THE SAINT PAUL GLOBS: FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1890. 5 dlanapolis Sentinel say*: Columbus had a as follows: One starting from Mankato over tall, peaked man in the box named Boswell. the Northwestern line and running via NATIONALLEAGUE. possible to read Owa- He is so rhin that it la a tonna. Waseca, Rochester to UP letter through him, but he certainly pitched OfIPEYDERBY DAY SfliNT PfIUL. and Wlnona fIOOSIERS WAKE Chicago, where it will be attached to the spe- Bent Game of the Day Won by the a great game of ball yesterday. • • * M AJ. MALAX HERE. cial. Another will start from Albert Lea oa Colonel*. Billy George has hit safely fifty times this the Milwaukee line and will ran via Austin PRINCE LIEF THE WINNER OF THE BACK NUMBER PEXXANT WINNERS Played. Won. Lost. Per Cent season. Glaascock is next \u25a0with forty-five. Gen. Booth's Secretary Slu^s With and La Crosse, aad will join the special at Cleveland 25 17 8 .680 Lally leads Minneapolis with thirty-six. HAVE NO DOING THE TEX THOUSAND DOLLAR the Sulvatiou Army. Chicago. TROIBLE Cincinnati 28 19 9 .6T9 • Delegates from Boston 27 17 10 .630 Up to Wednesday• night* the Minneapolis STAKE. Minnesota will be accom- MILLERS. Tbe St. I'aul and Minneapolis Salvationists modated at Washington at the Hotel Elsmere, Fittsburg 25 15 10 .600 club had made 280 hits and the opponents bad Baltimore 27 15 .556 the same number. Minneapolis had 193 runs a big rally last evening at tbe Central which is announced to be one of th? best me- 12 Park M. E. church, in welcome of MaJ. Philadelphia 27 14 13 .519 I and the opposing teams 194. This is not dium-price hotels in the city. It is located Washington 27 14 13 .519 I only a singular coincidence, but an indlca- Malan, ex-secretary to Gen. Booth, who has close to the grounds wh*re the conventiom HEALY WAS SLAUGHTERED. Chicago 29 15 14 .517 ! ticn of very even ball playing. With St. BEN EDER RAN SECOND. been doing salvation work in tbe United tenis will be pitched, so that no car fare will Brooklyn 26 11 15 .423 Paul it is different The Apostles have made States for the past four months. MaJ. Malan be necessary. York 27 . 9 18 .333 360 hits and 263 runs, while the opposing New teams arrived in St. Paul early last evening, and It will be necessary, however, that all who St. Louis 27 9 18 .333 have made but 252 hits and 16S runs. at Let's see. A total of 380 hits in 24 games after spending an hour or so Salvation desire to go on the train and also to stop MADE OROGGY IX Louisville 27 6 21 .222 BEX BRUSH TOOK THIRD MOXEY, at «THE EGYPTIAN is an average of just 15 hits per game. Pret- headauarters on Wacouta street, the Salva- j 'ii* Hotel Elsmere with the other members GAMES SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. ty good, is it not? SHUTTING LOKI AXD PARSOX j tionists marched to the church, headed by TWO INNINGS—CARNEY ALSO » at the delegation, notify Mr. Carroll before SOFT MARK. New York at Cincinnati. • * OUT. the Division Brass band, Capt. Parkhouse July l, so that the necessary number of rooms A Boston at Cleveland. Detroit does not come home yet It has leader. three games with Milwaukee. and berths may be retained. Baltimore at Louisville. Malan is just what advertised to Philadelphia at Pittsburg. MaJ. he is Tickets will be on sale at all coupon sta- • * * be—an Italian, In atrociousness accent, i Brooklyn at St. Louis. Neither does St. Paul leave home next of in tions in from July 3to 6. Stop- Rapids FIFTEEX THOUSAND PRESEXT. gesture, Minnesota TIGERS DEVOIR THE COWBOYS* Tuesday evening. It plays in Grand violence of in sudden variation of over privileges will be granted at Deer Park, Hay 21.—Today's game next Tuesday afternoon, if nothing prevents. mood. Rather above average height, LOUISVILLE, was » the in Mountain Lake Park and Oakland. During a pitchers' battle, and McDermott had de- • • he is slender of figure, with coal black hair, the convention there will be frequent The Secret of a Beautiful Skin St Paul's team batting average is .371; eyes ex- Soft, white hande, cidedly the beat of it. Jennings' wild throw brilliant black and swarthy complexion. cursions to places of interest accessible from shapely nalU, and luxuriant Meet Today- Minneapolis', .311. In Spite of Many Other Attractions, Not so much by the cogency hair, with electi wholesome sratp, U found to !ha A]>ostl«-H and Hoostem on which Miller took three bases and of his reasoning Washington, including the Gettysburg