Appendix 3-D: Endangered and Threatened Species in the San Diego Region Table 4-1 MSCP Covered Species Common Name Scientific Name Status Habitat Plants Chaparral, coastal scrub, grassland, vernal San Diego thornmint Acanthomintha ilicifolia FT, SE pools. Shaw’s agave Agave shawii CNPS List 2 Coastal scrub. San Diego ambrosia Ambrosia pumila FE, CNPS List 1B Coastal scrub. Aphanisma Aphanisma blitoides CNPS List 1B Coastal dunes and coastal scrub. Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. Del Mar manzanita FE, CNPS List 1B Chaparral, coniferous forest. crassifolia Otay manzanita Arctostaphylos otavensis CNPS 1B Chaparral and cismontane woodland. FE, SE, CNPS List Coastal dunes milk vetch Astragalus tener var. titi Coastal scrub and coastal dunes. 1B FT, SE, CNPS List Encinitas baccharis Baccharis vanessae Chaparral. 1B FE, SE, CNPS List Chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal Nevin’s barberry Berberis nevinii 1B scrub, riparian scrub. FT, SE, CNPS List Cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, Thread-leaved brodiaea Brodiaea filifolia 1B grassland, vernal pools. Vernal pools, grassland, coniferous forest, Orcutt’s brodiaea Brodiaea orccuttii CNPS List 1B cismontane woodland, chaparral. Dense reed grass Calamagrostis koelerioide CNPS List 4 Meadows, slopes, dry hills, and ridges. Dunn’s mariposa lily Calocjortus dunnii SR, CNPS List 1B Coniferous forest and chaparral. Slender-pod jewel flower Caulanthus stenocarpus SR Chaparral. Lakeside ceanothus Ceanothus cyaneus CNPS List 1B Coniferous forest and chaparral. Wart-stemmed ceonothus Ceonothus verrucosus CNPS List 2 Chaparral. Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. FE, SE, CNPS List Salt marsh bird’s-beak Coastal salt marsh and coastal dunes. maritimus 1B Orcutt’s bird’s-beak Cordylanthus orcuttianus CNPS List 2 Coastal scrub. Corethyrogyre filaginiogolia var. Del Mar sand aster CNPS List 1B Chaparral and coastal scrub. linifolia Tecate cypress Cupressus forbesii CNPS List 1B Coniferous forest and chaparral. Short-leaved live-forever Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. brevifolia SE, CNPS List 1B Chaparral and coastal scrub. Chaparral, coastal scrub, cismontane Variegated dudleya Dudleya variegata CNPS List 1B woodland, grassland, and vernal pools. Sticky dudleya Dudleya viscida CNPS List 1B Coastal scrub and chaparral. CNPS List 2, Palmer’s ericameria Ericameria palmeri ssp. palmeri Coastal drainages in mesic chaparral. County Group B FE, SE, CNPS List Coast wallflower rysimum ammophilum Vernal pools, coastal scrub, and grassland. 1B Chaparral (maritime), coastal dunes, and San Diego button-celery Eryngium aristulatum ssp. parishii CNPS List 1B coastal scrub. San Diego barrel cactus Ferocactus viridescens CNPS List 2 Chaparral, coastal scrub, grassland. Final Report 4 - 1 Appendix 4 Table 4-1 MSCP Covered Species Common Name Scientific Name Status Habitat FT, SE, CNPS List Otay tarplant Hemizonia viridescens Coastal scrub and grassland. 1B Coniferous forest, chaparral, and Heart-leaved pitcher sage Lepechinia cardiophylla CNPS List 1B cismontane woodland. Coniferous forest, coastal scrub, and Gander’s pitcher sage Lepechinia ganderi CNPS List 1B grassland. Nuttall’s lotus Lotus nuttallianus CNPS List 1B Coastal dunes and coastal scrub. Felt-leaved monardella Lotus hypoleuca ssp. lanata CNPS List 1B Chaparral and cismontane woodland. Coastal scrub (alluvial ephemeral washes FE, SE, CNPS List Willowy monardella Monardella linoides ssp. viminea with adjacent coastal scrub, chaparral, and 1B sycamore woodland. Chaparral, coastal scrub, grassland, and San Diego goldenstar Muilla clevelandii CNPS List 1B vernal pools. Postrate navarretia Navarretia fossalis CNPS List 1B Coastal scrub, grassland, and vernal pools. Dehesa bear-grass Nolina interra SE, CNPS List 1B Dry slopes in chaparral. Snake cholla Opuntia parryi var. Serpentina CNPS List 1B Chaparral and coastal scrub. FE, SE, CNPS List California Orcutt grass Orcuttia californica Vernal pools. 1B San Diego mesa mint Poqoqyne abramsii CNPS List 1B Coniferous forest and chaparral. FE, SE, CNPS List Otay mesa mint Poqoqyne nudiuscula Vernal pools. 1B Torrey pine (native FE, SE, CNPS List Pinus torreyana ssp. torreyana Vernal pools. populations) 1B Small-leaved rose Rosa minutifolia SE, CNPS List 2 Coastal scrub and chaparral. Chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal Gander’s butterweed Senecio ganderi CNPS List 1B scrub, riparian woodland, and grassland. Narrow-leaved nightshade Solanum tenuilobatum N/A Open chamise chaparral and sage scrub. Found in chaparral and coastal scrub. Parry’s tetracoccus Tetrocaccus dioicus County Group A Prefers stony, decomposed gabbro soil Wildlife Saltmarsh skipper Panoquina errans N/A Coastal salt marshes. Associated with Tecate Cypress (Otay Thorne’s hairstreak Mitoura thornei N/A Mt.). Riverside fairy shrimp* Streptocephalus