Neighborhood Watch Keeps An Readers Suggest Norman Basketball • • • cityEye On Disaster Training Page 3 rudySchool Support cole Page 7 sportsPlayers Recieve Honors Page 12 ALSO ON THE WEB Beverly Hills www.bhweekly.com WeeklySERVING BEVERLY HILLS • BEVERLYWOOD • LOS ANGELES Issue 342• April 20 - April 26, 2006 ImmigrantsImmigrants InIn BeverlyBeverly HillsHills IfIf aa newnew federalfederal immigrationimmigration billbill isis enacted,enacted, howhow willwill locallocal businessesbusinesses bebe affected?affected? cover story • page 14 the bottom of the letter, it says “Not printed ing forms of international interaction that Savoring Persian Taste & Tax Money BHHS Runner Sets • • • irv’sVacation Planning Page 6 rHelpingudy Reelect cole Governor? Page 8 sSchoolports Record Page 12 at tax payers’ expense.” When I called transcends politics would be irresponsible. ALSO ON THE WEB Beverly Hills www.bhweekly.com Koretz’ office to inquire about the letter, his By mixing politics with sports, we would be letters field representative, Josh Englander, told punishing sports fans, athletes, and the me that the publication of the letter was sport of soccer; all of which have no role in WeeklySERVING BEVERLY HILLS • BEVERLYWOOD • LOS ANGELES Issue 341 • April 13 - April 19, 2006 paid for by the developer. If that is correct, the political dispute with Iran. Montage Case Driveway Proposed Plan why is there no indication that this is a paid Like the Olympics, the World Cup has long FocusesFocuses On Apron Parking May Reduce Timing May Be Homelessness ad and that the developer has placed it? I been hailed for its ability to unite nations, TheThe Beverly Hills Residential- TheThe County’s proposed plan Business Alliance for a PProhibitedrohibited to establish five regional Staff looks into overnight think your paper has an ethical duty to read- cultures, and people that are normally Livable Community v. The hhomelessomeless facilities in LA may parking permits as CityCity of Beverly Hills gets one pproviderovide a long-term solution alternative to apron parking. stepstep closer to becoming a to homelessness in Westside ers to tell who pays for ads trying to influ- divided geographically, culturally, and ssettledettled case. cities.cities. & email ence public opinion. politically. Nancy Barth If there is to be any resolution to the dis- Beverly Hills pute between Iran and America, it is imper- ative that the United States wins the hearts Robinsons-May Ad “Driveway Apron Parking May Be and minds of the Iranian people. Punishing I was shocked and dismayed by the full- Prohibited” the Iranian people by banning Iran from the city & schools • page 3 city & schools • page 4 cover story • page 14 page ads in the Weekly endorsing the A number of residents with more vehicles World Cup would do the opposite. Robinsons-May project and signed by our than parking space have already found a More importantly, this resolution would assemblyman, Paul Koretz. way around overnight parking restrictions. help the Iranian government bridge the gap WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? There has been no Environmental Impact They obtain a handicap placard, place it in with its own people. Report on the proposal, no hearings before one of their vehicles, and then park Mindful of the situation in the Middle You can write us at: the Planning Commission, no public hear- overnight on the street “legally”. East, now more than ever, we need a venue 140 South Beverly Drive #201 ings and further, it is not in conformity with Richard Baker for a peaceful and spirited exchange that Beverly Hills, CA 90212 the city’s General Plan. Beverly Hills will be a refreshing change from the insta- In this time of encouraging ethics in gov- bility and conflict this region experiences You can fax us at: ernment it seems inappropriate to endorse a World Cup Soccer on a daily basis. Therefore, I urge you to 310.887.0789 project without knowing any of the particu- I am writing to urge you to vote against vote against Senate Resolution 436. lars and moreover, not knowing how your Senate Resolution 436 which calls on “the Thank you for your kind consideration. email us at: constituents feel about the proposal. Federation of Internationale de Football Newsha Fardmanesh [email protected] By the way, who paid for the ad? Association […] to ban persons or groups Chatsworth Betty Harris representing the Islamic Republic of Iran Beverly Hills from sanctioned international sporting com- petition, including the 2006 World Cup.” Corrections, Issue #341 You have published a full-page reproduc- The 2006 World Cup is a forum for compe- In “Montage Hearing Focuses on tion of a letter from Assemblyman Paul tition, camaraderie, and cultural exchange Timing” Larry Wiener’s name was mis- Koretz to “Dear Friends,” in support of the that should not be used to send a political spelled. proposed 9900 Wilshire development. At signal. Infusing politics into an arena that SNAPSHOT many believe to be one of the few remain- WeBeverlye Hillskly