CENSUS 1971 PARTS X-A & B TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY SERIES-S VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT AMRELI CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK C. C.DOCTOR of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Gujarat The earliest dated example of the bead work of Saurashtra suggest that the craft had II professional origin before acquiring folk characteristics. Today four distinct schools are recognised of the work. The better examples of the craft available today reveal a high tJegree of excellence both as regards material and craftsmanship. The work consists of embroidering multi-coloured beads intn various designs either Oil finished products of domesNc use or on household furnishings and apparel, includino, the apparel of domestic animals. A study of the designs formed shows the influence of other arts and even such an unusual source as memorial stones. The motifs consist divine or human figures, flora «nd fauna and purely geometric forms. The composite motif of a chakla and pachhitpati reproduced on the cover page of this volume belongs to the Kathi School which Pi known for simplicity of form and presenta­ tion. It is marked by the liberal use of animal figures which strike a dominant note in the presentation. The mare and the rider numbering twenty in all are depicted all along the border of the chakla. Four camel riders appear alternately among five floral designs in measured squares in the centre to produce a charming effect. The pachhitpati is a decorative scroll Dr wall-hanging generally hung above or below a shel/. It is genuinely recognised as a respository of almost all known motifs in bead work and the specimen reproduced on this volume is a good example of this belief. Taken together the two motifs illustrate one of the commonest modes in which the work ;s executed. The chakla on _ demonstrates the pannelled mode where figures are set in framed boxes. The pachhitpati _ on the other hand depicts the "open" 0"­ "unbarred" type where the unframed figures are forl1lally arranged 011 a white field. (Block from an ink tracing by K. D. Vaishnav. Geographer) DISTRICT AMRELI CAPITAL OF THE STATE GUJARAT DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS @• TAiUKA HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT BOUNDARY © DISTRICT AMRElI TALUKA BOUNDARY NATIONAL HIGHWAY STATE HIGHWAY __S_H_ METALLED ROAD 4 2 0 4 8 12 16 20 , ! I MILES UNMETALLED ROAD M ~ ~ AI RIVERS & ST~EAMS 4 0 4 B 12 16 20 24 28 KILOMETRES TANKS NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL RESERIIOIRS/BUNDS/EMBANKMENTS/ ~""~."u i CANALS WITH DISTRIBUTA~IES & LOCK ."'''"'~. N 22' TOWNS ~ VILLA~ES WITH PDP. OFSOOO&ABOVE 22' MARKETS El• MANDIES &. POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE P&T REST HOUSE/TRAVELLER'S BUNGALOW RH RAILWAYS WITH STATIONS _s t BROAD GAUGE -=:iIi:::-=:_. 50 METRE GAUGE ~ NARROW GAUGE ~ HOSPITALS/PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRES{ DISPENSARIES/CHILO & MATERNITY WELFARE CENTRES URBAN AREA 4 :so 2 2 lif CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Genetral Government Publications-Census of India 1971-Series-S-Gujarat is being published in the following parts : Part Subject covered Numkr I-A General Report. I-B Detailed Analysis of the Demo~raphjc, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns. I-C Subsidiary Tables. II-A General Population Tables ('A' Seriee). II-B Economic Tables ( 'B' Series ,. II-C(i) Distribution of Population, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. n-C(ii) Other Social & Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composi­ tion, Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes & Screduled Tribes, etc., Bilingualism. III Establishments Report and Tables (eE' Series). IV-A Housing Report and Housing Subsidiary Tables. IV-B Housing Tables. V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. VI-A Town Directory. VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel. VIll-A Administration Report-Enumeration.} For official use only Vlll-B Administration Report-Tabulation. IX Census Atlas. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK X-A Town and Village Directory. X -B Village and Townwise PrimGlry Census Abstract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. CONTENTS PREFACE v-x FIGURES AT A GLANCE xi-xii ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES xiii-xx PBrt-A- Town and Village Directory General Note xxiii-xxiv Introductory Note on Town and Village Directory xxv-xl Town Directory and its Appendices Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional C!ltegory of Towns xliii Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 xliv Statement III Civic Finance, 1968-69 xlv Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities, 1969 xlvi Statement V Medical, Educational. Recreational anu Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 xlvii Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 xlviii Statement VII Population by Religion, 1971 xlix Appendix I List of Urban Areas as per Location Code Numbers Appendix II Name of Outgrowth of Urban Area which does not qualify to be treated as a Separate Town Village Directory \Amreli Taluka 1-7 Dhari Taluka / 9-17 Khambha Mahal 19-23 Rajula Taluka 25-33 lafrabad Mahal 35-39 Kodinar Taluka 41-47 ~;Kunkavav Vadia Taluka 49-55 '\. Babra Taluka 57-63 ~athi Taluka . 