16 May 2000 Legislative Assembly 1001 TUESDAY, 16 MAY 2000 Dear Mr Speaker I hereby acquaint the Legislative Assembly that the following Bills, having been passed by the Legislative Assembly and having been Mr SPEAKER (Hon. R. K. Hollis, Redcliffe) presented for the Royal Assent, were assented read prayers and took the chair at 2.30 p.m. to in the name of Her Majesty The Queen on 20 April 2000: "A Bill for an Act to amend legislation PRIVILEGE administered by the Minister for Transport Petition Presented by Member for and Minister for Main Roads" Broadwater "A Bill for an Act to amend the Child Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) Protection Act 1999 to provide for (2.30 p.m.): I rise on a matter of privilege. On interstate transfers of certain orders and 27 October 1999 the member for Broadwater proceedings, and for other purposes" presented to the Parliament a petition signed "A Bill for an Act to amend the Civil Justice by one petitioner—Mr Kevin Lindeberg. The Reform Act 1998" petition presented by the honourable member "A Bill for an Act to amend the State for Broadwater contained no markings; Housing Act 1945" however, when it was presented to the Parliament in the normal course of petitions it "A Bill for an Act to amend the was found to have been defaced by markings. Corporations (Queensland) Act 1990 and I am not suggesting for a moment that the for another purpose" Clerk or his staff did this, but the question is: "A Bill for an Act to regulate certain by whom and why was the petition defaced? domestic building contracts, and for other Was this defacement a breach of the purposes" privileges of this House and the rights of the "A Bill for an Act to establish a tribunal to petitioner? resolve disputes in the building industry, Mr SPEAKER: Order! Is this matter of to review decisions of the Queensland privilege for you or for Mr Grice? Building Services Authority and to decide applications by the Queensland Building Mr BEANLAND: It is a matter of privilege Services Authority, and for other matters" in relation to the petition and the petitioners. "A Bill for an Act to consolidate, amend Mr SPEAKER: I would have thought it and reform the law relating to the would be Mr Grice's matter of privilege. appointment of guardians and Mr BEANLAND: This is an important administrators to manage the personal and matter of privilege about petitions presented to financial affairs of adults with impaired this Parliament. capacity, to establish a Guardianship and Administration Tribunal, to continue the Mr SPEAKER: Order! We will hear this office of Adult Guardian, to create an point of privilege, but we really think it should office of Public Advocate, and for other be with the member for Broadwater. purposes" Mr BEANLAND: Mr Speaker, I therefore The Bills are hereby transmitted to the ask you to consider this matter urgently with a Legislative Assembly, to be numbered and view to referring it to the Members' Ethics and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, Parliamentary Privileges Committee for in the manner required by law. consideration and report. Yours sincerely (sgd) Peter Arnison ASSENT TO BILLS Governor Mr SPEAKER: Order! I have to report that I have received from His Excellency the Governor a letter in respect of assent to certain MOTION OF CONDOLENCE Bills, the contents of which will be incorporated Death of Mr R. Jones in the records of Parliament— Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— GOVERNMENT HOUSE QUEENSLAND ALP) (Premier) (2.33 p.m.), by leave, without notice, I move: 20 April 2000 "1. That this House desires to place on The Honourable R. K. Hollis, MLA Speaker of the Legislative Assembly record its appreciation for the Parliament House services rendered to this State by the George Street late Mr Raymond Jones, a former BRISBANE QLD 4000 member of the Parliament. 1002 Motion of Condolence 16 May 2000 2. That Mr Speaker be requested to the greatest source of development convey to the family of the deceased potential in Australia. Neither should there gentleman the above resolution be, as exists at present, the reflex thought together with an expression of the that the challenge of developing the North sympathy and sorrow of the is too great for this State and nation to members of the Parliament of tackle. Such defeatist thinking provides an Queensland for the loss they have easy excuse." sustained." During his time in this House, Ray made Raymond Jones, or Ray Jones, as he was many lasting friends on all sides of politics. His best known, was born in Cairns on 3 February formal duties included four years as the 1926. He attended the