RECORD OF DECISION OPERABLE UNIT 1 KERR-McGEE CHEMICAL CORPORATION SUPERFUND SITE JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA PREPARED BY UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY PRO" DECEMBER 2016 RECORD OF DECISION PARTI Declaration Site Name and Location Tliis Record of Decision (ROD) is for Operable Unit 1 (OUl) of the Ken-McGee Chemical Corporation (Ken-McGee) Superfund Site (Site) located in Jacksonville. Duval Count>. Florida. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Site Identification Number is FLD039049101. Statement of Basis and Purpose Tliis decision document presents the Selected Remedy for OUl (Site soil, groundwater, sediment and suiface water from the St. Johns River) in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation and Liability .Act of 1980 (CERCE.A). as amended by the Supeiiund .Amendments and Reauthorization .Act (S.AR.A) of 1986. and. to the extent practicable, the National Oil ami Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCR). 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pail 300. as amended. Tliis decision is based on the .Administrative Record (.AR) for the Site, wliich was developed in accordance with Section 113(k) of CERCE.A. 42 United States Code Section 9613(d). The .AR is available for review at the Jacksonville Public Eibraiv. Brown Eastside Branch in Jacksonville. Florida and at the EP.A Region 4 Records Center in .Atlanta. Georgia. Tlie State of Florida, as represented by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). has expressed its support for the Selected Remedy. Assessment of the Site The response action selected in tliis R(!)D is necessaiv to protect human health and the environment from actual or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants into the environment wliich ma\ present an imminent and substantial endangemient to public health or welfare. Description of Selected Remedy The Selected Remed\ is the final action to address potential human and ecological exposure to contaminants in soil and groundwater at the Site (on-propei1> and off-propeit> ). and sediment and suiface water in the St. .Tolins River. Tlie (!)U1 R(!)D will be implemented pursuant to the remedial authorities of CERCE.A. and will be the final response for this (!)perable Unit ((!)U). The primaiy components of the Selected Remedy for contaminated soil include: • Removal and off-site treatment disposal of Piincipal Tlueat W aste (PTW ) from former scmbber sludge pile and suiface impoundment: • Removal and on-site consolidation of constmction debris and contaminated soil from the CSX Transportation (CSX) propeitx directh adjacent to the Kerr-McGee propei1> . Site-specific impacted soil on the Jacksonville Port .Authoritx (.T.AXP(!)RT) propei1> will be left in-place beneath the existing cap: • Constmction of a low-peiTneabilit> cap (with stoiTnwater management features) over the footprint of the Ken -McGee propert> : and • Implementation of institutional controls (ICs) to ensure long-teiTn protectiveness of the remedy. Anticipated ICs include: Implementation of a soil management plan for each propei1> w here soil w ith Site-specific chemical of concern (C(!)C) concentrations above levels that w ill allow unrestricted use: implementation of restrictive covenants for commercial industrial land use (CSX and Kerr-McGee properties): maintenance of the existing cap on the JAXP(!)RT"s propeitx and the low peiTneabilitx cap on the Ken-McGee propei1> . Primaiy components of the Selected Remedy for contaminated sediment include: • Installation of an environmental bulkhead seaw all to contain contaminated sediment in-place in the St. Jolins River: • Removal and on-site consolidation of concrete and other constmction debris from the St. Johns River along the environmental bulkhead perimeter: • Excavation dredging and consolidation within the containment area of contaminated sediment outside the environmental bulkhead perimeter: • Backfilling of the 2.5-acre area enclosed by the bulkhead: • Implementation of ICs (maintenance of bulkhead seawall and containment area) to ensure long- teiTn protectiveness of the remed\ : • Fish tissue sampling will be performed during the remedial design. The EP.A in collaboration with FDEP and the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) will evaluate the data collected during the sampling activities to deteimine whether or not a fish consumption advisoiv is necessaiv for the area of the St. Jolins River adjacent to the Site: and • Development and implementation of a surface w ater LTM program to verifx and document that surface water cleanup levels have been acliieved. Surface water samples will be collected and anah zed for surface water C(!)Cs (DDD. gamma clilordane. aluminum, copper, iron, and mercuiv ) and several chemicals (alpha-BHC. beta-BHC. dieldrin. total PCBs. and lead) that were detected during the RI at levels above the surface water qualitx criteria in surface water or pore water samples, but were screened out tluough the ecological risk assessment process. .As a result, these chemicals are not identified as C(!)Cs for surface water. However, as requested In FDEP. these chemicals w ill be included as part of the surface w ater FTM. Primaiv components of the Selected Remed\ for contaminated groundwater and surface water include: • In-situ stabilization solidification (ISS) of contaminated, unsaturated and saturated soil in the vicinitx of the former Florida .Agricultural Supph Compan\ (F.ASC(!)). herbicide and sulfur grinding buildings as well as the former acid plant, where the liighest. Site-specific C(!)C concentrations have been obseived in soil and groundwater due to liistoric operations (i.e.. "source areas"). During the remedial design, additional investigation will be conducted to refine the lateral and vertical extent of the areas w here ISS w ill be implemented. In addition, bench and or pilot scale testing will be perfoiTned to identify the most effective ISS injection material and to refine the design parameters prior to full-scale implementation: 111 • Installation and operation of a groundwater pump and treat (P&T) s\ stem to prevent discharge of contaminated groundwater to the St. Jolins River and Deer Creek: • Implementation of ICs. such as groundwater extraction well installation restrictions tluoughout the contaminated groundwater plume, to prevent human exposure to the contaminated groundwater: • Development and implementation of a groundwater LTM plan to assess the effectiveness of the remed\ and to verifx that the residual dissolved groundwater plume is naturalK attenuating. .As pail of the LTM plan development, additional groundw ater monitoring w ells w ill be installed in the suificial aquifer on the CSX propeitx and groundwater samples will be collected and anah zed. The collected groundwater data will be utilized to evaluate the potential migration of site-specific C(!)Cs from the soil into the groundw ater. If the collected data indicate that soil C(!)Cs are migrating into the groundwater, additional soil sampling will be conducted on the CSX propertx to deteiTnine the extent of soil with C(!)C concentrations above site-specific leachabilitx criteria, wliich will be developed during the remedial design. Soil with C(!)C concentrations above these criteria will addressed via containment, excavation, or in-situ treatment. StatutoiT Deteriiimatioiis The Selected Remed\ is protective of human health and the environment, complies with federal and state requirements that are applicable or relevant and appropriate to the remedial action (unless justified In a waiver), is cost-effective, and utilizes peiTnanent solutions and alternative treatment teclinologies (or resource recoveiv ) to the maximum extent practicable. Tliis remedy also satisfies the statutoiy preference for treatment as a principal element of the remedy (i.e.. reduces the toxicitx. mobilitx. or volume of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants as a principal element tluough treatment). Because tliis remedy will result in hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants remaining on-site above levels that allow for unlimited use and umestricted exposure, a statutoiv review will be conducted within five \ ears after initiation of remedial action to ensure that the remed\ is. or will be. protective of human health and the environment. ROD Data Certification Checkfist The following infoimation is included in the Decision Summan (Pail II) of this ROD. .Additional infoiTnation can be found in the .AR file for tliis Site. • Identification of COCs and their respective concentrations (Section 5. 7: Table 7-1): • Baseline risk represented by COCs (Section 7: Tables 7-2 tluough 7-23): • Cleanup levels established for COCs and the basis for these levels (Section 8: Tables 8-1 tluough 8-5): • How source materials constituting principal tlueats are addressed (Sections 5. 9. II. 12): • Cunent and reasonabh anticipated future land use assumptions and cunent and potential future beneficial uses of groundwater used in the baseline risk assessment and the ROD (Sections 6 and 7): • Potential land and groundwater use that will be available at the Site as a result of the Selected Remedy (Sections 6. 9. and 12): IV Estimated capital, annual operation and maintenance (O&M), and total present worth costs; discount rate; and the number of years over which the remedy cost estimates are projected (Sections 10 and 12, Exhibits 3, 4 and 5, and Table 12-1); and Key factors that led to selecting the remedy (i.e.. description of how the Selected
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