- , SCHOLASTIC NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE . Entertainment reviews and previews, Out of Bounds and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of events. NOTRE DAME1S STUDENT MAGAZINE In-depth news and sports coverage. Read one for the Gipper! Campus Watch plus 5 On the Air Week in Distortion and On Other Campuses. 6 A Year in Review 7 . Notre Dame's Other Magazine Campus Life stories to keep you informed of what's happening on campus. Remember: If you see news happening ... you're 9 Attitude Adjustment . i probably reading Scholastic! 14 A New Tradition II If you don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a subscription! 2 Editor's Notes 18 Out of Bounds 3 Editorial 19 The Rave Craze ~-------------------------------------- 4 Campus Watch Please send years of Scholastic to: 20 Nice Guys Finish Last 22 On Other Campuses Name: ______________ 23 Week in Distortion Address: ______________ 24 Final Word City: ______ State: ___ Zip Code: __ Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x _ years -= $ ___ Cover photo by Brent Tadsen Please send form with payment to: Business Manager Scholastic Magazine 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, In 46556 - , SCHOLASTIC NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE . Entertainment reviews and previews, Out of Bounds and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of events. NOTRE DAME1S STUDENT MAGAZINE In-depth news and sports coverage. Read one for the Gipper! Campus Watch plus 5 On the Air Week in Distortion and On Other Campuses. 6 A Year in Review 7 . Notre Dame's Other Magazine Campus Life stories to keep you informed of what's happening on campus. Remember: If you see news happening ... you're 9 Attitude Adjustment . i probably reading Scholastic! 14 A New Tradition II If you don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a subscription! 2 Editor's Notes 18 Out of Bounds 3 Editorial 19 The Rave Craze ~-------------------------------------- 4 Campus Watch Please send years of Scholastic to: 20 Nice Guys Finish Last 22 On Other Campuses Name: ______________ 23 Week in Distortion Address: ______________ 24 Final Word City: ______ State: ___ Zip Code: __ Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x _ years -= $ ___ Cover photo by Brent Tadsen Please send form with payment to: Business Manager Scholastic Magazine 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, In 46556 T' , ' , This week we feature women in sports at Accolades omen on campus not involved or in Two years ago,the top women's basket­ to wonder what made these two girls so Notre Dame. Often forgotten, but talented W teres ted in sports may wonder why 'ball recruit in the nation, Michelle unhappy that they left nonetheless, the women athletes on our the fuss about women athletes and not Marciniak, committed to Notre Dame'. She Both athletes remarked that they were At the Indiana Collegiate Press Associa­ campus have made considerable in-roads in women in general? True, women's sports set records here in the one season she played misled in coming to Notre Dame. Said tion conference held at Notre Dame two the last twenty years. Amanda Clinton, are only a small part of the bigger picture of before transferring to the University of Ten­ Marciniak, "I found out I didn't know as weeks ago, ScholaStic won twelve awards. sports editor, writes about the new tradition equality. But sports are a big part of Ameri­ The magazine placed second for overall best nessee, a program she felt was more estab­ much about the program as I thought I did." of women's sports. Kate Wiltrout, execu­ can life, and female athletes at Notre Dame magazine, while winning first places in the lished. A year later, Marciniak remarked, Gomez noted, "Female athletes have to look tive editor, examines the gender equity deserve the same amount of recogition and "I'm thrilled about transferring. I have no closely at what they're going to get into. best news story, column, review, feature among Notre Dame's sports programs and respect as the male athletes receive. No regrets about leaving and no hard feelings Mter college, there is nothing. I don't think story and house ad categories. Although corp,es up with some surprising conclusions. more, no less. towards ND." I looked close enough [at Notre Dame]." we're proud of the accomplishment, our Lastly, co-captain of the basketball team To be fair, Notre Dame's athletic depart­ Another top basketball player, sophomore staff can't take all the credit because the Kara Leary adds a personal view of what it's ment must be congratulated its their work in Audrey Gomez, recently made the decision Recruiters must be careful at how