Issue 342 • April 20 - April 26, 2006 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Founded: October 7, 1999 Published Thursdays Delivered in Beverly HilIs, Beverlywood, Los Angeles ISSN#1528-851X 1 year www.bhweekly.com subscriptions Publisher & CEO are available. Josh E. Gross Sent via US Mail Interim Editors Anna Scott $75 payable in Michelle Zenarosa advance Sports Editor Steven Herbert Consumer Affairs Editor Adjudicated as a Irv Rudman newspaper of general Photographer circulation for the County Judy Okun of Los Angeles. Case # Contributors BS065841 of the Los Rudy Cole Angeles Superior Court, Scott Huver Gerald Lunn on November 30, 2000. General Manager Simon Esfandi Assistant General Manager Ardy Hakhamian Advertising Representatives Soshi Azadian Natasha Saadat Melody Shadsirat Legal Advertising Michael Saghian Bobby Refoua 140 South Beverly Drive #201 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310.887.0788 phone 310.887.0789 fax CNPA Member “KEEP YOUR HAT ON” [email protected] All staff can be reached at: first name @bhweekly.com ROXBURY PARK Unsolicited materials will not be returned. ©2006 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Page 2 • Beverly Hills Weekly NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING city schools COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Beverly Hills, CA 90210-4817 & 455 N. Rexford Drive FAX: 310.858.5966 Neighborhood Watch Keeps An 310.285.1123 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) Eye On Disaster Training A Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared for a proposed mixed-use project (“Project”) to be located at 8600 Wilshire Boulevard. The Draft EIR will be released on Monday, The Beverly Hills Police Department is actively recruiting residents as part of April 17, 2006 for a 45-day public review and comment period. The City of Beverly Hills encourages its effort to revitalize the city’s neighborhood watch program. public comment on the Draft EIR. By Anna Scott The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Draft EIR and The Beverly Hills Police Department, in preparedness,” said Officer Kurt Haefs of the the Project on April 27, 2006 at 7:00 collaboration with the city council, is in the Crime Prevention Bureau. “The old neighbor- p.m. in Commission Room A, Beverly process of revamping the city’s neighbor- hood watch was about looking out for Hills City Hall, 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90210. hood watch program to prepare resi- your neighbor, knowing who lives This hearing will focus on the Draft dents for the possibility of a where and what cars belong EIR. There will be future hearings at major disaster. there. It was about familiariz- which the public will be invited to The Beverly Hills neighbor- ing yourself with everybody speak to the Project’s merits and a hood watch program has been on your block and looking out separate notice will be mailed regarding such future hearings. in formal existence since for one other. But now, with 1994, according to officials in the threat of terrorism and dif- Project Description the Beverly Hills Police ferent disasters, it’s also gone Department Crime Prevention into disaster preparedness.” The Applicant, Wilshire Colonial Bureau. Traditionally, the program The first step in expanding the Partners LLC, has proposed to develop a three and five-story, approximately 65-foot high mixed-use (commercial and residential) project on four lots located at the southwest corner of Wilshire has been aimed at preventing local program, according to Haefs, is Boulevard and Stanley Drive. Three of these lots front on Wilshire Boulevard, and one fronts along crimes such as burglaries by providing an recruiting new block captains. “The city has Charleville Boulevard (see map above). The project would include: organized system for spotting and reporting turned over,” said Haefs. “A lot of the old 25 condominium units; suspicious activity. block captains have passed on or are older and Now, in the wake of 9/11 and Hurricane ready to pass the torch.” 4,774 square feet of ground-floor commercial space; and, Katrina, the city is stepping up efforts to revi- The role of block captain has always includ- 86 parking spaces (25 surface-level and 61 subterranean) talize and expand the program to include dis- ed organizational duties such as contacting aster preparedness. new residents about the program, coordinating Access to the parking would be provided via both Stanley Drive (commercial and visitors) and Charleville Drive (residents). The three lots fronting Wilshire Boulevard are located in a commercial “We really want to have a rededication to city & schools cont. on page 4 (C-3) zone; and the lot fronting on Charleville Boulevard is zoned R-1 (single family residential). Current C-3 zoning does not allow a mix of commercial and residential uses; and R-1 zoning does not allow for multi-family dwelling units, both of which are requested on this site.
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