iianrljpatfr €upmnn IJfralJi MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 10,1075 - VOL. XCIV, No. 162 Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm t h i r t y -TWO p a g e s — tw o s e c t io n s PRICE; FIFTEEN CENTS Gauthier Murder SUspect Being Held Without Bond By DOUG BEVINS - of Shoor Jewelers, 917 Main St. the jewelry store, where his mother comment on motive for tee shooting. A New Jersey man is being held without Pascale, apprehended by State Police in worked. He was transported to Investigation is continuing. Tliere were several witnesses to tee bond today, charged with the Wednesday Marlborough less than an hour after the Manchester Memorial Hospital via shooting but police would not confirm any afternoon murder of a Manchester man on shooting, was arraigned in Court of Com­ Manchester Ambulance, vriiere he died of tee witnesses’ remarks. A report teat a downtown Manchester sidewalk. mon Pleas at East Hartford this morning. Pascale was talking to the victim’s Donald J. Pascale, 23, of Somerville, His case was continued to April 16 without r mother inside the jewelry store just N.J., is charged with the murder of Leo E. bond, and he is being held at the Hartford before the shooting was termed “a Gauthier, 22, of 80 Summer St., who was Correctional Center. shot and k ill^ shortly after 3 p.m. in front possibility” by McCaughey. Gauthier was shot three times outside According to Creighton Shoor, owner of tee jewelry store, tee assailant came into tee store at about 3 p.m. and was talking to tee victim’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ford To Give Congress Gauthier, a saleswoman. Shoor said he didn’t hear tee conversa­ tion but it appeared that they knew each >uper f t other. Asian Policy Tonight A few minutes later, Shoor said he was standing inside his store near the door when he saw tee assailant fire a handgun By HELEN THOMAS put the South Vietnamese Army back on UPI While House Reporter three or four times. Shoor said he couldn’t its feet. see the victim from inside tee store. WASHINGTON (UPI) - President As late as Wednesday evening. White Shoor immediately ran outside tee store Ford will renew his request for additional House Press Secretary Ron Nessen said to aid tee victim and yelled to bystanders military aid for South Vietnam when he Ford had “ not made up his mind” whether to get tee assailant. Several nearby youths addresses a joint session of (Congress to renew his appeal to Congress for chased the assailant unsuccessfully. tonight, top White House aides indicated military aid for South Vietnam and Cam­ One witness to tee shooting, a young today. bodia. The President has already said he man, said he was walking south on Main The aides indicated the President at LEO E. GAUTHIER will seek humanitarian aid. St., approaching tee jewelry store, when least will ask for the |300 million he He still has before Congress a request he heard and saw the shooting. The previously requested for South Vietnam. for $300 million in military aid for South five minutes after his 3:28 p.m. arrival. witness said he gave chase, but the They also said he would ask for, an un­ Vietnam and $220 million for Cambodia. Acting Police (teief George McCaughey assailant jumped into a car parked further Suspect Arrives at Station disclosed amount of money to launch—in He gave some indication at a news con­ of Manchester said today he wouldn’t south on Main St. and sped away toward the event of a Communist takeover of ference last week in San Diego that he Saigon—a humanitarian airlift for the Glastonbury. Pascale, charged with the Wednesday might seek even more funds to help South Another witness reported that the Donald J . Pascale, 23, of Somerville, South Vietnamese who have helped the afternoon murder of Leo Gauthier of Vietnam survive. assailant used a car parked in front of tee N.J. (right), is led into the U.S. government in the past. Sources said Army Chief of Staff Gen. S&H Green Stamp redemption center at Manchester Police station Wednesday Manchester, is being held without The aides said Ford told them his Months Ahead 974 Main St. Several witnesses obtained night by Detective Lt. John Krinjak. bond. (Photo by Burkamp) nationally televised “ State of the World” Frederick Weyand, whom Ford sent on a tee getaway car’s marker plate number: speech will be “ the most important speech fact-finding mission to Saigon, has es­ A New Jersey plate numbered S’TP-9. of my presidency.” It is scheduled for 9 timated that re-equipping the South Viet­ May Decide Descriptions of tee car’s make and color p.m. EDT. namese Army would require more than Reporters and photographers today $700 miilion. It lost more than $1 billion varied. Mideast Fate Within minutes after tee shooting, local were admitted to Ihe Oval Office where worth of equipment, including tanks and School Violence Ford was meeting with Secretary of State planes; when it retreated in panic from the (See Page Sixteen) Henry A. Kissinger. Kissinger wore a central highlands, giving up three- United Press International grim expression but he brightened into a quarters of government-held tenritery. Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres smile and told reporters “ the President Nessen said former President Richard says he expects tee summer months to Termed a Crisis Nixon assured South Vietnamese Presi­ Newtown Teacher ' thought I was punchy at 1 a^m. this mor­ determine whether tee nations of tee Mid­ ning.” dent Nguyen Van Thieu both publicly and WASHINGTON (UPI) - A Senate The report said student misbehavior is dle East will fight a new war. Strike Continues The President said that he had worked privately in 1973 in effect that the United report says school violence has become a no longer confined to fist fights or isolated until 1:15 a.m. on the speech. States would provide adequate economic “TTie coming summer months will be Despite Court Edict national crisis requiring legislative action. incidents. Kissinger could be overheard to say and military aid and would “react decisive,” Peres said Wednesday in Tel Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., said “ Instead our schools are experiencing “ Fve got a few suggestions.” Kissinger is vigorously” in case of massive Com­ Aviv. NEWTOWN (UPI) - Officials closed Wednesday the survey diisclosed hundreds serious crimes of a felonious nature in­ reported to be pushing Ford to take a munist violations of the peace accords. schools early today, tee third day of a of thousands of assaults on students, in­ cluding brutal assaults on teachers and tough line, urging that adversaries be Nessen said Congress ha$ since ruled out He said Egypt “ is bound to retain bote strike by teachers who voted Wednesday cluding 100 murders in 1973; about 70,000 students, as well as rapes, extortions, warned that the United States will stand any U.S. military intervention. her options — tee options of development to defy a court injunction ordering them serious physical assaults on teachers each burglaries, thefts, and an unprecedented by its commitments. Ford invited congressional leaders of without belligerency and that of back to work. year; and extortion, drug and prostitution wave of wanton destruction and van­ Other aides are said to be telling the both parties to White House briefing belligerency itself.” The high school was ordered closed at rings in suburban and urban schools. dalism,” tee report said. President to take a more conciliate^ Wednesday afternoon. None of the Peres said Egypt’s decision to reopen noon and tee middle school at 1:30 p.m. The survey, prepared by the Senate It disclosed that between 1970 and 1973, stance and to appeal for bipartisanship Democratic Senate leaders, including the Suez Canal in June creates an “ open- Elementary schools have not been serious­ juvenile delinquency subcommittee, homicides increased by 18.5 per cent; during a time when the United States Mike Mansfield} attended. minded situation” in the region and ly enough affected to close. covered 757 public elementary and public rapes and attempted rapes by 40.1 per foreign policy objectives in Southeast Asia House Democratic leader Thomas P. schools and showed dramatic increases In cent; robberies by 36.7 per cent; assaults enables “ tee continued exploration” of Only about 50 per cent of tee system’s 4,- O’Neill said Ford told the group his speech all forms of violence and vandalism. on students by 85.3 per cent; assaults on have been shaken. ways to reach a peace settlement. 500 students attended classes Wednesday, Gen. Frederick C. Weyand, Army Chief tonight would be “blunt, frank, candid, ’The report said “there is clear and com­ teachers by 77.4 per cent; burglaries of the same as Tuesday, in the system’s five of Staff, who returned from a fact-finding hard,” and would seek bipartisan coopera­ President Anwar Sadat has said he will pelling evidence that violence and van­ school buildings by 11.8 per cent; drug and tion. But Ford did not give tee legislators reopen the canal to international shipping schools. dalism in tee schools has reached a level alcohol offenses on school property by 37.5 mission to South Vietnam last Friday, has Meanwhile, no talks were scheduled estimated that $700 million is needed to details. on June 5 — exactly eight years after it of crisis that demands immediate com­ per cent; and dropouts by 11.7 per cent. between the Newtown Federation of was closed in tee 1967 Middle East War.
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