942.51019 M-t*J Aalp V.13 1379101 GENEALOGY ^^Li-ECTION J ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00727 4332 General Editor ... ... T. M. Blagg, F.S.A. DERBYSHIRE PARISH REGISTERS, xrii. phillimore's parish register series. vol. ccviii. (derbyshire, vol. xiii.) One hundred and fifty printed. Derbyshire Parish Registers General Editor : THOS. M. BLAGG, F.S.A. VOL. XIII. Edited bv Ll. LLOYD SIMPSON. ]/.^3 HonDoti: Issued to the Subscribers by Phillimore & Co., Ltd. 124, Chancery Lane. 1914- PREFACE. v\ In sending out the present volume, the Editors wish to ^ draw attention to the interesting discovery in the Kedleston r\ Registers of the Protestation Oath Roll of 1641, to which they ' have felt justified in devoting an Appendix, as the duplicate Rolls for Derbyshire, which should be, like those of Notts., in the House of Lords, are now lost. Of the six Registers dealt with in this thirteenth volume, the Subscribers are indebted to Major L. Sandwith for the abstracts from Elvaston, and to Messrs. E. B. Smith and E. E. Taylor for assisting Mr. Llewellyn Lloyd Simpson with some of the other parishes. 4 *^^Q1 O-f The thanks of the Subscribers must also be accorded to the incumbents of all the parishes for kindly giving permission to print these abstracts. It should be remembered that previous to 1752 the year was calculated as beginning on the 25th of March, instead of the ist of January, so that a marriage taking place on say 20th February, 1625, would be on that date in 1626 according to our reckoning; but as the civil and ecclesiastical year were both used, this is sometimes expressed by 20th Feb., 162I. In all cases where the marriage is stated to have taken place by Licence, that fact is recorded, as the searcher thereby knows that further information as to the age, parentage and VI. vocation of the parties is probably recoverable from the Allegations in the Archdeaconry or other office from which the Licence issued. After 1753 it is to be assumed that all parties not other- wise described are stated to be of the home parish, and bachelor and spinster respectively. It might be well to remind the reader that these printed abstracts of the Registers are not legal " evidence." For certificates application must be made to the local clergy. T. M. B. Ll. Ll. S. 124, Chancery La?ie, London, Sept., 1 9 14. (Tontente. Parish. Wilne Sawley Elvaston Morley / Smalley ' ..L-d>uu) Breadsall Kedleston ; Derb^fibtre pariah IReoieters. Marriages at Wilne, 1540 to 1837. Note.—Volume I. (1540 to 1624) consists of 35 leaves of parchment, size i5in. by 6fin. The book is in the original covers of thin parchment, much crumpled, and the front cover has a piece torn out of it. It is in a good state of preservation, and is well kept the writing, though small, is for the most part good, especially the transcript. The latter portion of the Register has been kept by an illiterate person. The entries are arranged in order for the various classes and entered year by year. To the end of the transcript all the pages are signed by "Jo. Heynes, Curat," and the Church- wardens. Amongst the burials is that of " Robt. Ball, of Drecot, who was Clarck of the prish Church of Wilne 58 years," 22 Oct., 1580. Volume II. (1625 to 1723) consists of 48 leaves of parchment, size i3in. by 8in., has no cover, and many of the leaves are loose. The writing commences in the same illiterate hand as the last volume concluded mth ; afterwards it is uniformly good, but in places very small and faint, and the pages are much discoloured. The entries are generally classified, but the dates are very con- fusing, and there are many duplicate entries. Some of the pages are very badly mutilated, and in some places entries have evidently been deliberately cut out. Amongst the burials is one of Mary Dudley, 20 Oct., 1683, aged about 105 years. Volume III. (1723 to 1784) consists of 47 leaves of parchment, size i8|in. by 6^in., bound in full brown rough calf, back rather torn, otherwise in good condition. On the inside of the cover is " written : This Book Bought By William Jerrom And John Newton, Church Wardens of Wilne. 