(~ENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Se."ies ·11 KARNATAKA CENSUS HANDBOOK BELGAUM D~STRICT PART XII· A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SOBIIA NAMBISAN Director of' CenslIs Operations, Karnataka ,r:ONTENT§ Page No. FOREWORD V-VI PREFACE vii-viii , !tv1P~ fRIANT :"TATuSTIl'S xi-xiv ANAL VTiCAL NOTE 1-30 SECTION-I - ViLLAGE I>IRECTORY Explanatory Noie 33-41 Alphahcti~'ai Li.;t of Villages - Athni C.D.Block "~-47 Vil!agc Dircctory Sia!cm.:nl - Alhni CO.B1ock 48-61 Alphabetical Lisl of Villages - Bclgaum C.D.Block 65-6..~ i', Village Din;ctory SialGmC!li - Bclg:wm C.D.Block 70-89 Alphahl'lica! Lis! p;" Vil!agc~ - Chik,)di C.D.i3inck 93-95 Chikodi C.DJ1lock %·113 Alphabetical Lisl of Viihl!U.:S - Ciokak C.O.Block 117-119 .. - Gok,,!': CO.Block 120-141 Alphabctka! List of Villages - Hukkcri CD.Block 145·148 Village Direclmy SWicmcm 150-169 Khanapur CD.Block 173-178 Village Directory SWiemenl Khan<lpur ('.D.Block 180-209 - Parasgad C.O.Block 213-215 Village Directory Sta~cmcat - Parasgad C.D.Block 216-233 i\iphal);.;I Ical List or Villagl.:s Rayhag CO.B1ock 237-238 Village Directory Slah:me!l1 - Rayhag C.D.Block 240-251 A!phahc.t ical Li~t of Villages Ramdurg C.O.Block 255-257 Village Din:ctofY Statement - R'!llldurg CO.Block 258-277 Alphahetical Li~t of Villag .... s - Sampgal\n C.O.BI()(:k 2.."\1-284 Village Dirc~l!lry SW!eIHcnt - Sampgatm CO.Block 286-309 (iii) Page No. APPENDIX - I-IV Community Dcvdopment Blockwise Abstract (If Educational, Medical and Other Amenities 112-317 11 Land Utilisation Data III rC!llpect of Non-municipal Census Towns 31(1-317 III List of villagcs where no amenities except t.lrinking water arc availahle 318 IV -A List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to Total Population hy ranges 319-32g IV-B List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled TribC6 10 Tot,,1 Population by ranges 329:333 SECTION-II - TOWN DIRECTORY ". Explanatory Notl~ 337~347 Statement [ - Status and GrO\"'th History 35(J-35:~ Stal(:mcnl 11 - Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1989 354-357 Statement III - Municipal Finance, 1989 358-359 Statement IV - Civic and Other Amenities, 191'19 360-363 Statement IV-A - Civic and Other Amenities in NOlilieu Slums, 1989 362-363 Statement V - Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 11)~N 3(i4-:~67 Statement V[ - Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1991) J(ig-371 Appendix to Town Directory - Population \,f Towns and their associated Outgrowths 372 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 373-374 Pubiication Plan 375-377 ILLlJSTRATIONS Map of Karnataka showing Ih(' Administrative Divisions ix Map of Bclgaul11 District x Map of Athni Taluk 44 Map of Bclgallm Talllk 64 Map of Chikodi Talllk 1J2 Map of Gokak Talllk 116 Map of Hukkcli Taluk 144 Map of Kharr:lpur Taluk 172 Map of Parasgad Taluk 212 Map of Ramdurg Taluk 236 Map of Raybab Taluk 254 Map of Sampgann Taluk 280 (iv) FORE\VORD Publication of the District Census H;lndbooks (Dells) was initialed after the 1951 CcnslIs and is continuing sinte then ,vith some innovatiol1s! Illodilicatiolls al'tt:r each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by thl! Census Organisdtioll llll In:half l)f em:h State (lovL/Union Territory administration. Ii inter-alia provides data/infmmation 011 some llf the basic del110grarhic and socio-economic characteristics ami on the availability of n:rl;lin important ei,·ic amenities/facilities in each village and lown of thl! respective districts. This publicatiun has lhu~ pnwcd 10 be of immense utility to the ·planners, administrators, ae(llil!micians and resean:hcr!-.. The scope of thc DCII was initially l'onlillcd Itl certain important census tables on population, economic and sO~'io-cultural aspects ;IS also the Primary Censlis Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs pUhlish('d after lhe 1%1 (\'nslls l'llntained a dt:~criptive accollnt of the district, administrative statistics, ceIlSl!