FRA POST OFJ<"'ICE LONDON 912 Fmncis Joseph, coffee rooms, 5o York road N Fr-.1.nkenstein S. M. & Co. agents for & general importen of a.frican Frn.ncis Joseph, dealer in fancy goods, 161 Aldersga.te street E C ground nut, sesame & olive oils, glncose, liquorice, glues & gela­ Fra.ncis Laura (Mrs.), dressmaker, 15 Great Portland street W tines, colors, carmine & vegetable colors, gum, ca.stille soap, white, Fra.ncis Maria (Mrs.), chandler's shop, 5z Long lane, Borough SE red & omuge lead, minium, dye-wood extracts &c. Daahwood Francis Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Princes st. Hanover sq W house, 9 New Broad street E C Jo'mncis Naomi (Mrs.), chimney sweeper, 2 Warwick st. Earl's et. rd W Frankenstein S. M. & Co. merchants, 9 New Broad street E C Fra.ncis Robert William, commission agent, 2 Carey lane E C Frankford Alexander, artificial tlorist, 133 Aldersgate street E C Francis Samuel, chandler's shop, 71 Pulford street, Pimlico SW Frankn1rter Aniline Farben Fabrik (London offices, 'l'he United Francis Samuel Goo. com dealer, 27 Ferdinand st. Camden town NW Agencies, Limited), .Teffn•y's square, St. Mary Axe E C Fra.ncis Samuel John, oilman, 23 Horseferry rood SW Frankham Daniel, furniture dealer, 78 H.mry st. Portland town NW Frn.ncis Barah Grace (Mrs.), tobaoconist, 22 Oakley st. Lambeth SE Frankish & Buchanan, soliciton!, Deverenx chmbs. Devereux et WC Francis Sophia J. (Miss), ladies' outfitting wareho. 102 Wigmore st W Frankish Thoma.~, seed merchant, 6 Muscovy court, Tower hill E C Jo'rnncis 8tephen, tailor, 10 Little Bruton street, New Bond street W & go New Corn Exchange E C Frnncis Swinford, F.R.HI8T.S. solicitor, Court chambers, 173 Mary- Frankish William John, physician & surgeon, 10! Sloane street SW lebone road W Fr.J.nkland Henry & William, gas & hot water engineers, stove & Francis Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 20 St. Leonard st. Bromley E range manufacturers, 84 Lamb's Conduit street WC Fmncis ThomaB Dunkin, solicitor, 4 Monument yard E C Frnnkland Edward, F.R.!'., F.C.S. &c. professor of chemistry, South Fra.ncisThomasHarper,wholesl.druggist,seeBurgess,Willows&Francis Kensington museum SW Frnncis Thomas Watson, 'George & Dragon' P.H. 2 Hackney rd E Frankland Hy. currier, 15 Chiswell street E C & 11 z Weston st SE Jo'rnncis Warren,' King's Arms' P.H. 51 Sloane square, Chelsea SW Frankland James, solicitor, see Hadford & Frankland Frnncis William, bootmaker, 3g6 Caledonian road N FranklandRobt.artifici~llimb maker,I3 St.David st. Fa! mouth rd SE Francis Wm. chairmaker, 58 De Reauvoir crescent, Hoxton N Franklen Thomas Mansel, barrister, 2 Old Rquare, Lincoln's inn WC Frnncis Wm. cheesemonger, 219 Gray's inn road WC Franklin & Andrews, quantity surveyors, 25 Ludgate bill E C Frnncis Wm. civil engineer, 8 Victoria chambers, Victoria st SW Franklin B. & Co. boot & shoe manufrs, 13 King- st. Finsbnry sq E C Frnncis Wm. coffee rooms, 87 Vincent street, WestmillSter SW Franklin Henry & C,o. anti-friction gre_a.se manufacturers, engineers' Fmncis Wm. dyer, 275 King's road, Chelsea SW oil refiners, cotton waste dealen!, india rubber manufacturers, india Fra.ncis Wm. manufactm·cr of tubular boiler brushes, flue & bottle n1bber hose mrrnufacturcrs for