Parramatta Park State Opposition Whip, between December 1977 School and St Augustine's College in Cairns. and January 1981, as well as twice serving as Prior to entering politics, Mr Jones worked as a a Temporary Chairman of Committees and as porter, shunter and guard for Queensland Rail a member of a number of parliamentary in Cairns—a strong Labor heritage. At the age committees. During his 18 years as the of 16, Ray served in the Volunteer Defence member for Cairns, Ray also showed his skills Corps from 1942 to 1943, and was awarded as the Opposition spokesperson for Northern the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) in Development and Maritime Services, Tourism 1942. Ray joined the Air Training Corps in and National Parks, Maritime Services and 1943 for 12 months, before becoming an Tourism, Transport and Road Safety, aircrew trainee with the Royal Australian Air Aboriginal Advancement, and Northern Force in 1945. Development. Ray Jones had a diverse political career. In 1982 Ray's contribution to his beloved He was a member of the Australian Railways Australian Labor Party was recognised, when Union from 1953 to 1965, where he served in he was made a life member of the ALP. I all branch positions, including secretary and remember that well, because I was the ALP president, and was the campaign director for a State Secretary at the time. I remember the number of Labor identities in local, State and period after that when he was replaced in this Federal elections. From 1964 to 1965, Ray House by Keith De Lacy, who later became was an alderman on the Cairns Shire Council. the Treasurer. His life membership brought But it was in this House that Ray made a great great joy to Ray and his wife, Fay, whom he contribution for the working class men and married in 1949. Ray always said that his great women of Queensland, particularly of Cairns passions were his family—Fay and their two and far-north Queensland. Ray won the State sons and daughter—Cairns and the ALP. That seat of Cairns in February 1965 and set forth was his order of priorities, and he never let any on his new career with typical humility and of them down. dignity. In his maiden speech to the Legislative The developments happening in far-north Assembly he noted— Queensland at the moment, such as Sun "I am fully aware of the honour Metals in Townsville, the Cairns Esplanade accorded me and humble in the duties upgrade, the East Trinity buyback, the city port and responsibilities now imposed upon project, the Cairns Convention Centre and the me as the member for Cairns. Even more casino—all of these projects, many of which is this so since I have been informed that Ray saw, are initiatives of which Ray would I am the first member for Cairns elected to have been very proud and projects that he this Assembly who was actually born and would have fought and did fight for to ensure reared in Cairns." that Cairns was given a fair go. Those of us who knew Ray would know that Coming from the Atherton Tableland, I this typifies his vivacious passion for the knew Ray very well. He and I developed a constituency he represented. Ray was also a good relationship and friendship; we far-north visionary and a strong proponent of the vast Queenslanders stick together. He was a great potential that far-north Queensland had and Queenslander. He was a very decent man and continues to offer. In his maiden speech, Ray he was very genuine in his commitment. He noted— worked very, very hard. He was one of these "When Governments of the day gentlemen who are rarely found in politics. On show respect for the North by material behalf of the Parliament, I extend my projects of development, not merely by sympathy and that of the Government, the nodding and winter visits for sunshine, Labor Party and the whole House to his family. then, and only then, can the economy of Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers the State really boom, for here we have Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) 16 May 2000 Motion of Condolence 1003 (2.38 p.m.): On behalf of the Opposition Ray is survived by his wife, Fay; daughter, parties, I second the motion that has been Kay; sons, Rod and Tim; and nine moved by the Premier. Ray Jones served the grandchildren. The thoughts of all on this side electors of Cairns with distinction and also with of the House go out to them today. His commendable energy, as the Premier has successor as member for Cairns, Keith De said, for more than 18 years. He has not been Lacy, is reported in the Cairns Post to have among us in this place since 1983.
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