St. Paul Lutheran Church 701 Washington Street THEPARENTLINK Grafton, WI 53024 262-377-4659 January 2014 FOR PARENTS OF TEENS Splgrafton.org THE REASON FOR THE SEASON THE VIEW Of all the resolutions your family could draft for 2014, the most important is to center your lives around Jesus Christ. In 99 Thoughts on Jesus-Centered Living Ponder these findings about peo- (Simply Youth Ministry), Rick Lawrence provides practices for changing how you ple’s focus and priorities: relate to Jesus. One involves chewing on deep questions. Below are examples of questions your family can ponder together this year: Teenagers say their top need is “help building a positive rela- Which word best describes how you see Jesus: nice, fierce, or mysterious? tionship with God.” —Group magazine Jesus said he’s the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). So why do we often believe that “being a good person” is how we get to heaven? Today, how has Personal activities, hobbies, Jesus been your way, truth, or life? hanging out with friends, and What’s the difference, if any, between loving Jesus for who he is and for what he can do? What’s one thing about Jesus that makes you grateful? earning money come well ahead of evangelism as priorities for How can you live in the spirit of Jesus and do something kind for a “fringe the average Christian teenager. person”—the kind Jesus was drawn to? —Dare 2 Share If you sat next to Jesus on a plane, what are the first three questions you think Only 12% of American adults he’d ask you (besides your name)? Today, what’s one question you’d like Je- say faith is a top priority in their sus to ask you? lives. —Barna Group PONDER THIS TIPS >>> Use these “orbital questions” from 99 What’s something Jesus said or did What types of things would Thoughts on Jesus-Centered Living that no one could’ve made up? you say your life is centered for holidays this year: Independence Day—Jesus often around? withdrew by himself to spend time What would you have to New Year’s Day—Most good alone; why do you think he needed change to center your life friendships are based on mutual so much alone time? around Jesus more? giving. It’s easy to understand what Halloween—If Jesus were a little Jesus offers us, but what do we How can your family focus on boy now, would he go trick-or- have to offer Jesus that he doesn’t Jesus and faith during the up- treating? Why or why not? If he already have? (Read John 15:14- coming year? did, what costume would he wear? 15.) Thanksgiving—Jesus is preparing Valentine’s Day—Jesus never mar- a special room in his “Father’s ried, and there’s no indication he house” for each of us. What do you was romantically interested in any- think your room will look like? one, but do you think he ever flirted What do you hope it has in it? Why with a girl? Why or why not? would Jesus put that in your room? Easter—Sometimes people who Advent—If Jesus were a little boy don’t believe in Jesus say the bibli- now, would his parents take him to cal accounts about him were made see Santa? What might he ask for? up by the Bible’s authors. GET TO KNOW JESUS Expert Insights for Parents of Teenagers By Brian Berry Psychologists say all of us hold on to er charged with a crime, the cloud of was he speaking, and why was he “mental models” of people we know. suspicion around Jewell gave people a speaking?) Due to the overwhelming amount of in- “mental model” of him as a terrorist— formation our brains must organize, we even after the real bomber admitted the 2. What did Jesus really do? (In the tend to defend the established way we crime. context of “normal behavior” in see something or someone. Even when Jesus’ culture, what impact—both we get new information that challenges This dynamic explains why few of us positive and negative—did his our mental model, we hang on to what have an accurate grasp of Jesus. Once actions have on people who heard we’ve come to believe is the truth. our understanding of him is established, him?) we tend to ignore or tune out new infor- A great example of this is Richard Jew- mation that doesn’t fit. One way to get 3. How did people really experience ell, a private security guard at the 1996 rid of these mental models of Jesus is to Jesus? (What array of emotional Summer Olympics in Atlanta. He dis- blow them up, as if we were demolition reactions did people have to Jesus, covered a pipe bomb, alerted police, and experts. Ask these three questions when- and why do you think they reacted helped evacuate the area before the ever you read anything about Jesus in that way?) bomb went off. In the media, he was the Bible: initially celebrated as a hero. But 1. What did Jesus really say? (What —99 Thoughts on Jesus-Centered Living the FBI grew suspicious and pointed to was the context of his remarks— Jewell as a suspect. Though he was nev- who was he speaking to, where RESOURCE BIBLE FOCUS Proof, a six-lesson study on the gospel of John, explores the ques- Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say tion “Who is Jesus?” It encourages John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still oth- kids and families to understand ers, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” the awesome privilege of knowing “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do and being known by Jesus. Availa- you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are ble at SimplyYouthMinistry.com. the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:13-16 MEDIA SPOTLIGHT MAINSTREAM MUSIC CHRISTIAN MUSIC MOVIES Movie: I, Frankenstein Genre: Action, Horror Rating: PG-13 Synopsis: This film is based on a graphic novel, where gargoyles and demons fight for power. Somehow this is related to Frankenstein and his creation, Adam. EMINEM SWITCHFOOT Our Take: This is from the Background: Although Switch- same people who made the Background: From Detroit’s under- foot dislikes being called a “Underworld” films. Those ground rap scene, Eminem climbed his “Christian band,” their faith weren’t good movies for teenag- way to become the best-selling artist of shines through in all they do. ers, so we’d advise caution. the 2000s. But controversy has always Their catchy songs have in-your- dogged him. One of his first hits was a face lyrics, and this lack of sug- song about taking his infant daughter to arcoating seems to contribute to Movie: Jack Ryan: Shadow Re- dispose of his wife’s body. Eminem’s their popularity. Switchfoot’s cruit lyrics are very raw, with language, im- music has been featured in TV Genre: Action, Adventure, agery, and subjects that teenagers should- ads and movies, and they’ve gar- Suspense n’t be exposed to. He’s had problems nered many awards. The latest with prescription drugs and alcohol but album also serves as the sound- Rating: Not yet rated (likely became sober about five years ago. track of a documentary about the PG-13) band, which loves to surf. Albums: The Marshall Mathers LP 2 Synopsis: This new film is a (2013), Recovery (2010), The Marshall reboot of author Tom Clancy’s Albums: Fading West (2014), Mathers LP (2000) Jack Ryan character. Here Ryan Vice Verses (2011), Hello Hurri- (Chris Pine) uncovers a financial What Eminem Says: About using ho- cane (2009), The Beautiful Let- terrorist plot. mophobic slurs, he says, “I never really down (2003) equated those words [with homosexuali- Our Take: With Clancy’s re- ty]. That word was just thrown around so What Switchfoot Says: Singer cent death, there might be more freely back then. It goes back to that bat- Jon Foreman says, “None of press and hype surrounding this tle, back and forth in my head, of want- these songs has been born again, film. In the past, these have been ing to feel free to say what I want to say, and to that end there is no such well-done and action-packed. and then [worrying about] what may or thing as Christian music. No. may not affect people.” Christ didn’t come and die for Explore: The explicit video for my songs; he came for me.” Eminem’s new song “Berzerk” is availa- ble here: www.youtube.com/watch? Explore: You can read more of v=ab9176Srb5Y that insightful interview here: www.ctkblog.com/2013/12/05/ why-switchfoot-wont-sing- christian-songs/ VIDEO GAMES Doki-Doki Universe—This adventure game looks strange, weird, and wonderful. You’re a robot on a mission to learn what it really means to be human. The game claims that players will learn something about themselves, too. (Rated E10; PS3, PS4, Vita) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds—This new take on the classic game incorporates some 3D ele- ments. Link can also go to 2D and hop onto walls to solve puzzles. (Rated E; 3DS) .
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