i«Mwijli4«tUBiil'il^¥^UlhM^lltV!!i^ Hj\GAi.'/.N I,!El'.:Oi;iAL LIBiu.ivY E-.ST Hi\VEIl, GT. DELIVERED BY MAIL ONLY ADDRESS OOMMUNlOA'nONS SUBSCRIBE NOW TO P. 0. BOX 153 Combined With The Branford Review • VOL. m-NO. 13 East Haven, Connecticut, Tluirsday, December B, 1940 Two Dollars Per Year The Thanksgiving Triumph Safe At P. 0. STRICTLY LOCAL Gives Staff TOWN TOPICS By Ilnland Grnvc.% jcrnper. A LITTLE ABOUT THIS AND THAT Many a Branford Thanksgiving Jl was a wonderrul sight Indeed to PlentyTrouble appetite was spoiled when the gal- see the eslininlcd six thousand East When Chief Clerk Linus Swanton WHAT'S GOING ON IN TOWN BY PAUL H. STEVENS lant East Haven High School Poot-|Haven rooters swarm out on the ball Team played . hard, heads-up field after the game some still opened the East Haven Branch Post football to beat the Branford Hor Office Monday morning at the be­ cheerlng, some to give the playei-s a ginning of what promises to be one Tcniiicrnturc Drops. field stone on tho Parkway bosldo nets 12 to 6. hearty ?lap on the back and a hand AN AUSPICIOUS START . of the busiest months In the history the Seawall at Morris Cove. From the first Whistle one could shako, some to carry Coach Pullano of the office, he foimd that ho was Winter really here. The huge crowd ot football fans who enjoyed the Turkey Day sec that East Haven wasn't on the and the ball players oft the field on Frnni Sunny South comes nltrao- without stamps and tho other Christmas In the nir. game last Thursday at the lliKh school gridiron here had a swell field to enjoy a liollday vacation their shoulders while the rcat Jusl necessaries without which no well llvc snaiishot of noroUiy Ann Faslg time and saw a thrilling match which ended in a 12 to G victoi'y by Rather they were out to show Bran­ glowed Inside and beamed with a appoInled.P, O. can operate., Tho bn.sklnir in biilmy breezes at Miami ford that they were capable of play­ happy smile. A grand game played Now all wo need Is snow—but do Kcnch, Florida, Mr Hiul Mrs. Henry the Bast Haven High school over their opponents, the Brautord High reason was that the safe had gone wo want It? school eleven, from the neighhoring town "over the hill." It was a ing a real game of ball. Each and by a grand bunch of boys was the on a rampage, and the heavy doors C. Faslfr and family formerly of 31 marvelous nu)rning, weathbrwise, and the open air sport added the every man on the East Haven team thought of the day. refused to swing open to the usual •MlBlvty ffoml to stc plenty of ]l'n''<''=''I'laco.and South End Shores zest which brought appetites for the sumpiious dinners served iu deserves to share equal credit for Their record of wins and losses combination, Do what he could and steaks ami clinns anil roasts bn«k»" "'w Uvinir i.ermaucntly In huiidreds of honu's. this great victory. And one can for the season Is as follows; Victor' oven aided and abetted by tho other in the markets asain, and soaj) ami I''""''''"' We are glad that last East Haven has been added to those hardly say whether they were more los 4, Mllford, Wlnslcd, Plalnfleld, postal employes, Mr. Swanton was shnrtcntugs too, slowly making tliolr superb on offense or defense. They "Branford"; Ties Z, St. Mary's-twice; We welcome Earl Rossltcr lo the communities wliich look forward year after year to an annual foot­ unable to budge the heavy door, way lo open sliclvcs. Eost Havon business Community. ball "classic". The Thanksgiving Day game was not merely a game, smeared the, Hornets with hard Losses 3 Seymour, Branford, Shel- Something serious had gone wrong clean tackles on the defense and ton; Did you over stop lo think that Earl has recently acquired the it was the begiiniiug, we hope, of a tradition. It was the initial with the mechanism. gi-ooory store in Laurel street near Thanksgiving Day game of the Blue and Gold squad which came into smashed tluough them with vicious Note: 1. Not a game was lost on wo have some mighty good markets blocking and smart deception on their home field. 