Bullae and Sweat Gland Necrosis After an Alcoholic Deep Slumber Min Young You, MD; Seok Kweon Yun, MD; Wan Ihm, MD A 37-year-old man developed edematous areas and blisters on the right side of his face, chest, and arm after an alcoholic deep slumber. It was revealed that the affected body parts were those pressed during his alcoholic sleep. Histopatho- logical findings of the patient’s skin lesions showed typical sweat gland necrosis. Serum enzyme level studies of aspartate aminotrans- ferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehy- drogenase, and creatine phosphokinase were characteristic of muscular damage. This case report is an example of the typical findings of the Figure not available online effects of body pressure on soft tissue that can be seen in a dermatology clinic. t is well known that patients in a coma due to accidents, illnesses, large doses of narcotic I drugs, or carbon monoxide poisoning may show erythema and bullae at sites of pressure, as well as histopathologically characteristic eccrine sweat gland necrosis.1-8 We discovered such cutaneous lesions in a patient who had an alcoholic deep slumber overnight and through noon the next day. The affected parts of the body had marked tender swelling in addition to characteristic sweat gland Figure 1. Tender swelling of the right cheek and eyelid, necrosis and marked elevation of skeletal muscle- showing a still-fresh linear blister and a dried-up blister derived serum enzyme levels. The patient’s primary remnant on the lesion. care physician misdiagnosed the lesions as either cutaneous infection or acute dermatitis. Consider- ing the frequency with which people consume alco- from a local clinic, where he had been treated for holic drinks, it is our belief that dermatologists 2 days under the clinical impression of soft tissue should be well informed about this condition. infection. The patient was an intermittently heavy drinker but otherwise was in good physical and Case Report mental condition. A 37-year-old man was transferred to the emergency On admission, the patient had tender swelling of department of the Chonbuk University Hospital the right cheek and eyelid with a well-demarcated linear blister on the right lateral forehead and a dark brownish dried-up blister on the prominent From the Department of Dermatology, Chonbuk University area of the cheek (Figure 1). Physical examination Medical School and Institute for Medical Sciences, Chonju, also revealed well-demarcated edematous erythemas South Korea. Reprints: Seok Kweon Yun, MD, Department of Dermatology, and blisters on the right upper inner arm and right Chonbuk University Medical School, Chonju 561-712, South Korea anterior chest across the anterior axillary fold and (e-mail: [email protected]). diffuse tender edema of the right forearm that was VOLUME 69, APRIL 2002 265 Bullae and Sweat Gland Necrosis Figure 2. Firm bulky edema of the entire right forearm and circumscribed erythematous areas on the right lateral buttock. Figure 3. Secretory cells of the sweat glands show necrosis characterized by eosinophilic homogenization of their cytoplasm and absence of their nuclei. Sweat ducts are preserved (H&E, original magnification ϫ200). 266 CUTIS® Bullae and Sweat Gland Necrosis Figure 4. Intraepidermal blisters with eosinophilic degeneration of overlying epidermis and marked edema of papillary dermis (H&E, original magnification ϫ40). firm and bulky (Figure 2). In addition, circum- Comment scribed erythemas and swelling of the right lateral It is well known that the skin can change because buttock (Figure 2) and well-demarcated edematous of sustained autocompression by a patient’s own erythemas on the fingertips and hypothenar area of body weight. Previously reported cases were largely right hand were found. Because the cutaneous caused by drug overdoses1,2,4,6,7 or carbon monoxide lesions were located only on the right side of the intoxication.8 The diagnosis of the condition has body, we determined the lesions might have formed been reported by different names. It has been on the body parts that were pressed during the called sweat gland necrosis based on its character- patient’s alcoholic slumber. Family members who istic dermatohistopathological features,1,2 coma witnessed his sleeping position supported our belief blister,4 bullae (in comatose patients),6,9 or, more that the patient had slept on his right side. inclusively, cutaneous changes (in drug-induced The histopathological findings of the skin tissue comatose patients).3,7,10,11 These cutaneous findings taken from the right anterior chest near the axillary also are found with compartmental syndrome, fold revealed intraepidermal blisters with overlying which is a more serious condition often reviewed in eosinophilic degeneration of granular cells, marked surgical literature.12 upper-dermal edema, eosinophilic necroses of the The cutaneous lesions reported in the literature eccrine sweat glands (Figures 3 and 4), and some were quite protean, showing erythema, blisters, and perivascular neutrophils. brawny edema. The observations of Arndt et al5 Blood chemistry results showed that aspartate showed that these lesions frequently appeared over aminotransferase (AST) was greater than 850 U/L, bony prominences, were linear and unilateral, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was greater than were localized to sites of body apposition. These 259 U/L, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was greater 4 characteristics were all observed in our patient. than 4558 U/L, and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) The linearly distributed blister running downward was greater than 3540 U/L. Those data were com- combined with the erythematous swelling on the patible with acute muscular injury. Myoglobulinuria patient’s face led the hospital dermatologist to first also was noted. Serologic markers for hepatitis and suspect the case was contact dermatitis. Also, the ultrasonography of the liver were all either negative sudden onset of multiple tender swellings and blis- or normal. ter formations found in people who drink alcohol We treated the patient by elevating the affected led the patient’s primary care physician to suspect body parts and administering massage and cold com- the condition was some type of bacterial infection, presses. The patient was discharged after 7 days, such as Vibrio vulnificus, which is often found where without sequel, when his serum enzymes decreased the patient lived. to the following levels: AST, 49 U/L; ALT, 86 U/L; Prolonged pressure on both the skin and under- LDH, 944 U/L; and CPK, 571 U/L. lying soft tissue normally causes people to feel VOLUME 69, APRIL 2002 267 Bullae and Sweat Gland Necrosis discomfort, which in turn causes them to change muscular damage has occurred.14 In addition to their position and thus avoid pressure damage. increased levels of AST and ALT, our patient had Even during sleep, intermittent nocturnal move- greatly increased levels of LDH and CK. Few reports ments relieve localized sustained pressure on the on skin lesions in comatose patients showed these body. In comatose patients, however, the inability enzyme levels. Studying the enzyme levels of such to change position can lead to pressure damage of patients would be needed to better understand a the skin. 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