The Zip Code Your want ad ^ringfield is is easy to place bry Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp 409 Mo.it. <•*.., Springll.ld, N.J. 0708} - 486.7700 VOL.40 NO.'17 ' . P.&. Box <9, Springfield, N.J. 0/081 candidates jh race ' Local voters wTITchoose among- five can- didates to fill, three seats on the Springfield '-Board-..of—Education elections on j^ They-wlU^aiso render their verdict "on "the board's --proposep d $2,547,137 budget "for the next"school year, T—••-'•; •;• " , . '--•v:.-..i ' Candidates are Mrs. Ruth Weisman, Sanford Lieb, Robert Johnson, AugustCaprlbaRaDaVid Browju-Caprio,. Johnson -ana Mrs'. Weidman —>e Jncumbents. (See editorial on Page 4.) The' future of the Raymond Chisholm School has become a major issue in the campaign'. — a "rarity "lnrX" cowJO'l^L'y "where jnoat scJio^. "board "elections are decided Qn"tKt>' SANFORDLIEB—-' personalities 'and—merits -of the Individual -ROBERXjnHNSQN MRS. RIJTH WEISMAN candidates.-~—^-— — '•.-.' ' 'V- ' z_The_boar:cL last year proposed that the ChlsBoIm School be "phased out" over the- next five years as part of "a program to with an anticipated sharp decline1 In elementary schooLenrollment,— —--'••- v ~ On-TUesday at-B.p.m the Springfield Cltl- j.. principal inJPlajnflejd and dean of a boys » To lend assistance and afford doopera- Lleb, the only-candidate living in iHSTtuW 1 Blood mob -holm :School_dlstrlct,lhas-made opposition to' labeiecl - zens Committee for Education-will meet at school in Madison: ' - -" ""• ' —r?*^v:-.. ^c».to^ersph1^amtalatmMQn,^==^=4== theNa-tlpnal-State.Bank,Bullding-lnthe~Gen^al. The-citlzens^xommlttee is interestedjn^J ,*..T.o study._d,T^ofl^fsTems^dliSlce- -the-proposal-the-major point In his campaign."' :z=:greeiw SBoppIiig Caiter^Thelr gueatipeaker . .-promoting further excellence in both regional recommendations in connection-therewith. He has"opposed the proposaTTbr"'a number" of reasons, including the charge that the.board . Pro. Samuel Valla of Newark'State College) and local school-systems through community ''•-,,±* To encouragencourage^ale alil citizens tojnterestcJnterestthemt them- r wlll discuss "The Importance of Community tovblyfcment. _-. „ , """ selves in the educational systems of the com- had .erred.in his figures, • Robert Southward, president of the Spring-' Involvement In School Affairs:" . ' - ••—"•• Following is a statement of the purposes munity. \ - .__; '_. ' The committee, urged all residents of Spring^" •field Board of Education, this week said that Valla is currenay involved lntrainlng per- °f!!fi!e_gr°.uP.: ' ' ' ... the first of .this year-'sT:Wb. coifttnunity Blood- L fleld who share these goals to .attend Thurs^. — mobile visits. It will take place at the Parish. rjames CaldwirSdhbol,: DistriCW l~tb "6j "it'was "unfortunate" thafthe' dispute over the sonnel to promote community Involvement In * To promote and develop the bestjossible • future-)of the Raymond Chisholm School had day's meeting and become affiliated with the HoUse of the Presbyterian Church on Church J£lorence Gaudineer School.-Districts 7, 8^~ schoolaffalrs^s-part of a statewide school—educational system. ;.:•••.. Mall. The hours" will be from 1 to 6:30 p.m. 9nnd_10. ' . .?,.:;-. :....„• . overshadowed the Qiialitlcatlons of the_candi- . community coordination project. A merttber of • To promote better communlcationv and ...... ates in; tnts_yearV"scnoorb6Snrelectlonsr The.following groups wlllbeparticipating, as •• -Edward-Walton—School, Districts 11, 12 the Newark State faculty for the past seven' • understanding between the school administra- Furhter information may • be obtained from • and 13. •: ...•._;.. ' T"IZ; • ' . • ' " J"1 elections will be held Tuesday, with five , tlon and in the past,.,and meinbers^:ars_wgejLto_;m^e^. years' Valla has taught phychology and gui- citizens of.the-communify,.afld.proj_ Bob.Star194S.) r (376-5648).orJViyian Sarokln (376- The school budget or$Z,547,137 represents 7-. ... ( iq4S : '"appointments ..through: ;tbelr chalrmen:rSt. '"aancehlfereTTIe^ohia^—'^^ ^ '~- James-Church—Mrs. Edward Kaye; joint PTAs an increase"of•$279.fl5-bver^the-figure"for "--Jilrs. F.H. .Yiinker; Presbyterian Church-"- .the current school year.—The amount to be ^ip^jgr^^ Tom Geddes; '.Temple Sharey' S,halom—Mrs. raised by taxes is $1,950,656. The hew local school; budget would bring a municipal tax However, some ihacGu'rate^and4iUsi Charles banzlger: Temple Beth.Ahm—Wallace , Gallen. ._ • ' ' . .. ' .- ' •;1;'i'•-• -LC-. "Tjiwease^pf^fioine .;12. points, 05 $12 per-year= bn a house with a present market! value of ~ -rfcave-teen-brought to my attention, and I feel 'Persoha~who are, not melrnbers of anexlsting ^20,000. "•;'"•• ' : ..