65-69 ~ ~Lilia Mahal ' 7t-75 Abstract of Amenities at each Taluka/Mahal 76-77 Pages Part-B-ViUage and TOWDWise Primary Ceos1l8 Abstract General Note iii Primary Census Abstract Amreli TaInka 1-9 Dhari Taluka 11-19 Khambba Mahal 21-23 Rajnla Taluka 25-33 lafrabad Mahal 35-39 Kodinar Taluka 41-47 Kunkavav Vadia Taluka 49-57 Babra Taluka 59-65 Lathi Taluka 67-73 Lilia Mahat 75-77 Block Directory showing Jurisdict10n of Enumerator's Blocks in the Urban Areas 79... 84 MAPS District Map Frontispiece Amreli TaInka Facing Page 1 Dhari Taluka " " 11 Kbambha Mabal 21 " " Rajula Talnka " 0, 25 lafrabad Mahal ,. ot 3$ Kodinar Taluka " ., 41 Kunkavav Vadia Taluka 49'c •• " Babra Taluka ., .t 59 Lathi Taluka 6; " " Lilia Mahal ,. ,_ 75 PREFACE The District Census Handbooks are being Part B publisbed regularly since 1951. Earlienhey were (1) Urban Block and Villagewise Primary brought out under the name of "Village Hand· Census Abstract books" and contained only the population totals. They are prepared by the Census Organisation Part C on behalf of the State Government aod published by the latter. They are the first to be published (1) Analytical Report in the series of 1971 Census publications, which (2) Administrative Statistics are now to follow. The need for making avail­ able to the State Government, the Census data (3) Census Tables as early as possible after the taking of the count, has been recognised since long. It is a matter of It was originally decided that each part deep satisfaction that the present volume is being would be brought out separately. But since the published within a year of the taking of the data for parts A and B has been prepared Census. almost at the same time, it is decided to combine these parts into one volume. Part C which has The data collected during 1971 Census was to await the collection of official statistics from tabulated initially at three Regional Tabulation various Departments of the State Government Offices at Surat, Rajkot and Bhavnagar for and preparation of Census Tables, would be rural areas and one more Tabulation Office at publisbed separately. Ahmedabad which dealt with the slips of urban areas only. The data abstracted at the Regional The Town Directory consists of information offices was brought to Ahmedabad where it was about the status, growth history and functional compiled for the State as a whole and is now category of towns and their physical aspects, being published. location, Municipal finances, civic and other amenities like sewerage, protected water supply, The District Census Handbook contains fire fighting service, electrification etc. It also primary data upto tbe village level for rural contains information about medical~ educational, areas and enumerator's block level for urban recreational and CUltural facilities available at areas. It is for the first time that in 1971 tbe towns. Detailed information about trade, Census we are giving information about urban commerce, industry and banking is also provided areas of tbe State in a separate part called here. The population of the towns according to the ''Town Directory". We are also giving compre­ 1971 Census by religion and Scheduled Caste and hensive information about rural areas in tbe Scheduled Tribe is furnished here. The Town "Village Directory". This is further supplemented Directory is a new feature of 1971 Census and the by the Alphabetical List of Villages for facility above information has been compiled in it for tbe of reference. first time. It bas been decided to bring out the The Village Directory contains comprehensive District Census Handbooks of 1971 in tbree information about tbe amenities available at the parts as under :- village such as educational and medical, supply of electric power, drinking water facility, Part A communication through road, rail, kutcha road, (1) Town Directory pucca road and bus route, existence of post, telegraph and telephone facilities, etc. Furtber (2) Village Directory information about staple food, area under various uses like forest, Qultivable land, source aDd the village officials and scrutinised at taluka extent of irrigation, cultivable waste and name level by the Statistical Assistant before returning of the nearest town and its distance, day on to this office. The Development Commissioner which 'bazar' is being beld, if any, and its and the Director. Bureau of Economics and importance from religious, historical and archaeo­ Statistics, issued firm instructions to the field logical point of view is recorded here. staff to ensure that the information was filled and scrutinised with the utmost care. After this The Primary Census Abstract contains infor­ information was received in the Census mation about the number of occupied residential Directorate.
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