<; tableS and \,ilbgt: and Town Dirt:ctorics including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parIS of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Town DirectOries and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were rcleaseu in all tht: Slates and Union Territories. The third part, Part C of tht: District Ct:INIS Handhooh comprising administrative statistics and district census t;thles, which W;IS also to be brought llUt, could Hot he pllhlish('d in many Stales/UTs due to considerable delay in compii;ttion (If relevant material. III I')SI, ~lI111e new f<':;ltlln;s alongwith th<.: restru(~turing of the formats of Village and Town Dirl'ctory were introduced in the DO·ls. These were publishe<.l in two parts for each district after the Jl)~l Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directurics, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wisd indudill!,: Scheduled Caste and Scheuuld Tribe PCA lIpto tehsilitown level were provided in P;lrt-B. To illustrate, all the allleniti<.:s except electricity, were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referent villagc, thc uistance in broad ranges from the nearc~t place having such amcnity was givcn. Information on some nt:w itcms such as auult literacy centres, primary health sub-ccntres and colllmunity health workers in the village were provided so as to l11eet SlIme llftht: rcquircmenls of the Re\i~t:d Minimum NlTds Programllle. Similarly, information on approach 10 Ihe yilbge was abo pr\l\·ided for the lirst -lime in the Village Oireetory !',o as to give an idea about til(: numher of in;lct\:~~ihk villagl's in cach distril't. In casc of Town Directories also, keeping in view the r('quir\.'l11t'nts of til(' !\1inilllulll Needs I'rogramme,_ a Statement IV-A on ~lull1s was provided so as to enahle thc pbnncrs to chalk (lut the programmes for providing bella civic ,lIld other lImenilics in the slums. In this Statement lktails on ci\'ic and otller amenilics were reported for the slums of Class I and Class 11 towns. Apart frnll1 this, one wlumn on the Scheduled Castcs and Scheuuleu Tribes population alld ;U1othcr on adult literacy CbSsl:s/(.'cntrl's were added in Statelllcnts IV and V respet'livc!y, The manner of presentation of the DCJ-Is for Ihc )W) CClISIIS is by :ll1d large the same as follO\\'I:d 111 IlJSl. However, lhe formal of PCA has been restnlctun:d stightly in the )I)t)] ('l:nstls for the bendit of data lIsers, Nine-fold industrial classilicatioll of main workl;rs has becn givcll as against four-fold industrial classilication pn:st:nted in the (I)~I Censlls, In additilln to this. the sex-wise popUlation in the 0-6 age-group has also heen included in PCA for Ihe !irsl time with a ,·iew 10 cnabling Jata USCI'S to compute more realistic literacy r;ltes as all children below 7 y<:ars of age han: been treated as illiterate at the tim\.! of the IlJlJ1 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modilications will help the . planners in chalking out Illore effect in: developmental program Illes. (v) O,V: of the most important innovations i,l the 1'JIJ! Census is the Cilll1mlllli!y Dcn:lopmclll Block-b'd presentation or data in the Village Oirct'lOry and peA instead of the Ir'aditi,l!l:tI Tahsilrralllk/PS kvd presentation. It is expected that the pn:scnlalion of VillagL' Dir..:cwry ill'id PCA llal~l at C.D.Block h.:vcl will help the planners in formulation of micro-level lkvclopmclltal plans, as the CD. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning, In order 10 faeilitalt: the task of administf4110rS, planners and researchers inlending to usc Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magl1l.:tie lapes!lloppics or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes. for each village haye been provided for the 11)')1 Census along with the corresponding codes of 1981. • This public:!tion is a joint venture of the Siale (Jovl./UT "dmillisll';!lioll ;!lld Jhe Census Org,mj!i'lIion. The data ha\'l.: heen collected and compiled under thc dircctioll of l\1s. Sobha Nambisan, Director of Census Operations, Karnataka on behalf of the State (iovl. administration which has bOfnc the cost of printing. The task of pl:JI~ning. lksigning and comdinalion of the puhlication \\'as initiated by Dr.K.P.Ittaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Sl)ci~il Studies) and Shri M.M.Du:I, .loin! Di!eClor. For Ihe sake of uniformity in presentation of inflll'lllation/data and for preparation of (lllalylk .. 1 notl..! depicting lhe salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/llo;l-(\:nsus data, a model District Ccnsus Handbook from eaeh Stale and Union Territory was thoroughly \crlltini~cd in the SO('ial Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.K.Jain, the presl..!nt Dl'puty Registrar (;cm:ral (S.S.). This l<Isk was carried oul by Shri A.K.Singh, Deputy Dirl.:ctllr who was assisted hy S/Shri V.K.Jain and Hariram, iilvl.!sligatofs and stall T«chnical guidance in the preparation of tho maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, former Deputy Registrar GL!neral (Map) and later by Mrs. Minali (jhosh, the presenl Dl:puty Registrar General (Mar).
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