2. First gome with A hurry call was phoned to tho right hero In town? Laurel street school and has added being this year. It is fortunate that the game was with Branford be­ main office In New Haven and In a a lino of moats to his stock, of cause it will mark the begiiniing of what should become years of the offense. Branford played at night In heavy Murpiiy, the Branford left end, rain. 3. Shelton lacked dressing matter of a few minutes a supply of Ilcd Men expect bl; turn out to groceries and houshold supplies. rivalry between the two neighbor-schools. Both teams have been stamps, cash and other post office playing good ball this season in their League games but this Turkey gave East Haven more than a bit of room facilities another shelter for SCO "Down Homers" In big enter­ needs wore on tho woy to .tho local tainment Saturday nig'ht hi lllfih "Have found the News very day game had nothing to do w.itli the League. It was a match be­ trouble because of his great height our boys, so they had to stay out In 'newsy',—like a Idler from homo ' and ability to snare passes in the a very cold wind for 2 hours before branch, In the meantime It was schnol audilnrlum. .^ tween towns and it was a harbinger of many such thrill-packed ad­ found that more heroic sofforl each week" writes RIIss Both Taylor, ventures to come. stratosphere. However, East Haven game time; We're keeping our fingers crcsscil former llbarlan at the Ilagaman coped with this readily by hushing wouldd bo required If tho sate were Time was when the anniuil game between the Branford Laurels We extend our slnceresl congratu­ to give up lis valuable contents. on the Main street Christmas lights. Memorial Library bcro, now llvlUR and hitting the passer before ho lations to all who participated In and the East Haven Townies was a looUod-for Thanksgiving Day The Cohort Company of New Ha­ All of Us hope they will flash out at In Fast Hartford. Her Christmas event. Fans from both towns jammed the side-lines in those days. could get the ball away nullifying making this football season a com­ least a few evenings before Christ­ card shows a colorful Community all gains made by the walking skys- plete success. ven was notified and, pronto an Now we can look forward to a revival 61 the Branford-Bast Haven expert safe-man was on tho job. At mas has como and gone. There Is Christmas tree around ivhlcli a rivalries with their respective school teams noisily supported year last, after a largo hole had boon some talk we hoar of hooking up to groui) of school clillilrpn arc singing; after year by increasing throngs of supporters and alumni. drilled and cut through tho sate a dlosel generator If the strike In­ carols. "Slnco you are urging a door, It finally swung open. Tho duced "dim-out" continues. Counuunlty Christmas tree, "she Wilfred Rafter Dean Garratt safe Is an old one, having seen .writes," I thoiight you might en­ A DESERVED HONOR FLshcrmon will be Inlcreslcd In joy tills particular card. service hero for at least fifteen Ihnl new spun-Rlass rod now on dis­ years. An event of liuusual interest to East Haveners takes place next Is Chosen Head To Speak Here play at Graves Sport S'hiop. It Is Wo have boon handed a pro- Sunday at the National Shrine at Catholic University in Washiugton. said In be bolter limn tho best gramof the third annual. Farmlng- • The Et. Rev. Monsignor John J. Reilly will be formally installed Of Civic Group Tuesday Night bamboo. ,ton Valley Sacred Music Fcillval there iu the rank of Domestic Prelate at solemn investiture ceremon­ \v [hold last Sunday In the Slmsbury ies. Monsignor Reilly, a native of New Haven, was formerly adminis­ Dean George A. Garratt of the We never know there By-laws were adopted and officers Down Homers" were Congregational Church of which trator of St. Ann's Parish in Highwood. Yale School of Forestry will be the many Christmas cards until wo Rev. William II. Nicolas formerly ot , "The date is that of the Peast of the Immaculate Conception a elected at the organlzaton meeting speaker at the December meeting Here For Show looked ovct the displays at The most hol.y feast day in the Catholic calendar. The ceremonies will be of the Saltonstall Civic Association of the Men's Club of the Stone Gift Shop, GIfthaven, J. P. Morgar('s the Stone Church here Is the pastor. \}"- followed by a solemn pontifical'high mass at which the Most Rev, held Tuesday evening In the home church In the parish house next and tho other emporiums fcaturU)g Choirs from churches In Oranby, Tuesday evening. Dinner will bo Saturday Night such. Johnny Morgan has promlsad Slmsbury, Avon, Bloomtlold, West ^ Amleto Giovanni, the apostolic delegate from the Holy See to the of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jacobson In United-States, will pontificate. The sermon will bo preiiohed by th? Saltonstall Parkway.
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