
CHAPTER EIGHT OF EIGHT Kali: A Polar Bear’s TAa lPolare Lady Samsons roll out Bear’s Tale Lady Samsons travel to Arkansas for NJCAA ChapterKALI: 2 of eight Division II Women’s Basketball Championship AUTHOR: CAROLYN MUELLER | ILLUSTRATOR: JEREMY PATTON & JAYNE BALLEW SPORTS • 7 EDUCATION • 6 Chapter Eight: ´:HOOµ -XOLH VWDUWHG ´KH KDV DFFHVV WR DQ DLUFRQGLWLRQHG EXLOGLQJEXWKRQHVWO\KHXVXDOO\FKRRVHVWREHRXWVLGHQRPDWWHU KRZKRWLWLV+HKDVWZRVDOWZDWHUSRROVWRFRRORIILQEXWKHMXVW ,QWKHVWKH6DLQW/RXLV=RREXLOWVRPHRIWKHQDWLRQ·VÀUVW GRHVQ·WIHHOKHDWLQWKHVDPHZD\WKDWZHGR3RODUEHDUVDUHVR QDWXUDOLVWLFEHDUKDELWDWVE\FUHDWLQJURFN\JURWWRVIURPPROGVRI ZHOOLQVXODWHGZLWKWKHLUWKLFNFRDWVDQGIDWOD\HUVWKDWWKHLUFRUH QHDUE\0LVVRXULEOXIIV2WKHU]RRVIROORZHGWKLVH[DPSOHLQVSLULQJ WHPSHUDWXUHLVVWDELOL]HGOLNHDWKHUPRVWKDWNHHSVWKLQJVERWKKRW DQHZJHQHUDWLRQRI]RRKDELWDWV DQGFRROµ 1HDUO\DFHQWXU\ODWHUWKHVHRULJLQDOEHDUJURWWRVQHHGHG ´'RQ·W\RXWKLQNKHPLVVHV/XQDWKRXJK"µDQRWKHUFKLOG XSJUDGHV7KH6DLQW/RXLV=RREXLOWDPLOOLRQSRODUEHDUKDELWDW DVNHG ZLWKWZRIUHVKZDWHUSRROVWZRÀOOHGZLWKVDOWZDWHUDFRDVWOLNH ´3RODU EHDUV DUH DFWXDOO\ VROLWDU\ DQLPDOVµ -XOLH DQVZHUHG WHUUDLQDVDQG\EHDFKDQGDQDUHDRIJUDVV$GGDFOLPDWHFRQWUROOHG ´7KHRQO\WLPHVSRODUEHDUVDUHZLWKRWKHUEHDUVDUHZKHQDPRWKHU EXLOGLQJZLWKSRODUEHDUEHGURRPVDQGWKH=RR·V3RODU%HDU3RLQW KDVFXEVVHYHUDOEHDUVDUHIHHGLQJLQRQHVSRWRUWKHUH·VDPDWLQJ EHFDPHDEHDXWLIXOVWFHQWXU\XSJUDGHDQHZPRGHOIRUEHDU UHODWLRQVKLSEXWHYHQWKDWZRXOGRQO\ODVWZHHNV6R.DOLLV FDUH$OOLWQHHGHGZDVDSRODUEHDU AILY LOBE KRXVHGDVKHZRXOGOLYHLQWKHZLOGDVD\RXQJDGXOWPDOHSRODU .DOLDZLOGERUQ$ODVNDQSRODUEHDUZDVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RID G EHDUµ WKH86)LVKDQG:LOGOLIH6HUYLFH 86):6 ,WVRIÀFLDOVGHFLGHG Monday, March 19, 2018 7KHNLGVQRGGHGMostly cloudy yourdailyglobe.com WKH6DLQW/RXLV=RR·VQHZO\GHVLJQHGSRODUEHDUKDELWDWZDVWKH ´$OOULJKWµ-XOLHVDLG´OHW·VJLYHWKLVEHDUVRPHIRRGµ| High: | Low: | Details, page 2 SHUIHFWSHUPDQHQWKRPHIRUWKH\RXQJEHDU 29 10 0XFKWRWKHFURZGDQG.DOL·VGHOLJKWVKHUROOHGPHDWEDOOV .DOLKDGEHHQVK\DQGFDXWLRXVZKHQKHÀUVWDUULYHGLQ%XIIDOR FDUURWVÀVKDQGFKRZGRZQDFKXWHLQWRWKHSRROZLWKDOLWWOHELWRI IURP WKH PDQ\ FKDQJHV LQ WKLV OLIH %XW SOD\LQJ ZLWK /XQD KDG ODUGIRUGHVVHUW KHOSHG.DOLJURZWREHFRPHDFRQÀGHQWVWURQJEHDUUHDG\IRUDQ\ 6KHWKHQVWRRGEDFNDQGZDWFKHGDVWKHELJEHDUÁRDWHGLQWKHKIMBALL EGG HUNT FKDOOHQJH&DLWO\QZRXOGPLVVWKHERLVWHURXVDGROHVFHQWEHDUEXW ZDWHUFUXQFKLQJRQKLVFDUURWVDQGVOXUSLQJGRZQÀVK DOVRNQHZKHKDGDEULJKWIXWXUHDKHDGRIKLP /LWWOHH\HVDQGIDFHVSUHVVHGDJDLQVWWKHJODVVDQGVWDUHGXSDWKLP WhiteCap 6RKRZGRHVDQSRXQGSRODUEHDUWUDYHOIURP1HZ<RUNWR LQZRQGHU:DWFKLQJWKHVHNLGVLQWHUDFWZLWK.DOLQHYHUFHDVHGWR 0LVVRXUL"7KHVDPHZD\DQ\VSHFLDOGHOLYHU\PLJKWYLD)HG([ DPD]H-XOLH6HSDUDWHGE\RQO\DSDQHRIJODVVWKH\ZHUHQRVHWR &DLWO\QWUDLQHG.DOLLQWKHZHHNVEHIRUHKLVGHSDUWXUHWR QRVHZLWKDUHDOSRODUEHDU FDOPO\ZDONLQWRDKXJHDOXPLQXPFUDWHDPRYHKHSHUIRUPHGRQ ´, ORYH .DOLµ VKH KHDUG KLVGHSDUWXUHGD\.DOL·VFUDWHZDVORDGHGLQWRDWUXFNZKLFKGURYH DOLWWOHER\VD\WRKLV KLPWR5RFKHVWHU1HZ<RUNZKHUHKLVFUDWHZDVWUDQVIHUUHGWRD managers PRWKHU -XOLH VPLOHG SODQHWR0HPSKLV7HQQHVVHH.DOLKDGDOUHDG\EHHQRQTXLWHDIHZ 6KHNQHZWKDWHYHU\ ÁLJKWVEXWÁ\LQJDWLQ\FXELVTXLWHGLIIHUHQWIURPÁ\LQJDODUJH GD\ .DOL VSHQW VXEDGXOWSRODUEHDU)HG([GRQDWHGWKHLUH[SHUWLVHDQGVHUYLFHVIRU VLPSO\SOD\LQJLQ .DOL·VWULS$YHWHULQDULDQDQG]RRRIÀFLDOVÁHZZLWK.DOLFDULQJ KLV SRRO KH ZDV IRUKLPWRNHHSKLPFDOPDQGFRPIRUWDEOH LQVSLULQJWKHQH[W ,Q0HPSKLV.DOLZDVORDGHGRQWRDQRWKHUWUXFN'XULQJdream JHQHUDWLRQ WR IDOO WKH KRXU GULYH WR 6W /RXLV KH ZDV PRQLWRUHG E\ DGYDQFHG LQORYHZLWKSRODU WHFKQRORJ\ ZLWK IUHTXHQW FKHFNV E\ D YHWHULQDULDQ FXUDWRU DQG EHDUV ]RRNHHSHUV7KHWHPSHUDWXUHZDVNHSWDWDSRODUEHDUIULHQGO\ GHJUHHVDQGIUHTXHQWVWRSVZHUHPDGHWRFKHFNRQKLVFRPIRUW realized,WZDVDORYHO\0D\HYHQLQJZKHQKLVWUXFNSXOOHGXSWRWKH 6DLQW/RXLV=RR$IWHUDORQJMRXUQH\.DOLÀQDOO\PDGHLWWRKLV QHZKRPHBy IAN MINIELLY 7KHNLGVORRNHGIURP-XOLHWR.DOLLQZRQGHUPDUYHOLQJDWWKHiminielly@yourdailyglobe.com ORQJMRXUQH\WKHEHDUWRRNWRJHWWR6W/RXLV$IWHUDOOWKDWKHUHKH ZDVVZLPPLQJULJKWLQIURQWRIWKHPIRON BELT – The White- cap´7KDW·VKLVVWRU\µ-XOLHWROGWKHFURZG´7KDW·VKRZ.DOLJRW Mountains ski resort, has KHUHµ a new´%XWLI.DOL·VIURP$ODVNDµRQHER\DVNHG´KRZFDQKHOLYHLQ manager on the scene. Dave6W/RXLV",W·VVRKRWKHUHLQWKHVXPPHUWLPHµ Dziuban, hired by the 0LVVRXUL3UHVV)RXQGDWLRQ shareholders, is where his life Photo Credit: Saint Louis Zoo has always directed him to be. Dziuban picked up skiing in h i g h s c h o o l , discovered w o r k i n g for a resort Steve Newman/Daily Globe w o u l d KIDS SEARCH for candy-filled eggs Saturday at the 4-H Fun Frolic in Kimball. The eggs were placed in the parking lot and snowbanks result in around the Kimball Community Center. free skiing and has s t a y e d Penokee Range 4H Livestock Club holds annual fun frolic i n v o l v e d By STEVE NEWMAN ting refreshments. along with sons Brian and Brent, Swartz considers himself a with skiing Dave [email protected] ever since. Dziuban Those in the club have made placed two Hereford yearling “third generation” farmer. His D z i - KIMBALL – The Kimball the activity work with a team-ori- cows in a pen for kids to pet. grandfather had a dairy farm uban said Whitecap is Community Center was a hive of ented approach. Club members Swartz stated that they chose to near Saxon, but the barn burned unique, it has three moun- activity on Saturday as Penokee were setting up the easter egg raise Hereford beef cattle due to down, and none of the second tains and to the north, a skier Range 4-H Livestock Club pre- hunt in the parking lot before the their gentle disposition, which generation took up farming, but can see Lake Superior and if sented their annual 4-H Fun Frol- start of the activity. The eggs were made them ideal animals for a he is trying to revive the tradi- they look to the south they ic. Carol Alonen, club leader, stat- filled with candy to make a treat petting zoo. Swartz, in addition tion. Swartz is investing in his can see the Penokee Moun- ed that the club has been putting for the hunters. The eggs were to raising cattle and chickens, small herd of cattle, and his chil- tains. In contrast, Dziuban on the day for the past 4-5 years placed in the parking lot and works full time at Xcel Energy dren will annually sell one of said most ski resorts, when as a fundraiser. Among the around the snowbanks. Club and volunteers at Kimball Fire their cattle at the livestock auc- the skiers look around from games were a cake walk, an east- leaders and members also Department. He believes it is tion at the