far they awards were for the 1991 year. like to be a female athlete at Notre Dame. raising the stature of women's sports. How­ to leave Notre Dame, simply saying, "I don't go to woo athletes here. It is one thing to get ever, the administration and the athletic de­ think ND is the place for me. I'm unhappy athletes here, but the ability to keep them Saying Goodbye Also In This Issue partment must address the needs of the ath­ here." With two of the top players gone in here is even more important letes, those who bring reputation and awards two successive seasons, Notre Dame's abil­ This is our last issue of the school year. to the school. The athletes are the ones on ity to recruit other top women basketball Our Campus Life section features two Although we will be out of sight for a while, the front lines of competition. They deserve players is severly damaged. High school - Scholastic Notre Dame Magazines this week - the our new staff will still be working on ideas top coaching, good facilities and, most im­ athletes courted by the school, as well as television show produced by students, arid and improvements for next year. We are portantly, the chance to win. Notre Dame students on the whole, will have the magazine published for alumni. In addi­ always in search of talented writers, so if you tion, there's a look at PangbomHall a year are interested in joining our staff, stop by after its conversion to a women's dormitory. 303 LaFortune and let us know. Entertainment features an interview with the up and coming band, Velocity Girl, as well as an article on a new dance music craze, techno-music. Don't forget qur weekly departments: On Other Campuses, Kate Wiltrout Week in Distortion and Campus Watch. Executive Editor Fresh Baked Bagels -Classic Cafe and Deli :i -10 bagel varieties with weekly special flavors I -Lunch menu includes sandwiches made with bagels Scholasllc is publlslud w~ddy thtouglroulllu .chooIY'A"xctpl ulltr.1o ScllDlasllcmustb. typ,d Aftdiftclud. llu wril,,'s ftAtIIt, ~Buy bagels individually or by the dozen dUMg UAtlliftAIiOll Aftd "ACAlioft p,rltld. AIIIu Ufti",,,,1y of Add".. Aftd phDII. IIIlticb". Ihd"mlly .tud.ftl. should Iftclud. Nol" DAtil', NoIre DAtil', IN, 465S6 ad priftl,d AI TIu POP"S, , llul, Y.A,ift .choolAftd colkg'. FAcully tII""b." .houldiftclud. -Large orders need three days advance notice Iftc. Milford, IN 46542. TIu $Ub.cr/plIOII 'All I. $25.00/Y'Ar Aftd llulr dtpArtm.ftl. All 1.,11,. tIIu.' b. III",d. NAtIIt. will b. bAck Is.UI.A'. IltlAllAbl.AI IUS/copy. TIu oplftloft. ap'l!S"d wilhluld "pOft "qu .., ift C.rlAift ift.'AftclS. -Located at: The Campus Shoppes ift ScholAsl1c Are IIroSl of llu IlUlho" Aftd ,dllo" AM do ftol Schola.,1c ""ro" llu righl 10 "J.dldl." fhIlIA" 11b,1ou. 0, fttctsSArily,tpre"ftf till opiftiOlls ofllu 'ftllr, ,dlloriAI boa,d of ob.c.ft. byllu IAWI ofllu Uftilld SIAlls. ScllDlasfic Also will .dll 1801 South Bend Ave, ScllDlasllc 0, of till Ihdvmily of Nair, DAtil', its AdtlliftlslrA- fo, copy/illlftlV gr_tIIallcal or .".lIIftg ."0,, AM Scholastic 110ft, fllCUlly 0, .tud.ftl•• EdlloriAls .igud ScllDIAsllc 'tp""ftl .lyk. B.cAU" ofspAc" Schowfic CAftftolprlftIAIII.lltr. "celv.d. (219) 277-4440 llu opiftloft of llu tII"'or/1y of llu tlt'CUIiv, .diloriAl bOA"'. Mauscrlpls ArewdcDtlll. All Uftsolicilildtlllll,r/Als b.cDIII, llu Add".. All CDmspOlld.ftc, 10 : .Mon-Fri. 6:30-6:30 p,optr!y of ScholASlic. TIu Edllo, ScllDla.fic Sat, 6:30-5:00 Ccpyrighl 2993 ScllDlA.,1c MAgazift •• All rights res.",.d. Rtp'o­ LAForfuft' C4ftll, dudloft ift wllDI, o,ift pArlwllhoulwrilltft p.""Is.'oft i. prohlb- Notr. DA"", IN 46556 Sun, 7:00-2:00 Proprletors:.BIII Mountford, MBA '91 iltd. ' .. Missy Conboy '82 Consulting Manager: Tom Hudak .. '88 . i T' , ' , This week we feature women in sports at Accolades omen on campus not involved or in Two years ago,the top women's basket­ to wonder what made these two girls so Notre Dame. Often forgotten, but talented W teres ted in sports may wonder why 'ball recruit in the nation, Michelle unhappy that they left nonetheless, the women athletes on our the fuss about women athletes and not Marciniak, committed to Notre Dame'. She Both athletes remarked that they were At the Indiana Collegiate Press Associa­ campus have made considerable in-roads in women in general? True, women's sports set records here in the one season she played misled in coming to Notre Dame. Said tion conference held at Notre Dame two the last twenty years. Amanda Clinton, are only a small part of the bigger picture of before transferring to the University of Ten­ Marciniak, "I found out I didn't know as weeks ago, ScholaStic won twelve awards.
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