainly family owned group of firms Jotun has its head formity and sameness all over the world. This fact has been given office in the city of Sandefjord, situated by the Oslo Fjord. It is much attention, and adaptations to the situation have become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of paints and other pro- common practice. Gradually it has become evident that the pro- tective coatings and powders. The group has 8000 employees, cess has also created a contrary tendency, a cultivation of the 70 companies and 38 production facilities on all continents and regional, local and individual. In this way it contains its own op- is represented in more than 80 countries. Its operations cover posite. One might also say that it consists of two poles. According development, production, marketing and sales of products for to the view of the sociologist Scott Lury, contemporary culture is the shipping, industrial and residential markets. continuously expanding and is becoming more extensive, lead- ing to universalization. At the same time, and at a corresponding The characteristics of Jotun’s identity have their origin in its his- pace, it is becoming increasingly intensive as regards relations, tory. The company was founded by Odd Gleditsch in 1926 as a media and pace of life. This has caused an opposite effect: the personal enterprise, characterized by inventiveness, strong fam- creation of difference, and a higher estimation of it.1 The phe- ily ties and international ambitions. The site was the small city nomenon is closely related to that of so called glocalization with of Sandefjord, at that time the centre of the thriving Norwegian its slogan “think globally and act locally”. The term stands for an whaling industry. The name Jotun was inherited from a company ambition to combine the idea of globalization with that of local that had been taken over and used as a starting point for the new considerations.2 It is getting increasing support, and has led to a enterprise. The term derives from Old Norse mythology and means greater appreciation of local culture. giant. An illustration of this fantasy creature was initially used as a logo. In 1942, after many trials and failures, a penguin inscribed In a world where everything seems to become more alike, it has be- in a circle was finally chosen as motif. While the circle symbolised come of increasing value to be able to stand out as different from the world, the bird’s qualifications for the choice has been told to others and to display a unique identity. The identity is regularly be its tolerance to wind and bad weather, like good paints.3 The constructed on the basis of local, regional or national cultural tradi- founder’s experience with these animals at whaling expeditions in tions. The phenomenon comprises all entities, like nations, groups, the Antarctic might also have been of importance. Additionally, the persons and business enterprises. It constitutes a great challenge great resemblance with the logo of the recently founded British to firms that are working globally. A corporate identity that fulfills publishing house Penguin makes it an obvious model. the requirements of the era has to be comprehensible at a univer- sal level and at the same time attractive in several countries and to In 1976 the logo was given a more professional design, and the different cultures. This has become a key success factor. It seems penguin’s wings made spanning the globe. The work was done to be of particular relevance for the private market segment, which by Jotun’s Marketing Manager Arne Langnes.4 The choice of the is the most intimately related to the construction of personal iden- lively and strong colours yellow, red and dark blue seem to have tity based on cultural variations. been a matter of habit, but the multinational firm Shell’s colour 1 LASH 2010. 3 BRYN 1998. 2 ROBERTSON 1992. 4 Ibid. Skjerven , Astrid 2012. Corporate identity in a global market: the challenge of the Jotun company. In Farias, Priscila Lena; Calvera, Anna; Braga, Marcos da Costa & Schincariol, Zuleica (Eds.). Design frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies [=ICDHS 2012 - 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2012. ISBN 978-85-212-0692-7. DOI 10.5151/design-icdhs-041 Corporate identity in a global market: the challenge of the Jotun company scheme might also have had influence on the decision.5 Dark in the Netherlands in the 18th century, Akzo Nobel has gradually blue may have been preferred to black because of the negative developed into a huge conglomerate of firms by purchasing other associations that colour evoked in the Arab world, or because of companies in various parts of the world. It is therefore a global its reference to the sea, the home of the penguin. Since then a firm in a literal way that Jotun is not. visual identity program has been developed, with the penguin as the core element. In 2010 it was updated and the penguin made The name contains a reference to its founding company as well slightly more stylised. The job was done by Metro Design, a small as to the famous scientific researcher Alfred Nobel, who had ties studio situated in Sandefjord. to two of the purchased companies. The present logo was origi- nally designed in 1988 by the legendary Grand Old Man of visual The slogan “Jotun protects property” has been used on a stand- corporate identity, Wally Olins. In 2010 it was redesigned by one ard basis during the last couple of decades. It points at the firm’s of his former studios, the world spanning Saffron bureau, in col- customer orientation and its offer to take care of their assets. laboration with Pentagram and the illustrator Martin Rijven. The rebrand was awarded with a placement on the shortlist of the Whenever presenting the firm the motif of the penguin is exten- Transform Award for rebranding and brand transformation that sively used, mostly in the form of photographs that underlines year.6 It consists of the torso of a man with his arms stretched its resemblance with human beings. Even Jotun’s set of values, out. It is a modern paraphrase of the classic Greek “Metric re- loyalty, care, respect and boldness, is put forward as if derived lief”, symbolising metric systems based on the human body. from the animal. This gives the impression of care for human life The only colour is blue in various shades.7 In this way the logo and accordance with nature. This almost naïve approach appeals demonstrates an emphasis on scientific research and rational directly to people’s feelings and creates personal identification thinking, as opposed to Jotun’s more customer oriented and with the firm and its products. sentimental approach. The slogan ”Tomorrow’s answers today” supplies the identity with a dynamic drive and the ambition to be Since the turn of the century, when globalization had become in the forefront of solutions for the future. The identity contains the buzz word for most business development, Jotun has been subdivisions by country, with separate sets of values etc. The presenting itself solely as a global firm. No reference to its lo- subdivisions make it easy to implement national adaptations to cal or national origin is being made. The global engagement and the products. competence is seen as a value in itself and sufficient to meet the needs of all market segments. Compared with Jotun, Akzo Nobel has a more flexible, but also a more complex identity than Jotun. For a firm of this size it is In spite of the global outward identity, the firm is still deeply quite natural. But even more important is the fact that it reflects rooted in the city where it was founded. The penguin motif con- the firm’s factual identity to a higher degree than that of Jotun, stitutes a parallel to that of the whale, which was often used in where there is a weaker correspondence between communicat- connection with the whaling industry.
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