January 14, 2018 – 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) ST. MATTHEW PARISH AND MISSIONS Rocky Mountain House - St. Matthew Church Caroline - St. Joseph the Workman Church Evergreen - Jesuit Martyrs Church Rocky Mountain House - St. Matthew Evergreen - Jesuit Martyrs Caroline - St. Joseph Bulletin QR Code INTRODUCTION TO THE LITURGY OF THE SUNDAY The Lord continually calls us – do we have ears to hear? Samuel does not recognize God’s voice, but he is alert and obedient, listening and ready for action. We hear that he ran when called, and another time he rose. Eli gives Samuel the correct response: Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. We live in a world of noise and distraction. Are we ready to answer? Can we even hear? In the first reading, Samuel does not recognize God calling his name; Eli instructs him to respond: Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul declares the body is to be used, not for sin, but to glorify God as a temple of the Holy Spirit. In today’s Gospel, Andrew and Simon Peter begin to follow Jesus. WELCOME TO THE CELEBRATION OF ILLUMINATION IN ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE We welcome children preparing to receive First Holy Communion in 2018 to the Celebration of Illumination in St. Matthew Parish in Rocky Mountain House! (Sunday – January 14, 2018 during Mass at 09.00 AM) Adrianna Taylar Emma Jonah Sadie Draedon Lexy Lincon Noah Mary Leslie Rebecca Logan Chase Boady Philip WELCOME TO THE CELEBRATION OF ILLUMINATION IN EVERGREEN We welcome John and Mathias preparing to receive First Holy Communion in 2018 to the Celebration of Illumination in Jesuit Martyrs Parish in Evergreen! (Sunday – January 14, 2018 during Mass at 11.00 AM) PARISH BULLETIN * January 14, 2018 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) Page 1 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES – ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE Date and Time Greeter(s) - Gifts Bearers Proclaimer 1 Proclaimer 2 EMHC - Hosts EMHC – Chalice 1 EMHC – Chalice 2 Jan. 13, 2018 at 07.00 PM Pat Gerry Dorraine Lonsdale Nathalie Manuel Leo Pelletier Faye Boyle Doreen Couture Jan. 14, 2018 at 09.00 AM Scott & Linda Collinson Marliss Cartier Luke Cartier Rebecca Marland Pat Hughes Lorie Hughes Jan. 20, 2018 at 07.00 PM Kent & Karen Carmichael Laurier Nobert Leo Pelletier Ernie Murias Karen Carmichael Laverne Froese Jan. 21, 2018 at 09.00 AM Knights of Columbus and CWL will look after ministries on this day LITURGICAL MINISTRIES – EVERGREEN Date and Time Gifts Bearers Proclaimer 1 Proclaimer 2 EMHC – Chalice 1 + 2 Jan. 14, 2018 at 09.00 AM The Mark Szymaneks Aidan Hoven Matt Andersen Margie and Gerald Miller Jan. 21, 2018 at 09.00 AM The T. Hovens Bill Pollock Margie Miller Neal Persson and Cecil Hoven TAX RECEIPTS & CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES FOR 2018 The individual envelopes numbers did not change this year for our parishioners. Please, pick up your box of envelopes from the entrance of the church. Thank You for your continual support of our parish! Tax Receipts for all our parishioners will be available at the beginning of February. FIRST COMMUNION CLASS Sunday – January 14, 2018 04.00 PM - 05.45 PM St. Matthew Church - Rocky Mountain House The presence of all candidates is very important and expected. WORKSHOP FOR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Jan. 16, 2018 – 7.00 PM (Tuesday) This workshop is for new extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion in our parish community who would like to exercise this ministry of charity during the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, or with the sick and elderly in hospitals or homes. Please, attend this workshop if you didn’t attend last year or as a reminder. MEETING WITH JASON NIXON, MLA January 17, 2018 - 07.00 PM Jason Nixon, MLA will come to our parish for a meeting on January 17, 2018 at 7.00 PM. Please come to hear him speak about the current state of Alberta politics, especially regarding recent changes to educational policies. Hopefully he will give us suggestions on how to make our voices heard. Bring your questions and ideas for him! Open to anyone who is interested (Catholic or not). ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT - ST. MATTHEW CHURCH Friday – Jan. 19, 2017 09.30 AM – 01.00 PM (Private Adoration) Mass at 09.00 AM RCIA CLASS Tuesday – January 23, 2018 07.00 PM – 09.00 PM NEXT BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS Wednesday, January 24, 2018 - 07.00 PM Rocky Mountain House – St. Matthew Please, register before January 17, 2018. * Email to [email protected] or call at 403-845-3457, if you plan to attend. ALTAR SERVERS PRACTICE – ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE Friday - January 26, 2018 at 4.00 PM at the church. All altar servers are invited to attend! Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 21-28, 2018 January is a month when Christians around the world pay particular attention to the unity of the Church. Specifically, Christians dedicate an entire week during the month to pray for unity among the followers of Jesus and especially to overcome historical and present divisions that exist between church communities. This year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated in Canada from January 21-28, 2018. The theme for the 2018 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity comes to us from the Caribbean region: “Your right hand, O LORD, glorious in power” (Exodus 15:6). The contemporary Caribbean is deeply marked by the dehumanizing project of colonial exploitation, including slavery. Today, Caribbean Christians of many different traditions see the Hand of God active in the ending of enslavement. It is a uniting experience of God’s saving action which brings freedom. NEXT BEAUTIFUL BREAKFAST – ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE Sunday - January 28, 2018 After 9.00 AM Mass St. Matthew Church – RMH All parishioners are invited for Beautiful Breakfast following 9.00 AM Mass on Sunday, January 28. See you all! PARISH BULLETIN * January 14, 2018 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) Page 2 Feb. 02/03, 2018 ANNUAL “MEN OF INTEGRITY” CONFERENCE Men of Integrity: Lead by Example. This Catholic men’s conference will be held at Holy Trinity Parish, Spruce Grove, on Friday-Saturday, February 2-3, 2018. Keynote speakers include Sean and Matt Dalton with Special Guests including Rev. Miguel Irizar and Rev. Paul Moret. Register online at www.catholicfamilyministries.com or by telephone at 780-961-3346. DAY OF CONFESSIONS TUESDAY – FEBRUARY 20, 2018 Archbishop Smith is inviting Catholics across the Archdiocese to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a special Day of Confessions on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. On that day, all priests in all parishes across the Archdiocese will be available all day to hear confessions. The Day of Confessions will not replace the regular Lenten Penitential Service in the parish, but will provide a special opportunity for all, whether they receive the sacrament regularly or not, whether they go to home parish or drop in to a church near office or school. In our parish the schedule for this "all-day confessions" event is as follows: St. Matthew Church in Rocky Mountain House Confessions: 11.00 AM - 01.00 PM 05.00 PM - 06.15 PM 07.00 PM - 08.00 PM Jesuit Martyrs Church in Evergreen Confessions: 03.00 PM - 04.00 PM MINUTE IN THE WORD Minute in the Word is a weekday video featuring one of the priests from Archdiocese of Edmonton proclaiming a Scripture reading from the day and offering a brief reflection. You will find this future on our parish website: www.smprmh.ca New online media outlet has opened on the web. The website Grandin Media (grandinmedia.ca) aims to tell the stories of Catholic life in Alberta and to apply the lens of faith in its coverage of issues. Under the leadership of News Editor Andrew Ehrkamp, a small but dedicated Grandin Media team is posting news reports, feature stories, cultural and social analysis, and high-quality pictures and video. “Our goal is inform, to inspire, to evangelize and to fill a gaping and persistent hole on the Canadian news media scene - the Catholic angle and the portrayal of our faith as we know it,” says Ehrkamp. “Instead of having the secular media define what it means to be a Catholic and to live out our faith, we’re doing it ourselves.” LEARN ABOUT THE MASS Elements of the Catholic Mass is a video series designed to help the faithful better appreciate the beauty of the Mass. Featuring experts from the Liturgical Institute in Mundelein, Illinois, the program consists of beautifully produced weekly short videos of 2-5 minutes. These free videos are available online and on demand. They are released with a discussion guide with references. We encourage you to take a look! Please, visit http://www.elementsofthecatholicmass.com. SCHEDULE OF LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Ministry schedules from January to June 2018 were emailed last week. Please email the office if you did not receive a copy. If you do not have an email address, please see Vivian during office hours and she will print you a copy. Vivian Duhamel – Parish Secretary Ministry schedule is also published on our parish website: http://smprmh.ca/ministries.htm 2018: Year for Prayer for Alies and the Back Porch. Prayer is the most powerful way to ignite change. Our God listens, and He answers us. Together let’s ask God to change our culture and end abortion. Head to www.alies.ca for monthly devotions and to sign up for a specific week in 2018 where you can commit to intentional daily prayer to end abortion. Join us on your own, as a family or with your small group.
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