" Ii ~ "J ,j ***************CAR- RT SOR T**C-027 2239 11 /30/97 . R. I . JE WISH HISlOR I CAL ASSOClR 130 Sessi ons St. _ Prov i dence RI 0290b-3444 l\ l,,, ,,\, 11,l,,11 ,,,,11,, ,,11,,l ,,1, l, ,\ ,\,,1 ,,ll,\I,,,,\,\ ,\ Rhode Island Jewish Special Occasions HERALD PAGES 8 & 9 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER 3 KISLEV 24, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1996 35t PER COPY SAFAM to Give Concert at Temple Beth-El on Dec. 8 n exciting concert featuring kah tradition there will bea latke reggae, Israeli and barbershop Athe hig hly acclaimed Jewish (potato pancake) reception and quartet (to name a few) has be­ folk-rock group, SAFAM, an outdoor candlelighting cer­ come known internationally as will be held on Dec. 8 at 3 p.m . at emony following the concert. All the "Jewish-American Sound." Temple Beth-El on 70 Orchard ages are welcome to the only Their approach to Jewish mu­ Ave in Providence. outdoor candlelig hting Chanu­ sic and their success in combin­ This program, which has kah celebration in the state. ing contemporary music wi th tra­ been made possible by the gen­ SAFAM, which m eans ditional themes taken from lit­ erosity of The Be n e factors "moustache" in Hebrew, first urgy and Biblical texts has made Fund of Temple Beth-El, is free performed at Boston University SAFAM a fa vorite among Jewish and open to the entire com­ in 1974. Their unique style which music lovers of a ll ages. munity. successfully blends Hassidic, For further information, call In keeping with the Cham,- ca ntorial, pop, rock and roll, Temple Beth-El at 331-6070. WJC May Make a Deal for Restitution Restitution Now or Lilter? tims or their heirs. Norway's forthcoming attitude by David Landau They alsocameafter the WJC toward restitution for proper­ OSLO UTA) -"How much unearthed a series of recentl y ties seized from Norway's Jews will you offer?" d eclassified documents that it during World War II. This age-old question, which claims proves that Switzerland The Norwegian government signifies that people are ready helped finance Hitler's war ef­ set up a commission earlier this for business, is becoming the fort by laundering money for year to study the restitution is­ unofficial negotiating posture of Nazi Germa ny. sue, a nd its report is due in the world Jewish ca mpaign for Swiss government and bank­ March. SAFAM, a Jewish folk-rock group, will entertain at Temple Holocaust restitution. ing officials are now said to be But in his address to the WJC Beth-El on Dec. 8. The concert is free and open to the community. This policy shift has emerged ready to come up with a size­ conference Jaglard was less P/Joto courtesy of Roberta Segal and Associates in conversations with key fig­ able restitution sum even be­ forthcoming than Jewish lead­ ures who attended a conference fore the conclusion of the ongo­ ers expected. He spoke of "alle­ of the World Jewish Congress on ing investigations. gations" that had "surfaced in restitution, held in the Norwe­ Informed sources said that the press" regarding "the fate of Rabbi to Teach Judaic Stu·dies gian capital in late November. $250 million was mentioned as Jewish property confiscated by The significance of the shift is a figure for the interim settle­ the Quisling Nazi government Course at Salve ·Regina that the handful of Jewish offi­ ment. in Norway." cials involved in making resti­ He pledged that his govern­ by Emily Torgan "There is a very strong de­ tution policv now will be pre­ ment "will consider appropri­ Jewish Community Reporter mand for the course," said pared to accept less than the ate follow-up measures and sub­ Students a t Salve Regina Jagolinzer of the Catholic col­ true magnitude of a country's The WJC is demanding mit our proposals to parlia­ UniversityinNewportwillsoon lege. "TheCatholicChurch talks accrued debt in return for a categorically that all ment," after the commission is­ have the opportunity to learn about its roots, which can be prompt settlement made with­ sues its fi ndings. about Judaism from a rabbi. explored in Judaism. Also, many out acrimony. Jewish groups stay WJCofficials had hoped fora Next semester, Rabbi Marc students have Jewish friends,or One important consideration united and not cut their more unequivocal affirmation Jagolinzer of Temple Shalom in a re interacting with Jewish behind the policy shift is that of Oslo's intention to pay back Middletown will offer "A Jew­ people and want to understand soon there will be no living sur­ own deals with the the plundered Jewish property. ish Experience," an overview of them better." vivors who can benefit directly Swiss. Jagla