-■*5! : - O" Established 1929 Pacific Cifizeri$1.50 pofipakj (UX Cart) / $^30 (Jopcm Afe) ■ 2833 / Vol. 126. No. 3 ISSN; 0030-8579 [Jolional Publication of the Japanese American Citizens league (JACL) February G-19. 1998 Prop. 209 NATIONAL BOARD MEETING: d6ja-vu in Washington JACL-LEC project gets the go-ahead Hie state of Washington is BY CAROUNE AOYAGl Tb tdl the story of how a com- ments will be ccOlecled and cata­ the board, members voted to DOW one step closer to follow ­ AmIMu K Editor . munify fou^t fiv and won re­ logued. Hie information will apjHTJve the redress hikoiy pro- up in the footsteps of Califor ­ SAN FRANCISCO — With a dress for tho usands of Japanese evaitually be oanqiiled in a bot^ jeii. During a pdnt ij^be roeet^ nia ’s Proposition 209, l^isla- near unanimous vote, the JACL- Americans interned during World to be distributed to schods and li­ when the board discussing ture that put an end to affir­ Leislative Education Committee War n with the signing of the braries and a wdEsite will also ’ the fiscal of the project on mative action programs. (LEC) Redree Ifistory Project 1988 Civil lib^es Act, wal in­ post the matenaL the 1996 and 1999-2000 budgets, InitiaUvel200 or the Wash­ won the si^ipcrt and a{^noval of terviews with key {i^ym will be Nicole Inouye, nattooal JACL the 22-yw-old gave an emotkoal ington Stato^liyil Rights Ini­ the national board at th^ quar ­ and ><i»dnriral doCU- youth representative, was one of PTplanati on of >^y she feeb the tiative seeks to prevent the use terly meeting on Jan. 23-24. project is important to the organi ­ of race and gen(^ preferences Hie project, which will tdl the zation and to the larger JA com ­ in public contrecting. educa ­ story oTJACL’s role in the decade- munity. Many board mmembers tion, and emplo^ent and was long redress campaign, was made agreed that it was Inouye^ heart­ co-written by Tim Eyman and an official propaim and the na- felt testimony that influenced Rep. Scott Smith. In early Jan­ bocial board will reoBiimexid to their vote. uary supporters of the initia ­ the national council that an aHo- ‘When I was little, I saw my tive managed to gather more cation oP$57,500 from the 1998 dad woridng oa [redress] issues than 284,000 signatures. Wi­ budget, to start the project, be ap ­ and I met these people, pe^e like thal bad been needed was proved at the Philaddp^iia con ­ Yasui and Grayce Uydiara, 180,000 to pass the initiative vention in July. The remaining who were so intensely impas ­ directly into law or to place it cost of the prqj^, approximately sioned, ” said Inouye, in an inter­ pnVthe November ballot by it­ $203,000, will either be funded view with Pacific Citizen. “With­ self or with an alternative outside sources or from within the out their motivatian and passion measure. 1999-2000 JACL budget, to also ... the ^ects wouldn ’t have been Currently the initiative is be ai^xraved ly the national coun ­ as great. Ihe least we owe tbesn is worded much like Calif. ’s Prop. (From left): Karen-Uane SNba, Rick Uno, Herb YamanisN, Helen Kawa- cil this summer. goe, and David Hayashi attend the January board meeting. SaeJACL-LEC/page? 209. Hie Washington initiative states: '’Shall ^vemment enti­ ties be prohibited from dis­ criminating against or granti ­ JACLhires JohnTateishi ng preferential treatment to Hate e-mail trial begins, again individuals or groups based on As Ridiard Marhadn, toe 20- In Machado ’s first trial last No- race, sex, color, ethmdty, or na ­ as redress consultant tion^ origin?* yearold, former UC Irvine stu­ vembo', a jury deadlocked 9 to 3 dent vtoo admitted to sending fiv acquitt^ He had tooed a pos ­ SAN FRANCISCO - With lees notch [our redress efibrts] up an ­ Secretary of State Ralph than seven mnntha to go befor e toe other level,” said Herbert Yaman- Munro has until Feb. 11 to ver­ more than 60 thicrttniiig hate e- sible 10 years in prison, hfochado Office of Redrew Administzatioo itoi, JACL natMoal director, who has not denied sending the e- ify the authenticity of ffie sig ­ mails to Asian students, sat down (ORA) doees its deon forevo-, pccOTted the proposd to hire a ^ his second trial, be discovered mnilB threatening faThunt down natures before a decision can JACL has hired former Natkoal ooasuttant to the national board. toat toe charges be would be toe ­ and kill Asians, but said that be be made on the future of the Redress Chair John Tbteidu as a “John is prubabty the most qualified initiative. ing had been reduced from 10 to only did it out.