brewers &c. boiler composition brushes, jug mops & egg whisks, 184 Great Dover street SE manufacturers & sole wholesale agents for Hewitt"s patent block Fnmcis Wm. perambulator maker, 5 Draper Ht. Walworth SE & liquid boiler composition, white le,ad, oil & colour merchant~. Francis Wm. printer & publisher, see Taylor & Francis oil feeder manufrs. & mill band mas. 72 to 78 Gedling st. DockhdS E Fmncis Wm. Gabriel,jun.auctioneer&surveyor, 5og New Cross rdS E Franklin &Smith,wharfingeru,li ghtermen,general forwarding e.gcnts, Fr.mcis Wm. Gabriel,sen. appraiser, 57 Douglas street, Deptford SE &c.6LittleTower st E C & ~ ew Commercial wharf, 13 Bank.side SE Francis Wm. Mortimer, plumber, 6o John street, Liverpool road N F"ranklin, Son & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 19 & 6o ~{ark lane E C I<'rnncis Wm. Richard, solicitor, '27 8outhampton buildings WC Fmnk:linAlfredWalker, merchant, see Auerbach, ~'mnkliu & Franklin Frnnciscan Convent (Catholic) (Mrs. Mary Prances Burton, abbess), Franklin Annie (Mrs,), beer retailer, 46 Hhodeswell road E Portobello road, N otting hill W Franklin Arthur Ellis, bullion merchant. see Keyser A. & Co Fra.nck Ernest, wine & spirit merchant, 46 Leicester square WC Franklin Arthur Frederick, dairy, 27 Dudley grove, Harrow road W Franck Ernest Frederick, metal broker, 4 Cull urn street E C ; agent Franklin Charles, coal merchant,; chief offices, Bank buildings, for W. MolinP.aux & Co. sheet iron manufacturers, 8taffordshire Bedford & City mal depr!t, Worship street E C ; dep<lt.~; City coa} Frnnck Solomon Mark,chinese & japanese mercht. 55 St.MaryAxe E C dep6t, Worship street E C ; L. & N. W. Rail way, Willesden NW &: Fmnck William, goldsmith, see Thomas F. B. & Co Midland Hail way, Kentish town NW Fra.ncke (Arnold) & Co. commission merchants, 28 Mark lane E C Franklin Charles, tobacconist, 56 Newington butts SE Fmncke Axel Patrick, merchant, 16 Mark lane E C Fra.uk:lin Edward Alfred, greengrocer, Powis road, Rromley E Fra.ncke William, jun. furrier, 135 New North roa"., Hoxton N ~'rnnklin Elizabeth ("!.frs.), tobacconist, 58 Rotherhithe street SE Frn.nckling John, coffee rooms, 136 New North road ~ Fmnklin Ellis Abraham, banker, see Samuel,Montagu & Co Frnncklyn & Co. american & continental rnerchnuu6 Philpot la E C Fmnklin Emanuel, provision agent, see Vecht & Franklin Frnncklyn Charles Noble, american agent, see Fraucklyn & Co Fra.nklin Fra.ncis Mark, manufacturers' agent, 8 Harnsell street E C Franckncr Thomas, carver & gHder, 2 & 46 Charlotte st.Old st E C Franklin Frank Waiter, who. furrier, sec Raven, Brewis, & Frank! in Franck's Anglo-Indian Coffee Co. 9 Denmau street SE Frnnklin Fredk. plumber & gasfitter, 71 Cheyne walk, Chelsea SW Francks Waiter James, coal merchnt. see Cockerell Geo . .Tsph. & Co Frnnklin FredPrick Jas. plumber, 280 Latimer road, Notting hill W Franco Felipe Santiago, Cavendish hotel, 81 Jermyn street SW Franklin George, picture frame maker, 6o College place, Chelsea SW Fra.noo.Thn.barometer frame ma-4A,Corporation bdgs.Pamgdn.rdE C Frnnklin C'nxJrge, tailor, 3 Brindley street, Harrow road W Fra.n«;ois Henry, dentist, 42 .Judd street, RrunKwiek square WC Franklin r~o. jnn. india rubber hand stamp ma. 76 GP.