90th Year, Issue 13 ©1999 ·April 30, 1999 Newark, Del. • 50e TmsWEEK [ City IN SPORTS reduces Sr. MARK's offer SOFTBAll Few comments on STill . parking-Jot purchase UNBEATEN. 20 By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK-POST STAFF WRITER ESPITE earlier complaint IN LIFESTYLE that residents did not have a chance to address the cjty's plan to purchase land for a new downtown parking lot, only one per­ son asked to comment this week. RESIDENTS Albert Porach of East Park Place told Newark city council on Monday night that he illd not think the city ENJOY needed the lot. "None of the reports (done by 'SENIOR' consultants), none of the public forums on parking ... recommend pur­ chase of a parking lot," said Poracb. ·PROM. 10 "This proposal should have gone through the Parking Committee - I bet we would have had plenty of good criticism if it did like it should IN THE NEWS have." As an alternative Porach uggest­ ed the city lease the top level of the three-story University of Delaware MAIL CARRIERS See LOT, 7 l NEED HELP Ski lls-_based WITH DEPOSITS program TOFOOD causes BANK. 3 confusion By MARY E. PETZAK INDEX NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER NEWS 1-7 ARENTS from Downes POLICE BLOTTER 2 . Elementary School said OPINION 8 they are hopeful the Christi­ na District School board wiiJ allow LIFESTYLE 10 them to retain the school's current THE ARTS 11 Bomb threat bill arises curriculum grouping plan and even permit other District schools to use it. DIVERSIONS 12 Connie Wright, mother of a Downes student, said many parents at CROSSWORD PUZZLE 13 from Glasgow HS meeting the school and others in the District SPORTS 20-24 are confused by the program and ter­ By SHARON R. COLE resentative William A. Oberle Jr. (R-Beechers Lot minology used to explain it. "Some PEOPLENEWS 16-17 ) and other area legislators after a discussion call it ability grouping but it is based OBITUARIES 25 . NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER regarding bomb threats was held at Glasgow High on the skills your child knows and School this week. · not on IQ," she explained. "Achieve­ CLASSIFIEDS 28-36 UVENILES making ·bomb threats could be According to _school board member Charles ment is the better terminology than spenillng ·at least six months behind bars Mullen, the-re have been 13 bomb threats at Glas­ ability." while their parents face a $10,000 fme if a gow High School since January. Wright said those in favor of the proposed bill becomes law in the General Assem­ State senator Dorinda Connor (R-Penn Acres) present grouping want the needs of bly. said four of the bomb threats came during the all children to be met. "Why should a Co-sponsor state representative Stephanie · recent state-testing week. "Students had to leave child who has trouble with basic Ulbrich (R-Newark West) said a second offense the school and go back in and fi~ish the test." addition and subtraction be forced to could result in five· years in jail. Over 200 parents attended the meeting to hear­ move on to multiplication?" Wright "We have to do everything possible to create a comments by School Superintendent Nicholas questioned. safe environment in our schools,'' said State Rep­ Fischer, Glasgow principal Robert Anderson, Wright and other parents who resentative Timothy Boulden (R-Newark). · Attorney General Jane Brady and state legislators. called the Newark Post further The bill proposal was conceived by State Rep- 7 99462 00002 3 See Bill, 5~ See oo ES , 6~ 90th Year, Issue 13 © 1 9 99 April 30, 1999 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THISWEEK I City reduces ST. MARK's offer SOFTBAll Few comments on STILL . parking lot purchase UNBEATEN. 20 By MARY E. PETZAK NEWAR K POST STAFF WRITER ESPITE earlier complaint. that residents did not have a chance to addre s the city's plan to purcha e land for a new downtown parking lot, only one per­ son asked to comment this week. RESIDENTS Albett Porach of Ea t Park Place told Newark city council on Monday night that he did not think the city ENJOY needed the lot. '·None of the reports (done by 'SENIOR' consultants), none of the public forums on parking ... recomrnend pur­ cha e of a parking Jot," aid Porach. "This proposal hould have gone PROM. 10 1 through the Parking Committee - bet we would have had plenty of good criticism if it did like it should - ,IN THE NEWS have:· A an alternative, Porach uggest­ ed the city lea e the top level of the three-story Univer ity of Delaware MAIL CARRIERS See , 7 NEED HELP Skills-based WITH DEPOSITS program TOFOOD causes BANK. 3 confusion By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER NEWS 1-7 ARENTS from Downe POLICE BLOTTER 2 Elementary School aid NEWARK POST PHOTO BY HEIDI SCHEING OPINION 8 they are hopeful the Christi­ na District School board will