county fair, he realized the top of the slope, they can er egg hunt, petting zoo and brought their animals for the pet- valuable for his family to sacrifice see the ski lodge, so Whitecap other fun. Participants purchased ting zoo. and invest time and resources to tickets for playing games and get- Brock and Natalie Swartz, enjoy the benefits of farm life. is unique with its vistas. KIMBALL — page 5 Dziuban said like many folks like him, he wanted to carve his own ski resort into a mountain. He has seen folks Iron, Bayfield jobless rates when he was younger that had a piece of real estate under their control who among highest in state would take out an advertize- By RALPH ANSAMI consin Department of Workforce ment in an industry maga- [email protected] Development. zine, but almost always the Iron and Bayfield counties contin- Ashland County posted a 4.2 per- resorts never got built and the ue to post the worst employment cent jobless rate for January, Vilas funding never materialized. numbers in Wisconsin. County was at 4.4 percent and Onei- This dream took Dziuban While the state’s unemployment da County was also at 4.2 percent. across the Northeast, working rate for January was 3.1 percent, the Price County posted a 3.6 percent at resorts in Vermont, Mas- rate for Iron County stood at 6 per- unemployment rate. sachusetts and Pennsylvania, cent, followed by Bayfield County’s The total labor force in the state before getting hired to come 5.6 percent. was 3,157,600, compared to to WhiteCap. “There is a That ranked the two last among 3,158,300 in December, according to bright future here, but we Wisconsin’s 72 counties. the DWD. must also experience the tran- The worst job numbers for January The total number of people who sition period,” said Dziuban were consistently throughout the were unemployed improved by 4,200 Dziuban described the Steve Newman/Daily Globe northern counties. from December to January and the original vision of Whitecap LICIA JOHNSON from North Lakeland Discovery Cen- The U.S, jobless rate was 4.1 per- employment rate was around 14,000 ter shows class members a tap for maple trees Satur- cent for January, compared to 4.8 per- better than a year ago, according to day afternoon. The class learned about syruping and cent a year ago, according to the Wis- the DWD. WHITECAP — page 5 was able to install some taps and see maple sap being boiled down to syrup. WAKEFIELD SUNRISE North Lakeland Gogebic Range Discovery Center holds maple syruping class Trail Authority By STEVE NEWMAN students a taste of maple [email protected] products such as maple doubles mileage MANITOWISH oatmeal, maple lemonade By IAN MINIELLY WATERS, Wis. – Licia and maple cookies, the stu- [email protected] Johnson and Annie dents were given “tools of McDonnell, naturalists the trade” to process syrup BESSEMER – While there from North Lakeland Dis- themselves. Syruping was is still snow on the ground covery Center, taught actually discovered by and more could certainly “Maple Syruping 101” to a native Americans, and it come, the end of the snowmo- group of would-be syrup became a staple to provide biling season is around the
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