The AREA PLAN COMMISSION of Tippecanoe County Citizens Participation Committee Meeting Date...........................................November 28, 2017 Time..........................................7:00 PM Place.........................................County Office Building Grand Prairie Room 20 North 3rd Street Lafayette, Indiana AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 3, 2017 MEETING A. DRAFT - CPC MEETING MINUTES 10/03/2017 Documents: 1 10.03.2017 Minutes.pdf II. FEEDBACK AND DISCUSSION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING l Bike Walk Greater Lafayette Safety Plan III. PROGRAM l Annual Listing of Obligated Projects, FY 2017 l Student Rental Study l US 231 Corridor Study Documents: Draft - Rental Study.pdf US 231 Corridor Plan 8-15-2017 DRAFT.pdf IV. CPC 2018: A NEW DIRECTION l Meeting format l Meeting date/time V. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Planning for Lafayette, West Lafayette, Dayton, Battle Ground, Clarks Hill and Tippecanoe County The AREA PLAN COMMISSION of Tippecanoe County Citizens Participation Committee Meeting Date...........................................November 28, 2017 Time..........................................7:00 PM Place.........................................County Office Building Grand Prairie Room 20 North 3rd Street Lafayette, Indiana AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 3, 2017 MEETING A. DRAFT - CPC MEETING MINUTES 10/03/2017 Documents: 1 10.03.2017 Minutes.pdf II. FEEDBACK AND DISCUSSION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING l Bike Walk Greater Lafayette Safety Plan III. PROGRAM l Annual Listing of Obligated Projects, FY 2017 l Student Rental Study l US 231 Corridor Study Documents: Draft - Rental Study.pdf US 231 Corridor Plan 8-15-2017 DRAFT.pdf IV. CPC 2018: A NEW DIRECTION l Meeting format l Meeting date/time V. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Planning for Lafayette, West Lafayette, Dayton, Battle Ground, Clarks Hill and Tippecanoe County 1 AR E A P L AN CO M M ISSION OF T IPPEC ANO E COU NT Y CIT IZEN P ART ICIP AT ION COM M ITT EE M INUT ES DAT E...........................................................................................................Oc tober 3, 201 7 PL ACE .........................................................................................................GrandP rai rieRoom Count y Bu il din g 20 Nort h 3rd Stre et Laf a yet te, I N 4 790 1 AT T END EE S N AM E ORG ANIZ AT ION Ste ve C le ve nger Citi ze n Cind y Murra y Laf a yet te C it y Cl erk Curt As h end el W es t Laf a yet te Bik e & Ped estrian C om m ittee Ste wart Fr esc as Bic yc le L af a ye tte L yn n Ne ls on Oak land Ne igh borho od J ohn W eis Bic yc le L af a ye tte Rose Kac zm arows k i Bic yc le L af a ye tte J an M yers Citi ze n Sha nno n Stan is Bic yc le L af a ye tte Kaitl in Ke ll y-Thom pson Bic yc le L af a ye tte Susan Sc hec h ter Virtu o u s C yc les/H is toric Jef f ers on Neig hborh ood Marg y De vera ll Cit y of Laf a ye tte ST AF F T IT LE Doug Po ad Sen ior T rans portat ion P lan ner Doug c a ll ed t he m eetin g to order an d th ank ed e ver yo n e f or c om ing . 1. AP P RO V AL OF M EET ING M INUT ES T he m inutes f rom the A pril 25, 2 017 CP C m eeting wer e ap prov ed as subm itted . 2. FEED B ACK AN D DI SCU SSION F RO M PREVIOU S M EET ING Doug exp la ine d the reas on f or the 2045 ME TRO POLITAN TRANS PORTA TION PLAN and h igh li ght ed the c ontents. Susan ask ed if there is an ythin g cit i zens can do t o h elp brin g th e b ic yc l e projects note d in th e p lan to f ruit ion. Doug th ink s it wou ld b e good t o ha ve s om e ass is tanc e in c reat ing m om entum in the j urisdic tio n f or all ne w proj ects. He talk ed wi th W est Laf a yet te a bout the H a pp y H ollo w T rail and Sa ga m ore Park wa y T rail proj ects and i t is alwa ys g ood f or the m ayo rs , c ount y c om m is s ioners , c it y c ou ncils to k no w th eir c ons tit ue nts want the b ic yc le f aciliti es an d th at th e y are n eede d . Susan th ink s that m eans c iti zens c a n h elp b y ta lk ing wi th the dec is ion m ak ers . Sh e a dde d t hat s he dr oppe d s om eone of f in the traff ic m es s at the Feas t and noti c ed that there is a trail ver y c l ose t o prov id in g f ull c onnec tio n to th e Fort. It wou ld be ver y nic e t o b e ab le to p ark as far out as the am phithe ater and ri de yo ur bik e to t he F e ast. 2 Doug exp la ine d that the p revi ous Coun t y E ng ine er wante d to put a trail all along S outh R iv er Road bu t it was dif f ic ult work ing with t he pr opert y o wn ers and th at m ade it d if f ic ult to s ta y in b ud get. He add ed th at s oon t h ere wil l be d is tanc e m ark ers along the tra il. Marg y dro ve to the Feast a nd t ook Ne wm an Road. Yo u cou ld re ach t he si te if yo u bik e tha t rout e. Sh e a dde d that it would m ak e it better if there was an organ i zed p ark ing area f or bik es lik e the y h ave h ad at th e Sta te Fair f or m an y ye ars . She th ink s the His tor ic al As s ociat ion wou ld be h app y to port ion of f a park ing area f or b ik es. Curt s aid CI BA ru ns the Ind y B ik e Clu b an d th e y ha ve a tem plate t he y m ight let us use. Marg y is int eres ted t o k now wh at ne eds to b e do ne to m ak e it work bec aus e s he k nows you ha ve to ha ve p o rtable bik e rack s . Sha nno n s he ask ed if ther e is an yth ing to id ent if y th e pro pert y o wne rs wh ere t he p la n ta lk s about c onn e c tiv it y trails . Doug re plie d th at e ach proj ects bel ongs t o a j urisd ic ti o n . Curt k nows th ere is a q ues t ion of who o wns th e Farm Herita ge T rail. T here is no l ead m unic ip alit y e ither. Susan s aid a l ot of t itl e s e arc h work needs t o b e do ne f or th at pr oject to m ove f orward. S he s u gg ested we us e Purdu e interns in t he spr ing to con duc t th e d eed r esear c h. Sha nno n ask ed if t here is an im m ediate p la n to work on the c on nec ti vi t y on th e Harris on Br idg e. Sh e k now s t he c ount y o wns th e brid ge b ut W est Laf a yet te has p ut in the bic yc le l anes o n t heir s id e but t here is noth ing o n Laf a yet te’s si de. Marg y s aid the Laf a ye tte Develo pm ent Off ic e has c ontracted wit h BF & S to loo k at that and als o the r am ps. T he prelim inar y f ind in gs, af ter m eas u ring the roa d and l o ok ing at b ik e lan es, s ig nag e, a nd m ark eting, is th at t h ere is a probl em with the H arr is on Brid ge an d c enter railin g where is goes o ver the railr oad.
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