<lling st SE Fran~is Leone (Madame), dressmaker, 5 Hereford road W Frank:lin Henry, carma.n, 1 Wharf, Amberley rO&d, Paddington W Fmn~is Morcu, engineer, 11 Hayes court, Soho W Frnnklin Henry (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Bennctt st. St. James' SW Frnncom Goorge, hosier, 64 Whitechapel road E Franklin Henry, M.D. surgeon, 124 Liverpool road N Fra.ncom Willirun, bootmaker, 77 Princes road, Notting hill 'lt Franklin HenryWalker, merchant, see Auerbach, Franklin & Franklin Francomb Henry, tailor, 6.~, King street, Clothfair E C Franklin Hercules JM. butcher, 159 Culford rtl. Kingsland N Fmncotte, Pil·lot & Co. zinc manufacturers (Liege, Belgium) (Au­ Frnnklin Jas. briti~h & foreign bible depOt, 146 Queen Victoria stE C gusbL~ Loos, sole agent), 3 Rmbant court, Philpot lane E C Franklin .Tames, greengrocer, 5o Gmndy Htreet, Poplar E Francotte Auguste (Liege), gun & rifle manufacturer (Joseph Franklin .Tames, greengrocer, 72 Queen's road, Chelsea SW Marres, sole agent), 110 Cannon street E C Frnnklin Jas.Lot,'Green Dragon' P.H. 21 Queen's rd. Chelsea SW Francq Martin, manufacturer of window glass, 8 C{)leman street[ C Franklin James William, butcher, 11 Liverpool road N Franey & Wood, architects, 11 Spring gardens SW Franklin John, wheel cutter, 1 Garnault place, Clerkenwell E C Franham Daniel, furniture broker, 37 Charles st. Portland tn NW Franklin John, gasfitter, 3 John street north, .\!arylebone road W Frank & Bazin, glass shade manufacturers, 172 St. John street E C Franklin .John, watchmaker, 129 Shepherdess walk, City road N Frank Edward John & Frederick William, poultry sale;men, 6 & 7 Frnnklin JohnGeo.snrgit""l inst.nuu6 Caventlish st. New North rd N Ship tavem passage E C Franklin John Wallis, cheesemonger,73 Lupus street SW Frank F. & Co. furniture manufacturers, 35 & 36 Ratbbone place W Franklin John William, wheelwright, Vcmon m;)WS, Portobellord W Frank & Harries, linendrnpers & silk mercers, 256 Upper street N Fm.nklin Joseph, beer retailer, ZZ7 Abbey street, Bermondsey SE Frank Livett & Son, oil merchants & refiners, white lead, paint & Franklin .Toseph, bootmaker, 12 Hanbury street, ;';pitalfields E vamish manufacturers, zz Borough High st SE & 72 Blackman st Franklin Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 1 ~el.oon squareS E SE ; Shipping stores. Royal Victoria & Albert docks E Fmnklin Rachel (Mrs.), cigar importer, 155 Oxford street W Frank Livett & Son, ship chandlers & sail makers, oil refiners, white Franklin Riehanl, portmR.nt.~au maker, 346 CommPrcial road east E lead, JXI.int & vamish manufrs. Postal Telegraph office, opposite Frnnk:lin Richard, stationer, 26o Portobello road W Tidal Basin rnilway station, Royal Victoria & Albert docks E & Fra.nklin Samuel, solicitor, 199 Strand WC & 3 Clarcmont road, 22 &rough High street SE Sur!Jiton SW Fmnk (Julius) & Ohlmann, hop & saccharine merchants & paper FroUiklin Samh (Miss). fancy repository, 57 Pitfield street, Hoxton ~ agents, ton, St. Thomas' street SE Franklin Solomon, boot manufactnrer, 2 Princes street, 8pitalfields E Frank Mandel & Smith, booksellers, 1 Vine street, Minories E C Franklin Thomas, coffee rooms, 7 Great Ch11.pel street, Soho W Frank Martin & Co. provision
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