bat- perfect of Tores, • • • Derby Day Brought Out Lovers or by the charm of his oratory, arMon th« produced by CL'TT- Some Clone In the Na- O'Brien's out to Keuler gave the Colonels Walter Wilmot said before yesterday's game as by his In- tlefield. Harper's Ferry and Mt. Vernon. On CT.'RA SOAP, the moat effective tkin puriiier* Results that the Indianapolis Racing. tense earnestness did he the League. the only run of the game. Holmes had his team were foemen not of attract and hold the return trip passengers will have a choice and brautitier in the world. tional to be despised. He undoubtedly feels now attention of his audience last evening. He of lines over knee in a collision with Jennings at the Baltimore & Ohio, either Sold tUr«iiiiha«t th» wnrH. Pott«« Dubo a«d C«iif hurt that he was right. talks in At moment IC*L CußroiiniiY, sule second, and Dexter went to center. Attend- Jerks. one he shrieks, through Bellaire or Pittaburg. Propmton, Bogfon. • • • in the next he whispers, only ance, I.OOu. Score: Tt is expected that Tony Mullane will pitch and once or MlnneapoliH 4. today. It is ladies' day. OAKLEY, Cincinnati, May 21.—With crowds twice last evening did he indulge his audience ECHOES OF THE fmiianaiioliK 17, R.H.E. with a CAMPAIGN. 3. Baltimore 0 0000000 o—o 2 1 • • at the May music festival matinee, throngs at well-rounded period. It is as a sing- city clerk yeiterday his affidavit election Detroit 4, Kanmin City played * er and as Gen. secretary of Louisville ....0 0000010 \u2666—1 4 3 Genins a smooth trick on thr Brew- day at the Lagoon, field Booth's MaJ. Malm First \\:m-i| Hum Fight expenses. They amounted to |54. Batteries, Mc- ers Tuesday. The ball was hit to Stafford base ball, opening is best in a Ou-Pros- Aid. Ehr- McMahon and Robinson, known Salvation circles. He started manntraut's affidavit, which was also filed, Played. Won. Lost. Per Cent. Dermott and Miller. and the latter fumbled it, allowing the runner day at the gymnasium, East End Park and a off last night by singing solo, "Glad pectlTe Appointment**. a Tid- indicated that cost him run for Detroit 22 17 5 .773 to reach first. Stafford threw the ball to gTeat shooting tournament in full Oak- ; ings." He possesses light, There was split it $89 to al- WON BY THE REDS. Rettger. and George dropped The blast. a but not alto- a aniani? the First ward derman of the Third ward. The election ex- St. Paul 23 15 8 .652 It um- opened today gether unpleasant Republicans | 27 15 12 .uob CINCINNATI, May 21.—The Reds bunched pire's back was turned at the time, and ley races with an attendance of baritone voice. over the choice of a candidate penses of Joseph Smith, Democratic can- Milwaukee After prayer led by and Mrs. for license inspector. Last the Kansas City 22 12 10 .646 their hits In one inning and battsd out Genins picked up the ball and threw it out Ic.OOO, by ticket count. All six races were MaJ. Stillwell. night a Joint com- j dldati^t'or of peace in th- Sixth ward, .^->^ In which the army Joined, Maj. Malan, with mittee. consisting of the Justice Minneapolis 2<i 14 12 enough runs to v.-in. The New Yorkers hit into right field. In the meantime the runner good, but five of them were overshadowed by precinct commit- j w re $55, while William Rodger, who ran for 10 11 .407 went to second base before the ball could be the Salvationists in a* circle on the platform teemen and the ward delegates to Indianapolis 21 a shade harder than did the Cincinnatians, the last | of the peace west of Wabaaha street, Columbus 26 7 19 .269 recovered. Twitchell made a holler, and the Derby, with its $10,000 to the winner and behind him, and a phalanx of poke bonnets city convention, met to Justice tut their hits were scattered. Attendance, decide whom they spent $10. Grand Rapids ....25 6 19 .210 there was a general'fow for a time, but Jevne $2,500 to the next three horses. The starting Taring him in the front row, began to talk. should recommend to Mayor-elect Doran for 5,300. Score: would not make the man go back, as he did He selected appointment. GAMES SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. the play. by Pettingill was don« by hand in the Derby no text: The choice fell upon T. B. R.11.E. not see "At, I crossed the river here this evftning Maloney, who received 33 'nrJhiiiHpolis at St. Paul.. Cincinnati ....0 0000400 •—4 6 1 only. A good send-off was had on the second ballots to 10 cast FAVORS IT, TOO.
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