1724." The first page is blank. The writing is generally clear and distinct, but in some places faint, and the parchment is discoloured. The Dean's Visitations are regularly entered, and down to the year 1747 the Register is signed at the end of every year by Francis Cohere Derbyshire—XIII. b Derbyshire Parish Registers. A.M., Curate. There is hiatus in the entry of Marriages from 1754 to 1770, but a duplicate copy of a Register, 1678 to 1801 on paper, consisting of 102 leaves, size i5in. by 6in., exists in rather a dilapi- dated condition, and in which some of the leaves have been pasted together. As will be seen, this covers part of the same period as this Register, and from this the missing Marriages have been copied. It appears to have been kept, at least in places, by some very illiterate clerk or other person, and the names cannot there- fore be accepted as the correct way of spelling, but they are shown as written. The Marriages in this Register have the names of the attesting witnesses, showing that they must have been copied from the printed Marriage Register of this period, but none now exist till the year 1794. In this volume, amongst the burials, is one of Richard Placket, of Breaston, 23 Oct., 1765, aged 103 years ; in the proper Register this is stated as loi years. The Marriages throughout this period have been collated with the other Registers and additional information not shown in them is added. The entries are kept separately under the respective years, which do not always appear chronologically. Volume IV. (1785 to 1812) consists of 45 leaves of parchment, size I7in. by 7in., but only 22 leaves have been used, the rest being blank. It is bound similarly to the last volume, and is in good condition and well kept. The entries are kept in the same way as in the last Register. The Marriages have been collated with the before-named duplicate, but after 1794 they are taken from the Marriage Register, on printed forms ; though the Mar- riages conclude in 1802, the entries for Baptisms and Burials are " continued to 1812. On the inside of the cover is written : This Book Bought By Joseph Thacker and Peter Rowley, Church Wardens of Wilne, mdcclxxxv., Nov. 18th." Volume V. (1794 to 181 2) is the usual printed Marriage Re- gister on paper, and has three entry forms on each page. It is bound in a thin cartridge cover with marble paper sides. These Marriages have been collated with the previous Register and also the duplicate volume down to 1802. Volume VI. {1813 to 1837) similar to the last, but bound in stiff vellum with four tapes. It contains 100 pages, of which only 66 are used, the rest being blank. The Parish of Wilne originally contained the townships of Church Wilne or Little Wilne, Great Wilne, Draycott, Hopwell, and parts of Risley and Breaston, and the Registers contain a great many marriages from these places, as also from the neigh- bouring village of Sawley. These places are denoted by the capital letters of B. for Breaston, D. for Draycott, H, for Hopwell, R. for Risley, S. for Sawley, and W. for Wilne. 1552] Wilne Marriages. These entries have been extracted by P^essrs. Llewellyn Lloyd Simpson and E. E. Taylor, assisted by Mr. E. B. Smith, of Derby, and are now printed by the kind permission of the Rev. V. H. Haddelsey, A.K.C., Vicar of Wihie. Volume I Edward Burton & Izabell Resell 20 Nov. 1541 Ralfe Burton & Izabell Rosell 26 Nov. Thomas Freake & Ellin Godkin 29 Ap. [1542] Richard Balle & Ellin Speed 16 July „ Richard Handforde & Jone James. 27 Oct. Henry Winter & Agnis Rosell 26 Nov. Jhon Godkin & Izabell Staukes 25 June [1543] James Walker & Alls Simons 22 July Jhon Rosell & Annis Ellyot I June 1544 Willyam Cryer & Cicely Taverner I June Thomas Bakwell & Elizabeth Ottewell 3 June Robart Whithed & Margaret Starbuck 7 June Thomas Barns & Annes Cooke 7 June Thomas Merrye & Constans Trowell 3 Feb. 1545 William Frauncsis & Dorothy James 12 June [1546] Robart Stevenson & Margaret Horobine 28 Jan. 1547 George Barrow & Elizabeth Stakes... 19 Ap. [1548] Michall Willoughbee & Katterin Tatlocke 10 July „ Thomas Aldred & Elizabeth Cartter 4 Aug. „ Thomas Dickons & Jone Hallimi 26 Oct. „ Thomas Woodhous & Annes Berch. 27 Oct. Richard Rosell & Izabell Barnes 3 Feb. 1548 Willi [a7f^] Hardy & Em[m]ot Rosell 3 Feb. Edward Rosell & Ellin Bennitte 21 May [1549] Henry Curtes & Elizabeth Flint 20 Oct. Robart Fallows & Ursely James 6 July 1550 Ralf Ottewell & Em[m]ot Bostock. 23 Sep. Robart Smolte & Alls Greenall 12 Ap. [1551] Edward Rosell & Amye Nexu[w] 28 June Robart Parker & Alis Balle 27 Sep. Thomas Tebould & Izabell Balle 27 Sep. ,, Thomas Hewette & Emmot Cooke. 25 Oct. „ Jhon Wilson & Alis Whithed 23 Ap. [1552] Richard James & Anne Rosell 11 Sep. Edmund Rosell & Marye Lichfield. I Oct. „ . Derbyshire Parish Registers. [1552 Rychard Rossell & Johan Nyghtingale 6 Feb. [1552] Roger Monley & Margrett Rossell ... 10 May [1553] Willm. Coocke & Katheryne Burtton 13 June „ Willm. Speed & Margery Speed 19 May [1554J Henry Leves & Annes Dickins 4 June Robt Ball & Annes Etyotte 16 July Thomas Jowett & Elyzabeth Garnar 23 July Thomas Frekye & Elen Hychenson 4 Aug. Henry Godkin & Annes Brandan ..
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