rd had already made such Judaism geared towards stu­ According to Jagolinzer, stu­ from compensation for Holo­ a commitment to WJC President dents who are not Jewish. d ents in the nursing program caust-related plunder. Edgar Bronfman in a private Jagolinzer developed the may want to know how to bet­ The new policy will probably meeting. class-and taughtitatSalveabout ter understand their Jewish pa­ be applied indiscreet diplomatic WJC leaders hope to be able Norway's pre-war Jewis h a year and a half ago. Recently, tients, or how to act at a Jewish contacts between WJC officials to embark on similar dialogues community numbered approxi­ John Greely, head of the reli­ funeral. and the governments of Hol­ with other countries. An $8 bil­ mately 1,800 - 700 of whom gion department, contacted Jagolinzer says he is happy land and France, among others. lion claim against the Dutch gov­ were slaughtered at Auschwitz. Jagolinzer and asked him to of­ to teach Judaism to students who It is already being applied in ernment is being submitted by The present number of Norwe­ fer the class again. may know little about it. negotiations with Swiss bank­ the local community wi th WJC gian Jews does not exceed 1,250. " Previously, a class in Juda­ "The primary role of a rabbi ers and government officials. backing, but realistic expecta­ This makes restitution a man­ ism had been taught there by a is a teacher, and I think much According to unofficial, but tionsof compensation are much ageable matter for Norway. Catholic lawyer, and this is anti-Semitism is bred through well-founded, reports, Switzer­ more modest. But translated into French or much different," Jagolinzer ex­ ignoranceand misinformation," land is considering making an Much d epends, politica lly Dutch terms, any settlement ar­ plained . "That was a textbook Jagolinzer said. " I am very glad interim settlement offer to world and psychologically, on the pre­ rived at between the Norwe­ class, and this is hands-on." to have this opportunity to Jewry, pending the conclusion cedent set by orway. gian government and the Jews The class wi ll touch on the teach." of inquiries into the roleofSwiss "This is the moral responsi­ could haveverysignificant mon­ Jewish life cycle, which includes Jagolinzer has Cd lied his ex­ banks 111 holding Jewish d epos­ bility of our genera ti on," Nor­ etary implica tions,given the size such ceremonies as a bris, a bar perience at Salve very positive. ib as well as those made by the wegian. Prime Minis ter of their pre-Holoca ust Jewish or bat mitzva h, and a wedding; " I have fo und only the Third Reich, some of which Thorbjorn Jagla rd told the WJC communities. a n exploration of the four dif­ g reatest acceptance a nd re­ originated in Jewbh wealth. delegates a t the opening session Thus, the WJC be lieves that ferent branches of Judaism, Or­ spect at the university a nd by These inquiriescameafl er the of the tonference. the Dutch, the French and oth­ thodox, Conserva ti ve, Reform a ll those associa ted with the WJC and U.S. officials launched Norway is wicjely seen as a ers would be willing, indeed and Reconstructio 111 st; an over­ university," Jagolinzer said. a steady barrage of accusations leader in international a ffairs, a nxious, to consider a con1pro· view of history that includes " If people respect their own that Swiss banks have hidden to be respected and emula ted. misc amount. portions from biblical and mod­ re lig ion si ncerely, they have a behind their secrecy laws in an The WJC chose Oslo as the The idea of an interim settle­ ern times;anexplanationofJ ew­ likewise commitme nt tooth­ effort to block the return nf as­ venue for the biannual meeting ment, pending final investiga­ ish holiday rituals, and some ers who arc <1lso con1milt1..•d lo sch belongi ng to l lnlocaust vie- of its leaclers hi p bemuse of (C ontim1l·cl on l'.1ht.' 15) Jewish philosophy. the ir reli gions." 1·i1 / .f' 1 Jt l\, , J l :.11: r 1 >T1r, , r:.:.> rv 1'HO,-:l\.r,_,r:•r1 :,t;n·11 1 2 - THE-RHC)DE-ISLAND JEWISH H ERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER-5, 1996 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Feldman to Conduct the 'Pops' A Most Admirable Public Ronald Feldman will conduct Formerly music director of porary Music, fo r a season of the Bos ton Pops Esplana d e the Worcester Symphony Or­ premieres of solo works by li v­ Building' is the Statehouse O rchestra'sar:mual ho liday con­ chestra, he was also conductor ing American women compos­ cert on Dec.12atthe Providence and m usic director for fi ve sea­ ers, in 1990-91.
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