- .._:. ^db'd ' I donor~group-may dpriafe to the Springfield ; ZileJcWoii^B^r'ilng'•'. the. Raympnd^~^-i Community Group,: thus Uspuring themselves T r latajTh^lfelaimfer oQWeiJrcW'dltsfi should "Chishblm' Sr;hb prhas''not yet beeift made and ^" r y/illijot be made until all figures have been they require- themi-By doing- this;- they .will ' .MorVthaiv'200 friends and fellow workers as chiefy-and a' check from the BMljJA,,'J'he " alsp- help_ to assure blood-credits for older Regional budget carefully rechecked.and.th6 plans re-evaluated -president of the Volunteer Fire Department,^ •for any change in statistics^— of ' former Fire Chief Ormond—Wr-Mesker- residents of the township who are not members -gathered-Bt-the-Mpuntainside-Inn Friday, Jan. Cpt. Waren Ruban, Titacovered a pdrtable .color ," : •of—donor-^roUpsT—and-whb". have no family "2. The .plans previously presented to the 24, for a-dinner honoring his 25 years of TV, a Tgift frpjp -the~-V.olunteers. Former.:_ wins board randi to the public -would not result In member's able to-donate blood for, them.:-—— -service to fife Township of SprlngfleldV Chiefs ~aeputy chief' oi^e^ffoTgnTeersTArt Schramm,-_ There have beeh a great nupiber' of calls pverCKi.wdlngi.at-the; 'Edward Walton or- any "presented Mesker-ii/lthjl clock iri the shape other-school. The proposal included the trans- Mesker retired last Nov. 30. for blood-credits lately,'aijd the credits of all Former fire -commissioner Walter.Baldwlri of V"Malte5e~cTOSS7^the-symbol ;pf thevFire fer of .some•tlncoin'ng-Walton""siifdents~i:o the r groups are Very much depleted;'AlUhealthy^ "• Depai^ent. JTtignyaB~a~glft from di^-Exempt~~ i u : laSqndmeler-Scliool, where ample-space acted ;as_master.._of~(:eremphies. First; to .ts-between the-ages of_ 18 and 59 are;____ The Regional High Schbol pistHctT current - AssbclatioiC • ,. '"'"."•' / a available,; •'.' ___"_77 -make-a=presentation to? the former-chief was... ."therefore urged to make ^^appointment, and voperating-expense-budgetrof $7,535 ,969 for the Chief Beadle, of Union City, president of the . In attendance were. 28 fire, chiefs from "37The~boardTloes ribtlhave any plans to .to give:.an^hour of. their time to give blood on ngxT school yeaF'wblTby~a"margin"bi nibre International Fire Chiefs Association. He gave througholirthe stateTThose from the local' ; build STsfChborttr-Baltusrol-Top-when and jf "area were Chiefs'BuHce^fWestfleld,Cameron March 6. Further informatljjnjs^^vallable--—.than.two to one.Tuesday inth'e'slxcommunities" Chisholm-ls-phased out ' —Mesker an honorary lifetime membership in from the donor group chairmen orMrs.Daniel making up the-Ragional • District.'. Marglns_ 1 Ihejirganiza tioh. CpjTReg -of Unlbni^EgKley Of Summit.-Huterpf Mountain- •, •'The Board-of Education Jias been vexy ] slde'.-Maher of Miplewood, Partingtonof-Mlll-.' Kalem, blb^progr^m_chairnuuvat-376r05Wr- almost as large were cecarded in favor of-the ^riun harlapa thnf MpoWnrwnrfi HnHnor hlq vearH burn,_:Redden of Newa-r-k-and'Town 1 ey '&.'" capital expense budget Tpb "siwatlonrandlhe-^^! ^> land~ln-Kenilworth for future expansion effects if any change-in the entire educational "~~ All member^_ of the Township Comrnlttee rlHtteSl ,Were present. Mayor Phillip:Del Vecchio Godlition - The" operating" budget won byaTirarg \ .surejhat ahy..bpard.meijiber of the thanked Mesker on behalf "Of-the-vtownship"~-i 1,246 to 618rcarrying every voting district intendent ;6f schools' would be. gtad to Shelving delays "for ihe "outstanding Job"'1 he had done. Com- ; to the1- sBt~communiBw^-The tbwn-4)y-towi> answer -any questions that lnterested_pe_QpkLL_jJ • - mitteeman Robert Planer, whojvas-commis- totalswere: Springfield, 253 to 133; Moun^- "might have. ' .. • . ' sioner of-public safety .'for the past three tainside, 235 to-55; Berkeley~Heighfarr472 • .- "It Is unfortunate that this has become yeaiis, thanked him for making his Job a J John T.Connor Jr. will address the Spring- ' to 280;-eiark, ;,167 to 70s Garwopd, 40 to ' an elecflon isiue^wfienTheTprlhiHryconsidera- /The new Springfield Public Llbr'aryis almost ^little bit easier. He said it hadbeena pleasure- ."; field; Democratic Committee at a meeting 20HKenilworfli, 79. to 60. tion should be the qualifications of the candi- -r:=tb work withthe-chief. ! - - -Monday, Feb. 10, at 8:30 p.m. at the National The capital lexpense item also carried every _.da,te.s for the position." ' ' — " ready for occupancy, but the final moving stage Is telnjfaeTIyed until the wood shelving Is re- _State^Bank.l--Conrior, who served as state "distrigt in, the six towns to win, 1221 to CHIEF MESKER-was born ln,Clfeviland^Q.,~ ^.director of Citizens for.Humphrey. and Muskle . 626. The_land purchase-item,' $45,000 for a turned frbtn the factory and the circulation . ,.„_•_, ,«„•. .—^- during the 1968 election-campaign, will speak
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