woottonii FE Vernal pools. San Diego fairy shrimp* Branchinecta sandiegonensis FE Vernal pools. Semi-arid regions near washes or Arroyo southwestern toad Bufo microscanphus ssp. californicus FE intermittent streams. Lowlands & foothills in or near permanent sources of deep water with California red-legged frog Rana aurora ssp. Draytoni FT dense, shrubby or emergent riparian vegetation. Permanent or nearly permanent bodies of Southwestern pond turtle Clemmys marmorata ssp. Pallida CSC water in many habitat types (below 6,000 ft. elevation). Final Report 4 - 2 Appendix 4 Table 4-1 MSCP Covered Species Common Name Scientific Name Status Habitat Cnemidophorus hyperythrus ssp. Orange-throated whiptail CSC Coastal scrub and chaparral. beldingi Phyrnosoma coronatum ssp. Coastal sage scrub and chaparral in arid San Diego horned lizard CSC balinvillei and semi-arid climate conditions. Cooper’s hawk Accipiter cooperii CSC Woodland (nesting). Tricolored blackbird Agelaius tricolor CSC Riparian (marshes) (Nesting & wintering) Rolling foothills Golden eagle Aguila chrysaetos CSC mountain areas and desert. Southern California Aimophila ruficeps ssp. canescens CSC Coastal sage scrub and chaparral. rufous-crowned sparrow Nests at edges of ponds, lakes, or swamps Canada goose Branta canadensis ssp. Moffitti N/A on rocks or grass out in the water. Swainson’s hawk Buteo swainsoni ST (Nesting) riparian and oaks. Ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis CSC (Wintering) Grassland, desert scrub. Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus Coastal cactus wren CSC Coastal sage scrub. ssp. Couesi Western snowy plover Charadrius alexandrinus ssp. nivosus FT, CSC (Nesting) Coastal beaches. (Wintering) Grassland and agricultural Mountain plover Charadrius montanus CSC fields. (Nesting) coastal salt & freshwater marsh Northern harrier Circus cyanus CSC and grasslands. Reddish egret Egretta rufescens N/A Marshes and swamps Southwestern willow Empidonax traillii ssp. extimus FE, SE (Nesting) Riparian woodlands. flycatcher (Nesting) Near wetlands, lakes, rivers, or SE (federally American peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus anatum other water; on cliffs, banks, dunes, delisted) mounds; also human-made structures. (Nesting & wintering) Ocean shore, lake Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus FT, SE margins, & rivers. Most nests within 1 mi of water. (Nesting) Breeds in upland grasslands and Long-billed curlew Numenius americanus N/A wet meadows. Belding’s savannah Passerculus sandwichensis ssp. SE Coastal salt marshes. sparrow beldingi (Wintering) Breeds along the Colorado Large-billed savannah Passerculus sandwichensis CSC River delta in Mexico and winters at the sparrow Salton Sea. Palcanus occidentalis ssp. (Nesting colony) Colonial nester on Californica brown pelican FE, SE californicus coastal islands just outside the surf line. White-faced ibis Plegadis chihi CSC (Rookery site) Shallow fresh-water marsh. California gnatcatcher Polioptila californica ssp. californica FT, CSC Coastal sage scrub. Salt marshes traversed by tidal sloughs, Light-footed clapper rail Rallus longirostris ssp. levipes FE, SE where cordgrass and pickleweed are the dominant vegetation. Final Report 4 - 3 Appendix 4 Table 4-1 MSCP Covered Species Common Name Scientific Name Status Habitat Edges of oak woodlands, typically where Western bluebird Sialia mexicana N/A they adjoin meadows or grasslands (Unitt 1984). (Burrow sites) Open, dry annual or Speotyro (Athene) cunicularia ssp. Burrowing owl CSC perennial grasslands and agricultural hypugaea fields. (Nesting colony) Only knwon breeding Elegant tern Sterna elegans CSC colony in U.S. located in the salt work dikes at the south end of San Diego Bay. (Nesting colony) Nests along the coast California least tern Sterna antillarum ssp. browni FE, SE from San Francisco Bay south to northern Baja California. (Nesting) Summer resident of southern Least Bell’s vireo Vireo bellii ssp. pusillus SE, FE California in low riparian in the vicinity of water or in dry river bottoms. Drier open stages of most shrub, forest, American badger Taxidea taxus CSC and herbaceous habitats with friable soils. Southern mule deer Odocoileus hemionus fuliginata N/A Various habitats from forests to deserts. Mountain lion Felis concolor CFP Brushy or forested regions. FT – Federally Threatened; FE – Federally Endangered; ST – State Threatened; SE – State Endangered; SR - State Rare; CSC – California Species of Concern; CFP – California Fully Protected Species; CNPS List 1B – California Native Plant Society List 1B (Plants rare, threatened or endangered in California and elsewhere); CNPS List 2 – California Native Plant Society List 2 (Plants rare, threatened or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere); CNPS List 4 – California Native Plant Society List 4 (Plants
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