(rf boredom and to consuhant in a last big push to get person to do this in such a toort pe­ Governor Locke, the 2. get a reactian. redreas for tboueandw of Japanese riod of tone. ” On Jan- 26, United States Dis- Madbado is currently “Wito only seven months left be­ state ’s first Chinese^ American Americans still waiting to doee this tarict Judge Alicemarie Stotler two charges of interfering wito painful prkH inAmerican history. fore redrees sunsets, Johnfarmgs to governor, and Democrats op ­ pose Initiative 200 with Re­ ruled that the charges against toe the fedenJly [rotectod r^t of The daHgjnn tO fate toe organizstaon his great dqith of naturalized U.S. dtizen from El students to attend echoed and Tfateishi was made at a nntteml personal eatperience with redrM is- publicans generally in favor of Salvador Tmiai- reflect the number feces a fnaTimiiTTi of two years in boBid n'MMit'jnp Qo JaiL 23-24in sues and knorriedge of bow oon- it. Locke has no veto power of times be allegedly sent the e- jail This is thp first an al- Frandaco aisl be was affidaOy gressiooal process works, ” said when it comes to initiative brou^t on boerdflo Fd>. 2.The fair- . Gary Mayeda, JACL natknal vice but he has already said that he mail messages and not the num­ kg^ bate aime oHnmitted in cy- ber erf* students be sent the mes­ bospace has been tried in federal i^ foUowB a reeolutkm bythena- prerident of planning and develop ­ plans to speak out against the sages to. courlB tiaoal board last to mahe re­ ment measure. dress ooe of its top prioritieB. Work ­ Tfateisfai wor ked as JACLSb Na ­ In 1996 Califomifl ’s Prop. ing doedy with the Natiaaal JACL tional Redress Chair during too 209 was passed by a vote of 54 Matsuda annpunces bid Redress Strategy Committee, eariy 80s and he played an impor ­ . percent and late last year the Tfateishik main role will be to coor ­ tant role in the eventual passage of Supreme Court decided to let dinate and organize redress efforts toe 1998 Civil Ltoerties Act that the m^ure stand. ■ for 68th Assembly seat aooss toe country. atvl an apnlngy “Our recommendatioD was to See TATBSHVpage 7 BY CAROLINE AOYAGI sents'an s B Ana- AwitMrt Editor beim, Garden Grove, Stanton, A look at what ’s inside .<^napi Mike Matsuda has de­ Westminster, and Buena Paik. eded to do something few Japan­ About 50 percent cS the popula- Calendar ;;., . .page 2\ ese Americans and Asian Ameri­ tim is ma^ up of minoritaes: 30 Soko Bukai case gets By the $oard columns: cans have ever done — he’s run­ percoit Latinos and 20 psewt ning for puMic office. Asian, the largest group being National JACL’s support RiokUno, And instead of a local, my VWnfimnee Anwyican. But of the I Marie Matsuai^, feet wet registered ing in trust for theJAooaununity. voters in BY CAROLINE AOYM2I Tbni Komelani ... ...3 first” office When Wodd War H broke out, for this this area SAN FRANCISCO — For hundreds of thousands of JAs only 25per­ Day of Remembrance freshman many in the J^ianese American from the West Coast were sent to politician, cent are communit y here, the San Fian- jwtpwmwtt rwmpa and Kka many Events ------ ....... .4 be% going for minorities, dsco YWCA building, located at JA oommunitisa, San Frimosu o ’s National News .....c5 California ’s Asians ac ­ 1830 Sutter St. in the heart of ■* ceased to After 68to -state, counting Japantown, has become a stark the war ended, many raturoed to ComnWMtyNe^s ., , 5 assembly for 15 per- renteder of the injustxes oom- discover that their fflftes and NoridnarionsOiitildines. seat. toe cenb and mitted more than 1^ a century pasBeasioas had been tdno aw^K only Denoc- only 10 per­ ago. inrfpding the San Fiandsoo AwanlafKecog^s . .6 rat in a pri­ cent for It was in 1912, at a time when YWCA. National'Board Motions mary crowd ­ Latinos, the V YWCA (Young Womenls As the JAoqmmunify began re- ed with six with toe re­ Qiristian Associatian) forbade its buildmg toeir bves, toe memory Republican mainder white members firm mingling of toe trust that had been cstab- wito noo-whitos, that a grui^^ htoed with , the San Frendsoo East Wind .. ........ ,8 running being mates. white. Isset wooMD frteD 'toe various YWO began to fede wito eadi From the Frying Pan ..8 •11 Japantoana churdres dsesded to passing year. By 1996 the trust “I think I Yet.Mat- Vbic* of aSaitm ■ ■ ■ PHOTOBYMOoniKiiMG guda does form toe voy first JapanoM had sD but been forgotten until, have a real YWCIA. because of fiqapdal troubles, the good shot to Mto Matsuda w«h Congresswornen Loretta ^at beBere' V6yThflyWir' I3y tim late 1920b they had - YWCA dsdd^ to put toe Sutter win,” said Sanchez at the Seiarxx»rista»ationlurKheon that Asian i^totheEgiw,rJi onJ«t17* raised teiouih BMMy te pordiase St budldiiigupforsale.
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