allow LIFESTYLE 10 them to retain the chool· current curriculum grouping plan and even THE ARTS 11 Bomb threat bill arises permit other Di trict school to use it. DIVERSIONS 12 Connie Wri ght, mother of a Downe student, said many parents at CROSSWORD PUZZLE 13 from Glasgow HS meeting the chool and others in the District SPORTS 20-24 are confu ed by the program and ter­ By SHARON R. COLE resentative William A. Oberle Jr. (R-Beechers Lot mjnology used to explain it. "Some PEOPLENEWS 16-17 ) and other area legislators after a discussion call it ability grouping but it is based OBITUARIES 25 NEWARK POST STAFF WRIT ER regarding bomb threats was held at Glasgow High on the skills your child knows and School this week. not on TQ," he explained. ·'Achieve­ CLASSIFIEDS 28-36 UVENILES making bomb threats could be According to school board member Charles ment is the better terminology than pending at least six months behind bars Mullen, there have been 13 bomb threats at Glas­ ability." whil e their parents face a $10,000 fine if a gow High School since January. Wright said those in favor of the proposed bill becomes law in the General Assem­ State senator Dorinda Connor (R-Penn Acres) present grouping want the needs of bly. said four of the bomb threats came during the all children to be met. "Why should a Co-sponsor state representative Stephanie · recent state-testing week. "Students had to leave child who has trouble with basic Ulbrich (R-Newark West) said a second offense the school and go back in and finish the test." addition and subtraction be forced to could result in five years in jail. Over 200 parents attended the meeting to hear move on to multiplication?" Wright "We have to do everything possible to create a comments by School Superintendent Nicholas questioned. safe environment in our schools," said State Rep­ Fischer, Glasgow principal Robert Anderson, Wright and other parents who resentative Timothy Boulden (R-Newark). Attorney General Jane Brady and state legislators. called the Ne wark Post further The bill proposal was conceived by State Rep- 7 99462 00002 3 See Bill, 5 ~ See oo ES , 6 ~ _(· · ~I· I· ·; ' •/( · 1 . ' I.) , r 'J PAGE 2 • NEWARK POST • APRIL 30, 19~9 Visit us on 'fhe Worl'd'Wide Web NEVv'ARK PosT •!• POLICE BLOTTER Can we help? Offices: The paper's offices are located conveniently in the Rob­ scott Building, 153 E. Chestnut Woman charged in execution· Hill Rd., Newark, DE 19713. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Phone: (302) 737-072t style Ogletown murder Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 e-mail: [email protected] EW CASTLE COUNTY Londonderry. McGinley to his knees and shot him frrst degree, and possession of a On the Internet: Police arrested a 19-year-old The investigation revealed in the back of the head at close deadly weapon during the commis­ http://www.ncbl.com/posU N woman and charged her with . McGinley recently -sold an insur­ range. After he fell to the ground, a sion of a felony. Anyone with infor­ ance policy to Young and the two second shot was fired_into his head. mation is asked to call detectives at To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1- the execution-style murder of an Young was charged with murder 571-7924. 800-220-3311. Cost is $15.95 Ogletown man on Saturday, April were friendly. Police determined in the first degree, robbery in the per year to New Castle County · 24. At deadline, police had not that Young allegedly ordered addresses. To begin a subscrip­ located the murder weapon believed tion, simply call. to be a .38 caliber handgun. County Police responded to the To place a classified: Call1-800- victim's residence in Hillside 220-1230 Deer crashes through deli door Heights after fellow employees To place a display ad: Call 737- called police when he did not show By SHARON R. COLE the Market. "At frrst I thought it was said Malin. 0724. for work. Officers. found 59-year­ a dog, but it was too big to be a No one was hurt although Malin HE STAFF of the Newark Post is old William McGinley deceased NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER dog," said Cartagena who was dri~ · said the deer must have suffered Tanxious to assist readers and adve r­ inside his home and later learned he ving on Route 896 at the time. severe cuts because of the blood and tisers. Reporters, writers , editors and had been murdered: FEMALE DEER crashed Only a few customers were in hair left behind. Malin was able to salespeople can be contacted as listed: On Monday, April 26, at approx­ through the front door of Malin's along with 'the owl}er and get the glass in h.is door replaced imately 3 p.m., detectives learned A Malin's Market on Route two of his employees .."Thank God right away al1owing business.
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