POLITICO 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Survey Shows GOP Base Still In Ad, Schwartz Supports Opposes Same-Sex Marriage President, Obamacare By EMILY SCHULTHEIS Most Democratic candidates By MAGGIE HABERMAN same-sex couples.” VIEWS ON MARRIAGE in competitive races this year are For the latest in campaign Two conservative groups are A number of influential Republi- avoiding talking about the Afford- news, go to politicopro.com pushing back on moves by the GOP cans and elected GOP officials have Asked of Republicans and able Care Act, but a new ad from to drop opposition to same-sex voiced support for same-sex mar- Republican-leaning independents: Rep. Allyson Schwartz — one of marriage from party platforms, re- riage, and public polling has shown “Would you say you agree or four Democrats vying to take on seen her lead in the polls eclipsed leasing a poll of base voters taken independent voters increasingly disagree with the following Pennsylvania GOP Gov. Tom Cor- by businessman Tom Wolf, who’s last month that found in favor of supporting it. statement: I believe marriage bett — embraces both President already spent millions on TV ads defining marriage as “only” be- At the recent Conservative Po- should be defined ONLY as a Barack Obama and his signature across the state. tween a man and a woman. litical Action Conference in Mary- union between one man and health care law. The ad also takes aim directly at The poll, commissioned by land, the topic was mentioned far one woman?” “I worked with President Obama Corbett for not accepting the fed- groups led by conservatives Gary less frequently than it was in the Definitely on the Affordable Care Act and get- eral Medicaid expansion, a move Bauer and Tony Perkins, runs past. But same-sex marriage sup- Agree ting health coverage to all she says she would re- counter to a wide variety of opin- porters acknowledge it remains 74% Americans,” Schwartz verse because “500,000 ion polls that show movement on a difficult issue with a number of Definitely says in the ad, shared first Pennsylvanians need the question of same-sex marriage, the party’s base voters, although Disagree with POLITICO. “It was health coverage.” with more voters favoring it than they’ve argued for focusing on in- my legislation that said There are few places opposing it. clusion to broaden the GOP’s ap- insurance companies in the country where Last week, the Nevada GOP peal after getting battered in the can no longer deny cov- Democratic candi- removed opposition to same-sex 2012 elections. 9% erage for kids with pre- dates will be so willing marriage from its platform, with Bauer, the president of Ameri- 5% existing conditions. It’s to embrace the presi- the state chairman saying the can Values, faulted a “misinfor- 8% something I’m proud of Schwartz dent, whose popular- move was indicative of where the mation campaign waged by media Somewhat because it also closed the ity across the country party is headed. elites” and insisted that “public Disagree gap in prescription drug has dropped — his 2013 The survey by the GOP polling policy-makers are doing a great 4% Somewhat coverage for seniors.” approval rating in Pennsylvania firm Wilson Research Strategies disservice to themselves and Undecided Agree The ad, made by the Dixon/ was just over 43 percent, accord- was of Republican and Republi- future generations by continu- SOURCE: Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Davis Media Group, intersperses ing to Gallup. But Obama remains can-leaning independents and was ing to misread the convictions of Research poll on behalf of the footage of Schwartz speaking di- popular among the Democratic taken over a month ago, sampling the American people.” The sur- Family Research Council. Poll of rectly to the camera with photos of voters Schwartz is courting in the 801 people taken March 18-20, with a 801 people nationwide from March vey “should remind political and margin of error of plus or minus her and Obama together. primary: A Franklin & Marshall 18 through 20, with a 3.5 percent cultural leaders that this debate 3.5 percentage points. Schwartz is locked in a competi- College survey in March showed margin of error. is far from over. If anything, it is tive four-way primary battle, and more than two-thirds of primary The survey showed 82 percent taking on a new sense of urgency an ad like this is a play to shore voters have a favorable opinion of agreeing with a statement that for millions of men and women of riage is a non-negotiable plank of up her base in heavily Democratic the president. marriage should be between “one faith.” the national platform and want to Philadelphia — where her con- Schwartz’s campaign would not man and one woman.” It also found Perkins, the president of the see their elected officials uphold gressional district is based and on disclose the size of the buy but did that 75 percent disagreed that Family Research Council, added natural marriage as the national which she’s relying to win the May say the ad will run in the Philadel- “politicians should support the that the “vast majority of the GOP standard, a goal to stand for, en- 20 primary. Previously the front- phia and Pittsburgh media mar- redefinition of marriage to include base continues to believe that mar- courage and promote in law.” runner in the race, Schwartz has kets. PUBLISHER Robert L. Allbritton PRESIDENT & CEO Frederick J. Ryan Jr. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Kim Kingsley EDITORIAL Lauren French, Patrick Gavin, Katie Glueck, Hadas Gold, Alex Guillén, Bennett Richardson DATA CENTER SUPERVISOR Shoaib Qureshi EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John F. Harris Jennifer Haberkorn, Jeremy Herb, James Hohmann, Jenny Hopkinson, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE Meaghan Gilmore CLIENT SERVICES MANAGER David Van Veen EXECUTIVE EDITOR Jim VandeHei Alex Isenstadt, Seung Min Kim, Tal Kopan, MJ Lee, Erica Martinson, Lucy DIRECTOR, PROGRAMMATIC AD CAMPAIGNS Jeffrey Daker SUPERVISOR, CLIENT SERVICES Mike Irwin EXECUTIVE EDITOR Richard L. 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