E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2008 No. 25 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Speaker, I welcome my friend Monsignor Richard W. O’Keeffe, Im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Monsignor O’Keeffe to the House of maculate Conception Church, Yuma, gentleman from Oregon (Mr. Representatives. Arizona offered the following prayer: BLUMENAUER) come forward and lead Ditat Deus, God Enriches. Those the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. f magnificent words are found on the Mr. BLUMENAUER led the Pledge of seal of the State of Arizona as we cele- Allegiance as follows: ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER brate today our 96th birthday as enter- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the PRO TEMPORE ing into the States of the United United States of America, and to the Repub- States. And so this morning we thank lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The God for all those enriched graces that indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Chair will entertain up to 10 further re- He has given to each and every one of f quests for 1-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. us. WELCOMING MONSIGNOR RICHARD As we pray here this morning, we ask O’KEEFFE the Lord of all our endeavors to give f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without our elected Congress men and women objection, the gentleman from Arizona the courage to follow noble aspirations, GO TIGERS, GO (Mr. GRIJALVA) is recognized for 1 strength to support worthy causes, in- minute. tegrity to seek the truth, and in all of (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was There was no objection. given permission to address the House their legislative duties, be their inspi- Mr. GRIJALVA. Thank you, Mr. ration and guide. for 1 minute and to revise and extend Speaker. her remarks.) Lord, You remember forever Your It is my pleasure to welcome Mon- covenant with us. Even though it was signor O’Keeffe as our guest chaplain Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I centuries ago that You formed a com- today. know today we’re going to talk a lot munity of family life with us, still You Monsignor O’Keeffe has been tending about FISA, but before we do I want to remain continually faithful. Enable us to the spiritual and human needs of rise to commend the University of by Your merciful help to keep faith people in Arizona for over 40 years, of Memphis men’s basketball team on an with You, to renew our covenant at im- which the last 30 has been in Yuma, Ar- outstanding season. So far the Tigers portant or difficult moments of our life izona. It is fitting that he provides to- have amassed 24 wins, no losses, earn- so that at the end we may receive the day’s blessing, as we also memorialize ing them the top national ranking in promise of the covenant. the passing of Congressman Lantos, a college basketball. Lord, to those who believe in You, great champion of human rights. Thanks to the enthusiastic support You promise kindness and truth, jus- Monsignor O’Keeffe is highly re- of the Memphis Tiger fans, and espe- tice and peace. When we are faced with spected in Yuma and all of Arizona for cially the ‘‘Blue Crew,’’ the Tigers hold difficulties, increase our faith, but do the work he does on behalf of human the Nation’s longest home court win- not lower our ideals. From the least rights, civil rights and advocating for ning streak, 47 wins in a row. likely places You can bring forth the the underrepresented in our commu- ESPN has called them and their triumph of Your grace. These things we nity. coach, John Calipari, relentless and un- ask in Your name. Amen. He is an active member of the com- selfish. munity, encouraging community lead- I applaud the Tiger basketball team f ers to take responsibility for social jus- tice, recruiting young and old to en- for setting an example of teamwork gage in civic participation. His experi- and tenacity that all teams, individ- THE JOURNAL ence and passion has led him to be a uals and even this Congress would do The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. founder of the Yuma Interfaith Orga- well to follow. PALLONE). The Chair has examined the nizing Committee. On behalf of the people of the great Journal of the last day’s proceedings I am honored to work with him and City of Memphis and the great State of and announces to the House his ap- receive spiritual and community guid- Tennessee, I congratulate the Tigers, proval thereof. ance from him. He is a source of and I wish them luck on the remainder Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- strength for all of us who interact with of the season. nal stands approved. him. Thank you for making us proud. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H945 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:10 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14FE7.000 H14FEPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2008 PRESIDENT BUSH’S BUDGET TAR- GUN VIOLENCE 235,626 cases, 11,661 deaths, and a cost GETS PUBLIC BROADCASTING (Mr. RUSH asked and was given per- of $5.89 billion. What I’m talking about AGAIN mission to address the House for 1 here are the number of people who ob- (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was minute and to revise and extend his re- tain and die and the overall cost of in- given permission to address the House marks.) fections in our hospitals every year, for 1 minute.) Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I come to from MRSA, from pneumonia and other infections. It is time that Congress got Mr. BLUMENAUER. Well, it’s a new the floor to speak on what I call ‘‘The serious about this. year and again the Bush budget targets Daily 45.’’ In the last 3 years since I’ve first in- public broadcasting. Year after year, The Department of Justice reports troduced this bill, 90,000 people have they’ve attempted to chop away at that on average, every day here in died each year from infections they that investment. Year after year Con- America, 45 people are shot and killed pick up at hospitals. It is time we pass gress rejects it. in a fit of revenge, robbery or troubled the Healthy Hospitals Act, H.R. 1174, This year it is a $420 million reduc- relationships. These are more than our soldiers who are killed in Iraq and Af- and work to make sure our hospitals tion, including $200 million that’s al- are safer. ready been allocated for this year. This ghanistan each and every day. assault on public broadcasting is not Today I reflect on a story that has f just undermining the digital conver- captured the hearts and the minds of THE LAWLESSNESS SOUTH OF THE sion, the education and public affairs Chicago area residents. On Saturday, BORDER that we have grown to rely on, it’s a di- February 2, the day began like any other day for six unsuspecting women. (Mr. POE asked and was given per- rect assault at small-town and rural mission to address the House for 1 America where it’s more expensive to Five of these women, customers and workers at a Lane Bryant clothing minute.) reach and they don’t have the donor Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, Americans are base to provide it for themselves. store in the southwest suburbs of Chi- cago, were heartlessly murdered during under vicious attack in Mexico. The The irony is that San Francisco, New new threat comes from south of the York, Washington and, dare I say, an apparent midday botched robbery attempt by an assailant wielding a border in the form of organized and Portland, Oregon will always have pub- violent Mexican kidnappers. lic broadcasting. But if this Bush budg- gun. 37-year-old Connie Woolfolk, 42-year- Last year, 26 San Diego, California et is adopted, it’s going to decimate old Rhoda McFarland, 22-year-old residents were kidnapped and held for public broadcasting in rural and small- Sarah Szafranski, 33-year-old Carrie ransom while traveling to Mexico. Nu- town America. Hudek Chiuso, and 34-year-old Jennifer merous Mexican nationals also were Please join the over 110 members of Bishop should not be forgotten. Neither kidnapped. Some victims were mur- the bipartisan Public Broadcasting should we forget the sixth woman who dered. Only a few of the people kid- Caucus to again reject this assault on was shot in the neck, but survived. napped were ever rescued. They re- public broadcasting. When will America say, ‘‘Enough is ported that they were beaten, tortured enough’’? Stop the killings. and sexually assaulted. f The FBI says that these sophisti- f cated kidnappers are growing in num- PROTECT AMERICA ACT FISA ber. The State Department has even issued a travel alert for U.S. citizens (Ms. GRANGER asked and was given (Mr. HOEKSTRA asked and was given permission to address the House living and traveling in Mexico.
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